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題名 | 學科型教室與教學效能之研究-以國立政大附中為例 Research on Variation Type Classroom and Teaching Effectiveness-A case study on The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University |
作者 | 吳珮君 |
貢獻者 | 湯志民 吳珮君 |
關鍵詞 | 學科型教室 教學效能 Variation Type Classroom Teaching Effectiveness |
日期 | 2005 |
上傳時間 | 17-九月-2009 15:01:05 (UTC+8) |
摘要 | 本研究以政大附中為個案研究對象,旨在瞭解政大附中學科型教室的規劃理念、調查政大附中學科型教室的運用現況、探討政大附中教師對學科型教室的使用感受、分析政大附中學科型教室與教學效能的關係,進而根據研究結果提出對未來研究之建議,以供後進學校規劃學科型教室之參考。 為達此研究目的,目前政大附中共有24位教師,皆為本研究之問卷調查對象,並訪談政大附中6位教師、實地觀察一位教師上課情形。在資料分析上,問卷調查的結果主要以次數百分比統計及平均數分析,以內容分析法分析訪談所得資料,以描述性的方式記錄實地觀察過程。從研究結果發現得到以下結論: ㄧ、政大附中學科型教室規劃理念秉持空間有效利用、妥善配置及教室使用效 能提升的原則 二、政大附中學科教室情境佈置內容多元豐富,多以學科知識為主,輔以班級 事務,常見學生駐足閱覽 三、政大附中學科教室裡教學資訊設備豐富,教師不僅能熟練地使用學科教室 的資訊設備,且對資訊設備有助教學內容的呈現、教學效果的提升,持肯 定態度 四、政大附中教師肯定教學研究室有助教師交換教學經驗、情感交流、放鬆壓 力及提升教學效果的功能 五、政大附中教師肯定學科型教室之設計意義及運作方式,共用學科教室之教 師,會彼此溝通協調意見 六、學科型教室使用現況與教師教學效能之「教學自我效能信念」、「系統呈 現教材內容」、「多元有效教學技術」、「有效運用教學時間」、「建立 和諧師生關係」、「營造良好班級氣氛」,以及「整體教師教學效能」具 有顯著相關 本研究依據結論,提出建議如下: ㄧ、學科型教室設計有其價值,值得推廣 二、教師可善用學科教室便於進行情境佈置之優點,強化以學科內容相關知識 充實教室情境佈置 三、學科型教室教學設備豐富,教師需提升教學設備使用的知能 四、學校可規劃教學研究室讓同科教師在一起,以利專業對話 五、共用學科教室之教師,應透過溝通協調達成共識 六、學科型教室設計為因應「班級」的需求,需有妥善配套措施 七、學科型教室係因學生需移動到各學科教室上課,應妥善規劃動線 八、未來研究可以進一步地針對採行學科型教室的不同學校,從事長期性的研 究,以瞭解不同學校學科型教室的運作現況及績效 By conducting a case study on The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University, the research aims to penetrate the concept of organizing Variation type classrooms, investigate the school’s utilization of such classrooms, discuss the teachers’ feedback, and analyze the classrooms’ relation to teaching effectiveness. Further suggestions are made according to the research results for schools’ reference when it comes to the organization of Variation Type Classrooms. To achieve the above purposes, 24 teachers of The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University conducted the survey questionnaires, with 6 teachers interviewed and one observed in class. As for data analysis, the questionnaires were analyzed in terms of frequency portion percentage and mean. On the other hand, content analysis was conducted on the information obtained through interviews and the observation process was documented with truthful description. The following conclusion can be derived from the research results: 1. The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University organized Variation type classrooms with the principle of effective space utilization, proper arrangement and elevated class efficacy. 2. The subject classrooms in Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University are decorated with abundant and diverse subject knowledge supplemented with class affairs that often attract students to read. 3. The subject classrooms in Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University are equipped with abundant information equipment for teaching. Teachers are proficient in the application of such equipment and hold positive opinion on its help with the presentation of teaching contents and the improvement of teaching effectiveness. 4. The teachers of Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University confirm that teaching labs can help teachers exchange teaching experience, share emotions, alleviate pressure and improve teaching effectiveness. 5. The teachers of The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University approve of the design idea and operation of Variation Type Classrooms. Teachers sharing the same subject classroom can communicate and coordinate with one another. 6. The utilization status of Variation Type Classrooms are closely related to the teaching effectiveness in terms of “self-efficacy for teaching”, “systematic presentation of teaching materials”, “diverse and effective teaching methods”, “effective use of teaching sessions”, “establishment of harmonious relationship between teachers and students”, “creation of pleasant class atmosphere” and “overall teaching efficacy of teachers”. The following suggestions are proposed based on the research results: 1.The design of Variation Type Classrooms is of great value and worthy of promotion. 2.Teachers can furnish subject classrooms with thematic decoration and supplement with subject-related materials. 3.Teachers have to improve their proficiency of teaching equipment operation in order to make use of the abundant teaching equipment in Variation Type Classrooms. 4.Schools can arrange teaching labs so that teachers of the same subject can gather to facilitate professional dialogue. 5.Teachers sharing the same subject classroom should reach consensus through communication and coordination. 6.Supplementary measures must be taken for Variation Type Classrooms to meet the demands of classes. 7.Students have to move to each subject classroom in the Variation Type Classrooms. Therefore, the routes must be carefully designed. 8.Further studies are encouraged to conduct long-term surveys on different schools adopting Variation Type Classrooms to better understand the operation status and effectiveness of such classrooms. |
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描述 | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育研究所 93152023 94 |
資料來源 | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093152023 |
資料類型 | thesis |
dc.contributor.advisor | 湯志民 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author (作者) | 吳珮君 | zh_TW |
dc.creator (作者) | 吳珮君 | zh_TW |
dc.date (日期) | 2005 | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 17-九月-2009 15:01:05 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.available | 17-九月-2009 15:01:05 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) | 17-九月-2009 15:01:05 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) | G0093152023 | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri (URI) | https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/32981 | - |
dc.description (描述) | 碩士 | zh_TW |
dc.description (描述) | 國立政治大學 | zh_TW |
dc.description (描述) | 教育研究所 | zh_TW |
dc.description (描述) | 93152023 | zh_TW |
dc.description (描述) | 94 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | 本研究以政大附中為個案研究對象,旨在瞭解政大附中學科型教室的規劃理念、調查政大附中學科型教室的運用現況、探討政大附中教師對學科型教室的使用感受、分析政大附中學科型教室與教學效能的關係,進而根據研究結果提出對未來研究之建議,以供後進學校規劃學科型教室之參考。 為達此研究目的,目前政大附中共有24位教師,皆為本研究之問卷調查對象,並訪談政大附中6位教師、實地觀察一位教師上課情形。在資料分析上,問卷調查的結果主要以次數百分比統計及平均數分析,以內容分析法分析訪談所得資料,以描述性的方式記錄實地觀察過程。從研究結果發現得到以下結論: ㄧ、政大附中學科型教室規劃理念秉持空間有效利用、妥善配置及教室使用效 能提升的原則 二、政大附中學科教室情境佈置內容多元豐富,多以學科知識為主,輔以班級 事務,常見學生駐足閱覽 三、政大附中學科教室裡教學資訊設備豐富,教師不僅能熟練地使用學科教室 的資訊設備,且對資訊設備有助教學內容的呈現、教學效果的提升,持肯 定態度 四、政大附中教師肯定教學研究室有助教師交換教學經驗、情感交流、放鬆壓 力及提升教學效果的功能 五、政大附中教師肯定學科型教室之設計意義及運作方式,共用學科教室之教 師,會彼此溝通協調意見 六、學科型教室使用現況與教師教學效能之「教學自我效能信念」、「系統呈 現教材內容」、「多元有效教學技術」、「有效運用教學時間」、「建立 和諧師生關係」、「營造良好班級氣氛」,以及「整體教師教學效能」具 有顯著相關 本研究依據結論,提出建議如下: ㄧ、學科型教室設計有其價值,值得推廣 二、教師可善用學科教室便於進行情境佈置之優點,強化以學科內容相關知識 充實教室情境佈置 三、學科型教室教學設備豐富,教師需提升教學設備使用的知能 四、學校可規劃教學研究室讓同科教師在一起,以利專業對話 五、共用學科教室之教師,應透過溝通協調達成共識 六、學科型教室設計為因應「班級」的需求,需有妥善配套措施 七、學科型教室係因學生需移動到各學科教室上課,應妥善規劃動線 八、未來研究可以進一步地針對採行學科型教室的不同學校,從事長期性的研 究,以瞭解不同學校學科型教室的運作現況及績效 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | By conducting a case study on The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University, the research aims to penetrate the concept of organizing Variation type classrooms, investigate the school’s utilization of such classrooms, discuss the teachers’ feedback, and analyze the classrooms’ relation to teaching effectiveness. Further suggestions are made according to the research results for schools’ reference when it comes to the organization of Variation Type Classrooms. To achieve the above purposes, 24 teachers of The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University conducted the survey questionnaires, with 6 teachers interviewed and one observed in class. As for data analysis, the questionnaires were analyzed in terms of frequency portion percentage and mean. On the other hand, content analysis was conducted on the information obtained through interviews and the observation process was documented with truthful description. The following conclusion can be derived from the research results: 1. The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University organized Variation type classrooms with the principle of effective space utilization, proper arrangement and elevated class efficacy. 2. The subject classrooms in Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University are decorated with abundant and diverse subject knowledge supplemented with class affairs that often attract students to read. 3. The subject classrooms in Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University are equipped with abundant information equipment for teaching. Teachers are proficient in the application of such equipment and hold positive opinion on its help with the presentation of teaching contents and the improvement of teaching effectiveness. 4. The teachers of Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University confirm that teaching labs can help teachers exchange teaching experience, share emotions, alleviate pressure and improve teaching effectiveness. 5. The teachers of The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University approve of the design idea and operation of Variation Type Classrooms. Teachers sharing the same subject classroom can communicate and coordinate with one another. 6. The utilization status of Variation Type Classrooms are closely related to the teaching effectiveness in terms of “self-efficacy for teaching”, “systematic presentation of teaching materials”, “diverse and effective teaching methods”, “effective use of teaching sessions”, “establishment of harmonious relationship between teachers and students”, “creation of pleasant class atmosphere” and “overall teaching efficacy of teachers”. The following suggestions are proposed based on the research results: 1.The design of Variation Type Classrooms is of great value and worthy of promotion. 2.Teachers can furnish subject classrooms with thematic decoration and supplement with subject-related materials. 3.Teachers have to improve their proficiency of teaching equipment operation in order to make use of the abundant teaching equipment in Variation Type Classrooms. 4.Schools can arrange teaching labs so that teachers of the same subject can gather to facilitate professional dialogue. 5.Teachers sharing the same subject classroom should reach consensus through communication and coordination. 6.Supplementary measures must be taken for Variation Type Classrooms to meet the demands of classes. 7.Students have to move to each subject classroom in the Variation Type Classrooms. Therefore, the routes must be carefully designed. 8.Further studies are encouraged to conduct long-term surveys on different schools adopting Variation Type Classrooms to better understand the operation status and effectiveness of such classrooms. | en_US |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 第一章 緒 論…………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………………… 1 第二節 研究問題………………………………………………… 5 第三節 重要名詞釋義…………………………………………… 6 第四節 研究範圍與限制………………………………………… 8 第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………… 11 第一節 學科型教室空間規劃的意涵…………………………… 11 第二節 教學效能的理論與相關研究…………………………… 29 第三節 教室空間規劃與教學效能的相關研究………………… 52 第三章 研究方法………………………………………………… 67 第一節 研究架構………………………………………………… 67 第二節 研究對象………………………………………………… 69 第三節 研究工具………………………………………………… 74 第四節 實施程序………………………………………………… 77 第五節 資料處理………………………………………………… 80 第四章 研究結果之分析與討論………………………………… 83 第一節 學科型教室規劃理念之分析…………………………… 83 第二節 學科型教室使用現況之分析…………………………… 91 第三節 學科型教室與教學效能關係之分析……………………110 第四節 綜合討論…………………………………………………138 第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………161 第一節 結論………………………………………………………161 第二節 建議………………………………………………………167 參考書目…………………………………………………………171 中文部分…………………………………………………………171 英文部分…………………………………………………………178 日文部分…………………………………………………………181 附錄 附錄一 政大附中基本資料…………………………………………182 附錄二 問卷使用同意書……………………………………………183 附錄三 學科型教室與教學效能之研究教師調查問卷(專家審查 問卷)………………………………………………………184 附錄四 學科型教室與教學效能之研究教師調查問卷(正式問卷) ………………………………………………………………190 附錄五 行政人員訪談大綱…………………………………………194 附錄六 教師訪談大綱………………………………………………195 | zh_TW |
dc.format.extent | 47110 bytes | - |
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dc.language.iso | en_US | - |
dc.source.uri (資料來源) | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093152023 | en_US |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 學科型教室 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 教學效能 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Variation Type Classroom | en_US |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Teaching Effectiveness | en_US |
dc.title (題名) | 學科型教室與教學效能之研究-以國立政大附中為例 | zh_TW |
dc.title (題名) | Research on Variation Type Classroom and Teaching Effectiveness-A case study on The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University | en_US |
dc.type (資料類型) | thesis | en |
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