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題名 個案研討:以運動生理學角度探討聯盟式橄欖球十五人制後衛體能訓練計畫設計
Conditioning Programme Design for Rugby Union Fifteens Outside Backs from the Perspective of Exercise Physiology
作者 林文乙
貢獻者 政大體育研究
關鍵詞 無氧能力; 高強度間歇訓練; 反覆衝刺能力; 運動生理
anaerobic capacity; repeated high-intensity exercise; repeated-sprint ability
日期 2022-12
上傳時間 4-十月-2024 16:46:12 (UTC+8)
摘要 每位運動員的體能狀態和狀況對於相關執業者來說至關重要,也因此,若以體能訓練專業人員來說,能夠評估及找到該運動員所能再提升之處即為該職責所在。本篇個案即是針對橄欖球十五人賽制之後衛選手進行其體能課表的設計,期能透過此安排有效加強該體能不足之處,安排課表前皆以實證具效果之該項目測驗測試能力,並與常模對照比較後進行加強。此個案經上述方式驗證後,其無氧能力較差,因此依照橄欖球十五人制賽事中該位置於賽場上之運動模式設計該能力的補強,並以運動生理學的角度切入,在課表的安排上多以高強度間歇的訓練形式呈現以求貼近場上需求。同時,為避免過度訓練等負面效應產生,此計畫也將週期等訓練變化加入考量,以一訓練結構完整之計畫呈現。
Athletes share different fitness levels and it is crucial that practitioners could precisely find out the room for physical improvements. This case discusses the suggestions for the athlete to enhance his anaerobic capacity based on scientific evidence. Also, the moving pattern on the field is considered when prescribe the training item. To achieve different adaptations, the combination of interval training and high-intensity intermittent training is suggested. Moreover, to avoid excessive fatigue, a periodised and structural programme design is necessary.
關聯 政大體育研究, 29, 13-22
資料類型 article
DOI https://doi.org/10.30411/CTTYYC.202212_(29).0002
dc.contributor 政大體育研究
dc.creator (作者) 林文乙
dc.date (日期) 2022-12
dc.date.accessioned 4-十月-2024 16:46:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-十月-2024 16:46:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-十月-2024 16:46:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/153951-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 每位運動員的體能狀態和狀況對於相關執業者來說至關重要,也因此,若以體能訓練專業人員來說,能夠評估及找到該運動員所能再提升之處即為該職責所在。本篇個案即是針對橄欖球十五人賽制之後衛選手進行其體能課表的設計,期能透過此安排有效加強該體能不足之處,安排課表前皆以實證具效果之該項目測驗測試能力,並與常模對照比較後進行加強。此個案經上述方式驗證後,其無氧能力較差,因此依照橄欖球十五人制賽事中該位置於賽場上之運動模式設計該能力的補強,並以運動生理學的角度切入,在課表的安排上多以高強度間歇的訓練形式呈現以求貼近場上需求。同時,為避免過度訓練等負面效應產生,此計畫也將週期等訓練變化加入考量,以一訓練結構完整之計畫呈現。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Athletes share different fitness levels and it is crucial that practitioners could precisely find out the room for physical improvements. This case discusses the suggestions for the athlete to enhance his anaerobic capacity based on scientific evidence. Also, the moving pattern on the field is considered when prescribe the training item. To achieve different adaptations, the combination of interval training and high-intensity intermittent training is suggested. Moreover, to avoid excessive fatigue, a periodised and structural programme design is necessary.
dc.format.extent 995222 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 政大體育研究, 29, 13-22
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 無氧能力; 高強度間歇訓練; 反覆衝刺能力; 運動生理
dc.subject (關鍵詞) anaerobic capacity; repeated high-intensity exercise; repeated-sprint ability
dc.title (題名) 個案研討:以運動生理學角度探討聯盟式橄欖球十五人制後衛體能訓練計畫設計
dc.title (題名) Conditioning Programme Design for Rugby Union Fifteens Outside Backs from the Perspective of Exercise Physiology
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.30411/CTTYYC.202212_(29).0002
dc.doi.uri (DOI) https://doi.org/10.30411/CTTYYC.202212_(29).0002