
題名 企業併購之相關智慧財產管理策略與法律規劃研究-以併購美國高科技公司時之專利查核評估探微
The Study on Related Strategy of Intellectual Property Management and Legal Planning in Corporate M&A-Towards the Patent Due Diligence of Merging / Acquiring an U.S. High-Technology Company
作者 陳則銘
Chen , Tze-ming
貢獻者 劉江彬<br>孫遠釗
Chen , Tze-ming
關鍵詞 併購
Merger and Acquisition
Interllectual Property
Due Diligence
Patent Audit
Competitive Advantage
Managerial Strategy
日期 2003
上傳時間 17-九月-2009 18:39:53 (UTC+8)
摘要 在高科技之推波助瀾下,新經濟與全球化之競爭模式儼然成形,也使得智慧財產在此競爭中扮演著重要的角色,成為高科技公司逐鹿中原的武器之一。相對地,也迫使高科技公司在全球割喉競爭之壓力下,開始思索如何更快進入戰場,並以智慧財產制敵機先。於是,企業併購策略開始成為高科技公司之經營決策者思考採行之策略。
企業併購(Merger and Acquisition)一詞,並非明確之法律定義,實乃商業管理實務界常用之名詞,因此,與其強加定義,不如從併購之模式加以說明,更為精確。併購模式概可歸納為二大模式:一為「收購」,一為「合併」。收購又可區分為「資產收購」與「股權收購」;而合併則有以吸收合併、新設合併及存續合併為主之「法定合併」類型,與以簡式合併、三角合併、強迫合併及實質合併為主之「特殊合併」類型。
「世上沒有賣不出去的產品,只有賣不出去的價格」。在企業併購的過程中,如何就目標公司之企業價值進行評價往往是決定併購案是否能成功之關鍵。然而,對於企業的營運有重大影響之智慧財產,其「品質」究竟如何,將會對企業未來的營運造成重大的影響。因此,對於高科技產業之併購案,如何透過對於智慧財產進行查核評估(Due Diligence),協助併購交易雙方瞭解目標公司其智慧財產之品質,使雙方得以更正確評估目標公司之價值,並就併購案可能面臨之風險預先進行規劃,即為重要之課題。
A recent survey showed that between two and five emerging technology companies are acquired for every one that does an initial public offering (IPO). Acquisitions can provide strategic, operating and financial benefits to both emerging technology companies and the company acquiring it. A strategic acquisition can provide emerging technology companies’ shareholders with earlier liquidity than an IPO, with less risk and dilution. It also can provide emerging technology companies with the immediate leverage of Buy Company`s established manufacturing or distribution infrastructure, without the dilution, time and risk of internal development. A strategic acquisition can provide Buy Company with the new products and technologies necessary to maintain its competitive advantage, growth rate and profitability. Ill-conceived or badly done acquisitions, however, can result in expense and disruption to both businesses, the discontinuance of good technologies and products, employee dissatisfaction and defection, and poor operating results by the combined company. By understanding the key factors that lead to a successful acquisition, Target Company and Buy Company can improve the probability of achieving one.
When considering an M&A transaction, Target Company first step should be to identify the strategic reasons why it wants to be acquired. For example, while Target Company may seek liquidity for its founders and investors, it also may have concluded that its future success requires the synergies of complementary resources and access to the infrastructure of a major corporation. An IPO could provide Target Company’s shareholders with liquidity, but would not immediately address Target Company’s need for product synergy or provide an established infrastructure. Those needs could be better met by finding a strategic buyer for Target Company. Equally important is to identify Buy Company’s strategic objectives in acquiring Target Company. For example, Buy Company may seek to acquire a product line or key technology, gain creative, technical or management talent, or eliminate a competitor. Ultimately, Buy Company will acquire Target Company because it believes M&A transaction is a more effective means of meeting a strategic need and increasing shareholder value than internal development. If Target Company understands its own and Buy Company’s strategic objectives, it can focus on candidates that are most likely to meet its needs and value the assets that it has to offer. While the objectives of individual companies will vary, the following table identifies common strategic objectives that Target Companies and Buy Companies try to achieve through an M&A activity.

Target Company Reasons to Be Acquired Buy Company Reasons to Make a M&A
Access to complementary products
Access to complementary markets
Access to working capital
Avoid dilution of building own infrastructure
Best and fastest return on investment
Faster access to established infrastructure
Gain critical mass
Improve distribution capacity
More rapid expansion of customer base
Acquire key technology
Acquire a new distribution channel
Assure a source of supply
Eliminate a competitor
Expand or add a product line
Gain creative talent
Gain expertise and entry in a new market
Gain a time-to-market advantage
Increase earnings per share

This study focuses on intellectual property due diligence, especially for the investigation of the benefits and risks associated with the ownership and exploitation of patent right when a company involves in a M&A activity. The increased profile, frequency, and value of intellectual property-related transactions have elevated the need for all legal, financial and managerial professionals and intellectual property owners to have a thorough understanding of the assessment and valuation of these assets and their role in commercial transactions; a detailed assessment of patent right is becoming an increasingly integral part of commercial transactions for the high-technology companies. Acquiring or investing in a business that owns intellectual property assets requires expanding the scope and depth of the due diligence that is usually conducted in such transactions.
The process of gathering information and assessing the merits, issues, and risks associated with a business transaction is called “due diligence.” It is a critical exercise in the acquisition and strategic utilization of intellectual property assets. Due diligence is a necessary precursor to funding a new venture, and is critically important in many other business transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, licenses, initial public offerings, and in some instances litigation. In recent years, the commercial importance of patents and other intellectual property has become highly visible. Courts have imposed large damage awards for intellectual property misuse and infringement. Multi-million dollar judgments are no longer a rarity. Courts have also granted significant injunctions to limit the products which a company can market. For instance, Kodak was virtually eliminated from the instant camera market and subject to an extremely high damage award when it was found to infringe patents owned by Polaroid. As a result of these potential events, and the increasing value of intellectual property assets in today’s high technology society, intellectual property matters have become an important aspect of a traditional due diligence study.
Intellectual property due diligence can be conducted in preparation for a wide variety of transactions. For example, intellectual property assets should be analyzed in the context of a share purchase or asset transfer, or may require assessment in connection with a capital contribution, in a joint venture or security for a loan, or in preparation of disclosure in connection with an offering of securities. Intellectual property due diligence can also facilitate a company’s thorough internal assessment of its own assets. Such a self-audit can prepare the company for an externally conducted due diligence, such as audited by a buyer company involving in a M&A transaction, and can enhance the company’s own intellectual property planning and management.
Intellectual property rights are the product of human thought, born of human needs and aspirations, and manifested by societal values. A thorough intellectual property due diligence also requires consideration of many nonlegal, nonmaterial aspects of the rights involved. The impact of an investment in a specific intellectual property right, and its role and value in a given M&A transaction, can be easily miscalculated if the private and public implications of those rights are not considered. Every intellectual property transaction embodies both individual and societal beliefs and values that can profoundly affect the parties’s strategies and success. The philosophical underpinnings of intellectual property rights are often discussed in academic and philosophical forums. However, these principles deserve reiteration here, in a transaction-specific context. Too often, they are forgotten amidst the binders, cabinets and files full of due diligence documents and analytical reports.
In Chapter 4, Patent Due Diligence, it comprises detailed analyses of the key issues to be assessed in the patent investigation. This chapter presents the steps in the legal review that should be undertaken on patents, and reviews the pertinent law pertaining to patent right. This chapter identifies the relevant documents that should be requested, defines the subject right, and analyzes the following substantive questions:
Whether Target Company owns the patent right(s);
Whether the patent right(s) have been adequately protected;
Whether Target Company’s use of the patent right(s) is dependent on third part rights;
Whether the scope of patent right(s) is sufficient;
Whether the patent right(s) have been properly exploited; and
Whether the patent right(s) present a risk of litigation.
An investigation of Target Company’s patent assets can require analysis of extensive documentation, as well as knowledge of the specific technical field in which Target Company conducts its business, and of patent law. The circumstances of each particular case will dictate whether specialized patent counsel will need to be retained to assist with the patent due diligence. Buyer Company should be aware that proper preparation of patentability opinions and validity / infringement opinions can require substantial lead time and budget, and should accordingly account for these contingencies.
Similarly, a thorough investigation to confirm ownership and assess exploitation of Target Company’s patent portfolio can require discussions regarding contribution of inventive ideas, past and present consultant or employment status of inventors, proper use of assignments, close investigation of the technology, markets, improvement clauses, cross-licenses, and the like. In sum, if Buyer Company specifies Target Company’s patent portfolio as a high priority in the intellectual property due diligence investigation, Buyer Company is well-advised to assign the patent-related investigation tasks to team members and, as applicable, patent experts, early in the due diligence process.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091361003
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉江彬<br>孫遠釗zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor <br>en_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 陳則銘zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Chen , Tze-mingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳則銘zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen , Tze-mingen_US
dc.date (日期) 2003en_US
dc.date.accessioned 17-九月-2009 18:39:53 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 17-九月-2009 18:39:53 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 17-九月-2009 18:39:53 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0091361003en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/33865-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 智慧財產研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 91361003zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 92zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在高科技之推波助瀾下,新經濟與全球化之競爭模式儼然成形,也使得智慧財產在此競爭中扮演著重要的角色,成為高科技公司逐鹿中原的武器之一。相對地,也迫使高科技公司在全球割喉競爭之壓力下,開始思索如何更快進入戰場,並以智慧財產制敵機先。於是,企業併購策略開始成為高科技公司之經營決策者思考採行之策略。
企業併購(Merger and Acquisition)一詞,並非明確之法律定義,實乃商業管理實務界常用之名詞,因此,與其強加定義,不如從併購之模式加以說明,更為精確。併購模式概可歸納為二大模式:一為「收購」,一為「合併」。收購又可區分為「資產收購」與「股權收購」;而合併則有以吸收合併、新設合併及存續合併為主之「法定合併」類型,與以簡式合併、三角合併、強迫合併及實質合併為主之「特殊合併」類型。
「世上沒有賣不出去的產品,只有賣不出去的價格」。在企業併購的過程中,如何就目標公司之企業價值進行評價往往是決定併購案是否能成功之關鍵。然而,對於企業的營運有重大影響之智慧財產,其「品質」究竟如何,將會對企業未來的營運造成重大的影響。因此,對於高科技產業之併購案,如何透過對於智慧財產進行查核評估(Due Diligence),協助併購交易雙方瞭解目標公司其智慧財產之品質,使雙方得以更正確評估目標公司之價值,並就併購案可能面臨之風險預先進行規劃,即為重要之課題。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) A recent survey showed that between two and five emerging technology companies are acquired for every one that does an initial public offering (IPO). Acquisitions can provide strategic, operating and financial benefits to both emerging technology companies and the company acquiring it. A strategic acquisition can provide emerging technology companies’ shareholders with earlier liquidity than an IPO, with less risk and dilution. It also can provide emerging technology companies with the immediate leverage of Buy Company`s established manufacturing or distribution infrastructure, without the dilution, time and risk of internal development. A strategic acquisition can provide Buy Company with the new products and technologies necessary to maintain its competitive advantage, growth rate and profitability. Ill-conceived or badly done acquisitions, however, can result in expense and disruption to both businesses, the discontinuance of good technologies and products, employee dissatisfaction and defection, and poor operating results by the combined company. By understanding the key factors that lead to a successful acquisition, Target Company and Buy Company can improve the probability of achieving one.
When considering an M&A transaction, Target Company first step should be to identify the strategic reasons why it wants to be acquired. For example, while Target Company may seek liquidity for its founders and investors, it also may have concluded that its future success requires the synergies of complementary resources and access to the infrastructure of a major corporation. An IPO could provide Target Company’s shareholders with liquidity, but would not immediately address Target Company’s need for product synergy or provide an established infrastructure. Those needs could be better met by finding a strategic buyer for Target Company. Equally important is to identify Buy Company’s strategic objectives in acquiring Target Company. For example, Buy Company may seek to acquire a product line or key technology, gain creative, technical or management talent, or eliminate a competitor. Ultimately, Buy Company will acquire Target Company because it believes M&A transaction is a more effective means of meeting a strategic need and increasing shareholder value than internal development. If Target Company understands its own and Buy Company’s strategic objectives, it can focus on candidates that are most likely to meet its needs and value the assets that it has to offer. While the objectives of individual companies will vary, the following table identifies common strategic objectives that Target Companies and Buy Companies try to achieve through an M&A activity.

Target Company Reasons to Be Acquired Buy Company Reasons to Make a M&A
Access to complementary products
Access to complementary markets
Access to working capital
Avoid dilution of building own infrastructure
Best and fastest return on investment
Faster access to established infrastructure
Gain critical mass
Improve distribution capacity
More rapid expansion of customer base
Acquire key technology
Acquire a new distribution channel
Assure a source of supply
Eliminate a competitor
Expand or add a product line
Gain creative talent
Gain expertise and entry in a new market
Gain a time-to-market advantage
Increase earnings per share

This study focuses on intellectual property due diligence, especially for the investigation of the benefits and risks associated with the ownership and exploitation of patent right when a company involves in a M&A activity. The increased profile, frequency, and value of intellectual property-related transactions have elevated the need for all legal, financial and managerial professionals and intellectual property owners to have a thorough understanding of the assessment and valuation of these assets and their role in commercial transactions; a detailed assessment of patent right is becoming an increasingly integral part of commercial transactions for the high-technology companies. Acquiring or investing in a business that owns intellectual property assets requires expanding the scope and depth of the due diligence that is usually conducted in such transactions.
The process of gathering information and assessing the merits, issues, and risks associated with a business transaction is called “due diligence.” It is a critical exercise in the acquisition and strategic utilization of intellectual property assets. Due diligence is a necessary precursor to funding a new venture, and is critically important in many other business transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, licenses, initial public offerings, and in some instances litigation. In recent years, the commercial importance of patents and other intellectual property has become highly visible. Courts have imposed large damage awards for intellectual property misuse and infringement. Multi-million dollar judgments are no longer a rarity. Courts have also granted significant injunctions to limit the products which a company can market. For instance, Kodak was virtually eliminated from the instant camera market and subject to an extremely high damage award when it was found to infringe patents owned by Polaroid. As a result of these potential events, and the increasing value of intellectual property assets in today’s high technology society, intellectual property matters have become an important aspect of a traditional due diligence study.
Intellectual property due diligence can be conducted in preparation for a wide variety of transactions. For example, intellectual property assets should be analyzed in the context of a share purchase or asset transfer, or may require assessment in connection with a capital contribution, in a joint venture or security for a loan, or in preparation of disclosure in connection with an offering of securities. Intellectual property due diligence can also facilitate a company’s thorough internal assessment of its own assets. Such a self-audit can prepare the company for an externally conducted due diligence, such as audited by a buyer company involving in a M&A transaction, and can enhance the company’s own intellectual property planning and management.
Intellectual property rights are the product of human thought, born of human needs and aspirations, and manifested by societal values. A thorough intellectual property due diligence also requires consideration of many nonlegal, nonmaterial aspects of the rights involved. The impact of an investment in a specific intellectual property right, and its role and value in a given M&A transaction, can be easily miscalculated if the private and public implications of those rights are not considered. Every intellectual property transaction embodies both individual and societal beliefs and values that can profoundly affect the parties’s strategies and success. The philosophical underpinnings of intellectual property rights are often discussed in academic and philosophical forums. However, these principles deserve reiteration here, in a transaction-specific context. Too often, they are forgotten amidst the binders, cabinets and files full of due diligence documents and analytical reports.
In Chapter 4, Patent Due Diligence, it comprises detailed analyses of the key issues to be assessed in the patent investigation. This chapter presents the steps in the legal review that should be undertaken on patents, and reviews the pertinent law pertaining to patent right. This chapter identifies the relevant documents that should be requested, defines the subject right, and analyzes the following substantive questions:
Whether Target Company owns the patent right(s);
Whether the patent right(s) have been adequately protected;
Whether Target Company’s use of the patent right(s) is dependent on third part rights;
Whether the scope of patent right(s) is sufficient;
Whether the patent right(s) have been properly exploited; and
Whether the patent right(s) present a risk of litigation.
An investigation of Target Company’s patent assets can require analysis of extensive documentation, as well as knowledge of the specific technical field in which Target Company conducts its business, and of patent law. The circumstances of each particular case will dictate whether specialized patent counsel will need to be retained to assist with the patent due diligence. Buyer Company should be aware that proper preparation of patentability opinions and validity / infringement opinions can require substantial lead time and budget, and should accordingly account for these contingencies.
Similarly, a thorough investigation to confirm ownership and assess exploitation of Target Company’s patent portfolio can require discussions regarding contribution of inventive ideas, past and present consultant or employment status of inventors, proper use of assignments, close investigation of the technology, markets, improvement clauses, cross-licenses, and the like. In sum, if Buyer Company specifies Target Company’s patent portfolio as a high priority in the intellectual property due diligence investigation, Buyer Company is well-advised to assign the patent-related investigation tasks to team members and, as applicable, patent experts, early in the due diligence process.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的 ……………………………………………………………… 2
第二節 研究範圍之界定與研究方法 ………………………………………………… 4
第一項 研究範圍之界定 …………………………………………………………… 4
第二項 研究方法 …………………………………………………………………… 4
第三節 以智慧財產為戰略之新經濟時代 …………………………………………… 6
第一項 新經濟的真正精神 ………………………………………………………… 7
第二項 智慧財產之意義 …………………………………………………………… 8
第三項 智慧財產之歷史源起與沿革 ……………………………………………… 9
第一款 開放(Openness)與專屬(Exclusivity) ………………………………11
第二款 邀請(Invitation)與入侵(Invasion) …………………………………11
第三款 最適專利(Optimal Patent)與實用專利(Practical Patent)…………11
第四款 強勢保護(Strong Protection)與弱勢保護(Weak Protection)………12
第四項 智慧財產之特性 ……………………………………………………………13
第一款 無形性(Invisibility)……………………………………………………14
第二款 公共性(Public)…………………………………………………………14
第三款 不確定性(Uncertainty)…………………………………………………15
第四節 高科技產業概述 ………………………………………………………………16
第一項 高科技產業之意義 …………………………………………………………17
第一款 數量化定義 ………………………………………………………………17
第二款 概念化定義 ………………………………………………………………17
第二項 高科技產業之特性 …………………………………………………………18
第五節 論文研究架構 …………………………………………………………………19
第二章 企業併購理論概述
第一節 企業併購之意義與模式 ………………………………………………………24
第一項 收購(Acquisition)…………………………………………………………25
第三款 資產收購(Asset Acquisition)…………………………………………26
第四款 股權收購(Share Acquisition)…………………………………………28
第一目 公開收購(tender offer)………………………………………………28
第二目 融資收購(leveraged buyout)…………………………………………30
第三目 股份交換(stock-for-stock exchange)…………………………………31
第二項 合併(Merger)………………………………………………………………33
第一款 法定合併(Statutory Merger)……………………………………………33
第一目 吸收合併(merger)……………………………………………………34
第二目 新設合併(consolidation)………………………………………………35
第三目 存續合併(amalgamation)……………………………………………37
第二款 特殊合併(Variation Merger)……………………………………………37
第一目 簡式合併(short-form merger)………………………………………38
第二目 子公司式或三角合併(subsidiary / triangular merger)………………38
第三目 強迫合併(cash-out / freeze-out merger)……………………………42
一、 整合式或二階段合併(integrated / two-step merger)………………42
二、 下市或恢復式合併(going-private / retrieval merger)………………43
第四目 實質合併(de facto merger)……………………………………………43
第三項 小結-從免稅考量觀察併購模式 …………………………………………44
第一款 A型公司組織重組(A Reorganization)…………………………………45
第二款 B型公司組織重組(B Reorganization)…………………………………46
第三款 C型公司組織重組(C Reorganization)…………………………………47
第二節 企業併購之動機 ………………………………………………………………50
第一項 綜效理論假說(Synergy Theory Hypothesis)………………………………51
第一款 營運綜效(Operating Synergy)…………………………………………52
第一目 規模經濟(economies of scale)………………………………………52
第二目 範疇經濟(economies of scope)………………………………………53
第二款 市場綜效(Market Synergy)………………………………………………54
第三款 起動綜效(Starting Synergy)……………………………………………55
第四款 財務綜效(Financial Synergy)……………………………………………56
第一目 風險分散(risk reduction)……………………………………………56
第二目 節稅考量(tax consideration)………………………………………57
第二項 多角化經營假說(Diversification Hypothesis)……………………………58
第一款 複合式多角化(Conglomerate Diversification)…………………………59
第二款 中心式多角化(Concentric Diversification)……………………………61
第三項 策略性重組假說(Strategic Realignment Hypothesis)……………………62
第一款 法規環境改變(Regulatory Environment Change)………………………62
第二款 技術創新改變(Technological Innovation Change)……………………64
第四項 價值低估假說(Undervalued Hypothesis)………………………………65
第五項 代理成本理論與傲慢假說 …………………………………………………67
第一款 代理成本理論(Agency Cost Theory)………………………………68
第二款 傲慢假說(Hubris Hypothesis)…………………………………………69
第一目 經營決策者自利假說(managerial self-serving hypothesis)…………70
第二目 經營決策者自滿假說(managerial self-importance hypothesis)……70
第六項 小結-從產業生命週期與經濟效益分析檢視併購動機 …………………71
第一款 從產業生命週期檢視併購動機 …………………………………………72
第二款 從經濟分析檢視併購動機 ………………………………………………74
第一目 水平合併之經濟分析 …………………………………………………75
第二目 垂直合併之經濟分析 …………………………………………………77
第三目 複合式合併之經濟分析 ………………………………………………80
第三節 企業併購之發展-以美國為中心的併購思潮之轉變 ………………………82
第一項 第一波併購浪潮(1897-1904)-水平整合形成獨占市場 ……………83
第二項 第二波併購浪潮(1916-1929)-垂直整合以利強化體質 ……………85
第三項 第三波併購浪潮(1965-1969)-複合式併購擴大多角化 ……………87
第四項 第四波併購浪潮(1981-1989)-金融工具激化敵意併購 ……………88
第五項 第五波併購浪潮(1992-2000)-策略重組點燃超級併購 ……………90
第六項 下一波併購浪潮,誰是主角? ……………………………………………93
第一款 全球化競爭掀起跨國併購 ………………………………………………94
第二款 高科技產業併購風起雲湧 ………………………………………………95
第三章 企業併購之智慧財產策略規劃
第一節 超優勢競爭(Hypercompetition)下之動態競爭策略 ……………………102
第一項 奪取先驅者優勢 …………………………………………………………104
第二項 後進者之模仿與改良 ……………………………………………………106
第三項 先驅者建立模仿障礙 ……………………………………………………108
第四項 後進者克服障礙 …………………………………………………………111
第五項 轉變策略與躍進策略 ……………………………………………………112
第六項 整合策略 …………………………………………………………………113
第二節 智慧財產管理策略-以智慧財產規劃競爭策略……………………………115
第一項 控制新資源,加速企業外部成長 ………………………………………116
第二項 改變商業模式,大幅躍進新市場 ………………………………………118
第三項 動態競爭中,整合或對抗競爭者 ………………………………………119
第四項 併購取得智慧財產,以待價而沽 ………………………………………122
第三節 個案研究-以P公司為例 …………………………………………………125
第一項 個案公司簡介 ……………………………………………………………125
第二項 產業競爭分析 ……………………………………………………………125
第三項 併購相關議題 ……………………………………………………………127
第一款 併購動機與智慧財產管理策略 ………………………………………127
第二款 併購模式 ………………………………………………………………128
第四章 併購交易之法律規劃-以專利查核評估為核心
第一節 序論 …………………………………………………………………………132
第一項 查核評估(Due Diligence)概述 ………………………………………132
第一款 查核評估適用於企業併購程序之意義 ………………………………133
第二款 查核評估之重要性 ……………………………………………………135
第二項 查核評估之範圍-以智慧財產查核評估為核心 ………………………137
第三項 影響智慧財產查核評估範圍之因素 ……………………………………140
第一款 買方公司之策略目標 ………………………………………………140
第二款 目標公司之核心競爭力 ……………………………………………142
第三款 企業併購交易之模式 ………………………………………………143
第二節 專利查核(Patent Audit)……………………………………………………146
第一項 相關文件之查核 …………………………………………………………147
第一款 專利申請案 ……………………………………………………………147
第一目 一般申請(non-provisional application)…………………………148
第二目 暫時性申請(provisional application)………………………………149
第三目 分割申請(divisional application)…………………………………151
第四目 延續與部分延續(continuations-in-part)申請 ……………………152
第五目 重新領證申請(reissues application)………………………………153
第六目 衝突程序(interferences proceedings)………………………………154
第二款 專利審查歷程(Prosecution Histories)………………………………156
第三款 法律意見書(Opinion Letters)…………………………………………157
第一目 專利效力法律意見書(validity opinion letter)……………………157
第二目 未侵權法律意見書(non-infringement opinion letter)……………159
第二項 目標公司是否確為真正之完整權利擁有者 ……………………………160
第一款 原始取得 ………………………………………………………………161
第一目 共同發明(joint inventorship)……………………………………162
一、 共同發明人之權利 …………………………………………………163
二、 共同發明對於目標公司權利之影響 ………………………………164
三、 共同發明之歸屬錯置 ………………………………………………165
第二目 受雇人之發明 ………………………………………………………166
一、 雇用人之權利 ………………………………………………………166
二、 事實上之默示讓與(implied-in-fact assignment)…………………167
三、 受雇人發明之營業權(shop rights in inventions)…………………168
第二款 繼受取得 ………………………………………………………………169
第一目 讓與行為之法律形式(assignment formalities)……………………170
第二目 部分讓與(assignments-in-part)……………………………………171
第三項 發明之實施是否須依賴業已存在或第三人之權利 ……………………174
第一款 從屬技術與技術改良 …………………………………………………175
第一目 技術改良與從屬專利(improvement and dependent patents)………175
第二目 共生專利(symbiotic patents)………………………………………176
第二款 交互授權(Cross-Licenses)……………………………………………177
第三款 技術輸入授權(In-Bound License)……………………………………179
第一目 授權人之確定及其授權技術之查核評估 …………………………179
第二目 授權契約約款 ………………………………………………………180
一、 契約存續期間(duration of license)…………………………………181
二、 專屬性(exclusivity)………………………………………………182
三、 可轉讓性與控制權之變更(assignability and change of control)…185
四、 轉授權(sub-license)………………………………………………186
五、 授權範圍(scope of license)………………………………………189
(一) 授權專利與授權產品(licensed patent and licensed product)……190
(二) 全球性授權(worldwide license)………………………………191
(三) 包裹授權(package license)……………………………………192
六、 技術改良與回饋授權(improvements and grant-backs)……………194
七、 擔保與賠償責任(warranties and indemnifications)………………195
(一) 專利權效力之擔保 ………………………………………………195
(二) 產品製造責任擔保 ………………………………………………196
(三) 授權技術之品質與效能擔保 ……………………………………197
八、 最惠待遇(most-favored treatment)…………………………………197
九、 過往侵權免責(release for past infringement)………………………200
第四項 目標公司之發明是否獲得足夠之保障 …………………………………201
第一款 發明之檢討與揭露程序 ………………………………………………201
第二款 專利權之地理範圍 ……………………………………………………202
第三款 申請專利範圍與專利審查歷程之檢討 ………………………………206
第五項 目標公司之專利是否已為適當之利用 …………………………………208
第一款 授權實施 ……………………………………………………………208
第一目 終止契約約款(termination clause)………………………………209
第二目 專利標示(patent marking)之要求 ………………………………210
第二款 專利濫用 ……………………………………………………………212
第一目 權利主張之濫用(enforcement misuse)…………………………213
第二目 授權實施之濫用(misuse in licensing practices)…………………214
第六項 目標公司之專利是否(或可能)涉訟 …………………………………216
第一款 專利侵權評估 ………………………………………………………217
第一目 文義(literal)侵權與均等(equivalent)侵權 ……………………218
第二目 侵權通知(notice of infringement)…………………………………220
第三目 合理補償(reasonable compensation)………………………………221
第四目 惡意侵權(willful infringement)……………………………………222
第二款 反訴(Counterclaim)或抗辯(Defense)之評估 ……………………223
第一目 專利無效(invalidity)……………………………………………224
一、 新穎性之欠缺 ……………………………………………………225
二、 非顯著性之欠缺 …………………………………………………226
三、 不予專利之除外標的(exceptional subject matter)………………227
第二目 衡平防禦(equitable defense)………………………………………227
一、 不正當之行為(inequitable conduct)………………………………228
二、 怠忽遲誤行為(laches)…………………………………………229
三、 默示授權(implied licenses)與衡平禁反言(equitable estoppel) 230
第三目 未涉侵權(non-infringement)………………………………………232
一、 申請歷程禁反言(prosecution history estoppel)…………………232
二、 先前技術之限制(prior art limitation)……………………………234
三、 逆均等論(reverse doctrine of equivalents)…………………………235
第三款 技術改良之評估 ………………………………………………………236
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 專利查核評估核對表(Patent Due Diligence Checklist)……………………241
第二節 問題檢討與建議 ……………………………………………………………243
第一項 問題檢討 …………………………………………………………………243
第二項 建議提出-美國法下之競業禁止約款 …………………………………245
第三節 未來研究建議 ………………………………………………………………248
附 錄-論文參考資料
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091361003en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 併購zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 智慧財產zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 查核評估zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 超優勢競爭zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 專利查核zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 競爭優勢zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 管理策略zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Merger and Acquisitionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Interllectual Propertyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Due Diligenceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Hypercompetitionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Patent Auditen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Competitive Advantageen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Managerial Strategyen_US
dc.title (題名) 企業併購之相關智慧財產管理策略與法律規劃研究-以併購美國高科技公司時之專利查核評估探微zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Study on Related Strategy of Intellectual Property Management and Legal Planning in Corporate M&A-Towards the Patent Due Diligence of Merging / Acquiring an U.S. High-Technology Companyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 壹、中文文獻zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、專書部分zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 02. BUNNELL, David & Adam Brate, Making the Cisco Connection: The Story Behind the Real Internet Superpower(New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000)(中譯本:劉世平譯,「雄霸天下:思科成功的奧秘」,台北:商周, 2000年)zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 03. D’AVENI, Richard A., Hypercompetition: Managing the Dynamics of Strategic Maneuvering(New York: The Free Press, 1994)(中譯本:許梅芳譯,「超優勢競爭-新時代的動態競爭理論與應用」,台北:遠流,1998)zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 05. GEIS, George T. & George S. Geis, Digital Deal: Strategies for Selecting and Structuring Partnerships(New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2001)(中譯本:蔡舜玉、丁惠民、張倩茜譯,「新合縱連橫:讓AT&T、新力、惠普、百事達、CNN教你如何聯盟最有優勢」,台北:麥格羅•希爾,2001年)zh_TW
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