
題名 運動產業的價格彈性之實證研究- 以大台北地區熱瑜珈市場為例
The Study of Price Elasticity in Fitness Industry- Taipei Hot Yoga Market as an example
作者 鄭安婕(麗伶)
貢獻者 鄭宇庭 
關鍵詞 Price policy
Market segmentation
Industry profitability
Retention rates
Cost dissatisfaction
Price policy
Market segmentation
Industry profitability
Retention rates
Cost dissatisfaction
日期 2008
上傳時間 18-九月-2009 15:11:44 (UTC+8)
摘要 This study aims to examine the empirical evidence on the relationship between price and quantity/demand relation in the hot yoga market in Taipei. While doing so, this study also tries to generate awareness on the importance of price policy and market segmentation to maximize industry profitability and market share.

The primary research undertaken in this study has carried out direct survey of Taipei consumers via questionnaire and applied SPSS statistical analysis, to find out the most accepted price band consumers are willing to pay and the major factors participating in their decision processes.

Attrition and membership turnover is endemic in the fitness industry. One of the largest studies undertaken on the topic of membership retention rate, was conducted in the UK and found that the attrition varied from 11 to 62 percent. After 12 months, the best clubs lost one member out of every ten and the worst were losing more than six out of ten per year. Termination of membership appear closely related to cost dissatisfaction (FIA, 2001). Understanding the underlying factors to influence cost dissatisfaction can serve as basic information to increase membership retention rate and essential reference information for new entrant’s price policy and marketing programs.

This study aims to examine the empirical evidence on the relationship between price and quantity/demand relation in the hot yoga market in Taipei. While doing so, this study also tries to generate awareness on the importance of price policy and market segmentation to maximize industry profitability and market share.

The primary research undertaken in this study has carried out direct survey of Taipei consumers via questionnaire and applied SPSS statistical analysis, to find out the most accepted price band consumers are willing to pay and the major factors participating in their decision processes.

Attrition and membership turnover is endemic in the fitness industry. One of the largest studies undertaken on the topic of membership retention rate, was conducted in the UK and found that the attrition varied from 11 to 62 percent. After 12 months, the best clubs lost one member out of every ten and the worst were losing more than six out of ten per year. Termination of membership appear closely related to cost dissatisfaction (FIA, 2001). Understanding the underlying factors to influence cost dissatisfaction can serve as basic information to increase membership retention rate and essential reference information for new entrant’s price policy and marketing programs.
參考文獻 References
Banks, S.K.(1979). “Gift giving and interactive paradigm”. In W.Wilkie (Ed), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.5, pp.319-324
Barbara Fasolo, Raffaella Misuraca and Gary McClelland. “Individual differences in adaptive choice strategies. “Research in Economics, Vol 57, Issue 3, September 2003, pp 219~233
Barnes,N.G.,& Peters,M.P.,1982, “Modes of retail ditribution: Views of the elderly “Akron Business and Economics Review”, Vol 13(Fall).pp 26~31
Barry L.Bayus,1985, “word of Mouth: The indirect effect of marketing efforts” Journal of advertising Research, June -July, pp31~39
Bettman,J.R.(1979).”An information processing theory of consumer choice”. Reading, MA:Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Beatty,S.E.& Smith, S.M,1987. “External search effort: An investigation across several product categories. “ Journal of Consumer Research” 16(June) pp1-38
Belk, Mellanie Walendorf, and John Sherry,1989,”The scared and Profane Consumer behavior”, Journal of Consumer Research.16 (June),1-38
Belk,1967. “Self-confidence and Persuasion in Car Buying” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 4, pp46-52
Belk, Melanie Wallendorf, and John Sherry, 1989, “ the Scared and Profane Consumer Behavior, “ Journal of Consumer Research. 16(June) pp1-38
Bell,1967,”Self-confidence and Persuasion in Car Buying” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 4, 46-52
Bellizi, J.A& Hite, R.E,1986, Convenience consumption and role overload convenience. “Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science” , Vol14(Winter), pp1-9
Bettman,J.R 91979). “An information processing theory of consumer choice” Reading MA: Addison Wesley Publishing Company
Bikram Choudhury & Bonnie Jones Reynolds, “Bikram’s beginning yoga class”pp1-13
Birrens, J,1974, “translating in gerontology-from lab to life” Psychophysiology and speed of response” . American Psychologist, Vol29, pp 818-815
Blistein, D.1971, “human Social Development” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol42, pp 116- 132.
Bloch, Sherrell and Ridway (1986), “Consumer Search: An extended framework”, Journal Of Consumer Research, Vol 12, pp1-16
Bottomley.Paul.A. and John R. Doyle.2001. “A comparison of three weight elicitation methods: good, better and best. “ Omega, Vol.29, Issue 6, December 2001, pp553-560.
Brenda G.Pitts and David K. Stotlar. “Fundamentals of Sport Marketing”, Pages3~18
Brody, R. and S.M Cuningham,1986, “Personality variables and the consumer decision process”. Journal Marketing Research Vol 5, 50-57
Buttle,(1992), “Shopping motives constructionist perspective”, Service Industries Journal, Vol.12, July pp 348-367
Chaiken,S. 1982. “Heuristic versus systematic information processing and the use of source message cues in persuasion. “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol39, pp 725-766.
Charles Cole,1996. “Information Process: The difference between corroborating evidence and information in humanistic domains”. Information Processing and Management, Vol33, pp 55-57
Cheng S.T Master Thesis, “ The Development of Taiwan’s Sport Industry”pp 3-8
Claxton J Fry and Portis, 1974, “ A taxonomy of pre-purchase information gathering patterns”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol1 pp 35-42
Comte,E.,&Stogel,C.(1990). Sports: A $63.1 billion industry. The sporting News, Preview, PP60-66
Darely and Smith,1995, Gender difference in information Processing Strategies: and empirical test to the selectively model in advertising response” Journal of Advertising. Vol.24, pp41-45
Day, George (1976), “Assessing the effects of information disclosure requirement” Journal of Marketing, Vol 40, pp43-52
Deshpande, R. Krishnan, S. 1982, “ Correlates of deficient consumer information environment: The case of elderly”, Advances in consumer Research Vol 9, pp 515-519
Dommermuth, W.P, 1965, “ The shopping matrix and marketing strategy” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol2, pp 138-132
Douglas, 1976,” Working wife vs. Non-working wife families: A basis for segmenting grocery markets” In advances in Consumer Research, Vol3,pp191-198
Duncan, 1982, “ External Search: The role of consumer beliefs”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vo l9, pp 32-43
Fischer, E.,& Arnold, S.J.1990. “ more than a labor of love: Gender roles and christmas gift shopping “. Journal of consumer Research, Vol 17, pp333-345
Fry and Siller, 1970, “ A comparison of housewife decision making in two social classes” Journal of Marketing Research , Vol 8, pp333-337
Gardner David M., 1971, “ Is there a generalized price quality relationship” Journal of Marketing Research , Vol 8, pp 241-243
Gardner Janse 2004, “ Information search behavior of European forest policy decision makers” . Forest Policy and Economics
Gerben Janse 2004.”Information search behavior of European forest policy decision-makers” Forest Policy and Economics
Goldman and Johnson 1978, “ Determinants of search for lower prices: an empirical assessment of economics and information theory” . Journal of Consumer Research Vol. 5, pp 176-178
Graney, M. & Graney, E. 1974, . “ communication activity substitution in old age”. Journal of Communication Vol 24, pp88-96
Gronhaug.K.1972. “ Buying situations and buyers information behavior” European Marketing Research Review, pp 33-48
Hacklander,1978,”Do working wives shop differently for food?” National food review, Vol 12, pp 14-22
Hansen Fleming, 1969 “ Consumer choice behavior: An experimental approach” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 16, 436 –445
Heroux, L. Laroche, M.& McGown , K.L. 1988. “ consumer label inforation processing : An experiment involving time pressure and distraction: Journal of Economics Psychology, Vol 9, pp 195-214
Hisrich,1972., ‘ Perceived risk in store selection” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol9. 435-439
Howard, J.A. & Sheth J.N. 1969. “ The theory of buyer behavior” New York, john Wiley and Sons Inc.
Innes, 1998. “ information in communicative planning”. Journal of the American Planning Association”, Vol 64, pp 52-63
Jacoby, Jacob, George 1977 “ Information acquisition behavior in brand choice situations”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol3, pp209-216
Jacoby, Jacob Chestnut,1977, “ Consumer use and comprehension of non-durable purchasing” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 4, pp 119128
Jacoby, Jacob 1976, “ Pre-purchase information acquisition: description of methodology, research paradigm, and pilot investigation” Advances in Consumer Research , Vol 3, pp 304-313
Javalgi, r.g. Thomas 1992, “ Consumer Behavior in the US pleasure travel marketplace: An analysis of senior and non-senior travelers. “Journal of Travel Research,J Vol 13, pp14-19
Jette Hyldergard 2004, “ Collaborative information behavior- exploring Kuhlthau’s Information Search Process model in group based educational setting”. Information Processing and Management
Johnson and Russo, 1984. “ Product Familiarity and Learning new Information”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 11, pp 542-563
Joseph R. Ferrari and John.F.Dovidio, 2001. “ Behavioral Information search by indecisives. “Personality and Individual Differences, Vol 30, pp1113-1123
Kassarjan, Harold, 1978, “ Presidential address: anthropomorphism and parsimony” In advances of Consumer Research , Vol. 5
Katerina Kabassi and Maria Virvou, 2003. “ Personalized adult training on computer use based on multiple attribute decision making” Interacting with Computer, Vol16. pp115-132
Katona and Mueller, 1955, “ A study in purchasing decisions”, The consumer bebavior: The dynamics of consumer reaction, Vol 1
Kotler, 1003, “ Marketing Management” 11th Edition
Lambert, Z.V.1979, “A investigation of older consumers needs and wants at retail level” Journal of Retailing . Vol 15, pp 35-37
Laroche, M. KIM, C. Saad., G& Browne 2000. “ A cross cultural study of in-store information search strategies “. Journal of Business Research Vol. 49, pp 113-126
Laroche M. Saad 2000, “ Gender difference in information search strategies for a Christmas gift”. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol 17, pp 500-524
Lazer and Smalwood, 1977. “ The changing demographics of women:. Journal of Marketing, Vol 14, pp 14-22
Lumpkin, J.R.& Festervand, T.A., 1988. “Purchase information sources of the elderly” Journal of Advertising Research. pp 32-43
McGraw, 2003, Business Research Method, 8th Edition, Vol 1, pp55-65
Michel Laroche 2000, “ Exploring age-related differences in information acquisition in a purchase” . Journal of Economics Psycholgy, Vol 25, pp61-69
Moore, W. L& Lehmann, D.R,1980 “Individual differences in search behavior for a non-durable”. Journal of Consumer Research. Vol 11, pp808-913
Myers-Levy,1988: The influence of sex roles on judgement”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 14, pp522-530
National Council of Sport and Fitness(2002). Assessing the size of Taiwan’s sport industry and the economic impact. Taipei: National Council of Sport and Physical Fitness.
Newman, J. 1977, “ Multivariate Aalysis of Differences in Buyer Decision Time”. Journal of Marketing Research, pp 192-198
OscarW. DeShields, Erdener Kaynak,1999. “ Sources effects in purchase decisions: The impact of physical attractiveness and accent of salesperson” Intern. J. of Research in Marketing, PP 89-101
Phillips L. W., & Sthemdahl, B 1977. “Age differences in information processing: A perspective on the aged consumer.” Journal of Marketing Research. Vol 10, pp 186-196
Sharir, 1974, “ Brand loyalty and household’s cost of time”, Journal of Business, Vol 47, pp53-55
Stigle, George, 1961, “The economics of information”, Journal of political economy, Vol 69, pp 213-227
Street & Smith’s ,Sport Business Journal, 1999, pp12-25
Taylor, James, 1974, “The role of risk in consumer behavior”. Journal of Marketing, Vol 38, pp 54-60
Wakefield,K.L,&Inman,J.1993.”Who are the prices vigilantes? An investigation of differentiating characteristics influencing price”.Journal of Retaining pp 216-233
Woodruff,1972, “Measurement of consumers’ prior brand information”. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 9, pp 258-263
Yoon, c.1997, “Age differences in consumers processing strategies: A investigation of moderating influences”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 24, pp329-342
Zeithaml, V. 1985, “The new demographics and market fragmentation”. Journal of Marketing, Vol 49, pp 64-75
Website information:
Banks, S.K.(1979). “Gift giving and interactive paradigm”. In W.Wilkie (Ed), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.5, pp.319-324
Barbara Fasolo, Raffaella Misuraca and Gary McClelland. “Individual differences in adaptive choice strategies. “Research in Economics, Vol 57, Issue 3, September 2003, pp 219~233
Barnes,N.G.,& Peters,M.P.,1982, “Modes of retail ditribution: Views of the elderly “Akron Business and Economics Review”, Vol 13(Fall).pp 26~31
Barry L.Bayus,1985, “word of Mouth: The indirect effect of marketing efforts” Journal of advertising Research, June -July, pp31~39
Bettman,J.R.(1979).”An information processing theory of consumer choice”. Reading, MA:Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Beatty,S.E.& Smith, S.M,1987. “External search effort: An investigation across several product categories. “ Journal of Consumer Research” 16(June) pp1-38
Belk, Mellanie Walendorf, and John Sherry,1989,”The scared and Profane Consumer behavior”, Journal of Consumer Research.16 (June),1-38
Belk,1967. “Self-confidence and Persuasion in Car Buying” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 4, pp46-52
Belk, Melanie Wallendorf, and John Sherry, 1989, “ the Scared and Profane Consumer Behavior, “ Journal of Consumer Research. 16(June) pp1-38
Bell,1967,”Self-confidence and Persuasion in Car Buying” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 4, 46-52
Bellizi, J.A& Hite, R.E,1986, Convenience consumption and role overload convenience. “Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science” , Vol14(Winter), pp1-9
Bettman,J.R 91979). “An information processing theory of consumer choice” Reading MA: Addison Wesley Publishing Company
Bikram Choudhury & Bonnie Jones Reynolds, “Bikram’s beginning yoga class”pp1-13
Birrens, J,1974, “translating in gerontology-from lab to life” Psychophysiology and speed of response” . American Psychologist, Vol29, pp 818-815
Blistein, D.1971, “human Social Development” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol42, pp 116- 132.
Bloch, Sherrell and Ridway (1986), “Consumer Search: An extended framework”, Journal Of Consumer Research, Vol 12, pp1-16
Bottomley.Paul.A. and John R. Doyle.2001. “A comparison of three weight elicitation methods: good, better and best. “ Omega, Vol.29, Issue 6, December 2001, pp553-560.
Brenda G.Pitts and David K. Stotlar. “Fundamentals of Sport Marketing”, Pages3~18
Brody, R. and S.M Cuningham,1986, “Personality variables and the consumer decision process”. Journal Marketing Research Vol 5, 50-57
Buttle,(1992), “Shopping motives constructionist perspective”, Service Industries Journal, Vol.12, July pp 348-367
Chaiken,S. 1982. “Heuristic versus systematic information processing and the use of source message cues in persuasion. “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol39, pp 725-766.
Charles Cole,1996. “Information Process: The difference between corroborating evidence and information in humanistic domains”. Information Processing and Management, Vol33, pp 55-57
Cheng S.T Master Thesis, “ The Development of Taiwan’s Sport Industry”pp 3-8
Claxton J Fry and Portis, 1974, “ A taxonomy of pre-purchase information gathering patterns”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol1 pp 35-42
Comte,E.,&Stogel,C.(1990). Sports: A $63.1 billion industry. The sporting News, Preview, PP60-66
Darely and Smith,1995, Gender difference in information Processing Strategies: and empirical test to the selectively model in advertising response” Journal of Advertising. Vol.24, pp41-45
Day, George (1976), “Assessing the effects of information disclosure requirement” Journal of Marketing, Vol 40, pp43-52
Deshpande, R. Krishnan, S. 1982, “ Correlates of deficient consumer information environment: The case of elderly”, Advances in consumer Research Vol 9, pp 515-519
Dommermuth, W.P, 1965, “ The shopping matrix and marketing strategy” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol2, pp 138-132
Douglas, 1976,” Working wife vs. Non-working wife families: A basis for segmenting grocery markets” In advances in Consumer Research, Vol3,pp191-198
Duncan, 1982, “ External Search: The role of consumer beliefs”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vo l9, pp 32-43
Fischer, E.,& Arnold, S.J.1990. “ more than a labor of love: Gender roles and christmas gift shopping “. Journal of consumer Research, Vol 17, pp333-345
Fry and Siller, 1970, “ A comparison of housewife decision making in two social classes” Journal of Marketing Research , Vol 8, pp333-337
Gardner David M., 1971, “ Is there a generalized price quality relationship” Journal of Marketing Research , Vol 8, pp 241-243
Gardner Janse 2004, “ Information search behavior of European forest policy decision makers” . Forest Policy and Economics
Gerben Janse 2004.”Information search behavior of European forest policy decision-makers” Forest Policy and Economics
Goldman and Johnson 1978, “ Determinants of search for lower prices: an empirical assessment of economics and information theory” . Journal of Consumer Research Vol. 5, pp 176-178
Graney, M. & Graney, E. 1974, . “ communication activity substitution in old age”. Journal of Communication Vol 24, pp88-96
Gronhaug.K.1972. “ Buying situations and buyers information behavior” European Marketing Research Review, pp 33-48
Hacklander,1978,”Do working wives shop differently for food?” National food review, Vol 12, pp 14-22
Hansen Fleming, 1969 “ Consumer choice behavior: An experimental approach” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 16, 436 –445
Heroux, L. Laroche, M.& McGown , K.L. 1988. “ consumer label inforation processing : An experiment involving time pressure and distraction: Journal of Economics Psychology, Vol 9, pp 195-214
Hisrich,1972., ‘ Perceived risk in store selection” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol9. 435-439
Howard, J.A. & Sheth J.N. 1969. “ The theory of buyer behavior” New York, john Wiley and Sons Inc.
Innes, 1998. “ information in communicative planning”. Journal of the American Planning Association”, Vol 64, pp 52-63
Jacoby, Jacob, George 1977 “ Information acquisition behavior in brand choice situations”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol3, pp209-216
Jacoby, Jacob Chestnut,1977, “ Consumer use and comprehension of non-durable purchasing” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 4, pp 119128
Jacoby, Jacob 1976, “ Pre-purchase information acquisition: description of methodology, research paradigm, and pilot investigation” Advances in Consumer Research , Vol 3, pp 304-313
Javalgi, r.g. Thomas 1992, “ Consumer Behavior in the US pleasure travel marketplace: An analysis of senior and non-senior travelers. “Journal of Travel Research,J Vol 13, pp14-19
Jette Hyldergard 2004, “ Collaborative information behavior- exploring Kuhlthau’s Information Search Process model in group based educational setting”. Information Processing and Management
Johnson and Russo, 1984. “ Product Familiarity and Learning new Information”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 11, pp 542-563
Joseph R. Ferrari and John.F.Dovidio, 2001. “ Behavioral Information search by indecisives. “Personality and Individual Differences, Vol 30, pp1113-1123
Kassarjan, Harold, 1978, “ Presidential address: anthropomorphism and parsimony” In advances of Consumer Research , Vol. 5
Katerina Kabassi and Maria Virvou, 2003. “ Personalized adult training on computer use based on multiple attribute decision making” Interacting with Computer, Vol16. pp115-132
Katona and Mueller, 1955, “ A study in purchasing decisions”, The consumer bebavior: The dynamics of consumer reaction, Vol 1
Kotler, 1003, “ Marketing Management” 11th Edition
Lambert, Z.V.1979, “A investigation of older consumers needs and wants at retail level” Journal of Retailing . Vol 15, pp 35-37
Laroche, M. KIM, C. Saad., G& Browne 2000. “ A cross cultural study of in-store information search strategies “. Journal of Business Research Vol. 49, pp 113-126
Laroche M. Saad 2000, “ Gender difference in information search strategies for a Christmas gift”. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol 17, pp 500-524
Lazer and Smalwood, 1977. “ The changing demographics of women:. Journal of Marketing, Vol 14, pp 14-22
Lumpkin, J.R.& Festervand, T.A., 1988. “Purchase information sources of the elderly” Journal of Advertising Research. pp 32-43
McGraw, 2003, Business Research Method, 8th Edition, Vol 1, pp55-65
Michel Laroche 2000, “ Exploring age-related differences in information acquisition in a purchase” . Journal of Economics Psycholgy, Vol 25, pp61-69
Moore, W. L& Lehmann, D.R,1980 “Individual differences in search behavior for a non-durable”. Journal of Consumer Research. Vol 11, pp808-913
Myers-Levy,1988: The influence of sex roles on judgement”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 14, pp522-530
National Council of Sport and Fitness(2002). Assessing the size of Taiwan’s sport industry and the economic impact. Taipei: National Council of Sport and Physical Fitness.
Newman, J. 1977, “ Multivariate Aalysis of Differences in Buyer Decision Time”. Journal of Marketing Research, pp 192-198
OscarW. DeShields, Erdener Kaynak,1999. “ Sources effects in purchase decisions: The impact of physical attractiveness and accent of salesperson” Intern. J. of Research in Marketing, PP 89-101
Phillips L. W., & Sthemdahl, B 1977. “Age differences in information processing: A perspective on the aged consumer.” Journal of Marketing Research. Vol 10, pp 186-196
Sharir, 1974, “ Brand loyalty and household’s cost of time”, Journal of Business, Vol 47, pp53-55
Stigle, George, 1961, “The economics of information”, Journal of political economy, Vol 69, pp 213-227
Street & Smith’s ,Sport Business Journal, 1999, pp12-25
Taylor, James, 1974, “The role of risk in consumer behavior”. Journal of Marketing, Vol 38, pp 54-60
Wakefield,K.L,&Inman,J.1993.”Who are the prices vigilantes? An investigation of differentiating characteristics influencing price”.Journal of Retaining pp 216-233
Woodruff,1972, “Measurement of consumers’ prior brand information”. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 9, pp 258-263
Yoon, c.1997, “Age differences in consumers processing strategies: A investigation of moderating influences”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 24, pp329-342
Zeithaml, V. 1985, “The new demographics and market fragmentation”. Journal of Marketing, Vol 49, pp 64-75
Website information:
Banks, S.K.(1979). “Gift giving and interactive paradigm”. In W.Wilkie (Ed), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.5, pp.319-324
Barbara Fasolo, Raffaella Misuraca and Gary McClelland. “Individual differences in adaptive choice strategies. “Research in Economics, Vol 57, Issue 3, September 2003, pp 219~233
Barnes,N.G.,& Peters,M.P.,1982, “Modes of retail ditribution: Views of the elderly “Akron Business and Economics Review”, Vol 13(Fall).pp 26~31
Barry L.Bayus,1985, “word of Mouth: The indirect effect of marketing efforts” Journal of advertising Research, June -July, pp31~39
Bettman,J.R.(1979).”An information processing theory of consumer choice”. Reading, MA:Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Beatty,S.E.& Smith, S.M,1987. “External search effort: An investigation across several product categories. “ Journal of Consumer Research” 16(June) pp1-38
Belk, Mellanie Walendorf, and John Sherry,1989,”The scared and Profane Consumer behavior”, Journal of Consumer Research.16 (June),1-38
Belk,1967. “Self-confidence and Persuasion in Car Buying” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 4, pp46-52
Belk, Melanie Wallendorf, and John Sherry, 1989, “ the Scared and Profane Consumer Behavior, “ Journal of Consumer Research. 16(June) pp1-38
Bell,1967,”Self-confidence and Persuasion in Car Buying” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 4, 46-52
Bellizi, J.A& Hite, R.E,1986, Convenience consumption and role overload convenience. “Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science” , Vol14(Winter), pp1-9
Bettman,J.R 91979). “An information processing theory of consumer choice” Reading MA: Addison Wesley Publishing Company
Bikram Choudhury & Bonnie Jones Reynolds, “Bikram’s beginning yoga class”pp1-13
Birrens, J,1974, “translating in gerontology-from lab to life” Psychophysiology and speed of response” . American Psychologist, Vol29, pp 818-815
Blistein, D.1971, “human Social Development” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol42, pp 116- 132.
Bloch, Sherrell and Ridway (1986), “Consumer Search: An extended framework”, Journal Of Consumer Research, Vol 12, pp1-16
Bottomley.Paul.A. and John R. Doyle.2001. “A comparison of three weight elicitation methods: good, better and best. “ Omega, Vol.29, Issue 6, December 2001, pp553-560.
Brenda G.Pitts and David K. Stotlar. “Fundamentals of Sport Marketing”, Pages3~18
Brody, R. and S.M Cuningham,1986, “Personality variables and the consumer decision process”. Journal Marketing Research Vol 5, 50-57
Buttle,(1992), “Shopping motives constructionist perspective”, Service Industries Journal, Vol.12, July pp 348-367
Chaiken,S. 1982. “Heuristic versus systematic information processing and the use of source message cues in persuasion. “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol39, pp 725-766.
Charles Cole,1996. “Information Process: The difference between corroborating evidence and information in humanistic domains”. Information Processing and Management, Vol33, pp 55-57
Cheng S.T Master Thesis, “ The Development of Taiwan’s Sport Industry”pp 3-8
Claxton J Fry and Portis, 1974, “ A taxonomy of pre-purchase information gathering patterns”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol1 pp 35-42
Comte,E.,&Stogel,C.(1990). Sports: A $63.1 billion industry. The sporting News, Preview, PP60-66
Darely and Smith,1995, Gender difference in information Processing Strategies: and empirical test to the selectively model in advertising response” Journal of Advertising. Vol.24, pp41-45
Day, George (1976), “Assessing the effects of information disclosure requirement” Journal of Marketing, Vol 40, pp43-52
Deshpande, R. Krishnan, S. 1982, “ Correlates of deficient consumer information environment: The case of elderly”, Advances in consumer Research Vol 9, pp 515-519
Dommermuth, W.P, 1965, “ The shopping matrix and marketing strategy” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol2, pp 138-132
Douglas, 1976,” Working wife vs. Non-working wife families: A basis for segmenting grocery markets” In advances in Consumer Research, Vol3,pp191-198
Duncan, 1982, “ External Search: The role of consumer beliefs”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vo l9, pp 32-43
Fischer, E.,& Arnold, S.J.1990. “ more than a labor of love: Gender roles and christmas gift shopping “. Journal of consumer Research, Vol 17, pp333-345
Fry and Siller, 1970, “ A comparison of housewife decision making in two social classes” Journal of Marketing Research , Vol 8, pp333-337
Gardner David M., 1971, “ Is there a generalized price quality relationship” Journal of Marketing Research , Vol 8, pp 241-243
Gardner Janse 2004, “ Information search behavior of European forest policy decision makers” . Forest Policy and Economics
Gerben Janse 2004.”Information search behavior of European forest policy decision-makers” Forest Policy and Economics
Goldman and Johnson 1978, “ Determinants of search for lower prices: an empirical assessment of economics and information theory” . Journal of Consumer Research Vol. 5, pp 176-178
Graney, M. & Graney, E. 1974, . “ communication activity substitution in old age”. Journal of Communication Vol 24, pp88-96
Gronhaug.K.1972. “ Buying situations and buyers information behavior” European Marketing Research Review, pp 33-48
Hacklander,1978,”Do working wives shop differently for food?” National food review, Vol 12, pp 14-22
Hansen Fleming, 1969 “ Consumer choice behavior: An experimental approach” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 16, 436 –445
Heroux, L. Laroche, M.& McGown , K.L. 1988. “ consumer label inforation processing : An experiment involving time pressure and distraction: Journal of Economics Psychology, Vol 9, pp 195-214
Hisrich,1972., ‘ Perceived risk in store selection” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol9. 435-439
Howard, J.A. & Sheth J.N. 1969. “ The theory of buyer behavior” New York, john Wiley and Sons Inc.
Innes, 1998. “ information in communicative planning”. Journal of the American Planning Association”, Vol 64, pp 52-63
Jacoby, Jacob, George 1977 “ Information acquisition behavior in brand choice situations”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol3, pp209-216
Jacoby, Jacob Chestnut,1977, “ Consumer use and comprehension of non-durable purchasing” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 4, pp 119128
Jacoby, Jacob 1976, “ Pre-purchase information acquisition: description of methodology, research paradigm, and pilot investigation” Advances in Consumer Research , Vol 3, pp 304-313
Javalgi, r.g. Thomas 1992, “ Consumer Behavior in the US pleasure travel marketplace: An analysis of senior and non-senior travelers. “Journal of Travel Research,J Vol 13, pp14-19
Jette Hyldergard 2004, “ Collaborative information behavior- exploring Kuhlthau’s Information Search Process model in group based educational setting”. Information Processing and Management
Johnson and Russo, 1984. “ Product Familiarity and Learning new Information”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 11, pp 542-563
Joseph R. Ferrari and John.F.Dovidio, 2001. “ Behavioral Information search by indecisives. “Personality and Individual Differences, Vol 30, pp1113-1123
Kassarjan, Harold, 1978, “ Presidential address: anthropomorphism and parsimony” In advances of Consumer Research , Vol. 5
Katerina Kabassi and Maria Virvou, 2003. “ Personalized adult training on computer use based on multiple attribute decision making” Interacting with Computer, Vol16. pp115-132
Katona and Mueller, 1955, “ A study in purchasing decisions”, The consumer bebavior: The dynamics of consumer reaction, Vol 1
Kotler, 1003, “ Marketing Management” 11th Edition
Lambert, Z.V.1979, “A investigation of older consumers needs and wants at retail level” Journal of Retailing . Vol 15, pp 35-37
Laroche, M. KIM, C. Saad., G& Browne 2000. “ A cross cultural study of in-store information search strategies “. Journal of Business Research Vol. 49, pp 113-126
Laroche M. Saad 2000, “ Gender difference in information search strategies for a Christmas gift”. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol 17, pp 500-524
Lazer and Smalwood, 1977. “ The changing demographics of women:. Journal of Marketing, Vol 14, pp 14-22
Lumpkin, J.R.& Festervand, T.A., 1988. “Purchase information sources of the elderly” Journal of Advertising Research. pp 32-43
McGraw, 2003, Business Research Method, 8th Edition, Vol 1, pp55-65
Michel Laroche 2000, “ Exploring age-related differences in information acquisition in a purchase” . Journal of Economics Psycholgy, Vol 25, pp61-69
Moore, W. L& Lehmann, D.R,1980 “Individual differences in search behavior for a non-durable”. Journal of Consumer Research. Vol 11, pp808-913
Myers-Levy,1988: The influence of sex roles on judgement”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 14, pp522-530
National Council of Sport and Fitness(2002). Assessing the size of Taiwan’s sport industry and the economic impact. Taipei: National Council of Sport and Physical Fitness.
Newman, J. 1977, “ Multivariate Aalysis of Differences in Buyer Decision Time”. Journal of Marketing Research, pp 192-198
OscarW. DeShields, Erdener Kaynak,1999. “ Sources effects in purchase decisions: The impact of physical attractiveness and accent of salesperson” Intern. J. of Research in Marketing, PP 89-101
Phillips L. W., & Sthemdahl, B 1977. “Age differences in information processing: A perspective on the aged consumer.” Journal of Marketing Research. Vol 10, pp 186-196
Sharir, 1974, “ Brand loyalty and household’s cost of time”, Journal of Business, Vol 47, pp53-55
Stigle, George, 1961, “The economics of information”, Journal of political economy, Vol 69, pp 213-227
Street & Smith’s ,Sport Business Journal, 1999, pp12-25
Taylor, James, 1974, “The role of risk in consumer behavior”. Journal of Marketing, Vol 38, pp 54-60
Wakefield,K.L,&Inman,J.1993.”Who are the prices vigilantes? An investigation of differentiating characteristics influencing price”.Journal of Retaining pp 216-233
Woodruff,1972, “Measurement of consumers’ prior brand information”. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 9, pp 258-263
Yoon, c.1997, “Age differences in consumers processing strategies: A investigation of moderating influences”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 24, pp329-342
Zeithaml, V. 1985, “The new demographics and market fragmentation”. Journal of Marketing, Vol 49, pp 64-75
Website information:
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0959320431
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 鄭宇庭 zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 鄭安婕(麗伶)zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 鄭安婕(麗伶)zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2008en_US
dc.date.accessioned 18-九月-2009 15:11:44 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 18-九月-2009 15:11:44 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 18-九月-2009 15:11:44 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0959320431en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/35510-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95932043zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 97zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study aims to examine the empirical evidence on the relationship between price and quantity/demand relation in the hot yoga market in Taipei. While doing so, this study also tries to generate awareness on the importance of price policy and market segmentation to maximize industry profitability and market share.

The primary research undertaken in this study has carried out direct survey of Taipei consumers via questionnaire and applied SPSS statistical analysis, to find out the most accepted price band consumers are willing to pay and the major factors participating in their decision processes.

Attrition and membership turnover is endemic in the fitness industry. One of the largest studies undertaken on the topic of membership retention rate, was conducted in the UK and found that the attrition varied from 11 to 62 percent. After 12 months, the best clubs lost one member out of every ten and the worst were losing more than six out of ten per year. Termination of membership appear closely related to cost dissatisfaction (FIA, 2001). Understanding the underlying factors to influence cost dissatisfaction can serve as basic information to increase membership retention rate and essential reference information for new entrant’s price policy and marketing programs.
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Abstract

This study aims to examine the empirical evidence on the relationship between price and quantity/demand relation in the hot yoga market in Taipei. While doing so, this study also tries to generate awareness on the importance of price policy and market segmentation to maximize industry profitability and market share.

The primary research undertaken in this study has carried out direct survey of Taipei consumers via questionnaire and applied SPSS statistical analysis, to find out the most accepted price band consumers are willing to pay and the major factors participating in their decision processes.

Attrition and membership turnover is endemic in the fitness industry. One of the largest studies undertaken on the topic of membership retention rate, was conducted in the UK and found that the attrition varied from 11 to 62 percent. After 12 months, the best clubs lost one member out of every ten and the worst were losing more than six out of ten per year. Termination of membership appear closely related to cost dissatisfaction (FIA, 2001). Understanding the underlying factors to influence cost dissatisfaction can serve as basic information to increase membership retention rate and essential reference information for new entrant’s price policy and marketing programs.
dc.description.tableofcontents Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………..1

Chapter 1 Introduction………………………………………………………………5
1.1 Objectives &Motivation ……………………………………………………5
1.2 Research Structure……………………...…………………………………...9
1.3 Research Flow………………………………………………………...……10

Chapter 2 Literature Review………………………………………………………...11
2.1 Background Information…………………………………………..…..…11
2.1.1 The Sport Industry…………………………………………………….11
2.1.2 Yoga Background… ………………………………………………..13
2.2 Consumer Buying Behavior………………………………………….…...16
2.2.1 EKB Model……………………………………………………….…...17
2.3 Pricing Strategies for the Sport Industry………………………………….35
2.4 Price Elasticity……………………………………………………………….39
2.4.1 Price Elasticity Demand Model……………………………………….42

Chapter 3 Research Methodology…………………………………………………43
3.1 Research Purpose………………………………………………………...43
3.2 Research Approach………………………………………………………44
3.3 Research Strategy………………………………………………………...44
3.4 Research Design………………………………………………………….45
3.4.1 Research Flow………………………………………………………...46
3.4.2 Questionnaire Design…………………………………………………46
3.4.3 Sampling Method……………………………………………………..47
3.5 Analysis Method…………………………………………………………48

Chapter 4 Empirical Results……………………………………………………….53
4.1 Frequency of Tables……………………………………………………...53
4.2 Main Effect………………………………………………………………59
4.3 Moderate Effect…………………………………………………………63
4.4 Summary of Hypothesis & Results………………………………………65
Chapter 5 Conclusion & Suggestions……………………………………………...67
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0959320431en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Price policyzh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Market segmentationzh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Industry profitabilityzh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Retention rateszh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Cost dissatisfactionzh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Price policyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Market segmentationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Industry profitabilityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Retention ratesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Cost dissatisfactionen_US
dc.title (題名) 運動產業的價格彈性之實證研究- 以大台北地區熱瑜珈市場為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Study of Price Elasticity in Fitness Industry- Taipei Hot Yoga Market as an exampleen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Referenceszh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Moore, W. L& Lehmann, D.R,1980 “Individual differences in search behavior for a non-durable”. Journal of Consumer Research. Vol 11, pp808-913zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) OscarW. DeShields, Erdener Kaynak,1999. “ Sources effects in purchase decisions: The impact of physical attractiveness and accent of salesperson” Intern. J. of Research in Marketing, PP 89-101zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Phillips L. W., & Sthemdahl, B 1977. “Age differences in information processing: A perspective on the aged consumer.” Journal of Marketing Research. Vol 10, pp 186-196zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Sharir, 1974, “ Brand loyalty and household’s cost of time”, Journal of Business, Vol 47, pp53-55zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Stigle, George, 1961, “The economics of information”, Journal of political economy, Vol 69, pp 213-227zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Street & Smith’s ,Sport Business Journal, 1999, pp12-25zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Taylor, James, 1974, “The role of risk in consumer behavior”. Journal of Marketing, Vol 38, pp 54-60zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Wakefield,K.L,&Inman,J.1993.”Who are the prices vigilantes? An investigation of differentiating characteristics influencing price”.Journal of Retaining pp 216-233zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Woodruff,1972, “Measurement of consumers’ prior brand information”. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 9, pp 258-263zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Yoon, c.1997, “Age differences in consumers processing strategies: A investigation of moderating influences”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 24, pp329-342zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Zeithaml, V. 1985, “The new demographics and market fragmentation”. Journal of Marketing, Vol 49, pp 64-75zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Website information:zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) http://www.bikram-yoga-noosa-australia.com/Whatisyoga.htmzh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Referenceszh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Banks, S.K.(1979). “Gift giving and interactive paradigm”. In W.Wilkie (Ed), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.5, pp.319-324zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Barbara Fasolo, Raffaella Misuraca and Gary McClelland. “Individual differences in adaptive choice strategies. “Research in Economics, Vol 57, Issue 3, September 2003, pp 219~233zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Barnes,N.G.,& Peters,M.P.,1982, “Modes of retail ditribution: Views of the elderly “Akron Business and Economics Review”, Vol 13(Fall).pp 26~31zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Barry L.Bayus,1985, “word of Mouth: The indirect effect of marketing efforts” Journal of advertising Research, June -July, pp31~39zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Bettman,J.R.(1979).”An information processing theory of consumer choice”. Reading, MA:Addison-Wesley Publishing Companyzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Beatty,S.E.& Smith, S.M,1987. “External search effort: An investigation across several product categories. “ Journal of Consumer Research” 16(June) pp1-38zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Belk, Mellanie Walendorf, and John Sherry,1989,”The scared and Profane Consumer behavior”, Journal of Consumer Research.16 (June),1-38zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Belk,1967. “Self-confidence and Persuasion in Car Buying” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 4, pp46-52zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Belk, Melanie Wallendorf, and John Sherry, 1989, “ the Scared and Profane Consumer Behavior, “ Journal of Consumer Research. 16(June) pp1-38zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Bell,1967,”Self-confidence and Persuasion in Car Buying” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 4, 46-52zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Bellizi, J.A& Hite, R.E,1986, Convenience consumption and role overload convenience. “Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science” , Vol14(Winter), pp1-9zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Bettman,J.R 91979). “An information processing theory of consumer choice” Reading MA: Addison Wesley Publishing Companyzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Bikram Choudhury & Bonnie Jones Reynolds, “Bikram’s beginning yoga class”pp1-13zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Birrens, J,1974, “translating in gerontology-from lab to life” Psychophysiology and speed of response” . American Psychologist, Vol29, pp 818-815zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Blistein, D.1971, “human Social Development” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol42, pp 116- 132.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Bloch, Sherrell and Ridway (1986), “Consumer Search: An extended framework”, Journal Of Consumer Research, Vol 12, pp1-16zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Bottomley.Paul.A. and John R. Doyle.2001. “A comparison of three weight elicitation methods: good, better and best. “ Omega, Vol.29, Issue 6, December 2001, pp553-560.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Brenda G.Pitts and David K. Stotlar. “Fundamentals of Sport Marketing”, Pages3~18zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Brody, R. and S.M Cuningham,1986, “Personality variables and the consumer decision process”. Journal Marketing Research Vol 5, 50-57zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Buttle,(1992), “Shopping motives constructionist perspective”, Service Industries Journal, Vol.12, July pp 348-367zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Chaiken,S. 1982. “Heuristic versus systematic information processing and the use of source message cues in persuasion. “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol39, pp 725-766.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Charles Cole,1996. “Information Process: The difference between corroborating evidence and information in humanistic domains”. Information Processing and Management, Vol33, pp 55-57zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Cheng S.T Master Thesis, “ The Development of Taiwan’s Sport Industry”pp 3-8zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Claxton J Fry and Portis, 1974, “ A taxonomy of pre-purchase information gathering patterns”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol1 pp 35-42zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Comte,E.,&Stogel,C.(1990). Sports: A $63.1 billion industry. The sporting News, Preview, PP60-66zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Darely and Smith,1995, Gender difference in information Processing Strategies: and empirical test to the selectively model in advertising response” Journal of Advertising. Vol.24, pp41-45zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Day, George (1976), “Assessing the effects of information disclosure requirement” Journal of Marketing, Vol 40, pp43-52zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Deshpande, R. Krishnan, S. 1982, “ Correlates of deficient consumer information environment: The case of elderly”, Advances in consumer Research Vol 9, pp 515-519zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Dommermuth, W.P, 1965, “ The shopping matrix and marketing strategy” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol2, pp 138-132zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Douglas, 1976,” Working wife vs. Non-working wife families: A basis for segmenting grocery markets” In advances in Consumer Research, Vol3,pp191-198zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Duncan, 1982, “ External Search: The role of consumer beliefs”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vo l9, pp 32-43zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Fischer, E.,& Arnold, S.J.1990. “ more than a labor of love: Gender roles and christmas gift shopping “. Journal of consumer Research, Vol 17, pp333-345zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Fry and Siller, 1970, “ A comparison of housewife decision making in two social classes” Journal of Marketing Research , Vol 8, pp333-337zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Gardner David M., 1971, “ Is there a generalized price quality relationship” Journal of Marketing Research , Vol 8, pp 241-243zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Gardner Janse 2004, “ Information search behavior of European forest policy decision makers” . Forest Policy and Economicszh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Gerben Janse 2004.”Information search behavior of European forest policy decision-makers” Forest Policy and Economicszh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Goldman and Johnson 1978, “ Determinants of search for lower prices: an empirical assessment of economics and information theory” . Journal of Consumer Research Vol. 5, pp 176-178zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Graney, M. & Graney, E. 1974, . “ communication activity substitution in old age”. Journal of Communication Vol 24, pp88-96zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Gronhaug.K.1972. “ Buying situations and buyers information behavior” European Marketing Research Review, pp 33-48zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Hacklander,1978,”Do working wives shop differently for food?” National food review, Vol 12, pp 14-22zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Hansen Fleming, 1969 “ Consumer choice behavior: An experimental approach” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 16, 436 –445zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Heroux, L. Laroche, M.& McGown , K.L. 1988. “ consumer label inforation processing : An experiment involving time pressure and distraction: Journal of Economics Psychology, Vol 9, pp 195-214zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Hisrich,1972., ‘ Perceived risk in store selection” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol9. 435-439zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Howard, J.A. & Sheth J.N. 1969. “ The theory of buyer behavior” New York, john Wiley and Sons Inc.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Innes, 1998. “ information in communicative planning”. Journal of the American Planning Association”, Vol 64, pp 52-63zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Jacoby, Jacob, George 1977 “ Information acquisition behavior in brand choice situations”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol3, pp209-216zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Jacoby, Jacob Chestnut,1977, “ Consumer use and comprehension of non-durable purchasing” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 4, pp 119128zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Jacoby, Jacob 1976, “ Pre-purchase information acquisition: description of methodology, research paradigm, and pilot investigation” Advances in Consumer Research , Vol 3, pp 304-313zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Javalgi, r.g. Thomas 1992, “ Consumer Behavior in the US pleasure travel marketplace: An analysis of senior and non-senior travelers. “Journal of Travel Research,J Vol 13, pp14-19zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Jette Hyldergard 2004, “ Collaborative information behavior- exploring Kuhlthau’s Information Search Process model in group based educational setting”. Information Processing and Managementzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Johnson and Russo, 1984. “ Product Familiarity and Learning new Information”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 11, pp 542-563zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Joseph R. Ferrari and John.F.Dovidio, 2001. “ Behavioral Information search by indecisives. “Personality and Individual Differences, Vol 30, pp1113-1123zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Kassarjan, Harold, 1978, “ Presidential address: anthropomorphism and parsimony” In advances of Consumer Research , Vol. 5zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Katerina Kabassi and Maria Virvou, 2003. “ Personalized adult training on computer use based on multiple attribute decision making” Interacting with Computer, Vol16. pp115-132zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Katona and Mueller, 1955, “ A study in purchasing decisions”, The consumer bebavior: The dynamics of consumer reaction, Vol 1zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Kotler, 1003, “ Marketing Management” 11th Editionzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Lambert, Z.V.1979, “A investigation of older consumers needs and wants at retail level” Journal of Retailing . Vol 15, pp 35-37zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Laroche, M. KIM, C. Saad., G& Browne 2000. “ A cross cultural study of in-store information search strategies “. Journal of Business Research Vol. 49, pp 113-126zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Laroche M. Saad 2000, “ Gender difference in information search strategies for a Christmas gift”. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol 17, pp 500-524zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Lazer and Smalwood, 1977. “ The changing demographics of women:. Journal of Marketing, Vol 14, pp 14-22zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Lumpkin, J.R.& Festervand, T.A., 1988. “Purchase information sources of the elderly” Journal of Advertising Research. pp 32-43zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) McGraw, 2003, Business Research Method, 8th Edition, Vol 1, pp55-65zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Michel Laroche 2000, “ Exploring age-related differences in information acquisition in a purchase” . Journal of Economics Psycholgy, Vol 25, pp61-69zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Moore, W. L& Lehmann, D.R,1980 “Individual differences in search behavior for a non-durable”. Journal of Consumer Research. Vol 11, pp808-913zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Myers-Levy,1988: The influence of sex roles on judgement”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 14, pp522-530zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) National Council of Sport and Fitness(2002). Assessing the size of Taiwan’s sport industry and the economic impact. Taipei: National Council of Sport and Physical Fitness.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Newman, J. 1977, “ Multivariate Aalysis of Differences in Buyer Decision Time”. Journal of Marketing Research, pp 192-198zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) OscarW. DeShields, Erdener Kaynak,1999. “ Sources effects in purchase decisions: The impact of physical attractiveness and accent of salesperson” Intern. J. of Research in Marketing, PP 89-101zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Phillips L. W., & Sthemdahl, B 1977. “Age differences in information processing: A perspective on the aged consumer.” Journal of Marketing Research. Vol 10, pp 186-196zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Sharir, 1974, “ Brand loyalty and household’s cost of time”, Journal of Business, Vol 47, pp53-55zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Stigle, George, 1961, “The economics of information”, Journal of political economy, Vol 69, pp 213-227zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Street & Smith’s ,Sport Business Journal, 1999, pp12-25zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Taylor, James, 1974, “The role of risk in consumer behavior”. Journal of Marketing, Vol 38, pp 54-60zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Wakefield,K.L,&Inman,J.1993.”Who are the prices vigilantes? An investigation of differentiating characteristics influencing price”.Journal of Retaining pp 216-233zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Woodruff,1972, “Measurement of consumers’ prior brand information”. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 9, pp 258-263zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Yoon, c.1997, “Age differences in consumers processing strategies: A investigation of moderating influences”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 24, pp329-342zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Zeithaml, V. 1985, “The new demographics and market fragmentation”. Journal of Marketing, Vol 49, pp 64-75zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Website information:zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) http://www.bikram-yoga-noosa-australia.com/Whatisyoga.htmzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) http://www.sportseconomics.com/zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) http://www.taipeitimes.com/Newszh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Cheng S.T Master Thesis, “ The Development of Taiwan’s Sport Industry”pp 3-8zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Claxton J Fry and Portis, 1974, “ A taxonomy of pre-purchase information gathering patterns”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol1 pp 35-42zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Comte,E.,&Stogel,C.(1990). Sports: A $63.1 billion industry. The sporting News, Preview, PP60-66zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Darely and Smith,1995, Gender difference in information Processing Strategies: and empirical test to the selectively model in advertising response” Journal of Advertising. Vol.24, pp41-45zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Day, George (1976), “Assessing the effects of information disclosure requirement” Journal of Marketing, Vol 40, pp43-52zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Deshpande, R. Krishnan, S. 1982, “ Correlates of deficient consumer information environment: The case of elderly”, Advances in consumer Research Vol 9, pp 515-519zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Dommermuth, W.P, 1965, “ The shopping matrix and marketing strategy” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol2, pp 138-132zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Douglas, 1976,” Working wife vs. Non-working wife families: A basis for segmenting grocery markets” In advances in Consumer Research, Vol3,pp191-198zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Duncan, 1982, “ External Search: The role of consumer beliefs”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vo l9, pp 32-43zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Fischer, E.,& Arnold, S.J.1990. “ more than a labor of love: Gender roles and christmas gift shopping “. Journal of consumer Research, Vol 17, pp333-345zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Fry and Siller, 1970, “ A comparison of housewife decision making in two social classes” Journal of Marketing Research , Vol 8, pp333-337zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Gardner David M., 1971, “ Is there a generalized price quality relationship” Journal of Marketing Research , Vol 8, pp 241-243zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Gardner Janse 2004, “ Information search behavior of European forest policy decision makers” . Forest Policy and Economicszh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Gerben Janse 2004.”Information search behavior of European forest policy decision-makers” Forest Policy and Economicszh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Goldman and Johnson 1978, “ Determinants of search for lower prices: an empirical assessment of economics and information theory” . Journal of Consumer Research Vol. 5, pp 176-178zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Graney, M. & Graney, E. 1974, . “ communication activity substitution in old age”. Journal of Communication Vol 24, pp88-96zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Gronhaug.K.1972. “ Buying situations and buyers information behavior” European Marketing Research Review, pp 33-48zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Hacklander,1978,”Do working wives shop differently for food?” National food review, Vol 12, pp 14-22zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Hansen Fleming, 1969 “ Consumer choice behavior: An experimental approach” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 16, 436 –445zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Heroux, L. Laroche, M.& McGown , K.L. 1988. “ consumer label inforation processing : An experiment involving time pressure and distraction: Journal of Economics Psychology, Vol 9, pp 195-214zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Hisrich,1972., ‘ Perceived risk in store selection” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol9. 435-439zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Howard, J.A. & Sheth J.N. 1969. “ The theory of buyer behavior” New York, john Wiley and Sons Inc.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Innes, 1998. “ information in communicative planning”. Journal of the American Planning Association”, Vol 64, pp 52-63zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Jacoby, Jacob, George 1977 “ Information acquisition behavior in brand choice situations”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol3, pp209-216zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Jacoby, Jacob Chestnut,1977, “ Consumer use and comprehension of non-durable purchasing” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 4, pp 119128zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Jacoby, Jacob 1976, “ Pre-purchase information acquisition: description of methodology, research paradigm, and pilot investigation” Advances in Consumer Research , Vol 3, pp 304-313zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Javalgi, r.g. Thomas 1992, “ Consumer Behavior in the US pleasure travel marketplace: An analysis of senior and non-senior travelers. “Journal of Travel Research,J Vol 13, pp14-19zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Jette Hyldergard 2004, “ Collaborative information behavior- exploring Kuhlthau’s Information Search Process model in group based educational setting”. Information Processing and Managementzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Johnson and Russo, 1984. “ Product Familiarity and Learning new Information”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 11, pp 542-563zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Joseph R. Ferrari and John.F.Dovidio, 2001. “ Behavioral Information search by indecisives. “Personality and Individual Differences, Vol 30, pp1113-1123zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Kassarjan, Harold, 1978, “ Presidential address: anthropomorphism and parsimony” In advances of Consumer Research , Vol. 5zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Katerina Kabassi and Maria Virvou, 2003. “ Personalized adult training on computer use based on multiple attribute decision making” Interacting with Computer, Vol16. pp115-132zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Katona and Mueller, 1955, “ A study in purchasing decisions”, The consumer bebavior: The dynamics of consumer reaction, Vol 1zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Kotler, 1003, “ Marketing Management” 11th Editionzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Lambert, Z.V.1979, “A investigation of older consumers needs and wants at retail level” Journal of Retailing . Vol 15, pp 35-37zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Laroche, M. KIM, C. Saad., G& Browne 2000. “ A cross cultural study of in-store information search strategies “. Journal of Business Research Vol. 49, pp 113-126zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Laroche M. Saad 2000, “ Gender difference in information search strategies for a Christmas gift”. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol 17, pp 500-524zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Lazer and Smalwood, 1977. “ The changing demographics of women:. Journal of Marketing, Vol 14, pp 14-22zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Lumpkin, J.R.& Festervand, T.A., 1988. “Purchase information sources of the elderly” Journal of Advertising Research. pp 32-43zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) McGraw, 2003, Business Research Method, 8th Edition, Vol 1, pp55-65zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Michel Laroche 2000, “ Exploring age-related differences in information acquisition in a purchase” . Journal of Economics Psycholgy, Vol 25, pp61-69zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Moore, W. L& Lehmann, D.R,1980 “Individual differences in search behavior for a non-durable”. Journal of Consumer Research. Vol 11, pp808-913zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Myers-Levy,1988: The influence of sex roles on judgement”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 14, pp522-530zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) National Council of Sport and Fitness(2002). Assessing the size of Taiwan’s sport industry and the economic impact. Taipei: National Council of Sport and Physical Fitness.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Newman, J. 1977, “ Multivariate Aalysis of Differences in Buyer Decision Time”. Journal of Marketing Research, pp 192-198zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) OscarW. DeShields, Erdener Kaynak,1999. “ Sources effects in purchase decisions: The impact of physical attractiveness and accent of salesperson” Intern. J. of Research in Marketing, PP 89-101zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Phillips L. W., & Sthemdahl, B 1977. “Age differences in information processing: A perspective on the aged consumer.” Journal of Marketing Research. Vol 10, pp 186-196zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Sharir, 1974, “ Brand loyalty and household’s cost of time”, Journal of Business, Vol 47, pp53-55zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Stigle, George, 1961, “The economics of information”, Journal of political economy, Vol 69, pp 213-227zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Street & Smith’s ,Sport Business Journal, 1999, pp12-25zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Taylor, James, 1974, “The role of risk in consumer behavior”. Journal of Marketing, Vol 38, pp 54-60zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Wakefield,K.L,&Inman,J.1993.”Who are the prices vigilantes? An investigation of differentiating characteristics influencing price”.Journal of Retaining pp 216-233zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Woodruff,1972, “Measurement of consumers’ prior brand information”. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 9, pp 258-263zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Yoon, c.1997, “Age differences in consumers processing strategies: A investigation of moderating influences”. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 24, pp329-342zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Zeithaml, V. 1985, “The new demographics and market fragmentation”. Journal of Marketing, Vol 49, pp 64-75zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Website information:zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) http://www.bikram-yoga-noosa-australia.com/Whatisyoga.htmzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) http://www.sportseconomics.com/zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) http://www.taipeitimes.com/Newszh_TW