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題名 21世紀日印關係之研究
A study on Japan-India relations in the 21st century
作者 張容瑜
貢獻者 劉德海
關鍵詞 日本
Japan-India Relations
India-Japan Relations
日期 2009
上傳時間 9-四月-2010 14:49:00 (UTC+8)
摘要 近年來,印度經濟快速成長,加上原本印度便擁有廣大的領土與人口,又是核武國,使印度在國際政治上日漸受到矚目。因此,在亞洲區域,出現了中、日、印三個勢力共存的情況。身為本區重要行為者之一的日本,面對此種區域結構的變化,外交政策亦做出調整。這種調整明顯地體現在日本的對印政策上,相較於冷戰時期日印關係的冷淡,以2000年8月森喜朗首相拜訪印度為分水嶺,日本改變從前的態度,開始積極與印度進行交往。對身處亞洲的我國而言,了解同區其他大國的關係變化與發展具有重要性,值得持續觀察。
     本文一開始首先闡明研究動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、文獻回顧與架構安排。接下來主要想回答幾個問題:(1)日印關係在先前為何冷淡,又為何展開積極交往,時間點是受到哪些因素影響?在此將從第二章對日印傳統外交政策的特徵與近年來的變遷,以及第三章美國與中國的因素來進行分析;(2) 日印在雙邊互動上,其外交優先議題是否不同?又有哪些共同利益?這也是從第二章日印傳統外交政策的特徵與近年來的變遷,以及第三章就日印21世紀以來的互動所做的敘述中來回答;(3) 從近年互動的軌跡來預測未來日印夥伴關係的走向,在此將由第四、五章日印在安全、政治與經貿等議題上的合作,加上之前分析的結構性因素,來做探討。最後於第六章對本文的研究做歸納及日後研究主題的建議。
India is growing fast during these years. Besides, India owns a broad territory, large population, and also nuclear weapons. Therefore, the whole world looks at India more and more intensively. It hence leads to a new situation in Asia region, that is, the co-existence of three powers (China, Japan, and India) in the same region. Facing such kind of shift in regional structure, Japan, as an important actor in Asia, also adjusts its foreign policy. This kind of adjustment reflects clearly on Japan’s policy toward India. In contrast with the indifference between Japan and India in the Cold War era, taking Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori’s visit to India as a watershed, Japan has changed its attitude and starts to engage with India actively. As a member in Asia region, knowing the transition and development of the relations between great powers in this region is important for us and worth further observation.
     The first part of this thesis composes research motives, purposes, scopes, limits, methods, literature review and the whole structure. Afterwards, it focuses on several questions: (1) why Japan-India relation was low in the past and why in recent year they engage with each other more actively? What has influenced them to choose this time point? Regard to these questions, this thesis makes an analysis from the traditional characteristics of both countries’ foreign policy, and then from the shift of their foreign policy direction, and also from the USA factor and the China factor. (2) What are the common interests of Japan and India? And what are their priorities respectively? The thesis also tries to find out the answer from the changed and unchanged characteristics of both countries’ foreign policy, combining with the description of Japan-India relation since 21st century in Chapter 3. (3) This thesis tries to make a prediction of the future Japan-India partnership in the light of the trajectory of their interaction in recent year. Finally in Chapter 6 it sums up the research findings and makes some suggestions for further research.
     Key words: Japan, India, Japan-India Relations, India-Japan Relations
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096253014
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉德海zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 張容瑜zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 張容瑜zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2009en_US
dc.date.accessioned 9-四月-2010 14:49:00 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 9-四月-2010 14:49:00 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 9-四月-2010 14:49:00 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0096253014en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/38518-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 外交研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96253014zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近年來,印度經濟快速成長,加上原本印度便擁有廣大的領土與人口,又是核武國,使印度在國際政治上日漸受到矚目。因此,在亞洲區域,出現了中、日、印三個勢力共存的情況。身為本區重要行為者之一的日本,面對此種區域結構的變化,外交政策亦做出調整。這種調整明顯地體現在日本的對印政策上,相較於冷戰時期日印關係的冷淡,以2000年8月森喜朗首相拜訪印度為分水嶺,日本改變從前的態度,開始積極與印度進行交往。對身處亞洲的我國而言,了解同區其他大國的關係變化與發展具有重要性,值得持續觀察。
     本文一開始首先闡明研究動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、文獻回顧與架構安排。接下來主要想回答幾個問題:(1)日印關係在先前為何冷淡,又為何展開積極交往,時間點是受到哪些因素影響?在此將從第二章對日印傳統外交政策的特徵與近年來的變遷,以及第三章美國與中國的因素來進行分析;(2) 日印在雙邊互動上,其外交優先議題是否不同?又有哪些共同利益?這也是從第二章日印傳統外交政策的特徵與近年來的變遷,以及第三章就日印21世紀以來的互動所做的敘述中來回答;(3) 從近年互動的軌跡來預測未來日印夥伴關係的走向,在此將由第四、五章日印在安全、政治與經貿等議題上的合作,加上之前分析的結構性因素,來做探討。最後於第六章對本文的研究做歸納及日後研究主題的建議。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) India is growing fast during these years. Besides, India owns a broad territory, large population, and also nuclear weapons. Therefore, the whole world looks at India more and more intensively. It hence leads to a new situation in Asia region, that is, the co-existence of three powers (China, Japan, and India) in the same region. Facing such kind of shift in regional structure, Japan, as an important actor in Asia, also adjusts its foreign policy. This kind of adjustment reflects clearly on Japan’s policy toward India. In contrast with the indifference between Japan and India in the Cold War era, taking Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori’s visit to India as a watershed, Japan has changed its attitude and starts to engage with India actively. As a member in Asia region, knowing the transition and development of the relations between great powers in this region is important for us and worth further observation.
     The first part of this thesis composes research motives, purposes, scopes, limits, methods, literature review and the whole structure. Afterwards, it focuses on several questions: (1) why Japan-India relation was low in the past and why in recent year they engage with each other more actively? What has influenced them to choose this time point? Regard to these questions, this thesis makes an analysis from the traditional characteristics of both countries’ foreign policy, and then from the shift of their foreign policy direction, and also from the USA factor and the China factor. (2) What are the common interests of Japan and India? And what are their priorities respectively? The thesis also tries to find out the answer from the changed and unchanged characteristics of both countries’ foreign policy, combining with the description of Japan-India relation since 21st century in Chapter 3. (3) This thesis tries to make a prediction of the future Japan-India partnership in the light of the trajectory of their interaction in recent year. Finally in Chapter 6 it sums up the research findings and makes some suggestions for further research.
     Key words: Japan, India, Japan-India Relations, India-Japan Relations
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄 i
     表目錄 ii
     圖目錄 ii
     第一章 緒論 1
     第一節 前言 1
      第二節 研究動機 2
      第三節 研究範圍與研究限制 3
      第四節 文獻回顧 4
      第五節 研究方法與研究途徑 9
      第六節 章節安排 10
     第二章 日印外交政策的變遷與發展 13
     第一節 日本傳統外交政策 13
      第二節 日本外交政策的變遷與發展 17
      第三節 冷戰時期印度外交特徵 30
      第四節 印度外交政策的變遷與發展 36
      第五節 小結 44
     第三章 影響日印關係之因素分析 45
     第一節 日印關係概觀 45
      第二節 美國因素 55
      第三節 中國因素 68
      第四節 日印21世紀互動之分析 81
     第四章 21世紀日印關係的發展-安全與政治議題 89
     第一節 安全關係 89
      第二節 政治關係 104
      第三節 小結 112
     第五章 21世紀日印關係的發展-經貿與全球議題 115
     第一節 經貿關係 115
      第二節 日本對印度ODA現狀 134
      第三節 全球議題 143
      第四節 小結 148
     第六章 結論 151
     第一節 研究發現 151
      第二節 未來研究建議 156
     參考文獻 159
      表3.1 日印主要領袖會談 54
      表3.2 2000年-2008年日本對外出口前五大國家 71
      表3.3 2000年-2008年前五大進口日本國家 71
      表3.4 日本對中貿易狀況(2001-2008) 72
      表3.5 印度對中國出口 79
      表3.6 印度對中國進口 79
      表3.7 2008年4月-2009年3月印度進口統計數據 80
      表3.8 印度對中國貿易逆差 80
      表4.1 日本石油進口狀況 91
      表5.1 印度對中日韓貿易總額與成長率 120
      表5.2 日本對印度貿易狀況 122
      表5.3 日本對中國與印度直接投資 123
      表5.4 日本對印度日圓貸款 137
      表5.5 日本對中國日圓貸款 137
      圖2.1 日本四種外交勢力 27
      圖3.1 美印關係對日印關係的影響 59
      圖5.1 印度尖峰時刻電力不足狀況 124
      圖5.2 各國輸電耗損率 124
      圖5.3 日本對印度與中國日圓貸款 138
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096253014en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 日本zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 印度zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 日印關係zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 印日關係zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Japanen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Indiaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Japan-India Relationsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) India-Japan Relationsen_US
dc.title (題名) 21世紀日印關係之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A study on Japan-India relations in the 21st centuryen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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