
題名 政府政策對於風力發電的影響:台灣與中國之比較
作者 葛卓強
貢獻者 于卓民
關鍵詞 風力發電
日期 2006
上傳時間 17-九月-2009 18:53:33 (UTC+8)
摘要 Although wind energy is still unable to compete with traditional forms of power production on the free market, it is the world’s fastest-growing energy source with an average annual growth rate of 29 percent. This growth is mainly due to favorable policies set by the government. The reasons for these policies include the reduction of: pollution, fossil fuel dependency, and/or carbon emissions. Countries have utilized a number of wind energy incentive programs which have produced varying results.
In the past, researchers have found that the “fixed tariff” incentive policy stimulates growth in the wind energy market, but produces a high price. In contrast, the “tendering tariff” has been found to stimulate much less growth with a low price.
The cases of Taiwan and China have been analyzed in this thesis, and it was found that, contrary to expectations, the fixed tariff system in Taiwan has a lower price and has produced less growth than the tendering tariff system in China. The reasons for this purported in this thesis is that the model for understanding the dynamics of the policy was wrong. The price under the fixed tariff system determines the amount of development and the amount of land offered in the auctions determines the amount development in the tendering tariff system. The price in the tendering tariff system depends on the amount of competition in the bidding process. Taiwan has been frugal in their pricing of wind generated electricity and the Chinese government has shown determination to offer enough land for development in federal and local auctions to triple its goals.
Other policies have also been analyzed including those favoring local companies. China’s large market has given it a bargaining tool for the use of such policies to stimulate joint ventures and local manufacturing, but Taiwan is too small for companies to take interest in similar policies.
In Taiwan, companies have played a key role in establishing infrastructure because there was originally a general lack of policy despite political goals. This gave rise to the concept of the “global wind energy company” presented in this thesis. This type of company analyzes the markets of numerous countries before making the decision to enter. To find truly uncontested markets, a company may have to help create infrastructure in markets where it is lacking. Models of the country selection process are given along with strategy models for companies within the different policy systems.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094933026
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 于卓民zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 葛卓強zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Graham,Joshuaen_US
dc.creator (作者) 葛卓強zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Graham,Joshuaen_US
dc.date (日期) 2006en_US
dc.date.accessioned 17-九月-2009 18:53:33 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 17-九月-2009 18:53:33 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 17-九月-2009 18:53:33 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0094933026en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/33949-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國際經營管理碩士班(IMBA)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 94933026zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Although wind energy is still unable to compete with traditional forms of power production on the free market, it is the world’s fastest-growing energy source with an average annual growth rate of 29 percent. This growth is mainly due to favorable policies set by the government. The reasons for these policies include the reduction of: pollution, fossil fuel dependency, and/or carbon emissions. Countries have utilized a number of wind energy incentive programs which have produced varying results.
In the past, researchers have found that the “fixed tariff” incentive policy stimulates growth in the wind energy market, but produces a high price. In contrast, the “tendering tariff” has been found to stimulate much less growth with a low price.
The cases of Taiwan and China have been analyzed in this thesis, and it was found that, contrary to expectations, the fixed tariff system in Taiwan has a lower price and has produced less growth than the tendering tariff system in China. The reasons for this purported in this thesis is that the model for understanding the dynamics of the policy was wrong. The price under the fixed tariff system determines the amount of development and the amount of land offered in the auctions determines the amount development in the tendering tariff system. The price in the tendering tariff system depends on the amount of competition in the bidding process. Taiwan has been frugal in their pricing of wind generated electricity and the Chinese government has shown determination to offer enough land for development in federal and local auctions to triple its goals.
Other policies have also been analyzed including those favoring local companies. China’s large market has given it a bargaining tool for the use of such policies to stimulate joint ventures and local manufacturing, but Taiwan is too small for companies to take interest in similar policies.
In Taiwan, companies have played a key role in establishing infrastructure because there was originally a general lack of policy despite political goals. This gave rise to the concept of the “global wind energy company” presented in this thesis. This type of company analyzes the markets of numerous countries before making the decision to enter. To find truly uncontested markets, a company may have to help create infrastructure in markets where it is lacking. Models of the country selection process are given along with strategy models for companies within the different policy systems.
dc.description.tableofcontents Abstract i
Acknowledgements iv
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures ix
List of Tables x
Preface xi
Chapter 1 12
1.1 The History of Wind Energy and Policy 12
1.2 The Reasons for Incentive Policy 3
1.2.1 Potential Energy Shortages 3
1.2.2 Global Warming 6
1.2.3 Pollution 8
1.3 The Benefits of Wind Energy 8
1.3.1 Wind Energy is Renewable 8
1.3.2 Wind Energy is Widely Distributed 9
1.3.3 Wind Energy is Clean and has Few Carbon Emissions 9
1.4 Wind Energy’s Price Competitiveness 10
1.5 The Goals of Policy 13
1.6 Strategic Framework 14
1.6 .1 Theory of Constraints 15
1.6.2 “Global” vs. “Local” Strategy 16
1.6.3 Emergent Core Competencies 16
1.7 Incentive Policies and Strategy 17
1.7.1 The Fixed Tariff System (Taiwan and Germany) 19
1.7.2 The Tendering Tariff System (China) 20
1.7.3 The Fixed Quota System (USA, UK, and China) 21
1.7.4 Summary 21
1.8 Hypotheses Derived from Previous Research 22
1.9 The True Determinants of Development and Price within the Fixed Tariff and Tendering Tariff Systems 23
1.10 Other Evidence of Strategic Focus 24
Chapter 2 24
2.1 Research on Wind Energy Policy 24
2.1.1 Incentive Policy Comparison 25
2.1.2 The Reasons for the Differences in the Findings of Menanteau et al. and this Thesis 28
2.1.3 Stimulation of Industry 29
2.2 Background of Wind Energy Policy in Taiwan 31
2.2.1 Wind Potential in Taiwan 34
2.2.2 InfraVest 34
2.2.3 TaiPower 36
2.3 Background of Wind Energy in China 37
2.3.1 The History of Wind Energy Policy in China 38 The “Initial Phase” 38 The “Incremental Phase” 39 The “Coordinated Phase” 40
2.3.2 China’s Wind Energy Policy Controversy 44
Chapter 3 47
3.1 Research Done in Taiwan 47
3.2 Research Conducted for China 48
Chapter 4 49
4.1 Overview 49
4.2 “Global strategy” 49
4.2.1 Establishing the Incentive Structure 50
4.2.2 Permitting Approval 52
4.2.3 Further Lobbying Efforts 52
4.3 “Local Strategy” 53
4.3.1 Land Rights Acquisition vs. Market Share 53
4.3.2 Land Rights Acquisition vs. Efficiency 54
4.3.3 Evidence of Fierce Competition in Taiwan 55
4.2.4 Other Ways to Achieve Efficiency 56
4.2.5 Finance 57
4.3 Policy to Stimulate Local Industry 58
4.4 Emergent Core Competencies 59
4.4.1 Land Rights Acquisition 60
4.4.2 Permits 60
4.4.3 Other Emergent Competencies 61
4.5 Summary for Taiwan 62
Chapter 5 63
5.1 Strategy for the Tendering Tariff 64
5.2 The Influence of the Fixed Quota on Federal Auctions 66
5.3 Local Markets 69
5.5 Local Manufacture Policy 71
5.6 Anticipation of a change in policy 72
5.7 Emergent Core Competencies 73
5.8 Summary 75
Chapter 6 77
6.1 Explanation of Findings 77
6.1.1 The Established Price of the Fixed Tariff Determines the Amount of Development 77
6.1.2 To Promote Rapid Development in the Fixed Tariff System, Price Should be Set High and then Lowered 79
6.1.3 The Number of Sites Which a Government Auctions in the Tendering Tariff System Determines the Amount of Development 81
6.2 Strategy within the Policy Frameworks 81
6.2.1 Fixed Tariff 81
6.2.2 Tendering Tariff 83
6.3 Company Vision 85
6.3.1 Resource Based View of Mature vs. New Markets 87
6.3.2 A Model for Estimating Market Share 90
6.4 Policy Goals 92
6.4.1 The Idea of a Hybrid System 93
6.4.2 The Goal of Establishing a Local Wind Turbine Manufacturing Industry 94
6.4.3 The Goal of Promoting Local Windfarm Development Companies 95
6.5 Summary 95
6.6 Suggestions for future research 97
Appendices 98
Bibliography 114

List of Figures

Figure 1 Global Electricity Production by Source in 2004 4
Figure 2 Non-hydro Renewable Energies in Electricity Production in 2004 (“Other” in Figure 1) 6
Figure 3 Observed Changes in Physical and Biological Systems vs. Surface Temperature between 1970 and 2004 7
Figure 4 The Cost of Generating Electricity (Pence per kWh) 12
Figure 5 The Policy Formation Process 14
Figure 6 Classifications of Incentive Policy Instruments 18
Figure 7 Home Market Size vs. Installed Global Capacity for WT Manufacturers 31
Figure 9 Policies Under Administration by the NDRC 42
Figure 10 Comparison of Goals and Federal Auctions 68
Figure 11 80
Figure 12 The Shift of Strategic Focus Due to Constraints 83
Figure 13 The Search for Advantage in Auctions 84
Figure 15 Decision Tree for Multinational Wind Energy Developers 87
Figure 16 Final market share if Company 3 acquires land twice as fast 91
Figure 17 Final market share if Company 3 acquires land twice as fast and there has been land leases 92
Figure 18 Published Estimates of World Oil Ultimate Recovery 99
Figure 19 EIA World Conventional Oil Production Scenarios 100
Figure 20 Distribution of Proved Reserves 101
Figure 21 Peak Discovery vs. Demand 101
Figure 22 Worldwide Possible Coal Production 102
Figure 23 World Production vs. Requirement 1947-2003 103
Figure 24 Key Impacts as a Function of Increasing Global Average Temperature Change 106
Figure 25 Cost of Energy - Large Windfarm vs. Small 111

List of Tables

Table 1 Comparitive Cost of Wind and Other Energy Sources 11
Table 2 Comparison of Policy and Focus of Competition in Taiwan and China 21
Table 3 Hypotheses and Results 22
Table 4 Comparison of Average Price Paid for Energy from Windfarms 25
Table 5 Comparison of Installed Capacity 25
Table 6 Chinese Concession Model 2006 42
Table 7 Chinese Wind Farm Bidding Rates 44
Table 8 Profit with Various Wind Availabilities 54
Table 9 Relative Costs of Windfarm Construction 64
Table 10 Wind Turbine Exports and Imports 73
Table 11 Global Vision vs. Local Vision 85
Table 12 Mature Markets with Fixed Tariff System 88
Table 13 Newly Developed Markets with Fixed Tariff System 88
Table 14 Newly Developed Markets with Tendering Tariff System 88
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094933026en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 風力發電zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 政府政策對於風力發電的影響:台灣與中國之比較zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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