
題名 運用衛星互動電視平衡城鄉教育資源落差之研究-以「魔速英語夏令營」遠距同步視訊教學為例
Interactive Satellite Television as a Solution to Redeem the Educational Resources Disparity between Urban and Rural Areas-A Case Study by a Simultaneous Distance Learning Project "Magic English Camp"
作者 康志彬
Kang, Chih-Pin
貢獻者 劉幼琍
Liu, Yu-Li
Kang, Chih-Pin
關鍵詞 互動電視
Interactive TV
Educational resources
日期 2004
上傳時間 17-九月-2009 15:27:46 (UTC+8)
摘要 為能落實教育公平競爭原則,縮短城鄉教育資源落差,教育部於二○○二年暑假期間辦理了名為「魔速英語夏令營」的偏遠學校遠距教學活動,這是我國首次運用衛星從事現場直播教學,並搭配數位學習平台功能,讓各地的偏遠學生都能透過教室的投影幕上課,這樣的教學模式,除了讓各地學生能夠同步接觸到一致的教學內容外,學生也可以和教師同步做視訊即時互動與溝通;「魔速英語夏令營」教學實驗案結束後受到各界好評與關注,總計全國有超過1,500位偏遠地區學生因而受惠。本研究即是以運用「衛星互動電視」提供「遠距同步視訊教學」目的為探討起始,輔以「魔速英語夏令營」個案,試圖了解目前直播衛星電視應用於遠距教學的發展方式,再透過檢視影音互動教學的效益,來審視運用新科技來平衡城鄉教育資源落差的可能性;而為求研究結果周延與客觀,本研究除了廣泛蒐集閱讀相關文獻、專論、中外期刊及書籍之外,並採用「參與觀察」、「文獻分析」、「個案研究」以及「次級資料引用與整理」等研究方法進行探究,進而取得在理論與實務上的具體建議。


Interactive Satellite Television as a Solution to Redeem the Educational Resources Disparity between Urban and Rural Areas-A Case Study by a Simultaneous Distance Learning Project "Magic English Camp"

This thesis was based on simultaneous distance learning made possible through “Interactive Satellite TV” and the “Magic English Camp” case-study to investigate development of the convergence of satellite television and distance learning. By evaluating this case-study of interactive virtual video pedagogy, the project intended to identify and understand how new technologies can “equilibrate” the digital divide between urban and rural areas. As an employee of ERA Digital Media Corporation, the author was able to take part in the preparation of The Magic English Camp event program and closely follow its evolution and outcome. In order to pursue comprehensive and objective results, this project required extensive research and work on journals, periodicals, publications etc. Furthermore, this project conducted "Participant Observation", "Literature Analysis" and "Secondary Research" methodology along with "Case Study Analysis" for both theoretical and practical concrete suggestions.

To sum up, the results of this thesis indicate the following: 1. continuously to use the “Interactive Satellite TV” can step-by-step to improve the educational resource disparity in urban and rural area. 2. Simultaneous Distance learning leveled the playing field for children in rural areas who were now able to benefit both from advanced educational material and the teaching of native English-speakers. 3. The effect of multi-media pedagogy is significant. Real-time instruction and simultaneous visual and audio pedagogy captured attention, motivated learning and increased learning efficiency. 4. It is easier to build the “Interactive Satellite TV system” that could be used repeatedly. With high speed mass data transmission as a characteristic and priority, satellite and internet made it possible to establish a “Simultaneous Distance learning Platform” thus making it more facile to access instruction for students without geographic limitations. Moreover, there are two suggestions for this research: 1. Combine the most of educational resources and to produce the synchronous video-information courses for the people. 2. To build up the distance learning platform for everyone students in the whole environment, and standardize the process to reach the goal of educational resources of equilibrium.

Keyword(s): Educational resources, e-Learning, Interactive TV, Satellite.
參考文獻 中文部分
田家琪(2000)。〈Internet 與傳統媒體牽手大放電─從美國近年來的併購案談起〉。台灣經濟研究月刊,272期。
洪明洲(1999),大學教學理念與技術的演進-網路教學與學習效果之改善實例, 台大管理論壇。取自:
泰普史考特著,陳曉開、袁世珮譯。《N世代:主導21世紀數位生活的新新族群》。台北:麥格羅希爾。(原書Tapscott, D.(1998). Growing up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation, New York: McGraw-Hill.)
陳年興、王敏煌(1997)。《Web 上Courseware 製作之輔助工具》。第八屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集。
九年一貫教學創新語文領域網站 http://linux.gces.cy.edu.tw/~lan
英國經濟學人 http:// www.eiu.com
研考會縮短數位落差網站 http://www.digitaldivide.nat.gov.tw
經濟部工業局數位學習發展計畫 http://www.elearn.org.tw
資策會數位學習技術中心 http://www.iiiedu.org.tw
數位學習國家型科技計畫 http://elnp.ncu.edu.tw
APT Satellite Holdings Ltd. http://www.apstar.com
BskyB http://www.sky.com
DirecTV http://www.directv.com
EchoStar http://www.echostar.com
Hughes Network Systems http://www.hns.com
IDATE http://www.idate.org
Yahoo! BB http://bbpromo.yahoo.co.jp
Atwere, D. & Bates, P. (2003). Interactive TV: a learning platform with potential. London: Learning and Skills Development Agency.
Economist Intellegence Unit (2004). The 2003 e-learning readiness rankings. London: EIU.
Earl, B. (1998). The Practice of Social Research, Edition: 8th Edition, Binding: Hardback Publisher: International Thomson Publish.
Holmberg, B. (1995). Theory and Practice of Distance Education. London: Routledge.
IDATE (1997). Industrial Analyses: The Internet and Television, Montpellier: IDATE.
Keegan, J. (1986). The Foundations of Distance Education and Theories of Distance Education. In Sewart (Ed.), Distance Education: International perspectives, London: Croom Helm.
Khan, H. (1997). "Web-based instruction (WBI): What Is It and Why is It?" In Khan, Badrul H. (Ed) Web-based Instruction, Englewood Cliff, NJ: Educational Technology Publication.
Kim, P. & Sawhney, H. (2002). A Machine-like New Medium – Theoretical Examination of Interactive TV. Media, Culture and Society, Vol. 24, pp. 217–233.
Moore, G. & Kearsley, G. (1996). Distance Education: A System View. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Moore, G., Cookson, P., Donaldson, J. & Quigley, B. (Eds.) (1990). Contemporary Issues in American Distance Education. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Smith, L. & Regan, J. (1993). Instructional Design. New York: Macmillan Publishing.
Stewart, D. W., Kamins, M. A. (2000)。次級資料研究法(Secondary Research)。台北:弘智。
Taylor, E., Meyerson, W. & Massy, F. (1993). Strategic indicators for higher education : Improving performance. New Jersey : Peterson`s Guides.
Urdan, A. & Weggen, C. (2000) Corporate E-learning: Exploring a New Frontier, March, WR Hambrecht+co.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090941011
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉幼琍zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Liu, Yu-Lien_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 康志彬zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Kang, Chih-Pinen_US
dc.creator (作者) 康志彬zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Kang, Chih-Pinen_US
dc.date (日期) 2004en_US
dc.date.accessioned 17-九月-2009 15:27:46 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 17-九月-2009 15:27:46 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 17-九月-2009 15:27:46 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0090941011en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/33083-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 傳播學院碩士在職專班zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 90941011zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 93zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 為能落實教育公平競爭原則,縮短城鄉教育資源落差,教育部於二○○二年暑假期間辦理了名為「魔速英語夏令營」的偏遠學校遠距教學活動,這是我國首次運用衛星從事現場直播教學,並搭配數位學習平台功能,讓各地的偏遠學生都能透過教室的投影幕上課,這樣的教學模式,除了讓各地學生能夠同步接觸到一致的教學內容外,學生也可以和教師同步做視訊即時互動與溝通;「魔速英語夏令營」教學實驗案結束後受到各界好評與關注,總計全國有超過1,500位偏遠地區學生因而受惠。本研究即是以運用「衛星互動電視」提供「遠距同步視訊教學」目的為探討起始,輔以「魔速英語夏令營」個案,試圖了解目前直播衛星電視應用於遠距教學的發展方式,再透過檢視影音互動教學的效益,來審視運用新科技來平衡城鄉教育資源落差的可能性;而為求研究結果周延與客觀,本研究除了廣泛蒐集閱讀相關文獻、專論、中外期刊及書籍之外,並採用「參與觀察」、「文獻分析」、「個案研究」以及「次級資料引用與整理」等研究方法進行探究,進而取得在理論與實務上的具體建議。


dc.description.abstract (摘要) Interactive Satellite Television as a Solution to Redeem the Educational Resources Disparity between Urban and Rural Areas-A Case Study by a Simultaneous Distance Learning Project "Magic English Camp"

This thesis was based on simultaneous distance learning made possible through “Interactive Satellite TV” and the “Magic English Camp” case-study to investigate development of the convergence of satellite television and distance learning. By evaluating this case-study of interactive virtual video pedagogy, the project intended to identify and understand how new technologies can “equilibrate” the digital divide between urban and rural areas. As an employee of ERA Digital Media Corporation, the author was able to take part in the preparation of The Magic English Camp event program and closely follow its evolution and outcome. In order to pursue comprehensive and objective results, this project required extensive research and work on journals, periodicals, publications etc. Furthermore, this project conducted "Participant Observation", "Literature Analysis" and "Secondary Research" methodology along with "Case Study Analysis" for both theoretical and practical concrete suggestions.

To sum up, the results of this thesis indicate the following: 1. continuously to use the “Interactive Satellite TV” can step-by-step to improve the educational resource disparity in urban and rural area. 2. Simultaneous Distance learning leveled the playing field for children in rural areas who were now able to benefit both from advanced educational material and the teaching of native English-speakers. 3. The effect of multi-media pedagogy is significant. Real-time instruction and simultaneous visual and audio pedagogy captured attention, motivated learning and increased learning efficiency. 4. It is easier to build the “Interactive Satellite TV system” that could be used repeatedly. With high speed mass data transmission as a characteristic and priority, satellite and internet made it possible to establish a “Simultaneous Distance learning Platform” thus making it more facile to access instruction for students without geographic limitations. Moreover, there are two suggestions for this research: 1. Combine the most of educational resources and to produce the synchronous video-information courses for the people. 2. To build up the distance learning platform for everyone students in the whole environment, and standardize the process to reach the goal of educational resources of equilibrium.

Keyword(s): Educational resources, e-Learning, Interactive TV, Satellite.
dc.description.tableofcontents 誌謝 i
論文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機 3
第二節 研究問題與研究目的 6
第三節 研究方法 9
第四節 研究範圍與名詞定義 13
第五節 研究流程與研究架構 14
第二章 文獻探討 17
第一節 直播衛星結合教育學習 17
第二節 互動電視型態綜覽 19
第三節 教育資源落差形成之因素 31
第四節 遠距教學之演進與發展 33
第三章 教學模式與城鄉教育資源落差 43
第一節 教學模式發展與分析 43
第二節 平衡城鄉教育資源落差 64
小結 72
第四章 個案研究-魔速英語夏令營 75
第一節 個案起始 75
第二節 技術架構及教學平台運作 80
第三節 遠距同步視訊教學模式 87
第四節 教學成果問卷分析 94
小結 107
第五章 遠距同步視訊教學效益與啟示 113
第一節 個案效益和周邊綜效 113
第二節 跨產業整合與科技匯流 115
第三節 教學革新與啟示 119
小結 124
第六章 結論與建議 127
第一節 結論 127
第二節 建議 131
第三節 研究限制 133
第四節 後續研究建議 133
參考資料 137
中文部分 137
網址部份 139
英文部分 140
附錄 141
附錄一:我國各縣市偏遠學校分類統計表 141
附錄二:「魔速英語夏令營」參與學校設備調查統計 142
附錄三:「魔速英語夏令營」每週施教課程表 144
附錄四:學生問卷範本 146
附錄五:教學成果問卷調查統計表(老師部分) 149
附錄六:學習成果問卷調查統計表(學生部分) 153
附錄七:「魔速英語夏令營」新聞媒體報導彙編 155
附錄八:超越課堂的學習經驗-記「魔速英語夏令營」 161


圖1-1「遠距同步視訊教學」示意圖 4
圖1-2 研究架構流程圖 15
圖3-1 學習領域區分圖 45
圖3-2 衛星教學模式示意圖 56
圖3-3「遠距同步視訊教學」與「網路教學」成本比較圖 61
圖3-4 衛星遠距教學進行方式圖 62
圖4-1「遠距同步視訊教學」課程進行方式 81
圖4-2「魔速英語夏令營」遠距視訊教學軟體平台介面 83
圖4-3 南投光復國小教學實況 87
圖4-4 教室設置關係圖 88
圖4-5「魔速英語夏令營」教學實況影像圖 89
圖4-6 學習效果關係圖 90
圖4-7「魔速英語夏令營」教師端攝影棚實況 91
圖4-8 學習狀況調查 95
圖4-9 學習效益調查 96
圖4-10 互動效果調查 96
圖4-11 影響教學品質呈現的原因調查 97
圖4-12 教師認為本計畫是否有助於縮短城鄉教育落差比例 97
圖4-13 教學模式位教師帶來的好處 98
圖4-14 納入正規課程意願之調查 98
圖4-15 教師認為還有哪些學科適用這樣的平台教學模式 98
圖4-16 是否贊成成為師資培訓平台 99
圖4-17 願意負擔費用參加課程比例 99
圖4-18 師資培訓課程期望 100
圖4-19 學生喜歡「魔速英語夏令營」的程度 101
圖4-20 學生喜歡外籍老師上課方式之比例 101
圖4-21 學生喜歡玩遊戲時間比例圖 102
圖4-22 學生喜歡唱英文歌時間比例圖 102
圖4-23 學生最喜歡上「魔速英語夏令營」的哪一種課 103
圖4-24 學生自覺最大收穫調查 104
圖4-25 願意再次上課意願比例 104
圖4-26「遠距同步視訊教學平台」優勢圖 110
圖5-1「遠距同步視訊教學」產業應用聚合圖 116
圖5-2 遠距同步互動教學發展脈絡圖 121
圖5-3「遠距同步視訊教學平台」教學資源統整圖 123


表3-1 教學方式優缺點比較表 44
表3-2 網路視訊教學與傳統方式比較表 60
表3-3 教育部改善偏遠地區資訊學習經費補助統計表 69
表4-1「魔速英語夏令營」學校名單及參加上課學生人數表 78
表4-2「遠距同步視訊教學」軟硬體建置表 82
表4-3 師生教學管理系統功能表 85
表4-4 教學管理系統功能表 86
表4-5「魔速英語夏令營」每日課程規劃表 93
表5-1 三網合一整合趨勢表 117
表5-2 直播衛星教學業者S.W.O.T.分析表 118
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090941011en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 互動電視zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 直播衛星zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教育資源落差zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 遠距教學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位學習zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Interactive TVen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Satelliteen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Educational resourcesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) e-Learningen_US
dc.title (題名) 運用衛星互動電視平衡城鄉教育資源落差之研究-以「魔速英語夏令營」遠距同步視訊教學為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Interactive Satellite Television as a Solution to Redeem the Educational Resources Disparity between Urban and Rural Areas-A Case Study by a Simultaneous Distance Learning Project "Magic English Camp"en_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中嘉網路(2003)。〈數位互動電視收視戶意見調查報告〉。台北:中嘉網路顧問公司。取自:http://www.cns.net.tw/company_news02.php?news=6zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 比爾•蓋玆著,王美音譯(1996)。《擁抱未來》。台北:遠流。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 王國明、顧志遠(1994)。〈高等教育資源分配模式研究〉。台灣教育,528期。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 王國雍(1995)。〈互動式電視之展望〉。電腦與通訊,38期。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 王梅玲(2002)。〈資訊地球村課程單元九:全球網路學習〉。取自:http://www3.nccu.edu.tw/~meilingw/globe/u9/webpage/u9_pt1.htmlzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 田家琪(2000)。〈Internet 與傳統媒體牽手大放電─從美國近年來的併購案談起〉。台灣經濟研究月刊,272期。zh_TW
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