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題名 地方議會職權行使法制之研究
作者 蔡志方;李震山
貢獻者 台北市政府法規委員會委託研究計畫
關鍵詞 地方議會;自治規則;權力濫用;communal;parlimament;legal;法律學;政治學
日期 2002
上傳時間 22-七月-2010 17:42:01 (UTC+8)
摘要 地方政務能否完善,決定於地方議會與地方政府﹙行政﹚能否良好運作。本研究係對於地方議會職權之行使應行法制化之項目進行實證與理論雙重之分析,並研擬法案以供有司參考。其根本目的在於提昇地方議會行使職權之品質,建立良好之府會互動基礎。本研究實際訪談了臺北市與高雄市、臺北縣、臺中縣及花蓮縣等五個自治法人單位之議會與政府部門,並蒐集全國各地方議會之議事規章與有關之學術著作,且參考德、日二國有關之地方自治法規與文獻。雖然各地方議會生態未必盡同,議會與政府行政部門間互動所生問題,需予以法制化者亦未必一致,然本研究所擇縣市,應已具有高度之代表性,所提出之研究成果,自亦可供全國各地方議會職權行使法制化之參考。 地方議會職權應如何行使,特別是地方府會間之互動分際,規範顯較不足,且稍嫌零亂。根據本研究結論,認各級議會職權之行使,應符合民主原則、法治原則、效能原則、自律原則與權限尊重原則,始能臻於理想。本研究詳細分析了地方議會之法律地位與職權﹙包括:各種議案之審議期間與決議方式、同意權之行使、聽取報告與質詢、覆議案之處理、文件調閱之處理、委員會公聽會之舉行、自治規則之備查、查照等之審查、黨團協商、請願文書之審查、議會警察權之動用與個別議員行為之倫理規範﹚、地方議會職權行使法制化之可能方式,並根據上述五大原則,參酌有關之法規、實地訪談發現之實務問題,進行理論研析,並參酌德、日兩國之立法,並以「立法院職權行使法」為範本,分析其可行性,研擬一套法律草案及一套自治條例草案,以供參考。在具體作法上,立即可行者,乃是議會應依五大原則之精神,以詮釋及掌握既有之議事規範,矯正向來之積習。其次,較為經濟可行,且屬較遠程之目標,乃是由立法院統一制定「地方立法機關職權行使法」。再其次,如各地方議會已有共識,則是由地方議會自行制定「地方議會職權行使自治條例」。最後,最下下策,始由地方政府訂定自治規則,甚或行政規則,以迫使地方立法機關制定較具拘束力之自治條例。 The local government will be perfect only when its assembly and administration can function normally. The research team(abridged as ?HH?H??the team?HH?HH in following) engaged themselves to analyze the possible items of the local assemblies?HH?HH powers which should be legalized simultaneously both from the practical and theoretical viewpoint. Besides, the team has prepared some drafts for the competent organizations as referential booklets too. The main purpose of this research project(abridged as ?HH?H??the research?HH?HH in following) is how to promote the quality of the local assemblies?HH?HH vocations and how to lay the foundation for the mutual action and reaction between the assembly and the administration . The team has visited 5 local self-governing corporate. They are the Taipei city and the Kaoshung city, the Taipei County, the Taichung county and the Hualien county. The team consulted their assembly and administration. Besides, the team also collected all the ordinances of local assemblies and the relating writings. The team also referred to the German and Japanese regulations and literatures which the local self-government concerned. Although the ecology of the individual local assembly may be different and all the problems which caused by the mutual reaction between the assemblies and the administration and should be legalized are also not very similar, but the visited self-governing corporate have always shared the common characteristics of Taiwan local self-government. Therefore the harvest of the research will be available to all local assembly in our country, we think . The norms governing the relationship between the local assembly and the administration and its feasibility on controlling the function of the latter are evidently disatisfactory, unenough and difused. Just like the conclusions of the research shows, we confirm that the enforcement of the powers of the local assembly must be consistent with the rules of democracy, legality, efficiency, autonomy and no exceeding of power. And that is optimal. The competences of the local assembly include the review and solution of bills, the permission to motions, the hearing and interpellation, the disposal of renewal, the investigation of documents, the public hearing, the review of the autonomy regulations issued by the administration, the negotiation of the political faction, the review of the petition, the use of the assemblies?HH?HH police power. The ethic norms for the representatives?HH?HH behavior will be considered by the research. All the possible modus for the legalization of powers of the local assembly will be considered and two drafts also be prepared in accordance with the 5 rules mentioned above. ?HH?H??The law of the use of powers of legislative yuan ?HH?H?? will be a model for those drafting by the team. The relevant domestic and foreign regulations and the practical problems existing in those local self-governing corporate mentioned above, will be under consideration. In short time, the existing manners can be altered nicely at once by the assembly through its new cognition of meeting regulations according to the 5 rules mentioned above. The next and much more economical, but belongs to the long term goal and method is the promulgation of a unified law relating the use of powers of local assemblies. At last, but may not be the worst, is the promulgation of an individual statute of the use of powers of local assembly by the local self-goverment entity. If they are hopeless of all, then the administration should print the administrative decrees which may indirectly enforce the local assembly to use its legislation.
關聯 pg9104-0149
研究期間: 9104~9112
研究經費 650 千元
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 台北市政府法規委員會委託研究計畫en_US
dc.contributor 國立成功大學法律研究所;國立政治大學法律學系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 蔡志方;李震山zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2002en_US
dc.date.accessioned 22-七月-2010 17:42:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 22-七月-2010 17:42:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 22-七月-2010 17:42:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/43350-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 地方政務能否完善,決定於地方議會與地方政府﹙行政﹚能否良好運作。本研究係對於地方議會職權之行使應行法制化之項目進行實證與理論雙重之分析,並研擬法案以供有司參考。其根本目的在於提昇地方議會行使職權之品質,建立良好之府會互動基礎。本研究實際訪談了臺北市與高雄市、臺北縣、臺中縣及花蓮縣等五個自治法人單位之議會與政府部門,並蒐集全國各地方議會之議事規章與有關之學術著作,且參考德、日二國有關之地方自治法規與文獻。雖然各地方議會生態未必盡同,議會與政府行政部門間互動所生問題,需予以法制化者亦未必一致,然本研究所擇縣市,應已具有高度之代表性,所提出之研究成果,自亦可供全國各地方議會職權行使法制化之參考。 地方議會職權應如何行使,特別是地方府會間之互動分際,規範顯較不足,且稍嫌零亂。根據本研究結論,認各級議會職權之行使,應符合民主原則、法治原則、效能原則、自律原則與權限尊重原則,始能臻於理想。本研究詳細分析了地方議會之法律地位與職權﹙包括:各種議案之審議期間與決議方式、同意權之行使、聽取報告與質詢、覆議案之處理、文件調閱之處理、委員會公聽會之舉行、自治規則之備查、查照等之審查、黨團協商、請願文書之審查、議會警察權之動用與個別議員行為之倫理規範﹚、地方議會職權行使法制化之可能方式,並根據上述五大原則,參酌有關之法規、實地訪談發現之實務問題,進行理論研析,並參酌德、日兩國之立法,並以「立法院職權行使法」為範本,分析其可行性,研擬一套法律草案及一套自治條例草案,以供參考。在具體作法上,立即可行者,乃是議會應依五大原則之精神,以詮釋及掌握既有之議事規範,矯正向來之積習。其次,較為經濟可行,且屬較遠程之目標,乃是由立法院統一制定「地方立法機關職權行使法」。再其次,如各地方議會已有共識,則是由地方議會自行制定「地方議會職權行使自治條例」。最後,最下下策,始由地方政府訂定自治規則,甚或行政規則,以迫使地方立法機關制定較具拘束力之自治條例。 The local government will be perfect only when its assembly and administration can function normally. The research team(abridged as ?HH?H??the team?HH?HH in following) engaged themselves to analyze the possible items of the local assemblies?HH?HH powers which should be legalized simultaneously both from the practical and theoretical viewpoint. Besides, the team has prepared some drafts for the competent organizations as referential booklets too. The main purpose of this research project(abridged as ?HH?H??the research?HH?HH in following) is how to promote the quality of the local assemblies?HH?HH vocations and how to lay the foundation for the mutual action and reaction between the assembly and the administration . The team has visited 5 local self-governing corporate. They are the Taipei city and the Kaoshung city, the Taipei County, the Taichung county and the Hualien county. The team consulted their assembly and administration. Besides, the team also collected all the ordinances of local assemblies and the relating writings. The team also referred to the German and Japanese regulations and literatures which the local self-government concerned. Although the ecology of the individual local assembly may be different and all the problems which caused by the mutual reaction between the assemblies and the administration and should be legalized are also not very similar, but the visited self-governing corporate have always shared the common characteristics of Taiwan local self-government. Therefore the harvest of the research will be available to all local assembly in our country, we think . The norms governing the relationship between the local assembly and the administration and its feasibility on controlling the function of the latter are evidently disatisfactory, unenough and difused. Just like the conclusions of the research shows, we confirm that the enforcement of the powers of the local assembly must be consistent with the rules of democracy, legality, efficiency, autonomy and no exceeding of power. And that is optimal. The competences of the local assembly include the review and solution of bills, the permission to motions, the hearing and interpellation, the disposal of renewal, the investigation of documents, the public hearing, the review of the autonomy regulations issued by the administration, the negotiation of the political faction, the review of the petition, the use of the assemblies?HH?HH police power. The ethic norms for the representatives?HH?HH behavior will be considered by the research. All the possible modus for the legalization of powers of the local assembly will be considered and two drafts also be prepared in accordance with the 5 rules mentioned above. ?HH?H??The law of the use of powers of legislative yuan ?HH?H?? will be a model for those drafting by the team. The relevant domestic and foreign regulations and the practical problems existing in those local self-governing corporate mentioned above, will be under consideration. In short time, the existing manners can be altered nicely at once by the assembly through its new cognition of meeting regulations according to the 5 rules mentioned above. The next and much more economical, but belongs to the long term goal and method is the promulgation of a unified law relating the use of powers of local assemblies. At last, but may not be the worst, is the promulgation of an individual statute of the use of powers of local assembly by the local self-goverment entity. If they are hopeless of all, then the administration should print the administrative decrees which may indirectly enforce the local assembly to use its legislation.en_US
dc.format application/pdfen_US
dc.format.extent 874271 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language zh-Twen_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) pg9104-0149en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 其他en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 委託研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間: 9104~9112en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費 650 千元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 地方議會;自治規則;權力濫用;communal;parlimament;legal;法律學;政治學en_US
dc.title (題名) 地方議會職權行使法制之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) reporten