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題名 大陸鄉鎮企業對國有企業經營績效之影響-以工業部門為例
作者 詹雅惠
Ya-Hui Chan
貢獻者 黃智聰
Jr-Tsung Huang
Ya-Hui Chan
關鍵詞 中國大陸
township-village enterprises
state-owned enterprises
profit rate
technical efficiency
日期 2002
上傳時間 14-九月-2009 13:46:43 (UTC+8)
摘要   本文主要是利用中國統計年鑑、中國鄉鎮企業年鑑、中國工業經濟統計年鑑及1995年第三次全國工業普查資料匯編各年版所提供的一九九五至一九九七年期間大陸工業三十三個產業別之追蹤資料,研究大陸鄉鎮企業對國有企業經營績效之影響。本文所定義的國有企業經營績效,主要分為兩部分:一為大陸國有企業的獲利能力,一為大陸國有企業的生產技術效率。在大陸國有企業的獲利能力部分,本研究論文是採用固定效果模型(fixed-effect model)之迴歸模型來探討大陸鄉鎮企業的產業發展對國有企業獲利能力的影響。接著在大陸國有企業的生產技術效率部分,本研究論文則採用Battese and Coelli(1995)提出的具有轉移對數形式及可採用時序加截面數據的隨機邊界生產函數模型(stochastic frontier production function model),來探討大陸鄉鎮企業的產業發展對國有企業技術效率的影響。
This thesis investigates the influence of township-village enterprises (TVEs) on the performance of China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Industrial-based panel data from 1995~1997 provided by various published years of the China Statistical Year Book , China Industry Economy Statistical Year Book, The data of The Third National Industiral Census of The People’s Repiblic of China in 1995, and China Township-Village Enterprises Year Book are adopted to estimate the fixed-effect model of SOEs’ profit rate function, and stochastic frontier production function model of SOEs’ technical efficiency function.
      The primary finding is that the profit rate in the heavy industry and the technical efficiency in light industry of China’ SOEs are both influenced negatively by the output share of TVEs, the above proves the influence of TVEs on the performance of SOEs has changed from profit loses to technical inefficiency, but this condition won’t exist for long because of the policies to improve performance adopted by SOEs , like relocation factors, adjustment size or any useful acts will take effect.
      Secondly, larger scale of SOEs, especially in heavy industry, gets higher profit rate and higher technical efficiency, the conclusion indicate that size of SOEs brings improvement of performance to SOEs.
     Besides, improvement of the technical efficiency of SOEs is crossed in capital intensive, but has no effect on profitability.
      The above proves that SOEs will against the competition by reactions in policy, as long as longtime performance, the technical efficiency of SOEs will make great advances. Therefore, for solving the problem about the performance of SOEs, besides the innovation in economic system, China should concern about the competitiveness of TVEs. In conclusion, China should regard TVEs not only as a competitor but also as a mechanism to sift out uncompetitive SOEs from China’s market so that the performance of SOEs can be improved to reach the crucial position in China.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089261009
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 黃智聰zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Jr-Tsung Huangen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 詹雅惠zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Ya-Hui Chanen_US
dc.creator (作者) 詹雅惠zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Ya-Hui Chanen_US
dc.date (日期) 2002en_US
dc.date.accessioned 14-九月-2009 13:46:43 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 14-九月-2009 13:46:43 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 14-九月-2009 13:46:43 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0089261009en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/32370-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 中山人文社會科學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 89261009zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 91zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要)   本文主要是利用中國統計年鑑、中國鄉鎮企業年鑑、中國工業經濟統計年鑑及1995年第三次全國工業普查資料匯編各年版所提供的一九九五至一九九七年期間大陸工業三十三個產業別之追蹤資料,研究大陸鄉鎮企業對國有企業經營績效之影響。本文所定義的國有企業經營績效,主要分為兩部分:一為大陸國有企業的獲利能力,一為大陸國有企業的生產技術效率。在大陸國有企業的獲利能力部分,本研究論文是採用固定效果模型(fixed-effect model)之迴歸模型來探討大陸鄉鎮企業的產業發展對國有企業獲利能力的影響。接著在大陸國有企業的生產技術效率部分,本研究論文則採用Battese and Coelli(1995)提出的具有轉移對數形式及可採用時序加截面數據的隨機邊界生產函數模型(stochastic frontier production function model),來探討大陸鄉鎮企業的產業發展對國有企業技術效率的影響。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This thesis investigates the influence of township-village enterprises (TVEs) on the performance of China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Industrial-based panel data from 1995~1997 provided by various published years of the China Statistical Year Book , China Industry Economy Statistical Year Book, The data of The Third National Industiral Census of The People’s Repiblic of China in 1995, and China Township-Village Enterprises Year Book are adopted to estimate the fixed-effect model of SOEs’ profit rate function, and stochastic frontier production function model of SOEs’ technical efficiency function.
      The primary finding is that the profit rate in the heavy industry and the technical efficiency in light industry of China’ SOEs are both influenced negatively by the output share of TVEs, the above proves the influence of TVEs on the performance of SOEs has changed from profit loses to technical inefficiency, but this condition won’t exist for long because of the policies to improve performance adopted by SOEs , like relocation factors, adjustment size or any useful acts will take effect.
      Secondly, larger scale of SOEs, especially in heavy industry, gets higher profit rate and higher technical efficiency, the conclusion indicate that size of SOEs brings improvement of performance to SOEs.
     Besides, improvement of the technical efficiency of SOEs is crossed in capital intensive, but has no effect on profitability.
      The above proves that SOEs will against the competition by reactions in policy, as long as longtime performance, the technical efficiency of SOEs will make great advances. Therefore, for solving the problem about the performance of SOEs, besides the innovation in economic system, China should concern about the competitiveness of TVEs. In conclusion, China should regard TVEs not only as a competitor but also as a mechanism to sift out uncompetitive SOEs from China’s market so that the performance of SOEs can be improved to reach the crucial position in China.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論
      第一節  研究動機與目的………………………………………………1
      第二節  預期研究成果與研究架構……………………………………5
     第二章 文獻回顧與探討
      第一節  大陸工業部門國有企業之相關文獻…………………………7
      第二節  大陸工業部門鄉鎮企業之相關文獻……………………….14
      第三節 大陸鄉鎮企業與國有企業之相關文獻…………………….20
      第四節 本章小結…………………………………………………….25
     第三章 大陸鄉鎮企業的發展與國有企業之經營績效
      第一節 大陸鄉鎮企業的發展背景………………………………….32
      第二節 大陸鄉鎮企業在工業部門之近來發展…………………….39
      第三節 大陸國有企業經營績效之分析…………………………….42
      第四節 本章小結…………………………………………………….49
     第四章 理論模型
      第一節 理論模型之文獻回顧……………………………………….53
      第二節 大陸鄉鎮企業對國有企業經營績效影響之理論模型…….57
     第五章 研究設計
      第一節 資料來源…………………………………………………….62
      第二節 研究方法之說明…………………………………………….65
      第三節 假設命題…………………………………………………….69
     第六章 大陸鄉鎮企業對國有企業經營績效之影響
      第一節 相關變數分析……………………………………………….73
      第二節 實證估計分析……………………………………………….75
      第三節 本章小結…………………………………………………….81
     第七章 結論與政策意涵
      第一節 結論………………………………………………………….83
      第二節 政策意涵…………………………………………………….87
      第三節 後續研究…………………………………………………….89
     參考文獻…………………………………………………………………………..90 圖 次
     表 次
     表三、鄉鎮企業相對國有企業之工業總產值比例(一九九五∼一九九七 年).........................................................40
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089261009en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中國大陸zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 鄉鎮企業zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 國有企業zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 經營績效zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 獲利能力zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 技術效率zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Chinaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) township-village enterprisesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) state-owned enterprisesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) performanceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) profit rateen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) technical efficiencyen_US
dc.title (題名) 大陸鄉鎮企業對國有企業經營績效之影響-以工業部門為例zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考文獻zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部份zh_TW
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