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題名 網際網路限制競爭行為之規範研究---以網路市場地位之認定與限制競爭行為為核心
作者 馮震宇;陳信宏;陳明璋;洪明洲
貢獻者 行政院公平會;國立政治大學法律學系
關鍵詞 網際網路;限制競爭;電子市集;網路自律;Internet;Constraint of competition;e-Market;Self-regulation;法律學
日期 2001
上傳時間 21-七月-2010 15:34:46 (UTC+8)
摘要 隨著網路技術的進步與發展,電子商務在競爭法層面所衍生出來的問題也隨之增加,並從最初因智慧財產權引發的問題,逐漸而擴大至政策與產業的層面。伴隨著網路外部效應的逐漸發酵,國內外企業都掀起了e化的風潮,而在e化的影響下,企業的合縱連橫與策略聯盟更為密切,在新的產品、技術與服務不斷推陳出新的情況下,不但網路市場的定義越發模糊,就連新興的限制競爭問題,也對競爭法主管機關面臨挑戰。 為此,本研究計劃試圖釐清下列四個在網路發展與產業面中出現的限制競爭問題。第一,就是競爭法的主管機關在未來網路經濟環境下之定位與功能為何,以及競爭法主管機關與其他產業主管機關應如何配合。第二,則是探討新興的B2B電子市集是否有限制競爭的問題,若有則應如何受到公平法的規範。第三,乃是針對部分網站複製其他網站資訊行為之適法性如何,是否宜以公平法規範加以研究。最後,則就競爭法主管機關是否應對網路產業加以規範,以及電子商務業者自律規範的現況與未來等問題進行探討。透過這四個課題之研究,試圖對目前網路產業中所產生的競爭法問題透過研究提出建議以供主管機關與社會大眾參酌。 Following the fast development and technological breakthrough of the Internet application, e-commerce has derived different and challenging tasks for competition law agencies around the world. Starting from initial unfair competition issues that are directly related to intellectual property, the present Internet- related competitive issues and challenges are more of policy & industrial-wide nature. Moreover, along with the externality effect of the Internet, business sectors around the world are all trying to catch up with the e-revolution. By doing so, they utilize assorted techniques and strategies to reach a competitive edge. Such strategies, however, might effectively constraint competition and therefore run counter with the competition norms and law in various countries.. For the above-mentioned purposes, this research project intents to focus on four primary issues that have attracted attention from various sections. First, this research tries to find the proper position and function in the Internet industries for the competition law agency in the Republic of China. Moreover, this research also tries to find a balance between competition law agency and other governmental agencies in dealing with Internet industries. During or before the collapsed of the so-called B2C (Business to Consumer) sector of the Internet, many competitors also joined together in collaboration to run the so-called B2B (Business to Business) e-marketplace. Since such business model has the effect of restraining competition, both US and EU competition agencies were concerned about such B2B e-marketplace. As a result, the second research area of this project is to study the effects of B2B e-marketplace on competition and whether it will encourage collaboration among competitors. The third research issue of this project is to evaluate the nature of electronic data in each and every website, and whether the competition law agency shall involved in adjudicating the misappropriation of website inform ation, especially among local human resources and realty websites. Lastly, this project will also explore the viability of the so-called “self-regulation” among Internet competitors and will evaluate whether competition law agency shall defer to industry self-regulation or establishing governmental regulatory mechanism. The founding of this research project will help the government agencies involved in fine-tuning their Internet related policies.
關聯 FTC-90-C13
研究期間: 9007~9012
研究經費: 795 千元
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 行政院公平會;國立政治大學法律學系en_US
dc.contributor 中原大學財經法律系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 馮震宇;陳信宏;陳明璋;洪明洲zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2001en_US
dc.date.accessioned 21-七月-2010 15:34:46 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 21-七月-2010 15:34:46 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 21-七月-2010 15:34:46 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/43079-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著網路技術的進步與發展,電子商務在競爭法層面所衍生出來的問題也隨之增加,並從最初因智慧財產權引發的問題,逐漸而擴大至政策與產業的層面。伴隨著網路外部效應的逐漸發酵,國內外企業都掀起了e化的風潮,而在e化的影響下,企業的合縱連橫與策略聯盟更為密切,在新的產品、技術與服務不斷推陳出新的情況下,不但網路市場的定義越發模糊,就連新興的限制競爭問題,也對競爭法主管機關面臨挑戰。 為此,本研究計劃試圖釐清下列四個在網路發展與產業面中出現的限制競爭問題。第一,就是競爭法的主管機關在未來網路經濟環境下之定位與功能為何,以及競爭法主管機關與其他產業主管機關應如何配合。第二,則是探討新興的B2B電子市集是否有限制競爭的問題,若有則應如何受到公平法的規範。第三,乃是針對部分網站複製其他網站資訊行為之適法性如何,是否宜以公平法規範加以研究。最後,則就競爭法主管機關是否應對網路產業加以規範,以及電子商務業者自律規範的現況與未來等問題進行探討。透過這四個課題之研究,試圖對目前網路產業中所產生的競爭法問題透過研究提出建議以供主管機關與社會大眾參酌。 Following the fast development and technological breakthrough of the Internet application, e-commerce has derived different and challenging tasks for competition law agencies around the world. Starting from initial unfair competition issues that are directly related to intellectual property, the present Internet- related competitive issues and challenges are more of policy & industrial-wide nature. Moreover, along with the externality effect of the Internet, business sectors around the world are all trying to catch up with the e-revolution. By doing so, they utilize assorted techniques and strategies to reach a competitive edge. Such strategies, however, might effectively constraint competition and therefore run counter with the competition norms and law in various countries.. For the above-mentioned purposes, this research project intents to focus on four primary issues that have attracted attention from various sections. First, this research tries to find the proper position and function in the Internet industries for the competition law agency in the Republic of China. Moreover, this research also tries to find a balance between competition law agency and other governmental agencies in dealing with Internet industries. During or before the collapsed of the so-called B2C (Business to Consumer) sector of the Internet, many competitors also joined together in collaboration to run the so-called B2B (Business to Business) e-marketplace. Since such business model has the effect of restraining competition, both US and EU competition agencies were concerned about such B2B e-marketplace. As a result, the second research area of this project is to study the effects of B2B e-marketplace on competition and whether it will encourage collaboration among competitors. The third research issue of this project is to evaluate the nature of electronic data in each and every website, and whether the competition law agency shall involved in adjudicating the misappropriation of website inform ation, especially among local human resources and realty websites. Lastly, this project will also explore the viability of the so-called “self-regulation” among Internet competitors and will evaluate whether competition law agency shall defer to industry self-regulation or establishing governmental regulatory mechanism. The founding of this research project will help the government agencies involved in fine-tuning their Internet related policies.en_US
dc.format application/pdfen_US
dc.format.extent 9778495 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language zh-Twen_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) FTC-90-C13en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 委託研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間: 9007~9012en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費: 795 千元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 網際網路;限制競爭;電子市集;網路自律;Internet;Constraint of competition;e-Market;Self-regulation;法律學en_US
dc.title (題名) 網際網路限制競爭行為之規範研究---以網路市場地位之認定與限制競爭行為為核心zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) reporten