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題名 負面銷售互動行為對衝動購買之影響:以高級精品銷售為例
作者 邱倬彬
貢獻者 邱志聖
關鍵詞 衝動性購買
日期 2006
上傳時間 11-Sep-2009 17:10:11 (UTC+8)
摘要 銷售人員透過良好的銷售互動,搭配合適的銷售影響策略,將能有效地影響消費者的購物目標。Hoch & Loewenstein (1991)的研究中發現,在購物過程中,當消費者對於渴望獲得的商品產生情感上的吸引時,若再經由與銷售人員的互動,能夠刺激買者接受突然或未預期的購物計畫,產生衝動消費。
     1. 消費者可能因基於「教訓店員」的報復念頭,或是「為維護自我形象」之目的,對於銷售人員不友善的服務態度,激起其產生購買衝動。
     2. 衝動性購買傾向越強烈,消費者感受負面銷售互動之購買衝動也越強烈;其次,在單獨購物時,消費者的成就虛榮程度越高,相對也越容易產生購買衝動;最後,與同儕購物時,自尊程度較低者,為避免自我評價的下降甚至提升其自尊,容易因負面銷售互動而產生購買衝動。
     3. 當消費者與同儕逛街購物而遭遇負面的銷售態度時,其產生的購買衝動並不會顯著高於單獨購物,可能因為負面銷售互動使同儕鼓勵自發性、及享樂目標追求之影響力無法發揮。除此之外,規範性評估使消費者可能為符合社會規範而使降低社會影響之作用。
參考文獻 1. Bayley, G. & Nancarrow, C. (1998), “Impulse purchasing: a qualitative exploration of the phenomenon,” Qualitative Market Research, 1(2), 99-114
2. Beatty, S.E. & Ferrell, M.E. (1998), “Impulse buying: Modeling its precursors,” Journal of Retailing, 74(2), 169-181
3. Cadogan, J.W., & Simintiras, A.C., (1996), “Behaviourism in the study of salesperson -customer interactions,” Management Decision, 34(6), 57-64
4. Crawford, G., Melewar, T.C. (2003), “The importance of impulse purchasing behaviour in the international airport environment,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour,3(1), 85-98
5. Dittmar, H., Beattie, J., & Friese, S. (1995), “Gender identity and material symbols: Objects and decision considerations in impulse purchases,” Journal of Economic Psychology, 16(3), 491-511
6. Dittmar, H., Beattie, J., & Friese, S. (1996), “Objects, decision considerations and self-image in men`s and women`s impulse purchases,” Acta psychological, 93, 187-206
7. Dhar, R. & Wertenbroch, K. (2000) “Consumer Choice between Hedonic and Utilitarian Good,” Journal of Marketing Research, 37(1), 60-71
8. Dholakia, U.M. (2000), “Temptation and resistance: An integrated model of consumption impulse formation and enactment,” Psychology & Marketing, 17(11), 955-982
9. Grewal, D. & Sharma, A. (1991), “The effect of salesforce behavior on customer satisfaction: an interactive framework,” Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 9(3), 13-23
10. Hausman A. (2000), “A multi-method investigation of consumer motivations in impulse buying behavior,” The Journal of Consumer Marketing,17(5), 403-419
11. Hoch, S.J. & Loewenstein,G.F. (1991), “Time-inconsistent preference and consumer self-control,” Journal of Consumer Research, 17(4), 492-507
12. Iyer, E.S. (1989), “Unplanned Purchasing: knowledge of shopping environment and time pressure,” Journal of Retailing, 65(1), 40-57
13. Jeon, Jung-Ok (1990), “An empirical investigation of the relationship between affective states, in-store browsing, and impulse buying,” Ph.D. Dissertation, AL: The University of Alabama
14. Kelman, H.C.(1961), “Processes of opinion change,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 25(1), 67-78
15. Lynn M. (1992), “Scarcity’s enhancement of desirability,” Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 13, 67-78
16. Madhavaram, S.R. & Laverie, D.A (2004), “Exploring Impulse Purchasing on the Internet,” Advances in Consumer Research, 31, 59-66
17. MacInnis D.J. & Price L.L. (1987), “The role of imagery in information processing: review and extensions,” Journal of Consumer Research 13(4), 473-491
18. Mallalieu, L. (2006), “Consumer perception of salesperson influence strategies: an examination of the influence of consumer goals,” Journal of Consumer, 5(3), 257-268
19. McFarland, R.G., Challagalla, G.N., & Shervani, T.A. (2006), “Influence Tactics for Effective Adaptive Selling,” Journal of Marketing, 70(4), 103-117
20. Netemeyer, R.G., Burton, S., &Lichtenstein, D.R (1995), “Trait aspects of vanity: Measurement and relevance to Consumer Behavior,” Journal of Consumer Research, 21(4), 612-627
21. Park J. & Lennon Sharron J. (2006), “Psychological and environmental antecedents of impulse buying tendency in the multichannel shopping context,” The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 23(2) 58-68
22. Puri, R. (1996) “Measuring and Modifying Consumer Impulsiveness: A Cost-Benefit Accessibility Framework,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 5(2), 87-113
23. Rosenberg, M. (1965). Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
24. Rosenberg, M. (1979). Conceiving the self. New York : Basic Books
25. Rook, D.W. (1987), “The Buying Impulse,” Journal of Consumer Research, 14(2), 189-199
26. Rook, D.W. & Fisher, R.J. (1995), “Normative influences on impulsive buying behavior,” Journal of Consumer Research, 22(3), 305-314
27. Shiv, B & Fedorikhin, A. (1999), “Heart and Mind in Conflict: The Interplay of Affect and Cognition in Consumer Decision Making,” Journal of Consumer Research, 26(3), 278-292
28. Strahilevitz, M. (1999), “The Effects of Product Type and Donation Magnitude on Willingness to Pay More for a Charity-Linked Brand,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 8(3), 215-241
29. Stren, H. (1962), “The significance of impulse buying today,” Journal of Marketing, 26, 39-52
30. Valence, G..A. d’Astous, & Fortier, L. (1988), “Compulsive Buying: Concept and Measurement,” Journal of Consumer Policy, 11(4), 419-433.
31. Weinberg, P. & Gottwald, W. (1982), “Impulsive Consumer Buying as a Result of Emotions,” Journal of Business Research 10(1), 43-57
32. Weitz, B.A. (1978), “Relationship between Salesperson Performance and Understanding of Customer Decision Making,” Journal of Marketing Research, 15(4), 501-516
33. Weitz, B.A. (1981), “Effectiveness in Sales Interactions: A Contingency Framework,” Journal of Marketing, 45(1), 85-103
34. Luo Xueming (2005), “How Does Shopping With Others Influence Impulsive Purchasing,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 15(4), 288-294
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 邱志聖zh_TW (Authors) 邱倬彬zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 邱倬彬zh_TW (日期) 2006en_US 11-Sep-2009 17:10:11 (UTC+8)- 11-Sep-2009 17:10:11 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 11-Sep-2009 17:10:11 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0923510012en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國際經營與貿易研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 92351001zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 銷售人員透過良好的銷售互動,搭配合適的銷售影響策略,將能有效地影響消費者的購物目標。Hoch & Loewenstein (1991)的研究中發現,在購物過程中,當消費者對於渴望獲得的商品產生情感上的吸引時,若再經由與銷售人員的互動,能夠刺激買者接受突然或未預期的購物計畫,產生衝動消費。
     1. 消費者可能因基於「教訓店員」的報復念頭,或是「為維護自我形象」之目的,對於銷售人員不友善的服務態度,激起其產生購買衝動。
     2. 衝動性購買傾向越強烈,消費者感受負面銷售互動之購買衝動也越強烈;其次,在單獨購物時,消費者的成就虛榮程度越高,相對也越容易產生購買衝動;最後,與同儕購物時,自尊程度較低者,為避免自我評價的下降甚至提升其自尊,容易因負面銷售互動而產生購買衝動。
     3. 當消費者與同儕逛街購物而遭遇負面的銷售態度時,其產生的購買衝動並不會顯著高於單獨購物,可能因為負面銷售互動使同儕鼓勵自發性、及享樂目標追求之影響力無法發揮。除此之外,規範性評估使消費者可能為符合社會規範而使降低社會影響之作用。
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論................................................1
     第一節 研究背景與動機.......................................1
     第二節 研究目的.............................................3
     第三節 研究流程.............................................4
     第四節 內容結構.............................................5
     第二章 文獻探討.............................................6
     第一節 衝動性購買...........................................6
     第二節 銷售人員互動行為與影響策略............................15
     第三節 社會影響對衝動性購買之影響............................22
     第四節 衝動性購買傾向......................................23
     第五節 虛榮特性............................................25
     第六節 自尊...............................................27
     第三章 研究方法............................................29
     第一節 研究架構............................................29
     第二節 研究假說............................................30
     第三節 前測...............................................31
     第四節 研究變數之操作型定義與衡量方式........................35
     第五節 問卷設計、研究資料蒐集與分析方法.......................41
     第四章 資料分析............................................44
     第一節 信度檢驗............................................44
     第二節 樣本結構分析........................................45
     第三節 單因子變異數分析.....................................47
     第四節 單因子共變數分析.....................................51
     第五節 分析結果整理........................................56
     第五章 研究建議............................................61
     第一節 研究結論............................................61
     第二節 研究貢獻............................................63
     第三節 研究限制............................................64
     第四節 未來研究方向........................................65
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 衝動性購買zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 購買衝動zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 負面銷售互動zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 高級精品銷售zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 負面銷售互動行為對衝動購買之影響:以高級精品銷售為例zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 1. Bayley, G. & Nancarrow, C. (1998), “Impulse purchasing: a qualitative exploration of the phenomenon,” Qualitative Market Research, 1(2), 99-114zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 2. Beatty, S.E. & Ferrell, M.E. (1998), “Impulse buying: Modeling its precursors,” Journal of Retailing, 74(2), 169-181zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 3. Cadogan, J.W., & Simintiras, A.C., (1996), “Behaviourism in the study of salesperson -customer interactions,” Management Decision, 34(6), 57-64zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 4. Crawford, G., Melewar, T.C. (2003), “The importance of impulse purchasing behaviour in the international airport environment,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour,3(1), 85-98zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 5. Dittmar, H., Beattie, J., & Friese, S. (1995), “Gender identity and material symbols: Objects and decision considerations in impulse purchases,” Journal of Economic Psychology, 16(3), 491-511zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 6. Dittmar, H., Beattie, J., & Friese, S. (1996), “Objects, decision considerations and self-image in men`s and women`s impulse purchases,” Acta psychological, 93, 187-206zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 7. Dhar, R. & Wertenbroch, K. (2000) “Consumer Choice between Hedonic and Utilitarian Good,” Journal of Marketing Research, 37(1), 60-71zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 8. Dholakia, U.M. (2000), “Temptation and resistance: An integrated model of consumption impulse formation and enactment,” Psychology & Marketing, 17(11), 955-982zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 9. Grewal, D. & Sharma, A. (1991), “The effect of salesforce behavior on customer satisfaction: an interactive framework,” Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 9(3), 13-23zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 10. Hausman A. (2000), “A multi-method investigation of consumer motivations in impulse buying behavior,” The Journal of Consumer Marketing,17(5), 403-419zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 11. Hoch, S.J. & Loewenstein,G.F. (1991), “Time-inconsistent preference and consumer self-control,” Journal of Consumer Research, 17(4), 492-507zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 12. Iyer, E.S. (1989), “Unplanned Purchasing: knowledge of shopping environment and time pressure,” Journal of Retailing, 65(1), 40-57zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 13. Jeon, Jung-Ok (1990), “An empirical investigation of the relationship between affective states, in-store browsing, and impulse buying,” Ph.D. Dissertation, AL: The University of Alabamazh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 14. Kelman, H.C.(1961), “Processes of opinion change,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 25(1), 67-78zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 15. Lynn M. (1992), “Scarcity’s enhancement of desirability,” Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 13, 67-78zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 16. Madhavaram, S.R. & Laverie, D.A (2004), “Exploring Impulse Purchasing on the Internet,” Advances in Consumer Research, 31, 59-66zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 17. MacInnis D.J. & Price L.L. (1987), “The role of imagery in information processing: review and extensions,” Journal of Consumer Research 13(4), 473-491zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 18. Mallalieu, L. (2006), “Consumer perception of salesperson influence strategies: an examination of the influence of consumer goals,” Journal of Consumer, 5(3), 257-268zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 19. McFarland, R.G., Challagalla, G.N., & Shervani, T.A. (2006), “Influence Tactics for Effective Adaptive Selling,” Journal of Marketing, 70(4), 103-117zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 20. Netemeyer, R.G., Burton, S., &Lichtenstein, D.R (1995), “Trait aspects of vanity: Measurement and relevance to Consumer Behavior,” Journal of Consumer Research, 21(4), 612-627zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 21. Park J. & Lennon Sharron J. (2006), “Psychological and environmental antecedents of impulse buying tendency in the multichannel shopping context,” The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 23(2) 58-68zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 22. Puri, R. (1996) “Measuring and Modifying Consumer Impulsiveness: A Cost-Benefit Accessibility Framework,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 5(2), 87-113zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 23. Rosenberg, M. (1965). Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Presszh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 24. Rosenberg, M. (1979). Conceiving the self. New York : Basic Bookszh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 25. Rook, D.W. (1987), “The Buying Impulse,” Journal of Consumer Research, 14(2), 189-199zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 26. Rook, D.W. & Fisher, R.J. (1995), “Normative influences on impulsive buying behavior,” Journal of Consumer Research, 22(3), 305-314zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 27. Shiv, B & Fedorikhin, A. (1999), “Heart and Mind in Conflict: The Interplay of Affect and Cognition in Consumer Decision Making,” Journal of Consumer Research, 26(3), 278-292zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 28. Strahilevitz, M. (1999), “The Effects of Product Type and Donation Magnitude on Willingness to Pay More for a Charity-Linked Brand,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 8(3), 215-241zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 29. Stren, H. (1962), “The significance of impulse buying today,” Journal of Marketing, 26, 39-52zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 30. Valence, G..A. d’Astous, & Fortier, L. (1988), “Compulsive Buying: Concept and Measurement,” Journal of Consumer Policy, 11(4), 419-433.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 31. Weinberg, P. & Gottwald, W. (1982), “Impulsive Consumer Buying as a Result of Emotions,” Journal of Business Research 10(1), 43-57zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 32. Weitz, B.A. (1978), “Relationship between Salesperson Performance and Understanding of Customer Decision Making,” Journal of Marketing Research, 15(4), 501-516zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 33. Weitz, B.A. (1981), “Effectiveness in Sales Interactions: A Contingency Framework,” Journal of Marketing, 45(1), 85-103zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 34. Luo Xueming (2005), “How Does Shopping With Others Influence Impulsive Purchasing,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 15(4), 288-294zh_TW