
題名 台灣電視記者一窩蜂新聞產製下的死結與活路-以重大社會事件報導為例
Surviving Way and Dead End of TV Journalists in Pack Journalism:A Case Study of Breaking News
作者 邱鈺婷
Chiu,Yu Ting
貢獻者 許瓊文
Hsu, C. W.
Chiu,Yu Ting
關鍵詞 新聞同質化
News homogeneity
News production
Pack Journalism
Journalists’ interactive relationship
Bourdieu’s Journalistic Field Theory
日期 2006
上傳時間 17-九月-2009 15:39:12 (UTC+8)
摘要 近幾年,台灣雖然有線頻道的開放,新聞媒體如雨後春筍冒出,但並無走向自由主義所奉行的「獨佔產生一致、競爭造成多元」的局面,反而造就新聞內容高度同質化、貧乏化與劣質化,基層新聞從業人員聲譽也每況愈下,飽受雙重壓力,外有各界針貶責難、內臨組織管理階層的不公平待遇。
      本研究以「一窩蜂新聞學」(Pack Journalism)為根基,並以以「記者一窩蜂動作」為經,「與同業(同事)、決策者的互動關係」為緯,並援引Bourdieu新聞場域理論與Giddens的結構行動論,解析造成一窩蜂新聞產製與新聞同質化的內(記者個人心理)、外(新聞結構)在因素。
In recent years, although Taiwan’s Government has allowed cable television stations to open and news media have expanded quickly, the development of television media deviates from the Liberalists’ ideal: monopoly leads to consistence, competition forms diversity. On the contrary, not only does Taiwan’s news content tend toward homogeneity and mediocrity, but also the status of journalists has gone from bad to worse. Journalists face two sets of pressures: there have been acute criticisms from Taiwanese society, and working conditions have deteriorated badly.
      Many research papers have dissected the above phenomenon in the news field, from the abnormality of media structure to the content of news production. This study aims to analyze the development, the operation, the merits and demerits of pack journalism, and therefore adopts a different approach from past analysis. In order to study pack journalism, this study adopts Bourdieu’s journalistic field theory and Giddens’ structure / activities theory to analyze news production processes. It focuses on journalists themselves and attempts to understand the interactive relationship of TV news workers, colleagues and managers though field study and in-depth interviews. Finally, I use grounded theory to analyze field information, concretizing the research subject and goals, with discussions of the model of news production in pack journalism.
      This study claims that there are five aspects of news production processes when studying pack journalism: individual level, media routines level, cross-news organization level, extra-media level and social-cultural level. The news field gives rise to a system marked by operational closure, which contributes to speed-driven news production and response to television ratings. These become the primary motives for journalists’ news generation, and result in homogeneity of news content. However, in order to advance in their field, journalists will try to distinguish themselves by pursuing scoops and branding themselves as leaders. Unconsciously, they reinforce the power of symbolic violence and get themselves into more complicated positions.
      Can news workers resist these scrapes? Can news workers resist these scrapes? Journalist need to accumulate resources to resist in the first place. With the efforts, the media structure is going to reorganized and then the journalists will have more space to stand firm the pressures of being homogeneity. After these changes take place, journalists may just be able to break through the shackles of pack journalism.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094453005
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 許瓊文zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Hsu, C. W.en_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 邱鈺婷zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Chiu,Yu Tingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 邱鈺婷zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chiu,Yu Tingen_US
dc.date (日期) 2006en_US
dc.date.accessioned 17-九月-2009 15:39:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 17-九月-2009 15:39:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 17-九月-2009 15:39:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0094453005en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/33159-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 廣播電視學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 94453005zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近幾年,台灣雖然有線頻道的開放,新聞媒體如雨後春筍冒出,但並無走向自由主義所奉行的「獨佔產生一致、競爭造成多元」的局面,反而造就新聞內容高度同質化、貧乏化與劣質化,基層新聞從業人員聲譽也每況愈下,飽受雙重壓力,外有各界針貶責難、內臨組織管理階層的不公平待遇。
      本研究以「一窩蜂新聞學」(Pack Journalism)為根基,並以以「記者一窩蜂動作」為經,「與同業(同事)、決策者的互動關係」為緯,並援引Bourdieu新聞場域理論與Giddens的結構行動論,解析造成一窩蜂新聞產製與新聞同質化的內(記者個人心理)、外(新聞結構)在因素。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In recent years, although Taiwan’s Government has allowed cable television stations to open and news media have expanded quickly, the development of television media deviates from the Liberalists’ ideal: monopoly leads to consistence, competition forms diversity. On the contrary, not only does Taiwan’s news content tend toward homogeneity and mediocrity, but also the status of journalists has gone from bad to worse. Journalists face two sets of pressures: there have been acute criticisms from Taiwanese society, and working conditions have deteriorated badly.
      Many research papers have dissected the above phenomenon in the news field, from the abnormality of media structure to the content of news production. This study aims to analyze the development, the operation, the merits and demerits of pack journalism, and therefore adopts a different approach from past analysis. In order to study pack journalism, this study adopts Bourdieu’s journalistic field theory and Giddens’ structure / activities theory to analyze news production processes. It focuses on journalists themselves and attempts to understand the interactive relationship of TV news workers, colleagues and managers though field study and in-depth interviews. Finally, I use grounded theory to analyze field information, concretizing the research subject and goals, with discussions of the model of news production in pack journalism.
      This study claims that there are five aspects of news production processes when studying pack journalism: individual level, media routines level, cross-news organization level, extra-media level and social-cultural level. The news field gives rise to a system marked by operational closure, which contributes to speed-driven news production and response to television ratings. These become the primary motives for journalists’ news generation, and result in homogeneity of news content. However, in order to advance in their field, journalists will try to distinguish themselves by pursuing scoops and branding themselves as leaders. Unconsciously, they reinforce the power of symbolic violence and get themselves into more complicated positions.
      Can news workers resist these scrapes? Can news workers resist these scrapes? Journalist need to accumulate resources to resist in the first place. With the efforts, the media structure is going to reorganized and then the journalists will have more space to stand firm the pressures of being homogeneity. After these changes take place, journalists may just be able to break through the shackles of pack journalism.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
     第一節、 研究背景:貧而噬血的台灣新聞場域 1
     第二節、 研究動機 2
     一、 在別人救我們之前,我們能否先自救!? 2
     二、 特重「重大社會事件」採訪報導 3
     第三節、 研究宗旨與目的:記者都瘋(蜂)了嗎?為何不抵抗呢? 4
     第二章 研究方法 7
     第一節、 研究架構 7
     第二節、 概念界定(範圍限定) 8
     第三節、 研究操作 9
     一、 參與觀察 10
     二、 深度訪談 15
     三、 紮根理論法 18
     第三章 紮根譯碼、「一窩蜂」概念化與參與觀察記事 20
     第一節、 紮根譯碼方式與結果 20
     第二節、 概念化「一窩蜂」 24
     一、 一窩蜂視為一種「從眾行為」 24
     二、 一窩蜂式新聞學 26
     三、 「一窩蜂」視為「機械化模式」 27
     第三節、 電視新聞產製概況 29
     一、 採訪現場概況-合作 29
     二、 還原新聞室內記者間之對話-合作 31
     三、 採訪現場概況-競爭 32
     四、 小結 34
     第四章 一窩蜂新聞產製之來龍去脈 35
     第一節、 傳播者個人層次 35
     一、 恐懼感 35
     二、 自我角色認知的差異 37
     三、 缺乏新聞知識、成就動機不高 38
     第二節、 常規層次 40
     一、 集體性的束縛與停滯 40
     二、 「速度政權」的宰制 42
     第三節、 跨新聞組織層次 45
     一、 新聞系統的封閉性與引發激擾因子的趨力 45
     二、 禁錮效應中的集體生產 47
     第四節、 媒體外層次 51
     第五節、 社會文化層次 53
     第五章 「一窩蜂現象」之運作過程 56
     第一節、 認識Bourdieu場域理論 56
     一、 場域 57
     二、 生存心態 58
     三、 資本 59
     四、 秀異 60
     五、 象徵暴力 61
     六、 小結 62
     第二節、 Giddens的結構行動論 62
     一、 Giddens與Bourdieu的相似處 62
     二、 Giddens-行動者的內在思維與行動程序 64
     第三節、 媒體場域概況 65
     一、 媒體資本總額變化 65
     二、 新聞場域的文化、經濟與社會資本之輪廓 69
     第四節、 「一窩蜂」運作過程的理論建構 71
     一、 跟報現象-新聞場域的領導者:蘋果至上 71
     二、 新聞場域的迴路機制 73
     三、 從同事到同業-同路線的記者所組成的次場域 75
     四、 生存心態-看到黑影就開槍 拿香對拜 77
     五、 各個都是速思家、各個都是大導演 78
     六、 秀異-全力搶獨家 80
     七、 領導品牌的秀異思維 82
     八、 象徵暴力-收視率之競逐賽 84
     九、 象徵暴力-吃乾抹淨 92
     第六章 一窩蜂的利弊得失與迂迴抵抗策略 94
     第一節、 「一窩蜂」的利弊得失 94
     一、 記者成為第三級界定者 94
     二、 拼湊新聞,內容支離破碎 94
     三、 打擊特權、達到監督功效 95
     四、 賦予記者抗拒組織之資源 95
     第二節、 迂迴抵抗之策略-累積抵抗資源 96
     一、 專業知識資源 97
     二、 職業知識資源 100
     三、 良好關係資源 101
     第七章 結論、貢獻、研究限制與建議 102
     第一節、 結論 102
     第二節、 研究貢獻 106
     第三節、 研究限制與建議 107
     圖3-1:紮根譯碼與一窩蜂導向(pack journalism)下之新聞產製流程圖………....23
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094453005en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新聞同質化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新聞產製zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 一窩蜂新聞學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 記者互動關係zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Bourdieu新聞場域理論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) News homogeneityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) News productionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Pack Journalismen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Journalists’ interactive relationshipen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Bourdieu’s Journalistic Field Theoryen_US
dc.title (題名) 台灣電視記者一窩蜂新聞產製下的死結與活路-以重大社會事件報導為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Surviving Way and Dead End of TV Journalists in Pack Journalism:A Case Study of Breaking Newsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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