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題名 數位典藏加值應用相關法律議題之研究
The Study on Legal Issues of Value-added Applications for Digital Archiving
作者 尚安雅
貢獻者 劉江彬
關鍵詞 數位典藏加值應用
Value-added Applications for Digital Archiving
Copyright Law
Technological Protective Measure
日期 2003
上傳時間 11-九月-2009 17:14:56 (UTC+8)
摘要 走過資本與勞力密集的工業時代後,全世界已邁向知識密集的新局面,在這樣的潮流下,各國無不發展知識經濟以提升競爭優勢,我國政府也開始設法將內容、創意與科技結合,積極推動數位內容產業,此外,文化創意產業同樣已成為新世紀知識經濟的主流之一,由此可知,任何產業皆須開始重視內涵與創意,而文化又是知識的累積和傳承,若能將對國家的文化認同運用於創意產業,並深入表現在國民的生活文化裡,不啻為符合環境趨勢又能造就一種新經濟形態的好方法。
As the capital-intensive and labor-intensive industry era went by, the whole world has marched toward the knowledge-intensive new situation. Under this trend, many countries develop the knowledge economy to improve the competitiveness .Our government also begins to combine the content and originality with technology and develop the digital content industry positively. Besides, the cultural creative industry has already become one of the mainstreams of the knowledge economy in the new century. Thus every industry must pay attention to intension and creativity. Culture is the accumulation and inheritance of the knowledge. If we apply the cultural identification to the creative industry and make it display deeply in people`s life, it will not only be the good method that can bring up a kind of new economic form, but can be corresponded with the environmental trend.
     Because digital publishing and digital archiving grow up powerfully, many countries are devoted to digitizing national collections at present. Besides, our country proceeds to digitize national collections, such as ` National Digital Archives Program `. Many seminars are held with many aspects of questions on digital archiving in recent years. The above-mentioned situations show that ` digital archive ` draws more and more attention. However, the digitization of historical relics is just the beginning. The greater value is to use digital archive content or materials to go into value-added applications and then push the development of digital content and cultural creative industry. Thus the ` value-added applications for digital archiving ` is focused in this study. Because in the process of value-added applications for digital archive content, including acquirement, protection, utilizing, authorizing and marketing , many questions should be considered with the law at each stage. How to guarantee that the creator is under the protection of the law from the beginning to circulation of digital archive content and make sure that these protections will not hinder the diffusion of knowledge is the worth studying topic. Thus this study plans to generalize some important legal issues which are relevant to the development of value-added applications for digital archiving from aspects of theory and practice and then analyze and discuss them.
     In the theoretical aspect, this study focuses on ` the legal protection of the database ` and ` the legal dispute of the technological protective measures `. In the practical aspect, the writer collects information about the archive institutions and industry’s present situation, legal questions, challenge and views on development in the future of value-added applications for digital archiving by means of case interview. Finally, the study puts forward the conclusion and the suggestion according to documents analysis and interview finding.
     After studying legal documents and comparing the development of domestic and international legal system, the writer thinks that the protection of database by copyright law is insufficient and is also limited by other way. This study suggests that our government should pursue the legislation of protecting the database with the dual track approach for the sake of promoting the construction of digital archive database and protection of investment to popularize value-added applications for digital archiving. As for the legislation of the technological protective measure, this study advocates that our government must offer stronger protection on digital content under digital environments and internet era to protect the rights of digital archive content owner and those who use digital archive content to add value properly. To accord with the policy goal that our government promotes the digital content industry and comply with the international legislative trend, our country should legislate against circumventing technological protective measure in the future. Nevertheless, our government must face the questions derived from anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in US. It means that our government must consider public good and industry`s situation in future lawmaking.
     It deserves to be mentioned that this study find there is likely conflict between application to article 16 of Cultural Assets Conservation Law and article 43 of copyright law in interview. Thus our government should revise law to make the orientation of Cultural Assets Conservation Law clearer. However, in the cause of bringing about an advance of national whole culture, this study has an idea that cultural assets belong to the public should be propagated and utilized as far as possible. Moreover, it must be looked out for intellectual property right on digital archiving and its value-added applications. In terms of authorization, this study suggests that authorized people should obtain the right of `reauthorization ` so that they can use the achievement to create value again. Considering the need and efficiency of work utilization, our government should expedite to set up the collective management mechanism of copyright.
     In regard to the development of value-added applications for digital archiving and then drive digital content and cultural creativity industry, this study also propose several suggestions after case interview. First, we should face the question of cultural identification. Activating consumption can form the industry and its origin lies in whether the whole society is still confident of and has deep love for the Chinese culture. Second, we certainly should pay attention to the creativity and content because those are the cores that consumers experience ultimately.
     Because our country has Chinese culture and occupies the place where plural culture blend, it is the opportunity for our country to use cultural content to develop creativity industry and base on Chinese-language market to march into world. The rests of suggestions such as making the best of marketing and channel to take the creative products or service to consumers and strengthening the education and propagation of intellectual property right and training including creative talent , A type talent and professional talent of intellectual property right, etc. The foregoing are all key elements of industry development.
     Additionally, this study found in interview that the industry is worried about the unclearly position of the common department , so the writer advise government should offer fair and open environment to let market mechanism free operate so that avoid getting involved excessivly and hinder industry`s progress instead .
     Digital archive lets precious historical assets have more multiple application space, and its follow-up value-added application bring limitless business opportunity. We expect that the vision of ` culture industrialization and industry culturalize` can really carry out by means of the cooperation between archive institutions and industry.
目錄 i
     表目錄 iv
     圖目錄 v
     第一章 緒論 1
     第一節 研究背景與動機 1
     第二節 研究問題與目的 6
     第三節 研究範圍與對象 9
     第四節 研究方法 10
     第五節 研究限制 11
     第六節 研究流程與架構 12
     第二章 數位典藏加值應用概論 15
     第一節 認識數位典藏 15
     壹、數位典藏的意義 15
     貳、數位典藏的影響 16
     第二節 國內外數位典藏的發展與現況 19
     壹、國外數位典藏的發展與現況 19
     貳、我國數位典藏的發展與現況 25
     第三節 數位典藏加值應用之探討 32
     壹 、數位典藏加值應用介紹 32
     貳 、數位典藏加值應用前景 33
     參 、數位典藏加值應用方式與策略 36
     第三章 資料庫法律保護析論 41
     第一節 資料庫簡介 42
     第二節 國外對於資料庫保護之規範 45
     壹 、國際公約有關資料庫保護之法律規範 45
     貳 、歐盟資料庫法律保護指令 54
     參 、美國對資料庫保護之實務見解與立法 65
     第三節 我國現行法規定與實務作法 74
     壹 、我國現行法規定 74
     貳 、資料庫保護與公平交易法 75
     第四節 資料庫保護法制之建立與配套 83
     壹 、資料庫保護方式之討論 83
     貳 、我國立法建議-代結論 87
     第四章 科技保護措施與法律爭議 92
     第一節 科技保護措施簡介 92
     壹 、科技保護措施之類型 92
     貳 、DRM之運用 96
     第二節 有關科技保護措施的規範 101
     壹 、國際條約的規定 101
     貳 、美國數位千禧年著作權法案 103
     第三節 DMCA反規避條款衍生的法律問題 115
     壹 、「超著作權」之賦予 115
     貳 、影響合理使用 119
     參 、小結 125
     第四節 我國法制之因應與建議 128
     壹 、我國關於科技保護措施的修正草案與評析 128
     貳 、未來立法建議 131
     第五章 個案分析 134
     第一節 個案介紹 134
     壹 、國立故宮博物院 134
     貳 、國家歷史博物館 143
     參 、得意典藏股份有限公司 153
     肆 、華藝數位藝術股份有限公司 164
     第二節 個案彙整與法律問題解析 172
     壹 、個案訪談結果彙整 172
     貳 、個案法律問題解析 174
     第六章 結論與建議 179
     第一節 研究結論與建議 179
     第二節 後續研究建議 193
     參考文獻 195
     附錄 訪談大綱 207
     表 1-1:個案訪談資訊表 9
     表 3-1:各國或組織對資料庫的保護 88
     表 4-1:DMCA反規避條款規範之行為態樣 107
     表 4-2:反規避條款免責規定之適用範圍 110
     表 5-1:個案加值產品與加值策略彙整 172
     表 5-2:個案法律問題與發展建議之彙整 173
     圖 1-1:數位內容產業之定義及範疇 3
     圖 1-2:研究流程 13
     圖 1-3:研究架構 14
     圖 2-1:數位典藏檔案應用層級 28
     圖 2-2:典藏數位化之前後產出 33
     圖 2-3:數位典藏的應用前景 34
     圖 2-4:數位典藏之應用模式 37
     圖 2-5:數位典藏素材之流通價值 38
     圖 2-6:內容生產流程與加值策略 40
     圖 3-1:電子資料庫之組成 44
     圖 3-2:公平交易法第二十四條之適用方式 77
     圖 4-1:DRM架構 98
     圖 4-2:DRM的權利模型 99
     圖 4-3:傳統著作權法制與反規避條款規定之比較 116
     圖 5-1:文物數位化發展與博物館功能之關聯 135
     圖 5-2:故宮數位典藏之加值應用 139
     圖 5-3:博物館與數位典藏計畫的關係 145
     圖 5-4:歷史文物數位典藏資料庫之產出利用 147
     圖 5-5:黃金三層營運模式 150
     圖 5-6:華藝公司加值流程 167
     圖 5-7:華藝公司授權與管理模式 169
     圖 6-1:數位典藏加值應用鏈 187
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091361015
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉江彬zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 尚安雅zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 尚安雅zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2003en_US
dc.date.accessioned 11-九月-2009 17:14:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 11-九月-2009 17:14:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 11-九月-2009 17:14:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0091361015en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/30103-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 智慧財產研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 91361015zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 92zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 走過資本與勞力密集的工業時代後,全世界已邁向知識密集的新局面,在這樣的潮流下,各國無不發展知識經濟以提升競爭優勢,我國政府也開始設法將內容、創意與科技結合,積極推動數位內容產業,此外,文化創意產業同樣已成為新世紀知識經濟的主流之一,由此可知,任何產業皆須開始重視內涵與創意,而文化又是知識的累積和傳承,若能將對國家的文化認同運用於創意產業,並深入表現在國民的生活文化裡,不啻為符合環境趨勢又能造就一種新經濟形態的好方法。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) As the capital-intensive and labor-intensive industry era went by, the whole world has marched toward the knowledge-intensive new situation. Under this trend, many countries develop the knowledge economy to improve the competitiveness .Our government also begins to combine the content and originality with technology and develop the digital content industry positively. Besides, the cultural creative industry has already become one of the mainstreams of the knowledge economy in the new century. Thus every industry must pay attention to intension and creativity. Culture is the accumulation and inheritance of the knowledge. If we apply the cultural identification to the creative industry and make it display deeply in people`s life, it will not only be the good method that can bring up a kind of new economic form, but can be corresponded with the environmental trend.
     Because digital publishing and digital archiving grow up powerfully, many countries are devoted to digitizing national collections at present. Besides, our country proceeds to digitize national collections, such as ` National Digital Archives Program `. Many seminars are held with many aspects of questions on digital archiving in recent years. The above-mentioned situations show that ` digital archive ` draws more and more attention. However, the digitization of historical relics is just the beginning. The greater value is to use digital archive content or materials to go into value-added applications and then push the development of digital content and cultural creative industry. Thus the ` value-added applications for digital archiving ` is focused in this study. Because in the process of value-added applications for digital archive content, including acquirement, protection, utilizing, authorizing and marketing , many questions should be considered with the law at each stage. How to guarantee that the creator is under the protection of the law from the beginning to circulation of digital archive content and make sure that these protections will not hinder the diffusion of knowledge is the worth studying topic. Thus this study plans to generalize some important legal issues which are relevant to the development of value-added applications for digital archiving from aspects of theory and practice and then analyze and discuss them.
     In the theoretical aspect, this study focuses on ` the legal protection of the database ` and ` the legal dispute of the technological protective measures `. In the practical aspect, the writer collects information about the archive institutions and industry’s present situation, legal questions, challenge and views on development in the future of value-added applications for digital archiving by means of case interview. Finally, the study puts forward the conclusion and the suggestion according to documents analysis and interview finding.
     After studying legal documents and comparing the development of domestic and international legal system, the writer thinks that the protection of database by copyright law is insufficient and is also limited by other way. This study suggests that our government should pursue the legislation of protecting the database with the dual track approach for the sake of promoting the construction of digital archive database and protection of investment to popularize value-added applications for digital archiving. As for the legislation of the technological protective measure, this study advocates that our government must offer stronger protection on digital content under digital environments and internet era to protect the rights of digital archive content owner and those who use digital archive content to add value properly. To accord with the policy goal that our government promotes the digital content industry and comply with the international legislative trend, our country should legislate against circumventing technological protective measure in the future. Nevertheless, our government must face the questions derived from anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in US. It means that our government must consider public good and industry`s situation in future lawmaking.
     It deserves to be mentioned that this study find there is likely conflict between application to article 16 of Cultural Assets Conservation Law and article 43 of copyright law in interview. Thus our government should revise law to make the orientation of Cultural Assets Conservation Law clearer. However, in the cause of bringing about an advance of national whole culture, this study has an idea that cultural assets belong to the public should be propagated and utilized as far as possible. Moreover, it must be looked out for intellectual property right on digital archiving and its value-added applications. In terms of authorization, this study suggests that authorized people should obtain the right of `reauthorization ` so that they can use the achievement to create value again. Considering the need and efficiency of work utilization, our government should expedite to set up the collective management mechanism of copyright.
     In regard to the development of value-added applications for digital archiving and then drive digital content and cultural creativity industry, this study also propose several suggestions after case interview. First, we should face the question of cultural identification. Activating consumption can form the industry and its origin lies in whether the whole society is still confident of and has deep love for the Chinese culture. Second, we certainly should pay attention to the creativity and content because those are the cores that consumers experience ultimately.
     Because our country has Chinese culture and occupies the place where plural culture blend, it is the opportunity for our country to use cultural content to develop creativity industry and base on Chinese-language market to march into world. The rests of suggestions such as making the best of marketing and channel to take the creative products or service to consumers and strengthening the education and propagation of intellectual property right and training including creative talent , A type talent and professional talent of intellectual property right, etc. The foregoing are all key elements of industry development.
     Additionally, this study found in interview that the industry is worried about the unclearly position of the common department , so the writer advise government should offer fair and open environment to let market mechanism free operate so that avoid getting involved excessivly and hinder industry`s progress instead .
     Digital archive lets precious historical assets have more multiple application space, and its follow-up value-added application bring limitless business opportunity. We expect that the vision of ` culture industrialization and industry culturalize` can really carry out by means of the cooperation between archive institutions and industry.
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 目錄 i
     表目錄 iv
     圖目錄 v
     第一章 緒論 1
     第一節 研究背景與動機 1
     第二節 研究問題與目的 6
     第三節 研究範圍與對象 9
     第四節 研究方法 10
     第五節 研究限制 11
     第六節 研究流程與架構 12
     第二章 數位典藏加值應用概論 15
     第一節 認識數位典藏 15
     壹、數位典藏的意義 15
     貳、數位典藏的影響 16
     第二節 國內外數位典藏的發展與現況 19
     壹、國外數位典藏的發展與現況 19
     貳、我國數位典藏的發展與現況 25
     第三節 數位典藏加值應用之探討 32
     壹 、數位典藏加值應用介紹 32
     貳 、數位典藏加值應用前景 33
     參 、數位典藏加值應用方式與策略 36
     第三章 資料庫法律保護析論 41
     第一節 資料庫簡介 42
     第二節 國外對於資料庫保護之規範 45
     壹 、國際公約有關資料庫保護之法律規範 45
     貳 、歐盟資料庫法律保護指令 54
     參 、美國對資料庫保護之實務見解與立法 65
     第三節 我國現行法規定與實務作法 74
     壹 、我國現行法規定 74
     貳 、資料庫保護與公平交易法 75
     第四節 資料庫保護法制之建立與配套 83
     壹 、資料庫保護方式之討論 83
     貳 、我國立法建議-代結論 87
     第四章 科技保護措施與法律爭議 92
     第一節 科技保護措施簡介 92
     壹 、科技保護措施之類型 92
     貳 、DRM之運用 96
     第二節 有關科技保護措施的規範 101
     壹 、國際條約的規定 101
     貳 、美國數位千禧年著作權法案 103
     第三節 DMCA反規避條款衍生的法律問題 115
     壹 、「超著作權」之賦予 115
     貳 、影響合理使用 119
     參 、小結 125
     第四節 我國法制之因應與建議 128
     壹 、我國關於科技保護措施的修正草案與評析 128
     貳 、未來立法建議 131
     第五章 個案分析 134
     第一節 個案介紹 134
     壹 、國立故宮博物院 134
     貳 、國家歷史博物館 143
     參 、得意典藏股份有限公司 153
     肆 、華藝數位藝術股份有限公司 164
     第二節 個案彙整與法律問題解析 172
     壹 、個案訪談結果彙整 172
     貳 、個案法律問題解析 174
     第六章 結論與建議 179
     第一節 研究結論與建議 179
     第二節 後續研究建議 193
     參考文獻 195
     附錄 訪談大綱 207
     表 1-1:個案訪談資訊表 9
     表 3-1:各國或組織對資料庫的保護 88
     表 4-1:DMCA反規避條款規範之行為態樣 107
     表 4-2:反規避條款免責規定之適用範圍 110
     表 5-1:個案加值產品與加值策略彙整 172
     表 5-2:個案法律問題與發展建議之彙整 173
     圖 1-1:數位內容產業之定義及範疇 3
     圖 1-2:研究流程 13
     圖 1-3:研究架構 14
     圖 2-1:數位典藏檔案應用層級 28
     圖 2-2:典藏數位化之前後產出 33
     圖 2-3:數位典藏的應用前景 34
     圖 2-4:數位典藏之應用模式 37
     圖 2-5:數位典藏素材之流通價值 38
     圖 2-6:內容生產流程與加值策略 40
     圖 3-1:電子資料庫之組成 44
     圖 3-2:公平交易法第二十四條之適用方式 77
     圖 4-1:DRM架構 98
     圖 4-2:DRM的權利模型 99
     圖 4-3:傳統著作權法制與反規避條款規定之比較 116
     圖 5-1:文物數位化發展與博物館功能之關聯 135
     圖 5-2:故宮數位典藏之加值應用 139
     圖 5-3:博物館與數位典藏計畫的關係 145
     圖 5-4:歷史文物數位典藏資料庫之產出利用 147
     圖 5-5:黃金三層營運模式 150
     圖 5-6:華藝公司加值流程 167
     圖 5-7:華藝公司授權與管理模式 169
     圖 6-1:數位典藏加值應用鏈 187
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄 i
     表目錄 iv
     圖目錄 v
     第一章 緒論 1
     第一節 研究背景與動機 1
     第二節 研究問題與目的 6
     第三節 研究範圍與對象 9
     第四節 研究方法 10
     第五節 研究限制 11
     第六節 研究流程與架構 12
     第二章 數位典藏加值應用概論 15
     第一節 認識數位典藏 15
     壹、數位典藏的意義 15
     貳、數位典藏的影響 16
     第二節 國內外數位典藏的發展與現況 19
     壹、國外數位典藏的發展與現況 19
     貳、我國數位典藏的發展與現況 25
     第三節 數位典藏加值應用之探討 32
     壹 、數位典藏加值應用介紹 32
     貳 、數位典藏加值應用前景 33
     參 、數位典藏加值應用方式與策略 36
     第三章 資料庫法律保護析論 41
     第一節 資料庫簡介 42
     第二節 國外對於資料庫保護之規範 45
     壹 、國際公約有關資料庫保護之法律規範 45
     貳 、歐盟資料庫法律保護指令 54
     參 、美國對資料庫保護之實務見解與立法 65
     第三節 我國現行法規定與實務作法 74
     壹 、我國現行法規定 74
     貳 、資料庫保護與公平交易法 75
     第四節 資料庫保護法制之建立與配套 83
     壹 、資料庫保護方式之討論 83
     貳 、我國立法建議-代結論 87
     第四章 科技保護措施與法律爭議 92
     第一節 科技保護措施簡介 92
     壹 、科技保護措施之類型 92
     貳 、DRM之運用 96
     第二節 有關科技保護措施的規範 101
     壹 、國際條約的規定 101
     貳 、美國數位千禧年著作權法案 103
     第三節 DMCA反規避條款衍生的法律問題 115
     壹 、「超著作權」之賦予 115
     貳 、影響合理使用 119
     參 、小結 125
     第四節 我國法制之因應與建議 128
     壹 、我國關於科技保護措施的修正草案與評析 128
     貳 、未來立法建議 131
     第五章 個案分析 134
     第一節 個案介紹 134
     壹 、國立故宮博物院 134
     貳 、國家歷史博物館 143
     參 、得意典藏股份有限公司 153
     肆 、華藝數位藝術股份有限公司 164
     第二節 個案彙整與法律問題解析 172
     壹 、個案訪談結果彙整 172
     貳 、個案法律問題解析 174
     第六章 結論與建議 179
     第一節 研究結論與建議 179
     第二節 後續研究建議 193
     參考文獻 195
     附錄 訪談大綱 207
     表 1-1:個案訪談資訊表 9
     表 3-1:各國或組織對資料庫的保護 88
     表 4-1:DMCA反規避條款規範之行為態樣 107
     表 4-2:反規避條款免責規定之適用範圍 110
     表 5-1:個案加值產品與加值策略彙整 172
     表 5-2:個案法律問題與發展建議之彙整 173
     圖 1-1:數位內容產業之定義及範疇 3
     圖 1-2:研究流程 13
     圖 1-3:研究架構 14
     圖 2-1:數位典藏檔案應用層級 28
     圖 2-2:典藏數位化之前後產出 33
     圖 2-3:數位典藏的應用前景 34
     圖 2-4:數位典藏之應用模式 37
     圖 2-5:數位典藏素材之流通價值 38
     圖 2-6:內容生產流程與加值策略 40
     圖 3-1:電子資料庫之組成 44
     圖 3-2:公平交易法第二十四條之適用方式 77
     圖 4-1:DRM架構 98
     圖 4-2:DRM的權利模型 99
     圖 4-3:傳統著作權法制與反規避條款規定之比較 116
     圖 5-1:文物數位化發展與博物館功能之關聯 135
     圖 5-2:故宮數位典藏之加值應用 139
     圖 5-3:博物館與數位典藏計畫的關係 145
     圖 5-4:歷史文物數位典藏資料庫之產出利用 147
     圖 5-5:黃金三層營運模式 150
     圖 5-6:華藝公司加值流程 167
     圖 5-7:華藝公司授權與管理模式 169
     圖 6-1:數位典藏加值應用鏈 187
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091361015en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位典藏加值應用zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 著作權法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 資料庫zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 科技保護措施zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Value-added Applications for Digital Archivingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Copyright Lawen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Databaseen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Technological Protective Measureen_US
dc.title (題名) 數位典藏加值應用相關法律議題之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Study on Legal Issues of Value-added Applications for Digital Archivingen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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