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題名 從有身到無身~論《老子》的身體觀
其他題名 From Tangible to Intangible~A Review of Laotze`s Concept about Body
作者 王志楣
Wang, Chih-Mei
關鍵詞 道家 ; 老子 ; 身體 ; 身心; 形神;Taoist; Laotze ; body ; spiritual ; form
日期 2007-12
上傳時間 14-七月-2009 19:52:17 (UTC+8)
摘要 從西方身體觀切入探索生命的方法,已蔚為當今學術研究風潮,本文據此為出發點剖析道家老子思想,俾能從另一側面解讀老子對自我主體內涵建構與價值實踐之觀點。首先,本文探索《老子》涉及到的身體概念發現老子的身體觀涵蓋了心物整體,這與早期經典文獻中對身體意義的了解有一致性,皆是統合了形體與精神,顯示老子時期所關注的是整體生命存在狀態,至於身心二元的分化則是老子以後的事,這也符合思想史的發展邏輯。其次,本文比對了《老子》中身體與道的密切關連,這也可作為人們通過對身體的修養而臻至道的境界依據。再者,本文嘗試解析老子對身體基本結構如形、心、氣的看法;然而,道家老子重視者,乃是從有身到無身的超越,如老子言:「吾所以有大患者,為吾有身,及吾無身,又有何患?」因此,不可忽略老子從有身到無身的身體化悟道實踐,本文歸納出二種識道的方法:觀無的思維認識及虛靜的修養工夫,並指出老子思想乃是一身體與道體間開放的辯證發展過程。 As it is common that contemporary academic researches focused on life exploration begin from the Western view of human body, this article is to make an analysis of the thoughts of Taoist Laotze accordingly with the expectation that the inner nature structure and the value materialization Laotze sees in oneself could be interpreted from a different prospect. In the first place, as we study the concept of body referred in Laotze, we come to be aware of the fact that it covers the spiritual-material unity, which matches the understandings registered in ancient books and literatures discussing meanings of body, when tangible forms and spirit are one suggesting a major concern about existence of the entire life back in the days of Laotze. The segregation of the physic from the spiritual came after Laotze, something that explains the logic evolution of thoughts. Secondly, this work brings in comparisons between the body and the doctrine, the two closely bonded elements in Laotze, making them a solid ground that guides people toward the doctrine by means of culturing their body. Further, we are also trying to break down Laotze`s views on the physical, spiritual and breath that are the basic elements to human body. Nevertheless, what Taoist Laotze does care is the passage from tangible to intangible. As Laotze once said: The tangible body is our major concern and, without it, we would have no concerns. Without ignoring the physical observation of the doctrine from tangible to intangible of Laotze, we have highlighted 2 ways of learning the doctrine: learning the thinking of observing emptiness and polishing oneself in a calm and quiet manner and finally we like to point out that the Laotze thoughts reflect an evolution of open dialectic development between the body and the doctrine.
關聯 國文學誌,15,31-49
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 王志楣zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Chih-Mei-
dc.date (日期) 2007-12-
dc.date.accessioned 14-七月-2009 19:52:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 14-七月-2009 19:52:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 14-七月-2009 19:52:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/29163-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 從西方身體觀切入探索生命的方法,已蔚為當今學術研究風潮,本文據此為出發點剖析道家老子思想,俾能從另一側面解讀老子對自我主體內涵建構與價值實踐之觀點。首先,本文探索《老子》涉及到的身體概念發現老子的身體觀涵蓋了心物整體,這與早期經典文獻中對身體意義的了解有一致性,皆是統合了形體與精神,顯示老子時期所關注的是整體生命存在狀態,至於身心二元的分化則是老子以後的事,這也符合思想史的發展邏輯。其次,本文比對了《老子》中身體與道的密切關連,這也可作為人們通過對身體的修養而臻至道的境界依據。再者,本文嘗試解析老子對身體基本結構如形、心、氣的看法;然而,道家老子重視者,乃是從有身到無身的超越,如老子言:「吾所以有大患者,為吾有身,及吾無身,又有何患?」因此,不可忽略老子從有身到無身的身體化悟道實踐,本文歸納出二種識道的方法:觀無的思維認識及虛靜的修養工夫,並指出老子思想乃是一身體與道體間開放的辯證發展過程。 As it is common that contemporary academic researches focused on life exploration begin from the Western view of human body, this article is to make an analysis of the thoughts of Taoist Laotze accordingly with the expectation that the inner nature structure and the value materialization Laotze sees in oneself could be interpreted from a different prospect. In the first place, as we study the concept of body referred in Laotze, we come to be aware of the fact that it covers the spiritual-material unity, which matches the understandings registered in ancient books and literatures discussing meanings of body, when tangible forms and spirit are one suggesting a major concern about existence of the entire life back in the days of Laotze. The segregation of the physic from the spiritual came after Laotze, something that explains the logic evolution of thoughts. Secondly, this work brings in comparisons between the body and the doctrine, the two closely bonded elements in Laotze, making them a solid ground that guides people toward the doctrine by means of culturing their body. Further, we are also trying to break down Laotze`s views on the physical, spiritual and breath that are the basic elements to human body. Nevertheless, what Taoist Laotze does care is the passage from tangible to intangible. As Laotze once said: The tangible body is our major concern and, without it, we would have no concerns. Without ignoring the physical observation of the doctrine from tangible to intangible of Laotze, we have highlighted 2 ways of learning the doctrine: learning the thinking of observing emptiness and polishing oneself in a calm and quiet manner and finally we like to point out that the Laotze thoughts reflect an evolution of open dialectic development between the body and the doctrine.-
dc.format.extent 897124 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language zh_TWen
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 國文學誌,15,31-49en
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 道家 ; 老子 ; 身體 ; 身心; 形神;Taoist; Laotze ; body ; spiritual ; form-
dc.title (題名) 從有身到無身~論《老子》的身體觀zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) From Tangible to Intangible~A Review of Laotze`s Concept about Body-
dc.type (資料類型) articleen