
題名 國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營關係之研究
A Study on Relationships between the Dynamic Capabilities and Organizational Health Climate and School Innovative Management in Elementary School
作者 顏童文
Yen, Tung Wen
貢獻者 秦夢群<br>吳政達
Yen, Tung Wen
關鍵詞 國民小學
the elementary school
organizational dynamic capabilities
organizational health climate
school innovative management
日期 2006
上傳時間 17-九月-2009 14:59:32 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究旨在瞭解當前國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之現況;分析不同背景變項在國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之差異;探討國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之關係;研究國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之預測分析;與推論國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之路徑關係。


The main purposes of this study are: (1) to understand the present condition of dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school; (2) to analyze the diversity of different background variables in dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school; (3) to discuss the relationships between dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school; (4) to investigate the Predicted Analysis of dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school; (5) to conclude the path relationships between dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school.
The present study applied literature analysis and questionnaire survey method. According to related literature, the theoretical foundation was constructed and 「Elementary School Dynamic Capabilities, Organizational Health Climate, and School Innovative Management Survey Questionnaire」was organized. Ninety-three elementary schools were chosen randomly from north, central, south, and east regions in Taiwan. Totally there were 1408 elementary school teachers. Subjects’ viewpoints about Elementary School dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management were collected. The data were analyzed by Descriptive Statistic, ANOVA, Correlation Analysis, Stepwise regression, and LISREL8.71.The results are shown below:
1.About dynamic capabilities in the elementary school , technology application is the highest,then innovative learning, school positioning, and knowledge management. And administrative integration is comparatively lower than the others.
2.About organizational health climate, teacher affiliation is the highest, then collegial leadership, influence of resources, and emphasis on academic achievement. Subjectivity of institution is comparative lower than the others.
3.About school innovative management, information technology innovative management is the highest, then external relationship innovative management, administrative management innovative management, and teaching sharing innovative management. And campus planning innovative management is comparatively lower than the others.
4.Teachers, who are senior, experienced, or have administrated jobs, perceive dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management higher than young, unexperienced teachers.
5.Private school teachers’ perception of dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management is higher than public school teachers.
6.Teachers’ perception about integral dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management is higher when they teach in urban, small-scale, and newly-built schools.
7.There is high correlation association between dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management.
8.Dynamic capabilities and organizational health climate can effectively predict school innovative management.
9.The fit measures of the two-order confirmatory factor analysis model of dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management is good.
10.By organizational health climate, dynamic capabilities can promote school innovative management
According to studied results, some suggestions are addressed for educational administrated institutions, principals, teachers, and future researchers.
1.For educational administrated institutions
(1)Bring dynamic capabilities, health climate, and school innovative management into school evaluation indicators.
(2)Allot educational resources for public and private schools by school achievement.
(3)Rebirth old schools and promote their innovative capabilities.
2.For principals
(1)Create opportunities for senior and experienced teachers to share and pass down their experience.
(2)Provide teachers with sufficient teaching resources and help them to advance professional development.
(3)Construct creative, animate, humanistic, and health campus.
(4)Do not change prime policies due to some parents’ unreasonable demands.
3.For school teachers
(1)Integrate information and Internet technology into teaching to enhance teaching efficiency.
(2)Share teaching resources through campus information platform.
(3)Know the outside environment is changed in high-velocity and create unique innovative capabilities.
4.For future researchers
(1)There should be more subjects.
(2)Researched issue can be deeper and broader.
(3)Researched methodologies can be more multi-dimentional.
Keyword:the elementary school, organizational dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, school innovative management
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描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0092152508
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 秦夢群<br>吳政達zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 顏童文zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Yen, Tung Wenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 顏童文zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Yen, Tung Wenen_US
dc.date (日期) 2006en_US
dc.date.accessioned 17-九月-2009 14:59:32 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 17-九月-2009 14:59:32 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 17-九月-2009 14:59:32 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0092152508en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/32972-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 92152508zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨在瞭解當前國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之現況;分析不同背景變項在國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之差異;探討國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之關係;研究國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之預測分析;與推論國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之路徑關係。


dc.description.abstract (摘要) The main purposes of this study are: (1) to understand the present condition of dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school; (2) to analyze the diversity of different background variables in dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school; (3) to discuss the relationships between dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school; (4) to investigate the Predicted Analysis of dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school; (5) to conclude the path relationships between dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management in the elementary school.
The present study applied literature analysis and questionnaire survey method. According to related literature, the theoretical foundation was constructed and 「Elementary School Dynamic Capabilities, Organizational Health Climate, and School Innovative Management Survey Questionnaire」was organized. Ninety-three elementary schools were chosen randomly from north, central, south, and east regions in Taiwan. Totally there were 1408 elementary school teachers. Subjects’ viewpoints about Elementary School dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management were collected. The data were analyzed by Descriptive Statistic, ANOVA, Correlation Analysis, Stepwise regression, and LISREL8.71.The results are shown below:
1.About dynamic capabilities in the elementary school , technology application is the highest,then innovative learning, school positioning, and knowledge management. And administrative integration is comparatively lower than the others.
2.About organizational health climate, teacher affiliation is the highest, then collegial leadership, influence of resources, and emphasis on academic achievement. Subjectivity of institution is comparative lower than the others.
3.About school innovative management, information technology innovative management is the highest, then external relationship innovative management, administrative management innovative management, and teaching sharing innovative management. And campus planning innovative management is comparatively lower than the others.
4.Teachers, who are senior, experienced, or have administrated jobs, perceive dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management higher than young, unexperienced teachers.
5.Private school teachers’ perception of dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management is higher than public school teachers.
6.Teachers’ perception about integral dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management is higher when they teach in urban, small-scale, and newly-built schools.
7.There is high correlation association between dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management.
8.Dynamic capabilities and organizational health climate can effectively predict school innovative management.
9.The fit measures of the two-order confirmatory factor analysis model of dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, and school innovative management is good.
10.By organizational health climate, dynamic capabilities can promote school innovative management
According to studied results, some suggestions are addressed for educational administrated institutions, principals, teachers, and future researchers.
1.For educational administrated institutions
(1)Bring dynamic capabilities, health climate, and school innovative management into school evaluation indicators.
(2)Allot educational resources for public and private schools by school achievement.
(3)Rebirth old schools and promote their innovative capabilities.
2.For principals
(1)Create opportunities for senior and experienced teachers to share and pass down their experience.
(2)Provide teachers with sufficient teaching resources and help them to advance professional development.
(3)Construct creative, animate, humanistic, and health campus.
(4)Do not change prime policies due to some parents’ unreasonable demands.
3.For school teachers
(1)Integrate information and Internet technology into teaching to enhance teaching efficiency.
(2)Share teaching resources through campus information platform.
(3)Know the outside environment is changed in high-velocity and create unique innovative capabilities.
4.For future researchers
(1)There should be more subjects.
(2)Researched issue can be deeper and broader.
(3)Researched methodologies can be more multi-dimentional.
Keyword:the elementary school, organizational dynamic capabilities, organizational health climate, school innovative management
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論………………………………………………………….. 1

第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………………... 1
第二節 研究問題與假設………………………………………... 8
第三節 重要名詞釋義…………………………………………… 14
第四節 研究方法與實施流程…………………………………… 18
第五節 研究範圍與限制………………………………………… 22

第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………….. 25

第一節 學校組織動態能耐理論及其相關研究………………… 25
第二節 學校組織健康氣候理論及其相關研究………………… 60
第三節 學校創新經營理論及其相關研究……………………… 95
第四節 組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營相關研究 146

第三章 研究設計與實施…………………………………………… 161

第一節 研究架構………………………………………………. 157
第二節 研究工具………………………………………………. 158
第三節 研究對象………………………………………………. 195
第四節 資料處理………………………………………………. 200

第四章 研究結果分析與討論(一)………………………………… 205

第一節 國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之二階
驗證性因素分析……………………………… ... 205
第二節 國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之現況
分析……………………………………………... 234
第三節 不同背景變項之國民小學教師在學校組織動態能耐之差異
情形………………………………………………… ... 247
第四節 不同背景變項之國民小學教師在學校組織健康氣候之差異
情形…………………………………………………... 268
第五節 不同背景變項之國民小學教師在學校創新經營之差異
情形……………………………………………………... 289
第六節 綜合討論……………………………………………... 309

第五章 研究結果分析與討論(二)………………………………… 333

第一節 國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之相關
分析……………………………………………… 333
第二節 國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之預測
分析…………………………………………………. 337
第三節 國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之路徑
分析…………………………………………………. 358
第四節 綜合討論………………………………………………. 361

第六章 結論與建議………………………………………………… 371

第一節 結論……………………………………………………. 371
第二節 建議……………………………………………………. 378

一、中文部分…………………………………………………… 385
二、英文部分…………………………………………………… 399

附錄一 內容效度問卷(國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營調查問卷) 415
附錄二 內容效度問卷之教授推薦函(國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營調查問卷)…………………………………………………………………… 436
附錄三 預試問卷(國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營調查問卷)…… 437
附錄四 正式問卷(國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營調查問卷)…… 443
附錄五 正式問卷之教授推薦
函…………………………………………………... 448

表2-1-1 動態能耐之傳統觀點與新觀點之比較………………………………………33
表2-1-2 能耐與資源特性對於競爭之涵義……………………………………………38
表2-1-3 動態能耐的精義………………………………………………………………43
表2-2-1 組織氣候定義彙整表…………………………………………………………63
表2-2-2 學校組織氣候類型的標準概況………………………………………………70
表2-2-3 Miles組織健康氣候的面向…………………………………...........................76
表2-2-4 組織健康氣候的三種層面及七個面向之摘要表…………………………....79
表2-2-5 中等學校組織健康量表因素分析及信度考驗摘要表………………………80
表2-2-6 國民小學組織健康量表因素分析及信度考驗摘要表………………………85
表2-2-7 三種學校健康量表的比較……………………………………………………89
表2-3-1 創新的定義彙整表……………………………………………........................98
表2-3-2 組織創新的定義彙整表……………………………………...........................102
表2-3-3 組織工作環境對於組織創新的影響內涵…………………..........................107
表2-3-4 影響「企業組織」創新的因素……………………………..........................108
表2-3-5 不同組織性結構之資訊處理方式差異比較………………..........................126
表2-3-6 學校創新經營程度在背景變項上的差異……………………......................129
表2-4-1 組織創新的三大分析構面…………………………………..........................154
表3-2-1 專家內容效度諮詢名單………………………………………......................163
表3-2-2 行政整合層面之問卷題目……………………………………......................165
表3-2-3 學校定位層面之問卷題目……………………………………......................166
表3-2-4 資訊科技應用層面之問卷題目………………………………......................167
表3-2-5 組織學習層面之問卷題目……………………………………......................168
表3-2-6 創新層面之問卷題目…………………………………………......................169
表3-2-7 知識管理層面之問卷題目………………………………….……………….170
表3-2-8 策略彈性層面之問卷題目……………………………………......................171
表3-2-9 學校組織動態能耐量表因素分析及信度考驗摘要表……….......................174
表3-2-10 學校組織健康量表信度分析摘要表……………………….……………....175
表3-2-11 機構主體性層面之問卷題目…………………………….………………....177
表3-2-12 同儕領導層面之問卷題目……………………………….…………………178
表3-2-13 資源的影響性層面之問卷題目…………………………….………………179
表3-2-14 教師的凝聚力層面之問卷題目………………………….…………………180
表3-2-15 重視學業成就層面之問卷題目………………………….…………………181
表3-2-16 學校組織健康量表因素分析及信度考驗摘要表……….………………...183
表3-2-17 學校創新經營層面分析表………………………………….………………185
表3-2-18 行政管理創新經營層面之問卷題目……………………………………….187
表3-2-19 教師分享創新經營層面之問卷題目……………………………………….188
表3-2-20 課程與教學創新經營層面之問卷題目…………………………………….189
表3-2-21 外部關係創新經營層面之問卷題目………………………………………190
表3-2-22 校園規劃創新經營層面之問卷題目………………………………………192
表3-2-23 學校創新經營量表因素分析及信度考驗摘要表…………………………194
表3-3-1 本研究之預試樣本統計表…………………………………………………..197
表3-3-2 各學校規模抽取樣本一覽表………………………………………………..198
表3-3-3 抽樣校數及人數一覽表……………………………………………………..199
表4-1-1 二階驗證性因素分析模式所採用適配度指標之使用判斷標準…………..209
表4-1-2 組織動態能耐量表二階因素分析模式適配度估計結果摘要表……………215
表4-1-3 組織動態能耐量表二階因素分析模式適配情形分析摘要表……………...216
表4-1-4 組織健康氣候量表二階因素分析模式適配度估計結果摘要表…………...223
表4-1-5 組織健康氣候量表二階因素分析模式適配情形分析摘要表………………224
表4-1-6 學校創新經營量表二階因素分析模式適配度估計結果摘要表……………231
表4-1-7 學校創新經營量表二階因素分析模式適配情形分析摘要表………………232
表4-2-1 組織動態能耐總量表及各因素之平均數與標準差摘要表…………………235
表4-2-2 組織動態能耐量表各題目之平均數與標準差摘要表………………………237
表4-2-3 組織健康氣候總量表及各因素之平均數與標準差摘要表…………………239
表4-2-4 組織健康氣候量表各題目之平均數與標準差摘要表………………………241
表4-2-5 學校創新經營總量表及各因素之平均數與標準差摘要表…………………243
表4-2-6 學校創新經營量表各題目之平均數與標準差摘要表………………………245
表4-3-1 不同性別之教師在組織動態能耐總量表之平均數考驗摘要表……………247
表4-3-2 不同性別之教師在組織動態能耐各因素之平均數考驗摘要表……………248
表4-3-3 不同年齡之教師在組織動態能耐總量表之單因子變異數分析摘要表……249
表4-3-4 不同年齡之教師在組織動態能耐各因素之單因子變異數分析摘要表……251
表4-3-5 不同學歷之教師在組織動態能耐總量表之單因子變異數分析摘要表……252
表4-3-6 不同學歷之教師在組織動態能耐各因素之單因子變異數分析摘要表……253
表4-3-7 不同職務之教師在組織動態能耐總量表之單因子變異數分析摘要表……254
表4-3-12 不同學校性質之教師在組織動態能耐各因素之平均數考驗摘要表……..260
表4-3-13 不同所在地之教師在組織動態能耐總量表之單因子變異數分析摘要表..261
表4-3-14 不同所在地之教師在組織動態能耐各因素之單因子變異數分析摘要表..262
表4-3-15 不同學校規模之教師在組織動態能耐總量表之單因子變異數分析表…..263
表4-3-17 不同學校歷史教師在組織動態能耐總量表之單因子變異數分析摘要表..265
表4-3-18 不同學校歷史教師在組織動態能耐各因素之單因子變異數分析摘要表..267
表4-4-1 不同性別之教師在組織健康氣候總量表之平均數考驗摘要表……………268
表4-4-2 不同性別之教師在組織健康氣候各各因素之平均數考驗摘要表…………269
表4-4-3 不同年齡之教師在組織健康氣候總量表之單因子變異數分析摘要表........270
表4-4-4 不同年齡之教師在組織健康氣候各因素之單因子變異數分析摘要表……272
表4-4-6 不同學歷之教師在組織健康氣候各因素之單因子變異數分析摘要表……274
表4-4-7 不同職務之教師在組織健康氣候總量表之單因子變異數分析摘要表……275
表4-4-8 不同職務之教師在組織健康氣候各因素之單因子變異數分析摘要表……276
表4-4-9 不同年資之教師在組織健康氣候總量表之單因子變異數分析摘要表……277
表4-4-10 不同年資之教師在組織健康氣候各因素之單因子變異數分析摘要表…..279
表4-4-11 不同學校性質之教師在組織健康氣候總量表之平均數考驗摘要表……..280
表4-4-12 不同學校性質之教師在組織健康氣候各因素之平均數考驗摘要表……..281
表4-4-13 不同任職所在地之教師在組織健康氣候總量表之單因子變異數分析表..282
表4-4-15 不同學校規模之教師在組織健康氣候總量表之單因子變異數分析表…..284
表4-4-16 不同學校規模之教師在組織健康氣候各因素之單因子變異數分析表…..286
表4-4-17 不同學校歷史之教師在組織健康氣候總量表之單因子變異數分析表…..287
表4-4-18 不同學校歷史之教師在組織健康氣候各因素之單因子變異數分析表.....288
表4-5-1 不同性別之教師在學校創新經營總量表之平均數考驗摘要表………......289
表4-5-2 不同性別之教師在學校創新經營各因素之平均數考驗摘要表……….....290
表4-5-3 不同年齡之教師在學校創新經營總量表之單因子變異數分析摘要表….291
表4-5-4 不同年齡之教師在學校創新經營各因素之單因子變異數分析摘要表….293
表4-5-5 不同學歷之教師在學校創新經營總量表之單因子變異數分析摘要表…..294
表4-5-6 不同學歷之教師在學校創新經營各因素之單因子變異數分析摘要表…..295
表4-5-7 不同職務之教師在學校創新經營總量表之單因子變異數分析摘要表…..296
表4-5-8 不同職務之教師在學校創新經營各因素之單因子變異數分析摘要表…..297
表4-5-9 不同年資之教師在學校創新經營總量表之單因子變異數分析摘要表…..298
表4-5-10 不同年資之教師在學校創新經營各因素之單因子變異數分析摘要表….300
表4-5-11 不同學校性質之教師在學校創新經營總量表之平均數考驗摘要表…….301
表4-5-12 不同學校性質之教師在學校創新經營各因素之平均數考驗摘要表……..302
表4-5-13 不同任職所在地之教師在學校創新經營總量表之單因子變異數分析表..303
表4-5-16 不同學校規模之教師在學校創新經營各因素之單因子變異數分析表…..306
表5-1-1 學校組織動態能耐與學校創新經營之積差相關摘要表……………………334
表5-1-2 學校組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之積差相關摘要表……………………335
表5-1-3 學校組織動態能耐與組織健康氣候之積差相關摘要表……………………336
表5-1-4 學校組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營之積差相關摘要表…336
表5-2-1 組織動態能耐各層面預測「行政管理創新經營」之逐步多元迴歸摘要表…338
表5-2-2 組織動態能耐各層面預測「資訊科技創新經營」之逐步多元迴歸摘要表…339
表5-2-3 組織動態能耐各層面預測「教學分享創新經營」之逐步多元迴歸摘要表…341
表5-2-6 組織動態能耐各層面預測整體學校創新經營之逐步多元迴歸摘要表……345
表5-2-7 組織健康氣候各層面預測「行政管理創新經營」之逐步多元迴歸摘要表..347
表5-2-8 組織健康氣候各層面預測「資訊科技創新經營」之逐步多元迴歸摘要表..348
表5-2-9 組織健康氣候各層面預測「教學分享創新經營」之逐步多元迴歸摘要表..350
表5-2-10 組織健康氣候各層面預測「外部關係創新經營」之逐步多元迴歸摘要表..352
表5-2-11 組織健康氣候各層面預測「校園規劃創新經營」之逐步多元迴歸摘要表..354
表5-2-12 組織健康氣候各層面預測整體學校創新經營之逐步多元迴歸摘要表…..356
圖1-4-1 實施流程圖…………………………………………………………………….21
圖2-1-1 組織的資源與能耐類型……………………………………………………….38
圖2-2-1 學校組織氣候類型…………………………………………………………….70
圖2-3-1 學校創新經營的內涵…………………………………………........................122
圖2-3-2 優質學校創新經營的可行策略………………………………........................131
圖3-1-1 研究架構圖……………………………………………………........................161
圖3-2-1 研究工具的編製過程…………………………………………........................162
圖4-1-1 學校組織動態能耐量表二階驗證性因素分析模式關係圖………………...212
圖4-1-2 學校組織動態能耐量表二階驗證性因素分析模式之標準化參數圖………217
圖4-1-3 學校組織健康氣候量表二階驗證性因素分析模式關係圖…………………220
圖4-1-4 學校組織健康氣候量表二階驗證性因素分析模式之標準化參數圖………225
圖4-1-5 學校創新經營量表二階驗證性因素分析模式關係圖………………………228
圖4-1-6 學校創新經營量表二階驗證性因素分析模式之標準化參數圖……………233
圖5-4-1 直接暨間接效果模式…………………………………………………………358
圖5-4-2 直接暨間接效果模式標準化路徑分析圖……………………………………359
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0092152508en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 國民小學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織動態能耐zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織健康氣候zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 學校創新經營zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) the elementary schoolen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) organizational dynamic capabilitiesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) organizational health climateen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) school innovative managementen_US
dc.title (題名) 國民小學組織動態能耐、組織健康氣候與學校創新經營關係之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study on Relationships between the Dynamic Capabilities and Organizational Health Climate and School Innovative Management in Elementary Schoolen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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