
題名 台灣生技型育成中心經營之研究
作者 駱瑋蓁
貢獻者 溫肇東
關鍵詞 生物技術
日期 2006
上傳時間 18-Sep-2009 09:30:26 (UTC+8)
摘要 生技產業的發展以及育成中心的經營一直是受到矚目的議題,台灣在生技產業的發展上,已投入相當多的資源,至今明確且優異的成果卻甚為稀少。而台灣的生技廠商以中小企業為主,中小企業正是育成中心主要的輔導對象,因此生技型育成中心的經營成功與否,對於生技產業的發展將造成一定程度的影響。
研究結果顯示,「技術」是台灣生技型育成中心在經營上最重要的關鍵,而與母組織互動越密切的育成中心成效亦較好。在一般型育成中心的六項經營關鍵成功因素上,各種網絡關係的建立 (例如對外部網絡的發展較不活絡、建立名聲)、企業化經營 (例如持續經營之資金與模式)、進駐廠商的篩選與畢業過程 (例如招商不易) 與育成中心提供的服務內容 (例如欠缺市場行銷與資金方面的能量) 等四項,對於育成中心的經營影響較大。在生技型育成中心的四個經營關鍵成功因素方面,與醫院保持合作關係為非必要之條件; 配合園區的設立發展育成業務與育成中心的國際化上,皆未有明確的規劃或明顯的表現; 對於具有多種技術平台的合作夥伴,目前在育成領域內並無實質的合作與整合效益出現,而以非正式的聯結關係為主,多數也認為轉變成正式的聯盟平台在執行上尚有許多困難待克服。
Recent years, there were lots of attentions on the development of biotech industry and the operation of incubation center. Many resources have been invested in the biotech industry in Taiwan. However, superior or successful outcomes were rare. Moreover, most Taiwan biotech-related companies are small-medium enterprises which are the main coaching targets of incubation center. Therefore, the successful operation of incubation center would relate to and affect the development of biotech industry in Taiwan.
Through reference review, six key success factors about general incubation center operation were identified as “the operator of incubation center”, “the establish of various relationship networks”, “operation by enterprise management”, “the selection of proper tenants and graduation exam for tenants”, “to keep close relationship with universities”, and “the incubation center’s service items”. In addition, by investigation of the successful foreign bio-incubation center, four key success factors which might influence the operation of bio-incubation center were concluded as “collaboration with hospitals”, “co-operation the development of bio-science parks and bio-incubation center”, “having partners with varieties of technologies”, and “the internationalization of incubation center”. Based on the ten factors above, this study would investigate the operation and development of bio-incubation center in Taiwan. In addition, the key success factors of general incubation centers would be compared with those of bio-incubation centers in order to give suggestions for success operation.
According to the analysis, technology support is crucial and essential to the Taiwan bio-incubation center. In general, having better interaction with parent organization would result in better performance. Among the six key success factors of general incubation center, four of them influence the operation more deeply, which were “the establish of various relationship networks”, “operation by enterprise management”, “the selection of proper tenants and graduation exam for tenants”, “to keep close relationship with universities”, and “the incubation center’s service items”. For the four key success factors of bio-incubation center, “collaboration with hospitals” is not necessary; there were no obvious results or plan about the “co-operation the development of bio-science parks and bio-incubation center” and “the internationalization of incubation center”; “having partners with varieties of technologies” is focus on the informal collaboration. A formal technology platform based on alliance of incubation centers still faces many difficulties and most bio-incubation centers in Taiwan still considerate the possibility of this kind of collaborative platform.
Finally, this study proposes a relation between bio-incubation center development stages and the key success factors. As a result, the developments of Taiwan bio-incubation centers are just in the beginning or middle stage. The four key success factors derived form foreign successful and well-developed bio-incubation centers might be a long-term goal to Taiwan bio-incubation centers.
參考文獻 中文部份
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 溫肇東zh_TW (Authors) 駱瑋蓁zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 駱瑋蓁zh_TW (日期) 2006en_US 18-Sep-2009 09:30:26 (UTC+8)- 18-Sep-2009 09:30:26 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-Sep-2009 09:30:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0094359012en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 科技管理研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 94359012zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 生技產業的發展以及育成中心的經營一直是受到矚目的議題,台灣在生技產業的發展上,已投入相當多的資源,至今明確且優異的成果卻甚為稀少。而台灣的生技廠商以中小企業為主,中小企業正是育成中心主要的輔導對象,因此生技型育成中心的經營成功與否,對於生技產業的發展將造成一定程度的影響。
研究結果顯示,「技術」是台灣生技型育成中心在經營上最重要的關鍵,而與母組織互動越密切的育成中心成效亦較好。在一般型育成中心的六項經營關鍵成功因素上,各種網絡關係的建立 (例如對外部網絡的發展較不活絡、建立名聲)、企業化經營 (例如持續經營之資金與模式)、進駐廠商的篩選與畢業過程 (例如招商不易) 與育成中心提供的服務內容 (例如欠缺市場行銷與資金方面的能量) 等四項,對於育成中心的經營影響較大。在生技型育成中心的四個經營關鍵成功因素方面,與醫院保持合作關係為非必要之條件; 配合園區的設立發展育成業務與育成中心的國際化上,皆未有明確的規劃或明顯的表現; 對於具有多種技術平台的合作夥伴,目前在育成領域內並無實質的合作與整合效益出現,而以非正式的聯結關係為主,多數也認為轉變成正式的聯盟平台在執行上尚有許多困難待克服。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Recent years, there were lots of attentions on the development of biotech industry and the operation of incubation center. Many resources have been invested in the biotech industry in Taiwan. However, superior or successful outcomes were rare. Moreover, most Taiwan biotech-related companies are small-medium enterprises which are the main coaching targets of incubation center. Therefore, the successful operation of incubation center would relate to and affect the development of biotech industry in Taiwan.
Through reference review, six key success factors about general incubation center operation were identified as “the operator of incubation center”, “the establish of various relationship networks”, “operation by enterprise management”, “the selection of proper tenants and graduation exam for tenants”, “to keep close relationship with universities”, and “the incubation center’s service items”. In addition, by investigation of the successful foreign bio-incubation center, four key success factors which might influence the operation of bio-incubation center were concluded as “collaboration with hospitals”, “co-operation the development of bio-science parks and bio-incubation center”, “having partners with varieties of technologies”, and “the internationalization of incubation center”. Based on the ten factors above, this study would investigate the operation and development of bio-incubation center in Taiwan. In addition, the key success factors of general incubation centers would be compared with those of bio-incubation centers in order to give suggestions for success operation.
According to the analysis, technology support is crucial and essential to the Taiwan bio-incubation center. In general, having better interaction with parent organization would result in better performance. Among the six key success factors of general incubation center, four of them influence the operation more deeply, which were “the establish of various relationship networks”, “operation by enterprise management”, “the selection of proper tenants and graduation exam for tenants”, “to keep close relationship with universities”, and “the incubation center’s service items”. For the four key success factors of bio-incubation center, “collaboration with hospitals” is not necessary; there were no obvious results or plan about the “co-operation the development of bio-science parks and bio-incubation center” and “the internationalization of incubation center”; “having partners with varieties of technologies” is focus on the informal collaboration. A formal technology platform based on alliance of incubation centers still faces many difficulties and most bio-incubation centers in Taiwan still considerate the possibility of this kind of collaborative platform.
Finally, this study proposes a relation between bio-incubation center development stages and the key success factors. As a result, the developments of Taiwan bio-incubation centers are just in the beginning or middle stage. The four key success factors derived form foreign successful and well-developed bio-incubation centers might be a long-term goal to Taiwan bio-incubation centers.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 …………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究背景及動機 ……………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的及問題 ……………………………………………3
第三節 研究程序與論文架構 ………………………………………4
第二章 文獻探討 ……………………………………………………6
第一節 生技產業之特性 ……………………………………………6
第二節 生技新創/中小企業之經營…………………………………9
第三節 育成中心……………………………………………………13
第四節 育成中心經營關鍵成功因素………………………………18
第五節 國外生技型育成中心之發展………………………………22
第六節 台灣生技育成之發展………………………………………29
第三章 研究方法……………………………………………………33
第一節 研究架構……………………………………………………33
第二節 研究方法與步驟……………………………………………35
第三節 研究對象……………………………………………………37
第四章 個案描述……………………………………………………39
第一節 東華大學生物技術開發中心………………………………39
第二節 國家衛生研究院育成中心…………………………………47
第三節 台灣動物科技研究所創新育成中心………………………56
第四節 馬偕紀念醫院創新育成中心………………………………65
第五章 分析與討論…………………………………………………78
第一節 個案育成中心經營分析……………………………………78
第二節 一般型育成中心經營關鍵成功因素分析…………………82
第三節 生技型育成中心經營關鍵成功因素分析…………………95
第四節 其他討論……………………………………………………101
第六章 結論與建議…………………………………………………107
第一節 研究結論……………………………………………………107
第二節 研究建議……………………………………………………109
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………………114
中文部份 ………………………………………………………………114
英文部分 ………………………………………………………………116
網路資料 ………………………………………………………………119

圖1.1 本研究之程序 ……………………………………………………4
圖2.1台灣將生技領域納入培育範圍之育成中心分佈圖 ……………31
圖3.1 研究架構…………………………………………………………34
圖3.2 研究進行步驟……………………………………………………36
圖3.3 台灣生技產業範疇………………………………………………37

表2.1 我國生技公司在經營上所遭遇的困難…………………………12
表2.2 各機構與學者對育成中心的定義………………………………14
表2.3 各機構與學者對育成中心提供服務內容之見解………………16
表2.4 台灣生技型育成中心整理………………………………………32
表3.1 研究對象與受訪者資料…………………………………………38
表4.1 東華大學生物技術育成中心輔導廠商一覽表…………………41
表4.2 東華大學生物技術育成中心經營狀況重點整理………………46
表4.3 東華大學生物技術育成中心經營績效…………………………47
表4.4 國衛院育成中心進駐廠商一覽表………………………………48
表4.5 國衛院育成中心經營狀況重點整理……………………………55
表4.6 國衛院育成中心經營績效………………………………………56
表4.7 動科所創新育成中心進駐廠商一覽表…………………………57
表4.8 動科所創新育成中心經營狀況重點整理………………………64
表4.9 動科所創新育成中心經營績效…………………………………65
表4.10 馬偕醫院創新育成中心進駐廠商一覽表 ……………………66
表4.11 馬偕醫院創新育成中心經營狀況重點整理 …………………76
表4.12 馬偕醫院創新育成中心經營績效 ……………………………77
表5.1 個案育成中心經營挑戰與困難整理……………………………80
表5.2 個案育成中心在「一般型育成中心經營關鍵成功因素分析」
表5.3 個案育成中心在「生技型育成中心經營關鍵成功因素分析」
之彙整比較 ……………………………………………………100
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dc.subject (關鍵詞) 生物技術zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 育成中心zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 關鍵成功因素zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 台灣生技型育成中心經營之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部份zh_TW
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