
題名 專利檢索系統與分析方法之探討與革新
The review and reform of the bygone systems retrieving and the methods analyzing for patents
作者 林家聖
Lin,Chia Shen
貢獻者 周延鵬
Lin,Chia Shen
關鍵詞 專利檢索
patent retrieval
patent analysis
日期 2006
上傳時間 17-Sep-2009 18:40:52 (UTC+8)
摘要 專利檢索與分析對於企業、研發機構、學術單位等等不同性質的專利權人,在智慧財產經營與管理上扮演著決策參考的重要角色,由於目前存在著許多似是而非的方法與理論,透過適當的檢索方法及分析架構、利用方便的工具進行專利檢索,應用實際的方法進行專利分析,將技術與專利佈署的靜態資訊,授權、訴訟、轉讓、設質等動態資訊這些龐大資料轉化成具有結構化、系統化的統計資料,藉以分析專利權人佈署專利的軌跡,並且提供作為商業決策之參考的分析流程更顯出相當程度的困難,這些種種的困難點出了專利檢索與專利分析正確與客觀的重要性。
一、檢討既有國內外專利檢索系統、專利地圖分析方法之優缺;研究國內外數個相關專利檢索系統(國內:Patent Guider、Patent Pilot,國外:Derwent、Delphion)的現況,分析界面、功能的差異,並且探討系統中對於專利分析方法的優缺。

The patent retrieval and the analysis acts an important character as policy-making reference in the intellectual property management regarding the enterprises, the research and development institutions, the academia and so on the other difference assignees. At present, there are many specious methods and the theories about the region. Therefore, it appears difficult to utilize an appropriate tool with an objectively analysis method for transforming static and corresponding dynamic information of patent into structured and systematized data so as to analyze patent disposition path of each assignee. What described above emphasizes the important of accurate patent retrieval and objective patent analysis.
Therefore goal of the this thesis includes 4 subjects as below:
First, the analysis methods of bygone patent map are studied through reviewing 4 patents retrieval system including domestic and foreign ones. I researched 4 patents retrieval systems which domestic: Patent Guider, Patent Pilot, overseas: Derwent, Delphion, and addressed differences between them by comparing each other’s present situation, data sources, user interface, functions, and so on.
Second, the fallacy of the past patent retrieval procedure is inspected. According to the existing patent retrieval system design, the patent retrieval method, and how to read out from retrieval result, this thesis proposes some problems in the past patent retrieval procedure and discusses in detail the user’s demand and expectation for the patent retrieval and analysis.
Third, I researched and analyzed the patent retrieval procedure so as to emit a new process. The patent retrieval procedure in steps is nothing more than as follows "sort out a clear goal, limits a reasonable scope, utilize a proper tool, adopt an objective method, present the retrieval result”. It gauges user’s demands first, then finds target products, areas, and companies to be researched and analyzed deeply later from the alternately relations of the actual industry chain, the value chain, the supply chain, the target products with their output value, different areas, and companies. Based upon the new process, the patent retrieval process and result will be clear and useful, if the technical structure of target products is expanded to find out the correspondence between patents and market information.
Fourth, chapter 4 of the thesis presents an objective method for analyzing patents. This paragraph proposed new analysis forms with its data sources, definitions, user interface, and the limiting conditions within the analysis method linked to the user’s demand. The core of patent retrieval in the new analysis forms is the technical structure that is expanded as modules, components, structural technology, and process technology in a hierarchical way within the target product. After stacking out the retrieval target, the method defines every analysis forms and non-patent material using an objective and reliable way.
After examined past patent retrieval system and the analysis method, the thesis reorganizes four existing questions "the fallacy of patent quantity, the quantitative index formula, the over dependence on patent classification, the patent derives the market". These questions have seriously affected accurateness, objectiveness, and the feasibility of the bygone patent map. Therefore, in order to pursue the patent map to be able to have a more actual help to the user, we should eliminate the past fallacy to carry on the patent retrieval and analysis by the brand-new idea and the method.
Besides the conclusion, the thesis also inducts 5 innovations "diversifying the data sources, integrating the user interfaces, modularizing the retrieval process, the flexible retrieval method, the objective analysis method".

Keywords: patent retrieval, patent analysis
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1. USPTO,, 2006/12/06.
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3. DELPHION,, 2006/12/06.
4. INPADOC,, 2006/12/08.
5. SRI International,, 2006/12/08.
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18. USPTO MPEP,, 2007/01/13.
19. WIPO, Rule 43 The International Search Report, INTERNATIONAL TREATIES Regulations under the PCT,, 2007/01/18.
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21. USPTO Assignment Database,, 2007/01/18.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 周延鵬zh_TW (Authors) 林家聖zh_TW (Authors) Lin,Chia Shenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 林家聖zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin,Chia Shenen_US (日期) 2006en_US 17-Sep-2009 18:40:52 (UTC+8)- 17-Sep-2009 18:40:52 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 17-Sep-2009 18:40:52 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0093361015en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 智慧財產研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 93361015zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 專利檢索與分析對於企業、研發機構、學術單位等等不同性質的專利權人,在智慧財產經營與管理上扮演著決策參考的重要角色,由於目前存在著許多似是而非的方法與理論,透過適當的檢索方法及分析架構、利用方便的工具進行專利檢索,應用實際的方法進行專利分析,將技術與專利佈署的靜態資訊,授權、訴訟、轉讓、設質等動態資訊這些龐大資料轉化成具有結構化、系統化的統計資料,藉以分析專利權人佈署專利的軌跡,並且提供作為商業決策之參考的分析流程更顯出相當程度的困難,這些種種的困難點出了專利檢索與專利分析正確與客觀的重要性。
一、檢討既有國內外專利檢索系統、專利地圖分析方法之優缺;研究國內外數個相關專利檢索系統(國內:Patent Guider、Patent Pilot,國外:Derwent、Delphion)的現況,分析界面、功能的差異,並且探討系統中對於專利分析方法的優缺。

dc.description.abstract (摘要) The patent retrieval and the analysis acts an important character as policy-making reference in the intellectual property management regarding the enterprises, the research and development institutions, the academia and so on the other difference assignees. At present, there are many specious methods and the theories about the region. Therefore, it appears difficult to utilize an appropriate tool with an objectively analysis method for transforming static and corresponding dynamic information of patent into structured and systematized data so as to analyze patent disposition path of each assignee. What described above emphasizes the important of accurate patent retrieval and objective patent analysis.
Therefore goal of the this thesis includes 4 subjects as below:
First, the analysis methods of bygone patent map are studied through reviewing 4 patents retrieval system including domestic and foreign ones. I researched 4 patents retrieval systems which domestic: Patent Guider, Patent Pilot, overseas: Derwent, Delphion, and addressed differences between them by comparing each other’s present situation, data sources, user interface, functions, and so on.
Second, the fallacy of the past patent retrieval procedure is inspected. According to the existing patent retrieval system design, the patent retrieval method, and how to read out from retrieval result, this thesis proposes some problems in the past patent retrieval procedure and discusses in detail the user’s demand and expectation for the patent retrieval and analysis.
Third, I researched and analyzed the patent retrieval procedure so as to emit a new process. The patent retrieval procedure in steps is nothing more than as follows "sort out a clear goal, limits a reasonable scope, utilize a proper tool, adopt an objective method, present the retrieval result”. It gauges user’s demands first, then finds target products, areas, and companies to be researched and analyzed deeply later from the alternately relations of the actual industry chain, the value chain, the supply chain, the target products with their output value, different areas, and companies. Based upon the new process, the patent retrieval process and result will be clear and useful, if the technical structure of target products is expanded to find out the correspondence between patents and market information.
Fourth, chapter 4 of the thesis presents an objective method for analyzing patents. This paragraph proposed new analysis forms with its data sources, definitions, user interface, and the limiting conditions within the analysis method linked to the user’s demand. The core of patent retrieval in the new analysis forms is the technical structure that is expanded as modules, components, structural technology, and process technology in a hierarchical way within the target product. After stacking out the retrieval target, the method defines every analysis forms and non-patent material using an objective and reliable way.
After examined past patent retrieval system and the analysis method, the thesis reorganizes four existing questions "the fallacy of patent quantity, the quantitative index formula, the over dependence on patent classification, the patent derives the market". These questions have seriously affected accurateness, objectiveness, and the feasibility of the bygone patent map. Therefore, in order to pursue the patent map to be able to have a more actual help to the user, we should eliminate the past fallacy to carry on the patent retrieval and analysis by the brand-new idea and the method.
Besides the conclusion, the thesis also inducts 5 innovations "diversifying the data sources, integrating the user interfaces, modularizing the retrieval process, the flexible retrieval method, the objective analysis method".

Keywords: patent retrieval, patent analysis
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 5
第一節 研究背景與動機 5
第二節 研究目的 11
第三節 研究架構 12
第二章 既有專利檢索系統與分析方法之剖析與檢討 14
第一節 國內系統現況 14
第二節 國外系統現況 29
第三章 專利檢索的迷思與使用者需求分析 48
第一節 專利檢索的迷思 49
第二節 使用者需求分析 55
第四章 專利檢索流程與分析方法之探討與革新 63
第一節 專利檢索流程 65
第二節 專利分析方法探討 77
第五章 結論與建議 112
第一節 結論 112
第二節 建議 118
第三節 後續研究 121
第六章 參考文獻 124
第一節 中文部份 124
第二節 英文部份 126
第三節 網頁部份 127


表 2-1,Patent Guider v1.0專利管理圖定義 16
表 2-2,Patent Pilot分析功能一覽表 25
表 2-3,Derwent Patent Assignee Codes 30
表 2-4,Derwent Class Codes第一層分類 31
表 3-1,使用者需求分析表 59
表 4-1,檢索範圍界定表 67
表 4-2,技術結構示意表 80
表 4-3,一、二階欄位展開檢閱分類表 82
表 4-4,專利分析定義表 83
表 4-5,決策項目與分析表格、非專利資料對照表 86


A-1.技術結構對應年度分布 91
A-2.技術結構對應年度、區域分布 92
A-3.技術結構對應年度、專利權人分布 93
A-4.技術結構對應年度、發明人分布 94
A-5.技術結構對應年度、功效分布 95
A-6.技術結構對應年度、產業結構分布 96
B-2.技術結構對應區域分布 97
B-3.技術結構對應區域、專利權人分布 98
B-4.技術結構對應區域、發明人分布 99
B-5.技術結構對應區域、功效分布 100
B-6.技術結構對應區域、產業結構分布 101
C-3.技術結構對應專利權人分布 102
C-4.技術結構對應專利權人、發明人分布 103
C-5.技術結構對應專利權人、功效分布 104
C-6.技術結構對應專利權人、產業結構分布 105
D-4.技術結構對應發明人分布 106
D-5.技術結構對應發明人、功效分布 107
D-6.技術結構對應發明人、產業結構分布 108
E-5.技術結構對應功效分布 109
E-6.技術結構對應功效、產業結構分布 110
F-6.技術結構對應產業結構分布 111


圖 2-1, PATENT GUIDER-技術生命週期圖 22
圖 2-2, PATENT GUIDER-所屬國歷年專利件數圖 22
圖 2-3, PATENT GUIDER-IPC專利分類分析圖 23
圖 2-4, PATENT PILOT-歷年專利權人數折線圖 26
圖 2-5, PATENT PILOT-研發能量分析/各發明人專利數 27
圖 2-6,DERWENT Manual Codes 31
圖 2-7,DERWENT-Form Search擷圖 34
圖 2-8,DELPHION-檢索結果擷圖 40
圖 2-9,DELPHION-專利資料細節 41
圖 2-10,DELPHION-Citation Link擷圖 42
圖 2-11,DELPHION-法律狀態代碼涵義擷圖 42
圖 2-12,DELPHION-Snapshot擷圖 43
圖 2-13,DELPHION-Show Visual Map 44
圖 2-14,PatentLab II分析圖表範例擷圖 45
圖 4-1,價值鏈示意圖 68
圖 4-2,產業鏈示意圖 69
圖 4-3,供應鏈示意圖 70
圖 5-1,PATENT GUIDER-各國家歷年專利件數圖 113
圖 5-2,PATENT GUIDER-研發能力詳細數據 114
圖 5-3,PATENT PILOT-專利權人研發能量分析 115
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dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 專利檢索zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 專利分析zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) patent retrievalen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) patent analysisen_US
dc.title (題名) 專利檢索系統與分析方法之探討與革新zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The review and reform of the bygone systems retrieving and the methods analyzing for patentsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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