題名 各國金融檢查制度趨勢發展之研究 作者 黃仁德 貢獻者 金融監督管理委員會檢查局
國立政治大學經濟學系關鍵詞 金融檢查;評等;巴塞爾II;financial inspection;rating;BaselII;財政(含金融,保險);經濟學 日期 2006 上傳時間 8-十月-2010 09:14:23 (UTC+8) 摘要 隨著銀行業務之多樣化、複雜化及新巴塞爾資本協定實施,衍生了新的監理議題,如何維持實地檢查功能及運用金檢人員資源,已成為監理機關日益迫切的挑戰,各國金融監理機關無不根據其金融市場特性及監理目標,積極進行金融監理的改革,其中又以美國、英國及日本等具有世界金融中心地位之主要國家的金融監理發展,最值得作為我國改進金融檢查制度的借鏡。因此,本計畫乃選定上述三國為研究對象,期藉由探討風險為導向的金融監理趨勢對金融檢查制度及查核技術的影響,並參酌以上三國的金融檢查評等制度及針對新巴塞爾資本協定之監理覆審所帶動的金融檢查技術變革,來對我國的金融檢查制度提出具體可行的改善建議。本研究計畫旨在建構我國以風險為導向的金融檢查制度,以有效運用金融檢查資源,提升實地檢查功能,並得與國際接軌。為使本計畫發揮最大效益,謹選定美國、英國、日本等三國先進國家為研究對象,就其金融市場特性及監理目標所採行的金融檢查制度及查核技術進行了解,探討於風險為導向之監理趨勢對實地檢查的影響,蒐集各國實地檢查的評等制度內容、採用的指標、及在金融監理上的運用情形,並對各國因應新巴塞爾資本協定「第二支柱-監理覆審」相關的金融檢查制度及檢查程序的變革進行研究,以作為規劃符合我國金融環境的檢查制度及管理方針、建置檢查評等制度、實地檢查作業、及檢查報告改進的參考。 Each of these critical development directly affects practitioners and regulators around the world. However, amid noisy and protected wrangling, its is easy to lose track of the key developments actually happening in the regulatory frameworks governing the world`s major markets. Often, proposed changes are quietly dropped or amended out of all recognition. It is hard to keep track of the developments which actually matter. This study aims to explain the evolution of financial inspecting system: the cases study of US, England, and Japan. We discusses supervisory practices peculiar to the financial inspecting system of US, England, and Japan. The study put the key regulatory of the recent perspective and spell out their implications both for the capital market practitioners and for regulators in the other jurisdictions. Jurisdictions covered include the US, England, and Japan. The study also review the developing working agendas of the major international regulatory fora and presidents a detailed examination of the implications of the Basel Committee`s new capital accord. Increasingly, key regulatory decisions are taken at the international level by groups like the Basel Committee, or by the EU institutions. This collection examines the implications of this trend for the major markets. 關聯 應用研究
研究期間: 9410~9505
研究經費: 239 千元
計畫主持人資料類型 report dc.contributor 金融監督管理委員會檢查局 en_US dc.contributor 國立政治大學經濟學系 en_US dc.creator (作者) 黃仁德 zh_TW dc.date (日期) 2006 en_US dc.date.accessioned 8-十月-2010 09:14:23 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 8-十月-2010 09:14:23 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 8-十月-2010 09:14:23 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/46838 - dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著銀行業務之多樣化、複雜化及新巴塞爾資本協定實施,衍生了新的監理議題,如何維持實地檢查功能及運用金檢人員資源,已成為監理機關日益迫切的挑戰,各國金融監理機關無不根據其金融市場特性及監理目標,積極進行金融監理的改革,其中又以美國、英國及日本等具有世界金融中心地位之主要國家的金融監理發展,最值得作為我國改進金融檢查制度的借鏡。因此,本計畫乃選定上述三國為研究對象,期藉由探討風險為導向的金融監理趨勢對金融檢查制度及查核技術的影響,並參酌以上三國的金融檢查評等制度及針對新巴塞爾資本協定之監理覆審所帶動的金融檢查技術變革,來對我國的金融檢查制度提出具體可行的改善建議。本研究計畫旨在建構我國以風險為導向的金融檢查制度,以有效運用金融檢查資源,提升實地檢查功能,並得與國際接軌。為使本計畫發揮最大效益,謹選定美國、英國、日本等三國先進國家為研究對象,就其金融市場特性及監理目標所採行的金融檢查制度及查核技術進行了解,探討於風險為導向之監理趨勢對實地檢查的影響,蒐集各國實地檢查的評等制度內容、採用的指標、及在金融監理上的運用情形,並對各國因應新巴塞爾資本協定「第二支柱-監理覆審」相關的金融檢查制度及檢查程序的變革進行研究,以作為規劃符合我國金融環境的檢查制度及管理方針、建置檢查評等制度、實地檢查作業、及檢查報告改進的參考。 Each of these critical development directly affects practitioners and regulators around the world. However, amid noisy and protected wrangling, its is easy to lose track of the key developments actually happening in the regulatory frameworks governing the world`s major markets. Often, proposed changes are quietly dropped or amended out of all recognition. It is hard to keep track of the developments which actually matter. This study aims to explain the evolution of financial inspecting system: the cases study of US, England, and Japan. We discusses supervisory practices peculiar to the financial inspecting system of US, England, and Japan. The study put the key regulatory of the recent perspective and spell out their implications both for the capital market practitioners and for regulators in the other jurisdictions. Jurisdictions covered include the US, England, and Japan. The study also review the developing working agendas of the major international regulatory fora and presidents a detailed examination of the implications of the Basel Committee`s new capital accord. Increasingly, key regulatory decisions are taken at the international level by groups like the Basel Committee, or by the EU institutions. This collection examines the implications of this trend for the major markets. en_US dc.format application/pdf en_US dc.format.extent 17140799 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.language zh-Tw en_US dc.language.iso en_US - dc.relation (關聯) 應用研究 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 委託研究 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間: 9410~9505 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費: 239 千元 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 計畫主持人 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 金融檢查;評等;巴塞爾II;financial inspection;rating;BaselII;財政(含金融,保險);經濟學 en_US dc.title (題名) 各國金融檢查制度趨勢發展之研究 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) report en