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題名 健保IC卡多功能用途之可行方案研究
作者 周宣光;楊志良
貢獻者 行政院衛生署
關鍵詞 IC卡;智慧卡;健保IC卡;IC卡整合;多憑證;現金儲值卡;電子票證;IC card;Smart Card;Health IC Card;Integer of IC card;管理科學
日期 2009
上傳時間 2010-12-03
摘要 自開始推行IC健保卡至今已近十年,其間IC智慧卡之發展亦有所進步,在資料安全與保密上有長足的進展,國人對於IC智慧卡應用之接受度也較過去為高,同時對於個人隱私的保護也愈加重視,客觀環境有利於健保IC卡功能再做提升;同時,除IC健保卡外,92年自然人憑證正式發卡啟用,政府並於97年12月起開始推行晶片護照,實行多卡合一理念的時機已然到來,若能尋求產業界之合作,提供多功能卡,除了能夠讓產業界與政府共同負擔卡片規劃與發卡成本,也能將現行各種IC晶片卡進行整合,達成政府、產業界與民眾多贏的局面。本研究將採用文獻探討與深入訪談等方法,就健保IC卡多功能用途發展於技術上之可行性進行分析並建立合作方案,評估合作方案之可行性及成本效益,並就各合作方案的實施可能產生之後續影響作一探討,以及就後續配套措施提出建議。預期效益除多卡合一、方便攜帶外,卡片遺失也能單一窗口掛失,減少掛失所費時間與人力、物力。而網路頻寬的增加,已可以將大多數的資料存放在後台系統中,卡片上存放的資料已可已降到最低,同時IC智慧卡所提供的高安全性與保密性,也能降低卡片盜刷、資料外洩等情事發生。而多功能卡的高發行量也將為合作對象帶來更多的商機,達成政府、產業界與民眾多贏的局面。 It has been a decade since the implementation of national health insurance IC cards in Taiwan. During the same time, there is considerable progress in the development of smart IC cards and the fields of information security and confidentiality. The acceptance of applications of smart IC cards is higher than before. Moreover, more attention is paid to the protection of personal privacy. Thus, it is good timing for the Bureau of National Health Insurance to consider the enhancement of national health insurance IC card functionalities. Furthermore, the government also issues the certificate IC cards since 2003 and the chip passports since December 2008. People are looking forward to an era of all-in-one multi-cards. The IC card integration will be a triple-win solution for the government, industry and people if the government seeks active cooperation with the industry, provides multi-function cards to the industry, and even shares the planning and card issuing costs with the industry. The research methodology used in this study includes literature reviews and in-depth interviews. Our objective is to do the technology feasibility study of multiple function IC card which may include several IC card now already issued and to develop the cooperation plans between the government and the industry. We also assess the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the cooperation plans. Finally, we propose our recommendations on the cooperation plans and follow-up performance measures based on our findings. The anticipated benefits of multiple function IC card are multiple-in-one solutions, easy to carry, and single service window for lost or damaged cards. Most personal information is stored in the back-end servers due to the increasing network bandwidth. Thus, the personal information stored in the IC cards is reduced to a minimum. Moreover, with the high levels of security and confidentiality provided by smart IC cards, there will be fewer events of fraudulent cards, data leakage or other violations. Finally, the high circulation of national health insurance IC cards will bring more business opportunities for the cooperation partners and thus reaches a triple-win solution for the government, industry, and people.
關聯 DOH98-NH-1002
研究期間: 980301~980930
研究經費: 796 千元
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 行政院衛生署en_US
dc.contributor 國立政治大學資訊管理學系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 周宣光;楊志良zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2009en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2010-12-03-
dc.date.available 2010-12-03-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2010-12-03-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/48739-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 自開始推行IC健保卡至今已近十年,其間IC智慧卡之發展亦有所進步,在資料安全與保密上有長足的進展,國人對於IC智慧卡應用之接受度也較過去為高,同時對於個人隱私的保護也愈加重視,客觀環境有利於健保IC卡功能再做提升;同時,除IC健保卡外,92年自然人憑證正式發卡啟用,政府並於97年12月起開始推行晶片護照,實行多卡合一理念的時機已然到來,若能尋求產業界之合作,提供多功能卡,除了能夠讓產業界與政府共同負擔卡片規劃與發卡成本,也能將現行各種IC晶片卡進行整合,達成政府、產業界與民眾多贏的局面。本研究將採用文獻探討與深入訪談等方法,就健保IC卡多功能用途發展於技術上之可行性進行分析並建立合作方案,評估合作方案之可行性及成本效益,並就各合作方案的實施可能產生之後續影響作一探討,以及就後續配套措施提出建議。預期效益除多卡合一、方便攜帶外,卡片遺失也能單一窗口掛失,減少掛失所費時間與人力、物力。而網路頻寬的增加,已可以將大多數的資料存放在後台系統中,卡片上存放的資料已可已降到最低,同時IC智慧卡所提供的高安全性與保密性,也能降低卡片盜刷、資料外洩等情事發生。而多功能卡的高發行量也將為合作對象帶來更多的商機,達成政府、產業界與民眾多贏的局面。 It has been a decade since the implementation of national health insurance IC cards in Taiwan. During the same time, there is considerable progress in the development of smart IC cards and the fields of information security and confidentiality. The acceptance of applications of smart IC cards is higher than before. Moreover, more attention is paid to the protection of personal privacy. Thus, it is good timing for the Bureau of National Health Insurance to consider the enhancement of national health insurance IC card functionalities. Furthermore, the government also issues the certificate IC cards since 2003 and the chip passports since December 2008. People are looking forward to an era of all-in-one multi-cards. The IC card integration will be a triple-win solution for the government, industry and people if the government seeks active cooperation with the industry, provides multi-function cards to the industry, and even shares the planning and card issuing costs with the industry. The research methodology used in this study includes literature reviews and in-depth interviews. Our objective is to do the technology feasibility study of multiple function IC card which may include several IC card now already issued and to develop the cooperation plans between the government and the industry. We also assess the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the cooperation plans. Finally, we propose our recommendations on the cooperation plans and follow-up performance measures based on our findings. The anticipated benefits of multiple function IC card are multiple-in-one solutions, easy to carry, and single service window for lost or damaged cards. Most personal information is stored in the back-end servers due to the increasing network bandwidth. Thus, the personal information stored in the IC cards is reduced to a minimum. Moreover, with the high levels of security and confidentiality provided by smart IC cards, there will be fewer events of fraudulent cards, data leakage or other violations. Finally, the high circulation of national health insurance IC cards will bring more business opportunities for the cooperation partners and thus reaches a triple-win solution for the government, industry, and people.en_US
dc.format application/pdfen_US
dc.format.extent 5994347 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language zh-TWen_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) DOH98-NH-1002en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 委託研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間: 980301~980930en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費: 796 千元en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 計畫主持人en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) IC卡;智慧卡;健保IC卡;IC卡整合;多憑證;現金儲值卡;電子票證;IC card;Smart Card;Health IC Card;Integer of IC card;管理科學en_US
dc.title (題名) 健保IC卡多功能用途之可行方案研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) reporten