
題名 兩岸三地臺商籌資評估之研究
IPO and SPO for Taiwan enterprises in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
作者 許坤源
Sheu,Jack K. Y.
貢獻者 沈中華<br>康榮寶
Shen, Chung-Hua<br>Kang, Jung-Pao
Sheu,Jack K. Y.
關鍵詞 臺商
Taiwan enterprises
Capital market
Stock market
日期 2006
上傳時間 17-Sep-2009 19:04:11 (UTC+8)
摘要 隨著兩岸三地臺商卓越的競爭能力與大中華經濟的迅速發展,海內外臺商發展為配合其長期追求成長之資金需求與其個別特定目的,尋求於最適地點上市籌資或再次籌資已是海內外臺商經營環境中極為重要之ㄧ環。有競爭力的臺商是亞洲各國極力爭取投資及招攬上市掛牌籌資的貴客,因其卓越的經營績效,敢於追求成長的努力,與勇於冒險創新發展的精神,是亞洲各國學習的對象,尤其是來自中國大陸的吸引力。
如何突破目前法規架構下發展對臺灣經濟與產業發展競爭力之最為有利的方式是目前政府部門努力的方向之一。惟,反向思考,是否解開對大陸投資上限40%之障礙,臺商回臺上市必可迎刃而解呢?臺商赴港上市或赴大陸掛牌就一定是致命吸引力嗎? 藉由探討兩岸三地證券市場之發展現狀與特色﹔以及將臺商企業已在大陸上市、香港上市與回臺上市之營運面與證券交易面之表現,由該已上市臺資企業期後財務效益,檢視兩岸三地證券市場籌資之關聯性問題與上市決策之選擇關鍵,及群聚現象對產業發展之影響。
關鍵詞:臺商; 籌資; 投資; 初次上市;再籌資; 掛牌; 資本市場; 股票市場;
With rapid development of Greater China`s economy of three places (China, Hong Kong and Taiwan) of two sides, listing in the most suitable exchange to fund-raising by IPO and SPO are quite important for the Taiwan enterprises. An efficient fund-raising platform of the low cost and safe, not only benefit Taiwan enterprises in future competitiveness, but also offer investors safe and efficient invest environment.

As CEPA signs coming into force, the trading tied closely between Hong Kong and China. Furthermore, China’s reform of “equity right” is effective and reopens the IPO mechanism at the beginning of 2006. Taiwan enterprise, however, listed on Taiwan stock market has a regulation of 40% limited of equity value invest in China. Those incentives from Hong Kong and China, the limit of Taiwan stock market, have made Taiwan enterprises consider to choose these two places to be listed.

In this research, we compare and contrast the characteristics among China, Hong Kong and Taiwan stock markets. Surveying the performance of business operation and dealing of the Taiwan enterprises which have listed in China or Hong Kong or come back to list on Taiwan market. Analyze and find the influence factors of the fund-raising among these three markets. Find the key points of listing decision and how the “cluster effect” influences the industry development.

Although the security market of Taiwan was listed by most overseas Taiwan traders ` solve bestly `, may have a great deal of appeal to Taiwan trader`s enterprises under the circumstances that people kiss the principle kissed in land , but because promote trade and investment the policy draft that biased to some extent with the influence of receiving the political factor of execution, limit the obstacle of can`t invest in China`s Mainland to investment upper limit and fund raising funds again of China`s Mainlanding etc., the Taiwan trader goes back to the platform to list and face a great deal of pressures, the way to platform is still like near before eyes, but far like the remotest places, its way is endless. Is it is it become Taiwan trader list raise funds ` relatively right to solve ` to select to list on China`s Mainland or Hong Kong to seek.

How break through regulation between development and Taiwan economy and industry development competitiveness favorable way government department diligent direction at present most under the structure at present. Only, think backward whether untie 40% of the obstacles of upper limit of continent investment, is it be very easily solved that the Taiwan trader go back to the platform to list? The Taiwan trader be the deadly appeal when going to Hongkong and is listed or go to the mainland to list? By probing into the current situations of the development and characteristics of three place security markets of two sides; And has been listed on mainland Taiwan trader`s enterprises , Hong Kong is listed and gone back the behavior the listing operation surface of the platform and securities trading , from should already listing Taiwan-owned enterprise financial benefit under issue, inspect two sides three place getting related question and listing choice key of decision that security market raise funds, and the influence on industry development of clustering phenomenon.

Behave with the characteristic and stock market of analysing in depth three place capital markets of two sides, attempt to look for the feasible way, suggest to the fund-raising of Taiwan trader`s enterprise and security market of Taiwan to some extent.

Purchase and become atmosphere luxuriantly in amalgamation in the global exchange, the stock exchange of New York (NYSE ) has already decided an agreement, will add stocks and purchase the European stock exchange (Euronext ) with cash of nearly 10 billion dollars, set up and stretch over the securities trade market of the Atlantic Ocean firstly. Only, listing and raising funds has localization characteristics, a large amount of China-invested enterprises are gone to Hong Kong to list with the H-share or the red chips now, and the Taiwan-owned enterprise also passes the group and breaks or organizes and recombinates to Hong Kong and is listed , the question managed in border exists and steps but there are certain differences in three place securities management systems of two sides, if can cooperate and form ` Greater China regional security market ` each other - Listed the mechanism bilaterally even listed, then the enterprise group of Taiwan is listed on three places of two sides the fund-raising , fund and drawn up plans and would not be situated in the interests conflict question among three places of relevant two sides; The China-invested enterprise with international competitiveness can also receive more Chinese fund ; Hong Kong investment bank and advantage of the finance can give play to the situation up to three wins further .

` politics is transient, industry`s economic competitive power is permanent `, Chinese helps Chinese, earns the global money with Chinese`s strength of assembling, accords with Chinese`s common interests of three places of two sides, regard this as the suggestions of three place securities competent authorities of two sides correctly.

Key Word : Taiwan enterprises; Fund-raising; IPO; SPO; Investment: Listing; Capital market; Stock market.
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1. China Finance Online HTUwww.chinafinanceonline.comUTH
2. International Federation of Stock Exchanges
3. 上海證券交易所
4. 中國安徽在線網站(中安在線)
5. 中國廣東落實CEPA網上政策諮詢會
6. 中國證券監督管理委員會
7. 中華人民共和國國家統計局
8. 中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心
9. 公開資訊觀測站
10. 台灣證券交易所
11. 行政院大陸委員會
12. 行政院金融監督管理委員會
13. 行政院經濟建設委員會
14. 香港工業貿易署
15. 香港交易及結算所
16. 香港特別行政區政府財經事務及庫務局
17. 香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會 HTUwww.sfc.hkUTH
18. 海基會兩岸經貿網 HTUwww.seftb.orgUTH
19. 財政部
20. 國際貿易局雙邊貿易一組
21. 深圳證券交易所 HTUwww.szse.cnUTH
22. 搜狐財經
23. 新華網 HTUwww.XINHUANET.comUTH
24. 解放網
25. 臺灣經濟新報社資料庫(TEJ)
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 沈中華<br>康榮寶zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Shen, Chung-Hua<br>Kang, Jung-Paoen_US (Authors) 許坤源zh_TW (Authors) Sheu,Jack K. Y.en_US
dc.creator (作者) 許坤源zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Sheu,Jack K. Y.en_US (日期) 2006en_US 17-Sep-2009 19:04:11 (UTC+8)- 17-Sep-2009 19:04:11 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 17-Sep-2009 19:04:11 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0093932213en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 金融研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 93932213zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著兩岸三地臺商卓越的競爭能力與大中華經濟的迅速發展,海內外臺商發展為配合其長期追求成長之資金需求與其個別特定目的,尋求於最適地點上市籌資或再次籌資已是海內外臺商經營環境中極為重要之ㄧ環。有競爭力的臺商是亞洲各國極力爭取投資及招攬上市掛牌籌資的貴客,因其卓越的經營績效,敢於追求成長的努力,與勇於冒險創新發展的精神,是亞洲各國學習的對象,尤其是來自中國大陸的吸引力。
如何突破目前法規架構下發展對臺灣經濟與產業發展競爭力之最為有利的方式是目前政府部門努力的方向之一。惟,反向思考,是否解開對大陸投資上限40%之障礙,臺商回臺上市必可迎刃而解呢?臺商赴港上市或赴大陸掛牌就一定是致命吸引力嗎? 藉由探討兩岸三地證券市場之發展現狀與特色﹔以及將臺商企業已在大陸上市、香港上市與回臺上市之營運面與證券交易面之表現,由該已上市臺資企業期後財務效益,檢視兩岸三地證券市場籌資之關聯性問題與上市決策之選擇關鍵,及群聚現象對產業發展之影響。
關鍵詞:臺商; 籌資; 投資; 初次上市;再籌資; 掛牌; 資本市場; 股票市場;
dc.description.abstract (摘要) With rapid development of Greater China`s economy of three places (China, Hong Kong and Taiwan) of two sides, listing in the most suitable exchange to fund-raising by IPO and SPO are quite important for the Taiwan enterprises. An efficient fund-raising platform of the low cost and safe, not only benefit Taiwan enterprises in future competitiveness, but also offer investors safe and efficient invest environment.

As CEPA signs coming into force, the trading tied closely between Hong Kong and China. Furthermore, China’s reform of “equity right” is effective and reopens the IPO mechanism at the beginning of 2006. Taiwan enterprise, however, listed on Taiwan stock market has a regulation of 40% limited of equity value invest in China. Those incentives from Hong Kong and China, the limit of Taiwan stock market, have made Taiwan enterprises consider to choose these two places to be listed.

In this research, we compare and contrast the characteristics among China, Hong Kong and Taiwan stock markets. Surveying the performance of business operation and dealing of the Taiwan enterprises which have listed in China or Hong Kong or come back to list on Taiwan market. Analyze and find the influence factors of the fund-raising among these three markets. Find the key points of listing decision and how the “cluster effect” influences the industry development.

Although the security market of Taiwan was listed by most overseas Taiwan traders ` solve bestly `, may have a great deal of appeal to Taiwan trader`s enterprises under the circumstances that people kiss the principle kissed in land , but because promote trade and investment the policy draft that biased to some extent with the influence of receiving the political factor of execution, limit the obstacle of can`t invest in China`s Mainland to investment upper limit and fund raising funds again of China`s Mainlanding etc., the Taiwan trader goes back to the platform to list and face a great deal of pressures, the way to platform is still like near before eyes, but far like the remotest places, its way is endless. Is it is it become Taiwan trader list raise funds ` relatively right to solve ` to select to list on China`s Mainland or Hong Kong to seek.

How break through regulation between development and Taiwan economy and industry development competitiveness favorable way government department diligent direction at present most under the structure at present. Only, think backward whether untie 40% of the obstacles of upper limit of continent investment, is it be very easily solved that the Taiwan trader go back to the platform to list? The Taiwan trader be the deadly appeal when going to Hongkong and is listed or go to the mainland to list? By probing into the current situations of the development and characteristics of three place security markets of two sides; And has been listed on mainland Taiwan trader`s enterprises , Hong Kong is listed and gone back the behavior the listing operation surface of the platform and securities trading , from should already listing Taiwan-owned enterprise financial benefit under issue, inspect two sides three place getting related question and listing choice key of decision that security market raise funds, and the influence on industry development of clustering phenomenon.

Behave with the characteristic and stock market of analysing in depth three place capital markets of two sides, attempt to look for the feasible way, suggest to the fund-raising of Taiwan trader`s enterprise and security market of Taiwan to some extent.

Purchase and become atmosphere luxuriantly in amalgamation in the global exchange, the stock exchange of New York (NYSE ) has already decided an agreement, will add stocks and purchase the European stock exchange (Euronext ) with cash of nearly 10 billion dollars, set up and stretch over the securities trade market of the Atlantic Ocean firstly. Only, listing and raising funds has localization characteristics, a large amount of China-invested enterprises are gone to Hong Kong to list with the H-share or the red chips now, and the Taiwan-owned enterprise also passes the group and breaks or organizes and recombinates to Hong Kong and is listed , the question managed in border exists and steps but there are certain differences in three place securities management systems of two sides, if can cooperate and form ` Greater China regional security market ` each other - Listed the mechanism bilaterally even listed, then the enterprise group of Taiwan is listed on three places of two sides the fund-raising , fund and drawn up plans and would not be situated in the interests conflict question among three places of relevant two sides; The China-invested enterprise with international competitiveness can also receive more Chinese fund ; Hong Kong investment bank and advantage of the finance can give play to the situation up to three wins further .

` politics is transient, industry`s economic competitive power is permanent `, Chinese helps Chinese, earns the global money with Chinese`s strength of assembling, accords with Chinese`s common interests of three places of two sides, regard this as the suggestions of three place securities competent authorities of two sides correctly.

Key Word : Taiwan enterprises; Fund-raising; IPO; SPO; Investment: Listing; Capital market; Stock market.
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
謝詞 Ⅰ
中文摘要 Ⅱ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
第一章緒論.................................................................................. 1
1.1 研究背景與動機.................................................................................. 2
1.1.1研究背景........................................................................................ 2
1.1.2研究動機........................................................................................ 4
1.2.研究目的和問題................................................................................... 5
1.2.1研究目的........................................................................................ 5
1.2.2研究問題........................................................................................ 6
1.3.研究範圍與限制................................................................................... 6
1.3.1研究範圍........................................................................................ 6
1.3.2研究限制........................................................................................ 6就研究範圍而言................................................................... 6就研究變項而言................................................................... 7就研究內容而言................................................................... 7
1.4.研究架構與方法................................................................................... 7
1.4.1研究架構........................................................................................ 7
1.4.2研究方法........................................................................................ 10
第二章臺商上市問題的緣由..................................................... 10
2.1 企業金融與企業成長的互動........................................................... 10
2.1.1 大陸臺商長期資金之規劃 ....................................................... 12
2.1.2 臺商大陸投資的資金來源及財務規劃之特性................................. 17
2.2 兩岸經貿往來情形與台商在大陸投資現況........................................... 21
2.2.1 兩岸經貿往來情形...................................................................... 21
2.2.2 台商在大陸投資現況................................................................... 25 臺商投資之背景................................................................ 25 臺商在大陸的投資現況..................................................... 26
第三章 大陸證券市場的特色與發展狀況.............................. 30
3.1 大陸證券市場發展狀況........................................................................ 30
3.1.1 證券市場管理架構與主要證券法規與申請程式........................... 30 市場管理架構................................................................... 31 證券相關機構組織功能及運作.......................................... 32 主要證券法規................................................................... 35 公開發行暨上市申請程式................................................. 37 初次上市申請及暫停和終止上市條件............................... 39
3.1.2 發行市場規模.............................................................................. 40
3.1.3 交易市場規模.............................................................................. 44
3.1.4 大陸證券市場發展特色............................................................... 55
3.2 影響大陸證券市場的未來發展的重要議題........................................... 57
3.2.1 大陸公司法修正對證券市場之影響............................................. 58
3.2.2 大陸證券法修正對證券市場之影響............................................. 64
3.2.3 股權分置改革對證券市場之影響................................................. 70
第四章香港證券市場的特色與發展狀況...................................... 75
4.1. 香港證券市場發展狀況....................................................................... 75
4.1.1 證券市場管理架構與主要證券法規與申請程式........................... 76市場管理架構..................................................................... 76證券相關機構組織功能及運作............................................ 78主要證券法規..................................................................... 83公開發行暨上市申請程式................................................... 86初次上市申請及終止上市條件............................................ 88
4.1.2發行市場規模............................................................................... 90
4.1.3交易市場規模............................................................................... 100
4.1.4香港證券市場發展特色................................................................. 106
4.2影響香港證券市場的未來發展的重要議題............................................ 109
4.2.1 CEPA對香港證券市場之影響...................................................... 109
4.2.2 QDII對香港證券市場之影響........................................................ 114 QDII政策機制形成由來與目的........................................... 115 QDII資金來源.................................................................... 116 QDII可能投資方向............................................................. 116 QDII對中國大陸股市之影響.............................................. 119 對香港證券市場短期效益和長期影響............................... 119 QDII對臺灣證券市場之啟示.............................................. 121
第五章臺商在兩岸三地上市掛牌之比較分析........................ 124
5.1 臺商在兩岸三地上市之決策分析......................................................... 124
5.1.1 企業外部環境因素...................................................................... 124 政治經濟環境................................................................... 124 產業鏈............................................................................. 124 資金供給.......................................................................... 125 法令限制.......................................................................... 125 上市時效/程式.................................................................. 125 證券監管制度................................................................... 125 本益比.............................................................................. 126 股票流動性....................................................................... 126
5.1.2 企業內部環境因素...................................................................... 127 經營模式........................................................................... 127 籌資成本........................................................................... 127 吸引人才.......................................................................... 127 管理制度........................................................................... 128 品牌策略/知名度............................................................... 128 財務風險........................................................................... 128 租稅規劃........................................................................... 128
5.2 臺商在兩岸三地上市之概況................................................................ 131
5.2.1 臺商企業在大陸上市之狀況........................................................ 131
5.2.2 臺商企業在香港上市之狀況........................................................ 137
5.2.3 臺商企業回臺灣上市之狀況........................................................ 141
5.3 臺商在兩岸三地上市掛牌表現之期後實證比較分析............................ 145
5.3.1 臺商企業在大陸上市掛牌表現之期後實證比較分析.................... 145
5.3.2 臺商企業在香港上市掛牌表現之期後實證比較分析.................... 151
5.3.3 臺商企業回臺上市掛牌表現之期後實證比較分析........................ 163
第六章 結論與建議................................................................... 164
6.1 結論.................................................................................................... 164
6.1.1 從投資銀行角度看中國大陸證券市場籌資.................................. 164
6.1.2 從投資銀行角度看香港證券市場籌資......................................... 165
6.1.3 從投資銀行角度看臺商籌資........................................................ 167
6.2 建議.................................................................................................... 170
6.2.1對臺商籌資評估建議.................................................................... 170
6.2.2對兩岸三地證券主管機關之建議.................................................. 171

附 錄
附錄一 中國證券市場歷年市場大事紀要................................................... 174
附錄二 中華人民共和國公司法2005年修法之比較.................................... 180
附錄三 中華人民共和國證券法2005年修法之比較.................................... 264
附錄四 中國企業H股、紅籌股公司名單(主板及創業板) ........................... 338
附錄五 香港證券市場大事紀要................................................................. 346
附錄六 臺資企業在港掛牌一覽表.............................................................. 351
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 臺商zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 籌資zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 投資zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 初次上市zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 再籌資zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 掛牌zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 資本市場zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 股票市場zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taiwan enterprisesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Fund-raisingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) IPOen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) SPOen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Investmenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Listingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Capital marketen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Stock marketen_US
dc.title (題名) 兩岸三地臺商籌資評估之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) IPO and SPO for Taiwan enterprises in China, Hong Kong and Taiwanen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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