
題名 產業分析趨勢預測與經營策略之研究以兆領企業公司為例
The Research on the Industry Analysis Trend Prediction and the Operational Strategy Take Trolling Enterprise As an Example
作者 黃增添
Huang,Tzeng Tian
貢獻者 季延平
Chi,Yen Ping
Huang,Tzeng Tian
關鍵詞 商業理論
the theory of Business
Total Quality Management
competitive advantage
日期 2007
上傳時間 18-九月-2009 15:11:52 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究之個案公司之經營策略可綜合為下列三點:一、以高品質的設計為導向,嚴格執行全面品質管理(TQM) 的品質政策,建立了優質而高效率的多重客製化服務系統,形成了一套具有產品線廣度與特色的管理模式。二、以商業理論來深入分析本研究之個案公司的管理模式,可以得出在其發展的歷程之中,如何能夠清醒地認識到個案公司生存的整體大環境及局部環境,以企業實際的狀況為基礎,有效運用適當的管理技術和方法,而走上了一條良性而健康的產業道路,首先本研究之個案公司在成長的不同階段,都能夠深入地分析產業的發展趨勢預測與特色,然後有效擬定因地制宜的經營策略,而確實掌握商機,其次依據實際的情況,採用適當的管理技術和方法。三、得益於策略聯盟、團隊合作以及領導階層的適度多角化經營、先發制人的成本降低與關鍵市場市佔率增加的執行力,以多顆引擎繼續全速前進(涵蓋醫療器材相關產品的元件開發、SPA客戶的開發、工廠外移降低成本、經由終端產品來提昇經濟規模等)。儘管以現代先進的管理理念來看本研究之個案公司的經營策略,許多地方還是相當傳統,甚至於相當陳舊,但是本研究之個案公司卻依據此種獨特的管理模式,而能夠在競爭激烈的全球化市場中生存下去。
本研究運用商業理論(The Theory of Business)、客戶訴求價值理論、行銷學、生產營運管理、組織行為學,策略管理等理論、知識和方法,對本研究之個案公司的現狀、自身存在的問題加以分析,並對本研究之個案公司的綜合競爭力加以論證。本研究針對本研究之個案公司的外部和內部環境的分析,為該個案公司設計了發展策略。本研究提出了該個案公司應採取發展型策略的構想,確定了公司發展的策略目標。同時分析了執行策略的可行性,提出了保證執行策略的實際措施。
After the World II, all kinds of management techniques have been emerged one after another. Along with the development of science and technologies, especially with the rapid development of modern information technologies, more new and developing managing techniques come out. The enterprises in our country have lagged behind those in the world. The gap behaves not only on technologies, but also on the managing levels. So more enterprises begin to change their old managing styles, and to learn the advanced technologies. However, before we changes, we must solve these problems such as how to choose among the various technologies? Do those advanced ones deem to be effective to us? How to tradeoff and balance between the advancement and effectiveness of the technologies and the management theory?
The different choices will lead the enterprises to the different developing roads. So the choice is very important and challenging. Before this challenge, Peter F. Drucker, the great master in managing field, put forward the theory of Business. In this theory he expressed that one organization, whatever it is a enterprise or a non profit organization, before it chooses, it should recognize its existing bases first. Generally speaking, the theory of Business of one organization is made up of three assumptions, that is the assumption of its circumstances, the assumption of its special cooperation and the assumption of its core competence. If these three assumptions can be conformity with the social developing trends, if they can be conformity with each other and if can be learned by every member of the organization, all these key performance indicators will be the key factor of the organization doings, decisions and gains in the future.
We can learn from the Theory of Business before making any decisions, every enterprise should know well about its global and local surroundings. Only when its doings conform to the surroundings , then the enterprise would attain positive gains, and those doings also will help the enterprise to develop a continuous improvement process. Otherwise the enterprise can not achieve its goals. Sometimes those doings will even become the obstacles on the roads.
In Trolling Group (also abbreviated as Trolling ) has been doing very well in its developing history. Founded in 1995, Trolling Group has been developing rapidly, sustainably and steadily. The successful business model and experiences of Trolling are as follows: choosing the “high quality” as its developing starting point and at the same time executing strictly the quality managing technique of TQM(Total Quality Management); building up a perfect Service system; forming and carrying out a Trolling -characterized managing model of OEC( that is Overall every control and clear).
If we analysis the Trolling ’s successful business model and experiences through the Theory of Business, we can learn that during the Trolling ’s development, it can always recognize it’s existing global and local circumstances. Then on the basis of the above conditions and it’s own quality, it carried out the most suitable managing techniques. So it can develop quickly and well. First, during it’s every developing stage, Trolling formulated its strategies on the basis of the analysis of economic circumstances. Second, according to it’s own capability,Trolling carried out the most suitable management methods. And Trolling ’s success came from the special enterprises alliances and cooperation under social surroundings, and its leader’s managing talent.
If we analyze Trolling ’s management ways on the basis of those modern theories, many aspects are being old and even out-of-date. But Trolling succeeded. Trolling ’s success is mainly because that it can always basing itself upon its own conditions. We can say that Trolling ’s success is the success under the Trolling -characterized business model、managing circumstances and managing models. Trolling ’s successful business model and experiences is more empowered by innovation and uniqueness than those of many large transnational enterprises in the world.
We can learn from Trolling ’s successful business model and experiences as follows:
1. The outer circumstances reinforce the enterprise’s existing conditions. They will decide what one enterprise can do and can not do. The basic point of Trolling ’s success is that Trolling can adapt itself to those outer surroundings. Even after efforts, some global circumstances fit Trolling ’s needs. The inner circumstances decide the results and effects of enterprise’s doings. Only when the managing system is on the basis of the enterprise’s actual conditions, it will be effective and help enterprise to attain its goal.
2. Facing the various emerging managing theories and methods, we should not unrealistically learn and carry out them. We must base ourselves upon the social realities, and choose the most suitable methods. So that we can shorten the lagging gaps and become more systematic and scientific in management practice.
Up to now, Trolling Group has become a larger enterprise than before. But compared with those transnational corporations it still will be a very small potatoes, because the competition among Taiwanese enterprises is still on a lower level. In the future, Trolling will be larger and more internationalized; and it will face more serious and intense competitions . So Trolling Group should be customized more modern and advanced managing theories and methods that fit for themselves, so that it can maintain its competitive advantages and sustainable development.

Key Words: the theory of Business、Total Quality Management、competitive advantage
參考文獻 一、英文部分
1.Arthur A. Thompson, Jr.& A.J.Strickland , Strategic
Management: Concepts and Cases, 10th Edition, McGraw-Hill
Company,Inc., 1998.
2.Babette E. Bensoussan, Business and Competitive Analysis: Effective Application of New and Classic Methods, FT Press , 2007
3.Bartlett and Goshen,1989,Managing Across Border,McGraw-Hill Company,Inc.,2000.
4.Collins,J. and Porras, J.l. Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, New York: Harper Business. Pp:112-113., 1995.
5.Craig S. Fleisher and Babette Bensoussan, Strategic and Competitive Analysis: Methods and Techniques for Analyzing Business Competition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
6.Hammer, Michael. "Reengineering Work: Don`t Automate, Obliterate." Harvard Business Review, July 1990.
7.Hammer Michael, Champy James. Reengineering the Corporation, A Manifesto for Business, Harvard Business Review, 1997
8.Love Lock, Service Marketing, Prentice Hall,pp: 81-82.
9.Michael de Kare-Silver, Strategy in Crisis: why business
urgently needs a completely new approach, MACMILLAN Press
Ltd., 1997.
10.Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy, Free Press, 1990.
11.Michael Hammer, The Process Audit. Harvard Business Review, April 2007.
12.Nolan, Richard L., Reengineering: Competitive Advantage and Strategic Jeopardy, Harvard Business School Note 196-019, 1995.
13.Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, Sixth
Edition, 1988.
14.Prahalad, C.K. and Hamel, G., The Core Competence of the
Corporation, Harvard Business Review, May/June 1990.
15.Price Pritchett, After the Merger: The Authoritative Guide for Integration Success, 2ed, McGraw-Hill; 2nd edition, 2007
16.Roland Rust, Return on Quality, Irwin Publishing, 1994.
17.Stalk, George, P. Evans & L. E. Shulman., Competing on capabilities: The new rules of corporate strategy. Harvard Business Review, 70(2), 1992.
18.Sudi Sudarsanam, Creating Value Through Merger and Acquisitions: The Challenges, an Integrated and International Perspective, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall 2003.
19.Wernerfelt, B., A Resource-Based View of the Firm. Strategic Management Journal. 5(2), 1984.
20.Warren J.keegan, Mark C. Green, Principles of Global
Marketing, Prentice Hall, 1998.
21.Williams, Human Resource Management and Labour Market
Flexibility, Avebury, 1994.
4.李吉仁、陳振祥,企業本質系統應用,臺北:華泰出版社1999年9月版 :454-455頁。
5.李兆熙,1999,管理創新與邏輯漸進主義,北京:IT 經理世界1999年1月。
8.袁慶豐、羅齊、王安宇,1999,TQM 與BPR管理思想的比較,北京:外國經濟與管理,1999年3月。
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0959324171
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 季延平zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chi,Yen Pingen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 黃增添zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Huang,Tzeng Tianen_US
dc.creator (作者) 黃增添zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Huang,Tzeng Tianen_US
dc.date (日期) 2007en_US
dc.date.accessioned 18-九月-2009 15:11:52 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 18-九月-2009 15:11:52 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 18-九月-2009 15:11:52 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0959324171en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/35511-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95932417zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究之個案公司之經營策略可綜合為下列三點:一、以高品質的設計為導向,嚴格執行全面品質管理(TQM) 的品質政策,建立了優質而高效率的多重客製化服務系統,形成了一套具有產品線廣度與特色的管理模式。二、以商業理論來深入分析本研究之個案公司的管理模式,可以得出在其發展的歷程之中,如何能夠清醒地認識到個案公司生存的整體大環境及局部環境,以企業實際的狀況為基礎,有效運用適當的管理技術和方法,而走上了一條良性而健康的產業道路,首先本研究之個案公司在成長的不同階段,都能夠深入地分析產業的發展趨勢預測與特色,然後有效擬定因地制宜的經營策略,而確實掌握商機,其次依據實際的情況,採用適當的管理技術和方法。三、得益於策略聯盟、團隊合作以及領導階層的適度多角化經營、先發制人的成本降低與關鍵市場市佔率增加的執行力,以多顆引擎繼續全速前進(涵蓋醫療器材相關產品的元件開發、SPA客戶的開發、工廠外移降低成本、經由終端產品來提昇經濟規模等)。儘管以現代先進的管理理念來看本研究之個案公司的經營策略,許多地方還是相當傳統,甚至於相當陳舊,但是本研究之個案公司卻依據此種獨特的管理模式,而能夠在競爭激烈的全球化市場中生存下去。
本研究運用商業理論(The Theory of Business)、客戶訴求價值理論、行銷學、生產營運管理、組織行為學,策略管理等理論、知識和方法,對本研究之個案公司的現狀、自身存在的問題加以分析,並對本研究之個案公司的綜合競爭力加以論證。本研究針對本研究之個案公司的外部和內部環境的分析,為該個案公司設計了發展策略。本研究提出了該個案公司應採取發展型策略的構想,確定了公司發展的策略目標。同時分析了執行策略的可行性,提出了保證執行策略的實際措施。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) After the World II, all kinds of management techniques have been emerged one after another. Along with the development of science and technologies, especially with the rapid development of modern information technologies, more new and developing managing techniques come out. The enterprises in our country have lagged behind those in the world. The gap behaves not only on technologies, but also on the managing levels. So more enterprises begin to change their old managing styles, and to learn the advanced technologies. However, before we changes, we must solve these problems such as how to choose among the various technologies? Do those advanced ones deem to be effective to us? How to tradeoff and balance between the advancement and effectiveness of the technologies and the management theory?
The different choices will lead the enterprises to the different developing roads. So the choice is very important and challenging. Before this challenge, Peter F. Drucker, the great master in managing field, put forward the theory of Business. In this theory he expressed that one organization, whatever it is a enterprise or a non profit organization, before it chooses, it should recognize its existing bases first. Generally speaking, the theory of Business of one organization is made up of three assumptions, that is the assumption of its circumstances, the assumption of its special cooperation and the assumption of its core competence. If these three assumptions can be conformity with the social developing trends, if they can be conformity with each other and if can be learned by every member of the organization, all these key performance indicators will be the key factor of the organization doings, decisions and gains in the future.
We can learn from the Theory of Business before making any decisions, every enterprise should know well about its global and local surroundings. Only when its doings conform to the surroundings , then the enterprise would attain positive gains, and those doings also will help the enterprise to develop a continuous improvement process. Otherwise the enterprise can not achieve its goals. Sometimes those doings will even become the obstacles on the roads.
In Trolling Group (also abbreviated as Trolling ) has been doing very well in its developing history. Founded in 1995, Trolling Group has been developing rapidly, sustainably and steadily. The successful business model and experiences of Trolling are as follows: choosing the “high quality” as its developing starting point and at the same time executing strictly the quality managing technique of TQM(Total Quality Management); building up a perfect Service system; forming and carrying out a Trolling -characterized managing model of OEC( that is Overall every control and clear).
If we analysis the Trolling ’s successful business model and experiences through the Theory of Business, we can learn that during the Trolling ’s development, it can always recognize it’s existing global and local circumstances. Then on the basis of the above conditions and it’s own quality, it carried out the most suitable managing techniques. So it can develop quickly and well. First, during it’s every developing stage, Trolling formulated its strategies on the basis of the analysis of economic circumstances. Second, according to it’s own capability,Trolling carried out the most suitable management methods. And Trolling ’s success came from the special enterprises alliances and cooperation under social surroundings, and its leader’s managing talent.
If we analyze Trolling ’s management ways on the basis of those modern theories, many aspects are being old and even out-of-date. But Trolling succeeded. Trolling ’s success is mainly because that it can always basing itself upon its own conditions. We can say that Trolling ’s success is the success under the Trolling -characterized business model、managing circumstances and managing models. Trolling ’s successful business model and experiences is more empowered by innovation and uniqueness than those of many large transnational enterprises in the world.
We can learn from Trolling ’s successful business model and experiences as follows:
1. The outer circumstances reinforce the enterprise’s existing conditions. They will decide what one enterprise can do and can not do. The basic point of Trolling ’s success is that Trolling can adapt itself to those outer surroundings. Even after efforts, some global circumstances fit Trolling ’s needs. The inner circumstances decide the results and effects of enterprise’s doings. Only when the managing system is on the basis of the enterprise’s actual conditions, it will be effective and help enterprise to attain its goal.
2. Facing the various emerging managing theories and methods, we should not unrealistically learn and carry out them. We must base ourselves upon the social realities, and choose the most suitable methods. So that we can shorten the lagging gaps and become more systematic and scientific in management practice.
Up to now, Trolling Group has become a larger enterprise than before. But compared with those transnational corporations it still will be a very small potatoes, because the competition among Taiwanese enterprises is still on a lower level. In the future, Trolling will be larger and more internationalized; and it will face more serious and intense competitions . So Trolling Group should be customized more modern and advanced managing theories and methods that fit for themselves, so that it can maintain its competitive advantages and sustainable development.

Key Words: the theory of Business、Total Quality Management、competitive advantage
dc.description.tableofcontents 摘要.................................................I
誌 謝 辭............................................VII
目錄………………………………………………............... .VIII
第一章 緒論...........................................1
第一節 研究動機........................................1
第二節 研究目的........................................2
第三節 研究個案........................................3
第四節 研究方法........................................3
第二章 文獻探討........................................5
第一節 管理理論回顧.....................................5
第二節 國際企業經營管理的理論概述.........................9
第三節 策略之探討......................................29
四、一般性策略(Generic Strategy)……………..............31
第三章 兆領企業的產業分析與個別企業經營策略................35
第一節 基本情況........................................35
第二節 經營特色........................................36
第三節 公司產品………………………………………...............36
第四節 Strategic Alliances (策略聯盟).................37
第五節 R & D / Engineering (研發與工程)................38
第六節 產品線廣度與特色.................................39
第七節 目標市場之區隔方式與選擇:.........................40
第八節 兆領企業股份有限公司之關係企業......................46
第九節 兆領企業股份有限公司策略發展與策略構想(一)............46
第十節 兆領企業股份有限公司策略發展與策略構想(二)............48
第十一節 兆領企業股份有限公司策略發展與策略構想(三)..........49
第十二節 兆領企業股份有限公司策略發展與策略構想(四)..........50
第四章 產業趨勢預測與兆領個別企業未來經營策略構想............52
第一節 垂直整合程度之取決…………………………………..........52
第二節 競爭優勢........................................52
第三節 以設計為導向.....................................53
第四節 多重客製化服務...................................54
第五節 醫療器材相關產品的開發............................55
第六節 SPA客戶的開發...................................56
第七節 以設計為導向....................................56
第八節 多重客製化服務...................................57
第九節 醫療器材元件開發.................................58
第十節 降低成本........................................59
第十一節 工廠外移......................................60
第十二節 經由終端產品提升規模............................61
第五章 個案研究與分析...................................63
第一節 兆領企業公司的成功經驗及管理技術之分析...............63
一、 篩選了以高品質為導向,來嚴格執行T Q M 的管理理念........63
二、 建立了優質高效率的服務系統...........................68
三、 巧妙地將斜坡球體論運用於企業的運作管理及人力資源管理中,並形成了一套具有兆領特色的管理模式.................................71
第六章 結論與建議......................................101
第一節 結論...........................................101
第二節 建議...........................................103
三、思考地域選擇競爭要素的效能 ……………………………….......106
參 考 文 獻............................................111
表一 企業管理各構面之現代管理理論和方法......................5
表二 兆領企業股份有限公司關係企業..........................46
表三 兆領企業股份有限公司策略發展與策略構想(一)..............47
表四 兆領企業股份有限公司策略發展與策略構想(二)..............48
表五 兆領企業股份有限公司策略發展與策略構想(三)..............50
表六 兆領企業股份有限公司策略發展與策略構想(四)..............51
圖一 音響相關市場產品....................................41
圖二 影音市場產品.......................................41
圖三 電池市場產品.......................................41
圖四 3C產品市場........................................42
圖五 LCD TV外殼設計、開模生產............................44
圖六 SPA用音響產品設計、開模、製造、組立...................45
圖七 醫療相關器材的開發..................................45
圖八 工具用充電器......................................45
圖九 機構設計.........................................54
圖十 多重客製化服務流程.................................55
圖十一 以設計為導向....................................57
圖十二 多重客製化服務...................................58
圖十三 醫療器材元件開發.................................59
圖十四 降低成本........................................60
圖十五 工廠外移........................................61
圖十六 經由終端產品來提升規模............................62
圖十七 反應鏈理論......................................64
圖十八 PDCA戴明迴路....................................65
圖十九 全方位服務......................................69
圖二十 斜坡球體理論....................................72
圖二十一 兆領企業組織架構圖..............................90
圖二十二 BCG法........................................95
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dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0959324171en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 商業理論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 全面品質管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 競爭優勢zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) the theory of Businessen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Total Quality Managementen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) competitive advantageen_US
dc.title (題名) 產業分析趨勢預測與經營策略之研究以兆領企業公司為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Research on the Industry Analysis Trend Prediction and the Operational Strategy Take Trolling Enterprise As an Exampleen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、英文部分zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Flexibility, Avebury, 1994.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 二、中文部分zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 9.陳淑慧(2005),「膠帶業追求企業永續經營之關鍵因素探討:以A公司為例」,國立中央大學財務金融學系在職專班碩士論文。zh_TW