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題名 軟體產業導入供應鏈分工合作之機制探討--以企業資源規劃系統水平整合為例
作者 黃繼弘
貢獻者 林我聰
關鍵詞 軟體元件供應鏈
Web service
Software component supply chain
Horizontal integration
Enterprise resource planning
Web service
日期 2001
上傳時間 18-九月-2009 19:36:23 (UTC+8)
摘要 關鍵詞:軟體元件供應鏈、水平整合、企業資源規劃、ebXML、Web Service
      本研究即是針對國內軟體產業,實行軟體元件供應鏈(Software Component Supply Chain)的相關合作機制做一個探討,試圖去思考如何參考國內資訊硬體廠商的專業分工模式及供應鏈管理推動成功的經驗,而達成國內軟體產業供應鏈管理的推行。
      本研究以企業資源規劃(Enterprise ReSource Planning)系統的套裝軟體業者為例,提出一個水平整合(Horizontal Integration)各模組的方法論,並設計出相對應的解決方案,再加以實作驗證。本研究於技術上使用類似於ebXML的流程整合技術,並利用XML及網路服務(Web Service)等方式來達到元件之間鬆散耦合的目的。
Keywords: Software Component Supply Chain, Horizontal Integration, Enterprise Resource Planning, ebXML, Web Service
      In recent years, the computer hardware industry contributes a splendid performance in Taiwan. In addition to the export to foreign country, some even have a well-known brand. With no doubt, we can see the whole picture of the intact-division of labor in the hardware industry, and the outstanding performance of its carrying out supply chain management. Although the definition of division between upstream and downstream is not so clear in the software industry, there do exist a division of labor to some degree. As the popularity and progress of the concepts and technologies of the software component, the possibility of specialization in division of labor will get increasing in the software industry. There is an interesting research topic, which form of division of labor will exist in the software industry after all.
      The focus of this study is on the collaborative mechanism of software component supply chain in the software industry. We try to figure out how to refer to the successful experience of hardware industry implementing supply chain management to drive the supply chain management of the software component in domestic software industry.
      This study will takes the ERP package vendors as the study object to propose a methodology of horizontal integration of different software packages and to do further implementation for verification. Technically, this study applies an ebXML-like process-oriented integration technology, and facilitates the purpose of low coupling between components by using XML and web service technology.
      If the integration among the modules of different ERP packages could be made to some extent, the picture of division of labor in the software industry could be outlined, and it also will brings the software vendors some chance to re-allocate. In addition to solve the bottlenecks of technical problems of software horizontal integration, the future model of division of labor in software industry will be also a subject to address in this study.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G91NCCU3032012
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 林我聰zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 黃繼弘zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 黃繼弘zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2001en_US
dc.date.accessioned 18-九月-2009 19:36:23 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 18-九月-2009 19:36:23 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 18-九月-2009 19:36:23 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G91NCCU3032012en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/36794-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 資訊管理研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 89356029zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 90zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 關鍵詞:軟體元件供應鏈、水平整合、企業資源規劃、ebXML、Web Service
      本研究即是針對國內軟體產業,實行軟體元件供應鏈(Software Component Supply Chain)的相關合作機制做一個探討,試圖去思考如何參考國內資訊硬體廠商的專業分工模式及供應鏈管理推動成功的經驗,而達成國內軟體產業供應鏈管理的推行。
      本研究以企業資源規劃(Enterprise ReSource Planning)系統的套裝軟體業者為例,提出一個水平整合(Horizontal Integration)各模組的方法論,並設計出相對應的解決方案,再加以實作驗證。本研究於技術上使用類似於ebXML的流程整合技術,並利用XML及網路服務(Web Service)等方式來達到元件之間鬆散耦合的目的。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Keywords: Software Component Supply Chain, Horizontal Integration, Enterprise Resource Planning, ebXML, Web Service
      In recent years, the computer hardware industry contributes a splendid performance in Taiwan. In addition to the export to foreign country, some even have a well-known brand. With no doubt, we can see the whole picture of the intact-division of labor in the hardware industry, and the outstanding performance of its carrying out supply chain management. Although the definition of division between upstream and downstream is not so clear in the software industry, there do exist a division of labor to some degree. As the popularity and progress of the concepts and technologies of the software component, the possibility of specialization in division of labor will get increasing in the software industry. There is an interesting research topic, which form of division of labor will exist in the software industry after all.
      The focus of this study is on the collaborative mechanism of software component supply chain in the software industry. We try to figure out how to refer to the successful experience of hardware industry implementing supply chain management to drive the supply chain management of the software component in domestic software industry.
      This study will takes the ERP package vendors as the study object to propose a methodology of horizontal integration of different software packages and to do further implementation for verification. Technically, this study applies an ebXML-like process-oriented integration technology, and facilitates the purpose of low coupling between components by using XML and web service technology.
      If the integration among the modules of different ERP packages could be made to some extent, the picture of division of labor in the software industry could be outlined, and it also will brings the software vendors some chance to re-allocate. In addition to solve the bottlenecks of technical problems of software horizontal integration, the future model of division of labor in software industry will be also a subject to address in this study.
dc.description.tableofcontents 1 緒論-----1
      1-1 研究動機-----1
      1-2 研究問題-----1
      1-3 研究目的-----2
      1-4 研究範圍與限制-----3
      1-4-1 研究範圍-----3
      1-4-2 碗究限制-----4
      1-5 研究方法-----5
     2 文獻探討-----8
      2-1 軟體產業-----8
      2-1-1 軟體產業的定義及分類-----8
      2-1-2 軟體產業特性-----10
      2-1-2-1 知識、技術、勞力密集-----10
      2-l-2-2 知識的公共財特性-----10
      2-1-2-3 以研發為主的成本結構-----11
      2-1-2-4 高利潤的產業-----12
      2-1-2-5 研發的外溢效果-----12
      2-1-2-6 軟體產業特性摘要-----13
      2-1-3 我國軟體產業概況-----13
      2-1-3-1 市場規模-----13
      2-1-3-2 資本規模與廠商數-----14
      2-1-3-3 產業分工結構-----15
      2-1-3-4 外包比率-----16
      2-1-3-5 作業標準化情形-----16
      2-1-3-6 能力成熟度之評估-----17
      2-1-4 問題與未來發展方向-----21
      2-2 供應鏈管理-----21
      2-2-1 供應鏈之定義-----21
      2-2-2 供應鏈範疇-----23
      2-2-3 供應鏈整合-----25
      2-2-4 供應鏈管理的整體目標-----26
      2-3 系統整合-----27
      2-3-1 垂直整合供應鏈之一例-RosenttaNet-----29
      2-3-2 水平整合供應鏈之一例-ebXML-----30
      2-3-3 EAI(Enterprise Application Integration)-----37
      2-3-4 企業對於業應用程式整合-----40
      2-4 資訊系統整合技術-----41
      2-4-1 資料導向整合-----41
      2-4-2 應用程式界面導向整合-----42
      2-4-3 方法導向整合-----44
      2-4-4 流程導向整合-----45
      2-4-5 入口網站導向整合-----45
      2-5 其他相關技術介紹-----48
      2-5-1 物件導向技術-----49
      2-5-2 UML(Unified MOdeling Language)-----50
      2-5-3 XML-----53
      2-5-4 J2EE與EJB-----56
      2-5-5 Microsoft. NET-----58
     3 元件式軟體供應鏈整合-----60
      3-1 元件架構類型-----60
      3-2 物件顆粒(GRANULARITY)-----62
      3-3 發展中的大型軟體元件架構-----66
      3-3-1 CHAIMS-----66
      3-3-2 COTS-----68
      3-4 元件式軟體架構需求-----70
      3-5 系統架構-----74
      3-5-1 模組間流程標準-----75
      3-5-2 企業流程與資訊模型-----76
      3-5-2-1 企業流程規格綱要(Business Process Specification Schema)-----77
      3-5-2-2 共用企業元件-----88
      3-5-3 註冊機制與儲存庫(Registry and Repository)-----82
      3-5-4 網路服務(Web Service)-----83
      3-6 系統發展方法-----84
      3-6-1 發展方法概觀-----84
      3-6-2 企業分析流程-----85
      3-6-3 模型選擇流程-----86
      3-6-4 元件建置流程-----87
      3-6-5 元件選擇流程-----88
      3-6-6 系統整合流程-----89
      3-7 系統功能性建置-----91
      3-7-1 雛型系統-----91
      3-7-2 雛型企業流程與資訊模型-----102
      3-7-2-1 企業流程規格-----103
      3-7-2-2 商業文件-----108
      3-3-7 系統建置階段-----109
      3-7-3-1 註冊機制與儲存庫-----109
      3-7-3-2 互動元件-----109
      3-7-3-3 網路服務-----110
      3-7-4 系統執行階段-----132
     4 軟體產業人力分配藍圖-----135
      4-1 J2EE(JAVA2 ENTERPISE EDITION)規格-----135
      4-2 本研究推衍之人力分配藍圖-----138
     5 結論與建議-----141
      5-1 結論-----141
      5-2 後續研究建議-----141
     6 參考文獻-----143
     圖1 研究流程圖-----7
     圖2 服務化與產品化趨勢-----19
     圖3 IBM SanFrancisco 技術架構-----20
     圖4 價值鏈系統-----25
     圖5 水平整合與垂直整合之關係-----28
     圖6 企業間制定 RosettaNet PIP 的流程-----30
     圖7 eb3ML企業流程與 UMM 之關係-----32
     圖8 ebXML核心元件的分析流程與分類-----33
     圖9 ebxML儲存庫整體架構-----34
     圖10 ebXML CPP/CPA 流程略圖-----35
     圖11 ebXML Business Operational View-----36
     圖12 ebXML Functional Service View-----37
     圖13 EAI概念圖-----38
     圖14 Vita的EAI Cnnector架構-----39
     圖15 企業對企業整合概念圖-----40
     圖16 資訊系統整合技術種類圖-----41
     圖17 應用程式界面整合架構-----43
     圖18 流程整合技術架構-----47
     圖19 入口網站式整合架構-----47
     圖20 EJB元件架構概觀-----58
     圖21 J2EE架構概觀-----58
     圖22 NET架構概觀-----59
     圖23 元件架構與建議取得策略-----62
     圖24 IBM WebSphere Business Component架構圖-----64
     圖25 WSBCW Warehouse元件界面圖-----65
     圖26 CHAMS架構-----67
     圖27 COTS方法論流程圖-----68
     圖28 COTS方法論面向-----69
     圖29 IBM SanFrancisco模組間之間接關係圖-----76
     圖30 本研究之企業流程規格綱要類別圖-----78
     圖31 本研究之建置觀點-組裝描述子綱要類別圖-----80
     圖32 領域元件的兩種觀點-----81
     圖33 本研究發展方法概觀-----84
     圖34 企業分析流程階段-----86
     圖35 模型選擇流程-----87
     圖36 元件建置流程-----88
     圖37 元件選擇流程-----89
     圖38 系統整合流程-----90
     圖39 系統執行期間-----91
     圖40 雛型總帳系統類別圖-----93
     圖41 雛型應付帳款系統類別圖-----94
     圖42 雛型總帳系統實體類別圖-----95
     圖43 雛型應付帳款系統實體類別圖-----95
     圖44 雛型總帳系統使用案例圖-----96
     圖45 雛型總帳系統會計科目表畫面-----97
     圖46 雛型總帳系統新增傳票畫面-----97
     圖47 雛型總帳系統傳票列表畫面-----98
     圖48 雛型總帳系統傳票過帳畫面-----98
     圖49 雛型應付帳款系統使用案例圖-----99
     圖50 雛型應付帳款系統付款條件設定畫面-----99
     圖51 雛型應付帳款系統傳票樣板列表畫面-----100
     圖52 雛型應付帳款系統設定混合型傳票樣板畫面-----100
     圖53 雛型應付帳款系統新增Log Item畫面-----101
     圖54 雛型應付帳款系統審核Log Item畫面-----101
     圖55 企業流程規格為企業流程規格綱要的一個範例-----102
     圖56 雛型應付帳款系統高階活動圖-----107
     圖57 Facade Pattern運作原理-----111
     圖58 應用Facade Pattern前的總帳系統類別圖-----112
     圖59 應用Facade Pattem後的總帳系統類別圖-----113
     圖60 應用Facade Patem前的應付帳款系統類別圖-----114
     圖61 應用Facade Pattem後的應付帳款系統類別圖-----114
     圖62 APRequeSter的getAllGLAccountS方法順序圖-----116
     圖63 APRequester的createGLJounal方法順序圖-----117
     圖64 GLReSpOnder的getAccountsLiSt方法順序圖-----121
     圖65 簡略之WebLogic web-serices.xml描述子-----126
     圖66 系統執行階段元件互動情形-----133
     圖67 應付帳款系統新增JournalIterM Template畫面-----134
     圖68 J2EE人力分配藍圖-----136
     圖69 本研究推衍之人力分配藍圖-----140
     表1 軟體產業(資訊服務業)六大區隔定義-----9
     表2 1996-2001年我國軟體產業市場規模-----14
     表3 我國軟體產業資本額比較-----15
     表4 台灣軟體產業之分工結構-----15
     表5 供應鏈管理的定義-----22
     表6 供應鏈管理的整體目標-----26
     表7 RosettaNet 群組1:檢視成員、產品與服務-----38
     表8 XML文件格式範例-----55
     表9 基礎資料元件範例-----81
     表10 雛型系統企業流程規格-----104
     表11 雛型系統商業文件規格:AccountsList-----108
     表12 雛型系統商業文件規格:JounalCreationn-----108
     表13 雛型系統商業文件規格:JounalCreationResult-----109
     表14 ARRequester的createGLJoumal方法部份程式碼-----118
     表15 處理例外文件的venifyWebServiceResult方法程式碼-----119
     表16 ARRequester的getAllGLAccounts方法部份程式碼-----119
     表17 GLResponder之createJournaI方法部份程式碼-----122
     表18 產生例外文件的createFailureDocument方法程式碼-----123
     表19 GLReSponder的getAccountSLiSt方法部份程式碼-----123
     表20 GLReSponder簡略之web-SeviceS.xml-----127
     表21 處理解碼的converStingTOXML方法程式碼-----128
     表22 處理押碼的convertXMLToString方法程式碼-----129
     表23 GLReSponder之WSDL文件-----129
     表24 invokeWebSevice方法程式碼-----138
     表25 雛型系統組裝描述子-----131
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G91NCCU3032012en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 軟體元件供應鏈zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 水平整合zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 企業資源規劃zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) ebXMLzh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Web servicezh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Software component supply chainen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Horizontal integrationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Enterprise resource planningen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) ebXMLen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Web serviceen_US
dc.title (題名) 軟體產業導入供應鏈分工合作之機制探討--以企業資源規劃系統水平整合為例zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen