
題名 美國柯林頓政府的朝鮮半島安全政策:從薄富爾的「行動戰略」理論分析
作者 孫弘鑫
貢獻者 李明
關鍵詞 朝鮮半島
日期 2005
上傳時間 17-九月-2009 17:51:43 (UTC+8)
摘要 自二次世界大戰結束以後,美國對朝鮮半島的安全政策經歷了不同的轉變。韓戰後各個時期的政府主要仍是以對南韓的安全承諾與〈美韓共同防衛條約〉的軍事嚇阻作為其政策與戰略的基石。冷戰後朝鮮半島遭遇了兩次核子危機,但是柯林頓政府卻改變政策,以合作與對話的方式試圖解決危機。小布希政府團隊在執政以前,對於柯林頓政府的作法始終抱持反對的態度,認為應該要對北韓採取強硬態度。但是隨著小布希政府執政、911事件的發生與反恐戰爭的進行,小布希政府對朝鮮半島安全政策卻採取了與柯林頓政府類似的作法。這種變化是否意味柯林頓政府在朝鮮半島安全政策上有其優點,值得後任政府效法。因此,本論文以薄富爾的「行動戰略」理論作為研究途徑,藉由政策與戰略選擇的分析、行動計畫中「政治診斷」與「戰略診斷」的研判,以及各種戰略行動模式的鋪陳,探討柯林頓政府時期的朝鮮半島安全政策。同時比較柯林頓和小布希政府政策與戰略上的差異與因襲,並分析當前情勢,嘗試提出未來可能的變化。
Since the end of World War II, There have been different changes in the U.S. Korean Peninsula security policy. During the post-Korean war era, each administration makes its policy and strategy on the basis of security promise to the South Korea and military deterrence toward the North with U.S.-R.O.K. Mutual Defense Treaty. There were two nuclear crises after the end of the cold war, but the Clinton administration changed its policy and tried to solve the problem in way of cooperation and dialog. Before taking office, George W. Bush’s team was against Clinton’s policy and declared that the United States should take coercive actions against the North Korea. However, since George W. Bush took office, 911 broke out and the war on terror was going on, the Bush administration took the similar policy on the Korean Peninsula security policy as the Clinton’s. Does this mean that Clinton’s policy may have goodness that worthy for the administrations after his to follow? Thus, I took Andr□ Beaufre’s “strategy of action” theory as my thesis study approach. Through the analysis on the choice of policy and strategy, the decision on “political diagnosis” and “strategic diagnosis” of action planning, and the display of each kind of strategic actions, this thesis analyzed the Korean Peninsula security policy in the Clinton era. At the same time, I compared the difference and continuance between the two administrations and analyzed the status quo trying to figure out the would-be changes in this thesis
In the thesis I discovered that the Clinton administration took the “engagement and enlargement” policy from the beginning to the end, hoping that the policy would pull back the North Korea into the international system and make it follow the international order. At the beginning, Bush administration took the classical realist policy and was not willing to engage North Korea. Because the emphasis of classical realists is to deal with the relations among power nations, not paying attention to the affairs of declining and falling states. Not until the outbreak of 911 did the Bush administration take new policy composite with realism and idealism, and change the attitude toward North Korea.
The Clinton administration undertook the strategic action in multi-polarity from the beginning to the end. Bush administration chose to ignore North Korea at the beginning, but changed his policy and strategy after the 911. What Bush undertook is called “Eagle Engagement Strategy”. “Eagle Engagement Strategy” is similar to “Selective Engagement Strategy” but there are still some differences between them. Though both Strategies unite those states carefully chosen and undertake indirect total strategic actions to chase the policy goals in multi-lateral way, the “Eagle Engagement Strategy” is much powerful in pressing the rival states. That is because when people undertake the “Eagle Engagement Strategy” to engage, there are still ways in coerciveness. In other words, the “Eagle Engagement Strategy” provides engagement as motive to make rival states undertake the way we wish. When the rival states do not follow our will, this motive may switch into the tool of punishment. In this point of view, the Bush administration’s strategy is more effective than the Clinton’s.
The Clinton administration’s strategy was base on good will, but the Clinton administration did not considerate its effective action modes to maintain its original action freedom and chase the most action freedom by this strategy. To Clinton’s Korean Peninsula security policy it is a pity.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0892530231
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 李明zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor LEE,MINGen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 孫弘鑫zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) SUN,HUNG-HSINen_US
dc.creator (作者) 孫弘鑫zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) SUN,HUNG-HSINen_US
dc.date (日期) 2005en_US
dc.date.accessioned 17-九月-2009 17:51:43 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 17-九月-2009 17:51:43 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 17-九月-2009 17:51:43 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0892530231en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/33680-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 外交研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 89253023zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 94zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 自二次世界大戰結束以後,美國對朝鮮半島的安全政策經歷了不同的轉變。韓戰後各個時期的政府主要仍是以對南韓的安全承諾與〈美韓共同防衛條約〉的軍事嚇阻作為其政策與戰略的基石。冷戰後朝鮮半島遭遇了兩次核子危機,但是柯林頓政府卻改變政策,以合作與對話的方式試圖解決危機。小布希政府團隊在執政以前,對於柯林頓政府的作法始終抱持反對的態度,認為應該要對北韓採取強硬態度。但是隨著小布希政府執政、911事件的發生與反恐戰爭的進行,小布希政府對朝鮮半島安全政策卻採取了與柯林頓政府類似的作法。這種變化是否意味柯林頓政府在朝鮮半島安全政策上有其優點,值得後任政府效法。因此,本論文以薄富爾的「行動戰略」理論作為研究途徑,藉由政策與戰略選擇的分析、行動計畫中「政治診斷」與「戰略診斷」的研判,以及各種戰略行動模式的鋪陳,探討柯林頓政府時期的朝鮮半島安全政策。同時比較柯林頓和小布希政府政策與戰略上的差異與因襲,並分析當前情勢,嘗試提出未來可能的變化。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Since the end of World War II, There have been different changes in the U.S. Korean Peninsula security policy. During the post-Korean war era, each administration makes its policy and strategy on the basis of security promise to the South Korea and military deterrence toward the North with U.S.-R.O.K. Mutual Defense Treaty. There were two nuclear crises after the end of the cold war, but the Clinton administration changed its policy and tried to solve the problem in way of cooperation and dialog. Before taking office, George W. Bush’s team was against Clinton’s policy and declared that the United States should take coercive actions against the North Korea. However, since George W. Bush took office, 911 broke out and the war on terror was going on, the Bush administration took the similar policy on the Korean Peninsula security policy as the Clinton’s. Does this mean that Clinton’s policy may have goodness that worthy for the administrations after his to follow? Thus, I took Andr□ Beaufre’s “strategy of action” theory as my thesis study approach. Through the analysis on the choice of policy and strategy, the decision on “political diagnosis” and “strategic diagnosis” of action planning, and the display of each kind of strategic actions, this thesis analyzed the Korean Peninsula security policy in the Clinton era. At the same time, I compared the difference and continuance between the two administrations and analyzed the status quo trying to figure out the would-be changes in this thesis
In the thesis I discovered that the Clinton administration took the “engagement and enlargement” policy from the beginning to the end, hoping that the policy would pull back the North Korea into the international system and make it follow the international order. At the beginning, Bush administration took the classical realist policy and was not willing to engage North Korea. Because the emphasis of classical realists is to deal with the relations among power nations, not paying attention to the affairs of declining and falling states. Not until the outbreak of 911 did the Bush administration take new policy composite with realism and idealism, and change the attitude toward North Korea.
The Clinton administration undertook the strategic action in multi-polarity from the beginning to the end. Bush administration chose to ignore North Korea at the beginning, but changed his policy and strategy after the 911. What Bush undertook is called “Eagle Engagement Strategy”. “Eagle Engagement Strategy” is similar to “Selective Engagement Strategy” but there are still some differences between them. Though both Strategies unite those states carefully chosen and undertake indirect total strategic actions to chase the policy goals in multi-lateral way, the “Eagle Engagement Strategy” is much powerful in pressing the rival states. That is because when people undertake the “Eagle Engagement Strategy” to engage, there are still ways in coerciveness. In other words, the “Eagle Engagement Strategy” provides engagement as motive to make rival states undertake the way we wish. When the rival states do not follow our will, this motive may switch into the tool of punishment. In this point of view, the Bush administration’s strategy is more effective than the Clinton’s.
The Clinton administration’s strategy was base on good will, but the Clinton administration did not considerate its effective action modes to maintain its original action freedom and chase the most action freedom by this strategy. To Clinton’s Korean Peninsula security policy it is a pity.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第壹章 緒論-----------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的-----------------------------------------------1
第二節 文獻分析--------------------------------------------------------------5
第三節 研究途徑與研究方法---------------------------------------------10
第四節 論文架構------------------------------------------------------------12
第五節 研究限制------------------------------------------------------------13

第貳章 薄富爾的行動戰略理論體系---------------------------------------15
第一節 薄富爾的生平及思想---------------------------------------------15
第二節 政策與戰略---------------------------------------------------------21
第三節 行動計畫------------------------------------------------------------26
第四節 行動模式------------------------------------------------------------29
第五節 薄富爾的思想重心------------------------------------------------36

第參章 美國朝鮮半島安全政策的歷史回顧------------------------------38
第一節 二次大戰後至韓戰期間美國的朝鮮半島安全政策---------38
第二節 韓戰後美國的朝鮮半島安全政策------------------------------46
第三節 冷戰後美國老布希政府的朝鮮半島安全政策---------------51
第四節 美國歷年來對朝鮮半島安全政策的因襲與差異之處------54
第肆章 柯林頓政府朝鮮半島安全政策與戰略運用---------------------57
第一節 總體方面的政策與戰略運用------------------------------------58
第二節 對北韓方面的政策與戰略運用---------------------------------63
第三節 對南韓方面的政策與戰略運用---------------------------------73
第四節 對週邊國家的政策與戰略運用---------------------------------77
第五節 小結------------------------------------------------------------------83

第伍章 柯林頓政府朝鮮半島安全政策的行動計畫與模式------------84
第一節 柯林頓政府的政治診斷------------------------------------------84
第二節 柯林頓政府的戰略診斷------------------------------------------91
第三節 柯林頓政府的戰略行動模式------------------------------------97
第四節 小結-----------------------------------------------------------------103

第陸章 柯林頓政府與小布希政府朝鮮半島安全政策的比較--------105
第一節 小布希政府的政策與戰略--------------------------------------105
第二節 小布希政府的的行動計畫--------------------------------------111
第三節 小布希政府的行動模式-----------------------------------------116
第四節 小布希政府與柯林頓政府政策與戰略的差異--------------120

第柒章 結論--------------------------------------------------------------------122
第一節 柯林頓政府朝鮮半島安全政策對後任政府的影響--------122
第二節 研究檢討-----------------------------------------------------------124
第三節 研究心得-----------------------------------------------------------127
第四節 未來展望-----------------------------------------------------------129

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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0892530231en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 朝鮮半島zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 柯林頓zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 行動戰略zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 安全政策zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) KOREAN PENINSULAen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) BILL CLINTONen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) STATEFY OF ACTIONen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) SECURITY POLICYen_US
dc.title (題名) 美國柯林頓政府的朝鮮半島安全政策:從薄富爾的「行動戰略」理論分析zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 壹、中文書目zh_TW
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