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題名 創投家在高科技產業中對盈餘管理與價值攸關性的影響
Impacts of venture capitalists on earnings management and value relevance in the technology-based industry
作者 盧佳琪
Lu, Chia Chi
貢獻者 許崇源
Hsu, Chung Yuan
Lu, Chia Chi
關鍵詞 創投
Venture capitlists
Earnings management
Value relevance
日期 2007
上傳時間 11-九月-2009 17:34:12 (UTC+8)
摘要 Venture capital funds are active investors in technology-based firms in Taiwan. However, there is very little evidence on the influence of VC funds’ investments in the investee firms. This study examines the relations between venture-backing and two issues, earnings management and value relevance, in the technology-based industry.
     For the issue of the relationship between venture-backing and earnings management, four hypotheses are derived to test the above connections. Three different proxies of earnings management are employed to conduct this analysis: cross-sectional modified Jones model, performance-matched modified Jones model and unexpected accounts receivable model. Empirical evidence shows that there is a negative association between venture-backing and abnormal accruals. Specifically, age of VC funds, percentage of VC funds’ shareholdings on investee firms, and VC funds invested by the government are negatively related with abnormal accruals in most of analyses. These findings indicate that VC funds in Taiwan provide monitoring functions on financial reporting of their invstee firms.
     For the issue of value relevance of venture-backing information, five hypotheses are derived to test the above connections. Ohlson (1995) model is used for the examination. Empirical evidence shows that venture-backing information is value relevant in the TSE market, but not in the OTC market. The sufficiency of financial information has an impact on value relevance of venture capital information. Value relevance of venture-backing information in the TSE market increases with VC funds’ investments and VC funds’ government investments, but not with VC funds’ age in most of analyses. These findings indicate that investors treat venture-backing information as value-relevant information only in the TSE market, but not in the OTC market.
     In addition, several tests are performed to determine the sensitivity of the results to a potential selection bias in the research design. The results of this analysis are mixed. Therefore, this paper cannot rule out selection bias as a potential alternative explanation for the findings.
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描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0893535011
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 許崇源zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Hsu, Chung Yuanen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 盧佳琪zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Lu, Chia Chien_US
dc.creator (作者) 盧佳琪zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lu, Chia Chien_US
dc.date (日期) 2007en_US
dc.date.accessioned 11-九月-2009 17:34:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 11-九月-2009 17:34:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 11-九月-2009 17:34:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0893535011en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/30269-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 會計研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 89353501zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Venture capital funds are active investors in technology-based firms in Taiwan. However, there is very little evidence on the influence of VC funds’ investments in the investee firms. This study examines the relations between venture-backing and two issues, earnings management and value relevance, in the technology-based industry.
     For the issue of the relationship between venture-backing and earnings management, four hypotheses are derived to test the above connections. Three different proxies of earnings management are employed to conduct this analysis: cross-sectional modified Jones model, performance-matched modified Jones model and unexpected accounts receivable model. Empirical evidence shows that there is a negative association between venture-backing and abnormal accruals. Specifically, age of VC funds, percentage of VC funds’ shareholdings on investee firms, and VC funds invested by the government are negatively related with abnormal accruals in most of analyses. These findings indicate that VC funds in Taiwan provide monitoring functions on financial reporting of their invstee firms.
     For the issue of value relevance of venture-backing information, five hypotheses are derived to test the above connections. Ohlson (1995) model is used for the examination. Empirical evidence shows that venture-backing information is value relevant in the TSE market, but not in the OTC market. The sufficiency of financial information has an impact on value relevance of venture capital information. Value relevance of venture-backing information in the TSE market increases with VC funds’ investments and VC funds’ government investments, but not with VC funds’ age in most of analyses. These findings indicate that investors treat venture-backing information as value-relevant information only in the TSE market, but not in the OTC market.
     In addition, several tests are performed to determine the sensitivity of the results to a potential selection bias in the research design. The results of this analysis are mixed. Therefore, this paper cannot rule out selection bias as a potential alternative explanation for the findings.
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. Introduction 1
     1.1 The Motivation and Purpose 1
     1.2 Research Issues 2
     1.2.1 Venture-backing and Earnings Management 2
     1.2.2 Value-relevance of Venture-backing Information 3
     1.3 Expected Contributions 4
     1.3.1 Expected Contributions to Academia 4
     1.3.2 Expected Contributions to Practices 5
     1.4 The Research Structure 5
     2. Venture Capital Industry in Taiwan 7
     2.1 The History 7
     2.2 Characteristics of Venture Capital Funds 10
     2.3 Summaries and Implications 14
     3. Literature in Venture Capital Investments 17
     3.1 The Venture Capital Investment Process 17
     3.2 Research on Venture-backed Firms 18
     3.2.1 Certification Hypothesis 18
     3.2.2 Value-added (Monitoring) Hypothesis 20
     3.2.3 Grandstanding Hypothesis 21
     3.3 Summaries and Implications 22
     4. Hypotheses Development and Research Design 23
     4.1 Hypotheses 23
     4.1.1 Venture-backing and Earnings Management 23
     4.1.2 Value-relevance of Venture-backing Information 24
     4.2 Research Design 27
     4.2.1 Sample Selection 27
     4.2.2 Tests of Hypotheses 29
     4.2.3 Calculating Abnormal Accruals (AA) 34
     5. Results 38
     5.1 Descriptive Statistics 38
     5.1.1 Venture-backing and Earnings Management 38
     5.1.2 Venture-backing Information and Value-relevance 40
     5.2 Empirical Results 45
     5.2.1 Venture-backing and Earnings Management 45
     5.2.2 Venture-backing Information and Value Relevance 50
     5.3 Additional Tests 66
     5.3.1 VC Funds’ Representation on the Board or of Top 10 Shareholders 66
     5.3.2 Foreign VC Funds 70
     5.3.3 VC Funds’ Reputation 74
     6. Conclusions, Extensions, Limitations, and Implications 79
     6.1 Conclusions 79
     6.2 Extensions and Limitations 81
     6.3 Implications 82
     Appendix 1 Summary of Literature Regarding VC Investments 83
     Appendix 2 Summary of Empirical Results 92
     References 101
     Table 2- 1 Venture Capital Fund-Raising and Investments by Country, Year 2000 9
     Table 2- 2 Most Highly Invested-in Industries by Number of Investments (1984-2005) 11
     Table 2- 3 Most Highly Invested-in Industries by Amount of Investments (1984-2005) 12
     Table 2- 4 Summaries and Implications of this Section 14
     Table 4- 1 Technology-based IPO firms during 1996-2001 28
     Table 4- 2 Technology-based Firms during 1996-2001 28
     Table 4- 3 Technology-based Firms in the TSE Market during 1996-2001 29
     Table 4- 4 Technology-based Firms in the OTC Market during 1996-2001 29
     Table 5- 1 Summary Statistics for Technology-based IPO Firms during the Sample Period 1996-2001 39
     Table 5- 2 Abnormal Accruals for Technology-based IPO Firms during the Sample Period 1996-2001 40
     Table 5- 3 Pearson Correlation Coefficients for Abnormal Accruals and Independent Variables (N=261) 41
     Table 5- 4 Correlation Matrix for VC funds’ Certification Variables for IPO Firms (N=86) 42
     Table 5- 5 Descriptive Statistics for Technology-based Firms during the Sample Period 1996-2001 42
     Table 5- 6 Comparisons for Venture-backed and Non-venture-backed Technology-based Firms during the Sample Period 1996-2001 43
     Table 5- 7 Pearson Correlation Coefficients for Sample Firms (N=1031) 44
     Table 5- 8 Correlation Matrix for VC Funds’ Certification Variables for Sample Firms (N=340) 44
     Table 5- 9 Multiple Regression Analysis of the Relation between Abnormal Accruals and Venture-backing 46
     Table 5- 10 Multiple Regression Analysis of VC Funds’ Age on Abnormal Accruals 48
     Table 5- 11 Multiple Regression Analysis of the Relation between Abnormal Accruals and VC Funds’ Shareholdings on Investee Firms 49
     Table 5- 12 Multiple Regression Analysis of the Relation between Abnormal Accruals and VC Funds’ Government Investments 51
     Table 5- 13 Multiple Regression Analysis of the Relation between Stock Price and Venture-backing Information 53
     Table 5- 14 Sample Firms Classified by Firms’ Age and Intangible Assets 53
     Table 5- 15 Multiple Regression Analysis of Venture-backing Information versus Financial Information Sufficiency on Stock Prices for Total Sample 54
     Table 5- 16 Multiple Regression Analysis of Venture-backing Information versus Financial Information Sufficiency on Stock Prices for TSE and OTC Subsamples 56
     Table 5- 17 The Subsample of Firms with VC Funds’ Representing on the board or of Top 10 Shareholders Classified by Firms’ Age and Intangible Assets 57
     Table 5- 18 Multiple Regression Analysis of VC Funds’ Age on Stock Prices for Total Sample 58
     Table 5- 19 Multiple Regression Analysis of VC Funds’ Age on Stock Prices for TSE and OTC Subamples 59
     Table 5- 20 Multiple Regression Analysis of VC Funds’ Shareholdings on Stock Prices for Total Sample 61
     Table 5- 21 Multiple Regression Analysis of VC Funds’ Shareholdings on Stock Prices for TSE and OTC Subamples 62
     Table 5- 22 Multiple Regression Analysis of VC Funds’ Government Investments on Stock Prices for Total Sample 64
     Table 5- 23 Multiple Regression Analysis of VC Funds’ Government Investments on Stock Prices for TSE and OTC Subamples 65
     Table 5- 24 Multiple Regression Analysis of the Relation between Abnormal Accruals and VC Funds’ Representing on the Board or of Top 10 Shareholders 67
     Table 5- 25 Multiple Regression Analysis of VC Funds’ Representing on the Board or of Top 10 Shareholders on Stock Prices for Total Sample 68
     Table 5- 26 Multiple Regression Analysis of VC Funds’ Representing on the Board or of Top 10 Shareholders on Stock Prices for TSE and OTC Subamples 69
     Table 5- 27 Multiple Regression Analysis of the Relation between Abnormal Accruals and Foreign VC Funds 71
     Table 5- 28 Multiple Regression Analysis of Foreign VC Funds on Stock Prices for Total Sample 72
     Table 5- 29 Multiple Regression Analysis of Foreign VC Funds on Stock Prices for TSE and OTC Subamples 73
     Table 5- 30 Multiple Regression Analysis of the Relation between Abnormal Accruals and VC Funds’ Reputation 75
     Table 5- 31 Multiple Regression Analysis of VC Funds’ Reputation on Stock Prices for Total Sample 77
     Table 5- 32 Multiple Regression Analysis of VC Funds’ Reputation on Stock Prices for TSE and OTC Subamples 78
     Figure 1- 1 The Research Structure…………………………………………………6
     Figure 2- 1 The Numbers of Management Funds and VC Funds 7
     Figure 2- 2 The Size of VC Funds (1984-2005) 8
     Figure 2- 3 Number of Venture Capital Investments by Region (Year 2005) 8
     Figure 2- 4 The Operation Structure of VC Funds (Year 2005) 9
     Figure 2- 5 Ownership Structure of VC Funds in 2005 11
     Figure 2- 6 Venture Capital Investments by Stage and Number of Investment 13
     Figure 2- 7 Venture Capital Investment by Stage and Amount of Investment 13
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0893535011en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創投zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 盈餘管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 價值攸關zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Venture capitlistsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Earnings managementen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Value relevanceen_US
dc.title (題名) 創投家在高科技產業中對盈餘管理與價值攸關性的影響zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Impacts of venture capitalists on earnings management and value relevance in the technology-based industryen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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