
題名 台灣蘭花在美國市場的商業機會研究
A Study on Taiwan Orchids Commercial Opportunity in US Market
作者 馮志峯
Feng,Chi Fong
貢獻者 許舜喨
Hsu,Shun Liang
Feng,Chi Fong
關鍵詞 蘭花
US orchid market
日期 2008
上傳時間 17-Sep-2009 18:41:48 (UTC+8)
摘要 台灣蘭花業者過去憑藉著優異的育種技術以及豐富的種源,在全球蘭花市場上佔有一席之地。由於蘭花經濟價值高,近年已吸引許多國外業者投入栽植與生產,目前包括荷蘭、美國、日本、韓國、泰國、加拿大以及中國大陸等國家的業者都開始切入蘭花市場。就蘭花的銷售而言,影響蘭花價值的因子除了有商品定位形象外,隨著建築風格的改變、空間配置的調整,新的消費需求將決定未來的蘭花價值。
經調查發現:美國蘭花市場主要是盆花市場,在1999年至2007年間,美國蘭花盆花市場的批發值(約1.2億美元/每年)約為蘭花切花 批發市場的10 – 16倍;以進出口的比例來看,美國蘭花盆花的進口價值為出口價值的6倍以上,因此美國屬於蘭花盆花淨輸入國;美國蘭花盆花的主要輸入源為:台灣、泰國、荷蘭、加拿大、中國與韓國;其中過去9年中,美國每年自中國、韓國、加拿大以及泰國進口的蘭花價值或是重量的複合年成長率都超越台灣;因此雖然目前台灣仍是美國的蘭花的最主要進口源,但是未來在開創美國市場時,除了應注意荷蘭業者的動態外,亦需注意中國、韓國、加拿大以及泰國的蘭花業者狀態。
就美國的蘭花進口法規來看,美國農業部認為絕大部分的貿易用蘭花切花都是來自於人工繁殖的植株,因此不屬於CITES的限制範圍;除非有明顯證據證實是採集自野外,否則,在檢查後,蘭花切花的商業性運輸將會被海關放行;另外,美國政府主要是依CITES的規定來執行蘭花盆花進口的查核,而目前CITES中關於人工繁殖的雜交蕙蘭(Cymbidium)、石斛蘭(Dendrobium)(血色石斛蘭(Dendrobium cruentum)除外)、蝴蝶蘭(Phalaenopsis)以及萬代蘭(Vanda)的蘭花有相同的標準,蝴蝶蘭並不是唯一的豁免種類。
總體而言,台灣蘭花盆花以及蘭花切花在美國市場都有發展機會;建議未來的發展方向可包含:1. 依據不同地理區位市場的氣候環境與人口組成,透過育種技術來提供適地適境並符合市場期待的蘭種,並透過主張植物品種權及/或專利權及/或透過營業秘密的方式掌握育種優勢;2. 開始植根美國當地,直接引進台灣的育種與育苗技術進入美國境內(或是鄰近國家)進行蘭花的生產;3. 充分掌握國際與美國國內法規變化、定期調查美國市場需求變動,並善用美國多元化通路,不疏漏美國蘭花切花市場,也不輕忽蝴蝶蘭以外的蘭花盆花市場。
Taiwan is a major worldwide supplier of orchids due to its outstanding seeding and breeding techniques and the natural environment. In the recent years, the lucrative economic value of orchids has prompted many industries from other countries, such as Holland, United States, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Canada and China to invest in orchid productions. In addition to the merchandise image of orchids that affects their price, demands resulting from the changing architecture styles and interior designs further determine the future value of orchids.
The US orchid market is the second biggest place for orchids exported from Taiwan. Over the past three years, the average annual growth rate of orchid export weights from Taiwan to the US is over 60%, while the orchid export value on average has increased by over 38%. Therefore, the role and the possible commercial opportunities of orchids from Taiwan in the US market require further attention from the orchid farmers and the government in Taiwan.
The aim of this study is to analyze the possible commercial opportunity of orchid from Taiwan in the US market by understanding the current supply chain and wholesale value of the US orchid market, ascertaining the relevant import and export laws and regulations, and investigating the current state of orchids from Taiwan in the US orchid market.
According to previous investigations, it is realized that the potted orchid is the major type purchased in the US. Between 1999 and 2007, the wholesale value of potted orchids is around 120 million dollars per year, which is about 10-16 times more than that of the cut orchid. Furthermore, the US is a net import country of orchids, where the import orchid value is 6 times more than the export orchid value. Taiwan, Thailand, Holland, Canada, China and Korea are the main sources from which orchids are imported to the US. Over the last 9 years, the compound annual growth rates of both the quantity and the value of orchids imported from China, Korea, Canada and Thailand have exceeded those from Taiwan. Therefore, although Taiwan is still the major source where orchids in the US are imported from, the orchid industries from China, Korea, Canada and Thailand in addition to Holland should also be monitored.
The peak of imported cut orchid quantity was in 2004 before starting to decline. Meanwhile, however, the imported cut orchid value increased. Therefore, the price for imported cut orchid thrived over the last few years.
Based on Cut Flowers and Greenery Import Manual, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)of United States Department of Agriculture considers that “the great majority of orchids encountered in the trade are from artificially propagated plants and therefore fall outside the scope of the CITES Regulations; therefore, INSPECT and RELEASE commercial shipments of cut orchids unless you have convincing proof that the orchids were collected in the wild; neither permits nor certificates are necessary for orchid blossoms from artificially propagated plants”. This indicates that the US government holds a relatively open attitude towards the international cut orchid trades. Moreover, based on CITES appendices valid since July 1, 2008, it is known that “artificially propagated hybrids of the following genera are not subject to the provisions of the Convention, if conditions, as indicated under a) and b), are met: Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis and Vanda”. Therefore, Cymbidium, Dendrobium(except Dendrobium cruentum), Phalaenopsis and Vanda are under the same protection level based on CITES.
Moreover, companies from Holland and Canada have introduced an auction mechanism for orchids into the US orchid market, and the auctioned orchids are delivered by express.
The orchid industry in Taiwan has the experience and ability to export a variety of orchids to various countries, and the US orchid market is relatively open to various orchids. Both potted and cut orchids from Taiwan show commercially competitive advantage in the US market, but new marketing strategies of orchids from Taiwan in the US market are required to be implemented prior to the development thereto.
Suggestions for the orchid industry in Taiwan include the following. 1. to develop customised orchid plants that are most suitable for specific markets based on the natural environment and/or the demographic make-up, and to allow further development of these dominant species by applying protection under PVPA, plant patent and/or utility patent; 2. to directly introduce the seeding and breeding experiences and techniques from Taiwan to the US or nearby countries to shorten transportation time and to allow for mass production; 3. to regularly acquire information about the changes to the CITES, US import laws and/or regulations and trends in the orchid market, and to fully utilize the diverse orchid distribution routes and the resources from research institutes for the full development of cut and potted orchid markets.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 許舜喨zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Hsu,Shun Liangen_US (Authors) 馮志峯zh_TW (Authors) Feng,Chi Fongen_US
dc.creator (作者) 馮志峯zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Feng,Chi Fongen_US (日期) 2008en_US 17-Sep-2009 18:41:48 (UTC+8)- 17-Sep-2009 18:41:48 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 17-Sep-2009 18:41:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0095361010en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 智慧財產研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95361010zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 97zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 台灣蘭花業者過去憑藉著優異的育種技術以及豐富的種源,在全球蘭花市場上佔有一席之地。由於蘭花經濟價值高,近年已吸引許多國外業者投入栽植與生產,目前包括荷蘭、美國、日本、韓國、泰國、加拿大以及中國大陸等國家的業者都開始切入蘭花市場。就蘭花的銷售而言,影響蘭花價值的因子除了有商品定位形象外,隨著建築風格的改變、空間配置的調整,新的消費需求將決定未來的蘭花價值。
經調查發現:美國蘭花市場主要是盆花市場,在1999年至2007年間,美國蘭花盆花市場的批發值(約1.2億美元/每年)約為蘭花切花 批發市場的10 – 16倍;以進出口的比例來看,美國蘭花盆花的進口價值為出口價值的6倍以上,因此美國屬於蘭花盆花淨輸入國;美國蘭花盆花的主要輸入源為:台灣、泰國、荷蘭、加拿大、中國與韓國;其中過去9年中,美國每年自中國、韓國、加拿大以及泰國進口的蘭花價值或是重量的複合年成長率都超越台灣;因此雖然目前台灣仍是美國的蘭花的最主要進口源,但是未來在開創美國市場時,除了應注意荷蘭業者的動態外,亦需注意中國、韓國、加拿大以及泰國的蘭花業者狀態。
就美國的蘭花進口法規來看,美國農業部認為絕大部分的貿易用蘭花切花都是來自於人工繁殖的植株,因此不屬於CITES的限制範圍;除非有明顯證據證實是採集自野外,否則,在檢查後,蘭花切花的商業性運輸將會被海關放行;另外,美國政府主要是依CITES的規定來執行蘭花盆花進口的查核,而目前CITES中關於人工繁殖的雜交蕙蘭(Cymbidium)、石斛蘭(Dendrobium)(血色石斛蘭(Dendrobium cruentum)除外)、蝴蝶蘭(Phalaenopsis)以及萬代蘭(Vanda)的蘭花有相同的標準,蝴蝶蘭並不是唯一的豁免種類。
總體而言,台灣蘭花盆花以及蘭花切花在美國市場都有發展機會;建議未來的發展方向可包含:1. 依據不同地理區位市場的氣候環境與人口組成,透過育種技術來提供適地適境並符合市場期待的蘭種,並透過主張植物品種權及/或專利權及/或透過營業秘密的方式掌握育種優勢;2. 開始植根美國當地,直接引進台灣的育種與育苗技術進入美國境內(或是鄰近國家)進行蘭花的生產;3. 充分掌握國際與美國國內法規變化、定期調查美國市場需求變動,並善用美國多元化通路,不疏漏美國蘭花切花市場,也不輕忽蝴蝶蘭以外的蘭花盆花市場。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Taiwan is a major worldwide supplier of orchids due to its outstanding seeding and breeding techniques and the natural environment. In the recent years, the lucrative economic value of orchids has prompted many industries from other countries, such as Holland, United States, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Canada and China to invest in orchid productions. In addition to the merchandise image of orchids that affects their price, demands resulting from the changing architecture styles and interior designs further determine the future value of orchids.
The US orchid market is the second biggest place for orchids exported from Taiwan. Over the past three years, the average annual growth rate of orchid export weights from Taiwan to the US is over 60%, while the orchid export value on average has increased by over 38%. Therefore, the role and the possible commercial opportunities of orchids from Taiwan in the US market require further attention from the orchid farmers and the government in Taiwan.
The aim of this study is to analyze the possible commercial opportunity of orchid from Taiwan in the US market by understanding the current supply chain and wholesale value of the US orchid market, ascertaining the relevant import and export laws and regulations, and investigating the current state of orchids from Taiwan in the US orchid market.
According to previous investigations, it is realized that the potted orchid is the major type purchased in the US. Between 1999 and 2007, the wholesale value of potted orchids is around 120 million dollars per year, which is about 10-16 times more than that of the cut orchid. Furthermore, the US is a net import country of orchids, where the import orchid value is 6 times more than the export orchid value. Taiwan, Thailand, Holland, Canada, China and Korea are the main sources from which orchids are imported to the US. Over the last 9 years, the compound annual growth rates of both the quantity and the value of orchids imported from China, Korea, Canada and Thailand have exceeded those from Taiwan. Therefore, although Taiwan is still the major source where orchids in the US are imported from, the orchid industries from China, Korea, Canada and Thailand in addition to Holland should also be monitored.
The peak of imported cut orchid quantity was in 2004 before starting to decline. Meanwhile, however, the imported cut orchid value increased. Therefore, the price for imported cut orchid thrived over the last few years.
Based on Cut Flowers and Greenery Import Manual, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)of United States Department of Agriculture considers that “the great majority of orchids encountered in the trade are from artificially propagated plants and therefore fall outside the scope of the CITES Regulations; therefore, INSPECT and RELEASE commercial shipments of cut orchids unless you have convincing proof that the orchids were collected in the wild; neither permits nor certificates are necessary for orchid blossoms from artificially propagated plants”. This indicates that the US government holds a relatively open attitude towards the international cut orchid trades. Moreover, based on CITES appendices valid since July 1, 2008, it is known that “artificially propagated hybrids of the following genera are not subject to the provisions of the Convention, if conditions, as indicated under a) and b), are met: Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis and Vanda”. Therefore, Cymbidium, Dendrobium(except Dendrobium cruentum), Phalaenopsis and Vanda are under the same protection level based on CITES.
Moreover, companies from Holland and Canada have introduced an auction mechanism for orchids into the US orchid market, and the auctioned orchids are delivered by express.
The orchid industry in Taiwan has the experience and ability to export a variety of orchids to various countries, and the US orchid market is relatively open to various orchids. Both potted and cut orchids from Taiwan show commercially competitive advantage in the US market, but new marketing strategies of orchids from Taiwan in the US market are required to be implemented prior to the development thereto.
Suggestions for the orchid industry in Taiwan include the following. 1. to develop customised orchid plants that are most suitable for specific markets based on the natural environment and/or the demographic make-up, and to allow further development of these dominant species by applying protection under PVPA, plant patent and/or utility patent; 2. to directly introduce the seeding and breeding experiences and techniques from Taiwan to the US or nearby countries to shorten transportation time and to allow for mass production; 3. to regularly acquire information about the changes to the CITES, US import laws and/or regulations and trends in the orchid market, and to fully utilize the diverse orchid distribution routes and the resources from research institutes for the full development of cut and potted orchid markets.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 文獻探討 4
第三節 研究動機與目的 8
第四節 研究架構及章節安排 10
第二章 美國園藝作物與花卉批發市場分析 16
第一節 美國園藝作物供銷狀況 16
第二節 美國花卉市場供應鏈介紹 17
第三節 美國花卉批發值分析 18
第四節 小結 21
第三章 美國蘭花批發市場分析 23
第一節 美國蘭花盆花批發值分析 24
第二節 美國蘭花切花批發值分析 27
第三節 美國蘭花市場變因分析 28
第四節 美國蘭花市場地理區位分析 31
第五節 蘭花來源 35
第六節 供應鏈 43
第七節 美國蘭花市場消費花種介紹 50
第八節 美國蘭花消費者偏好分析 54
第九節 小結 58
第四章 台灣蘭花產業現況分析 60
第一節 台灣主要蘭花種類介紹 60
第二節 台灣主要蘭花種類生產狀況 65
第三節 政府輔導 66
第四節 台灣蘭花外銷狀況 67
第五節 小結 75
第五章 台灣蘭花輸美貿易法規及檢疫制度 77
第一節 食品安全檢驗及動植物檢疫措施協定 78
第二節 國際植物保護公約 79
第三節 華盛頓公約 80
第四節 我國輸出植物檢疫規定 83
第五節 美國植物進口檢疫規定 85
第六節 小結 88
第六章 台灣蘭花在美國市場的現況與利基分析 90
第一節 台灣蘭花輸美現況 91
第二節 台灣蘭花在美交易機制 96
第三節 台灣蘭花在美國蘭花產業鏈利基分析 99
第四節 台灣蘭花在美國市場的市場區隔利基分析 112
第五節 小結 116
第七章 結論與建議 118
第一節 結論 118
第二節 建議 121
參考文獻 126


圖1 2005 – 2007 年台灣蘭花主要外銷國與其外銷值示意圖 2
圖2 台灣蘭花外銷流程示意圖 11
圖3 研究架構圖 14
圖4 美國進口花卉供應鏈示意圖 18
圖5 美國花卉批發值變化圖 19
圖6 美國蘭花每戶批發值趨勢圖 23
圖7 美國蘭花盆花銷售數量圖 25
圖8 美國蘭花盆花批發單價示意圖 25
圖9 美國蘭花盆花批發值圖 26
圖10 美國蘭花切花銷售圖 27
圖11 美國蘭花切花批發單價示意圖 28
圖12 美國蘭花市場地理區為示意圖 31
圖13 美國不同州別的蘭花盆花批發值分配比較圖 34
圖14 美國蘭花盆花進出口值示意圖 36
圖15 美國蘭花盆花進口值與進口重量圖 37
圖16 美國蘭花盆花進口重量示意圖 38
圖17 美國蘭花盆花進口值示意圖 39
圖18 美國蘭花進口值各國所佔比例分析圖 40
圖19 美國自台灣進口蘭花總值與重量分佈圖 41
圖20 美國蘭花切花進口總值比較圖 42
圖21 美國蘭花切花進口總值與進口重量圖 43
圖22 美國蘭花國內供應鏈示意圖 44
圖23 美國蘭花切花進口值示意圖 101
圖24 美國蘭花切花進口量示意圖 102
圖25 美國蘭花切花進口單價示意圖 102
圖26 夏威夷州蘭花盆花批發量示意圖 104
圖27 夏威夷州蘭花盆花批發值示意圖 104
圖28 應用公開拍賣機制銷售蘭花示意圖 111
圖29 台灣蘭花在美國市場的商業機會與發展建議機制示意圖 116


表1 美國園藝作物的供銷狀況表 16
表2 美國盆花每戶批發值 20
表3 美國盆花每戶批發值 21
表4 美國蘭花盆花每戶批發值 24
表5 美國蘭花市場變因分析 29
表6 美國不同地理區位的批發值表 33
表7 美國不同地理區位的蘭花盆花批發單價分析 35
表8 美國蘭花產銷業者的批發銷售比 45
表9 美國蘭花盆花產銷業者數量與批發值變化表 46
表10 美國蘭花切花產銷業者數量與批發值變化表 47
表11 加州灣區蝴蝶蘭售價實查資料表 50
表12 2007年夏威夷州蘭花盆花銷售統計 51
表13 2007年夏威夷州蘭花切花銷售統計 53
表14 美國花卉與植物銷售通路比較表 55
表15 1998年美國蘭花盆花的批發資料表 57
表16 1998年美國蘭花切花的批發資料表 57
表17 2005–2007年台灣蘭花產量、單價與產值表 65
表18 2004–2006年台灣文心蘭產量、單價以及交易表 66
表19 2005–2007年台灣蘭花外銷重量與總值表 68
表20 2005年台灣蘭花外銷不同國別的重量與總值表 71
表21 2006年台灣蘭花外銷不同國別的重量與總值表 72
表22 2007年台灣蘭花外銷不同國別的重量與總值表 74
表23 CITES 附錄中的蘭科植物 81
表24 2005–2007年財政部關稅總局統計台灣輸美蘭花統計表 92
表25 美國農業部與國內對2006年台灣蘭花產業狀況的資料比較 94
表26 全球主要花卉拍賣市場紀錄 97
表28 美國蘭花切花供應狀況分析表 100
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 蘭花zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 蝴蝶蘭zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 文心蘭zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 石斛蘭zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 蕙蘭zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 美國蘭花市場zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Orchiden_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Phalaenopsisen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Oncidiumen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Dendrobiumen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Cymbidiumen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) US orchid marketen_US
dc.title (題名) 台灣蘭花在美國市場的商業機會研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study on Taiwan Orchids Commercial Opportunity in US Marketen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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