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題名 企業併購下目標公司董事之受任人義務
The fiduciary duty of the directors under mergers and acquisitions
作者 林芝君
貢獻者 劉連煜
關鍵詞 公司治理
日期 2010
上傳時間 29-九月-2011 18:27:30 (UTC+8)
摘要 現代公司走向公開發行後,公司由廣大而分散的投資股東所有,投資股東雖擁有公司所有權,卻無多餘的心力與能力去參與公司經營,公司經營交由專業經營者,於是產生企業經營與所有分離之情況,在企業經營與所有分離下,股東與經營者間乃出現代理問題,為解決代理問題,本人勢必要付出代理成本,近年來十分熱門的公司治理議題亦致力於降低代理成本問題,並從董事責任之加強著手,故而建立與釐清董事之受任人義務內涵,乃一重要的課題。
When corporations go public, a large number of investment shareholders who separate around everywhere own the corporation. Because shareholders don’t have enough time and talent to corporate the company, they deliver the works to professional managers. It appears “Separation of business and all”. At the same time, there come conflicts of interest between the principal and the agent, which called agency problems. In order to produce the agency problems, the principal has to pay for some costs which called agency costs. Recently, the popular corporate governance issue has emphasized the importance of the liabilities of the directors. Hence, to figure out how to build directors’ responsibilities and to know the content of fiduciary duty of the directors is a significant issue.
      Fiduciary duty of the directors consists of two sub content: duty of care and duty of loyalty. The former focuses on the level of attention of the directors take when they conduct. And the later focuses on when it faces the conflicts of interest between the company and the directors, the directors should take the company’s interest for priority. In this paper, I try to analysis the lack of the fiduciary duty standard in our country through comparing the U.S relevant standard, and to give some personal suggestion. Then I want to introduce the obligation of disclose of the directors. Because the shareholders need plenty of information to help them making informed decisions. Usually the directors can provide information under relatively low cost, and the fiduciary relationship between the directors and the shareholders gives a good reason to provide any necessary information to improve the shareholders’ best interest.
      If the fiduciary duty of the directors would be different during the takeover process is also what this paper wants to emphasize. In this paper I divided takeover into merger agreement and hostile takeover, and discuss under these two kind of takeover how should the directors conduct to meet the duty. When talking about merger agreement I focus on how the directors to seek for the best interest of the company and the shareholders during the whole merger course. And I try to give some suggestion through discussing one court judgment. Finally, when talking about hostile takeover I will emphasize on the anti-takeover conducts which the directors make, and try to analysis these conducts’ legality. Meanwhile I hope that with critiques and dissertations from American scholars and experts as reference can provide our court some useful and specific criterion in the future.
     第一目 自我交易(self dealing).........................39
     第二目 掠奪公司機會(usurp corporate opportunity)......41
     第三目 競業禁止(noncompete with the corporation)......41
     第一款、限於經營決策事項(A business decision)..........75
     And independence)..............................76
     第三款、合理的注意(Due Care)...........................78
     第四款、善意(Good Faith)...............................80
     第五款、無裁量權濫用(No Abuse of Discretion)...........82
     第三款、權限外行為(Ultra Vires Conduct)................84
     第二項、收購(Acquisition)─股權收購(shares purchase)....97
     第一項、股份購買(stock purchases).....................144
     第二項、委託書徵求(proxy contest).......................145
     第三項、公開收購(tender offer)..........................146
     第一項、有備無患型(事前防範型pre-offer techniques)...149
     第一款、毒藥丸(poison pill).......................149
     第二款、黃金降落傘(golden parachute)、錫降落傘
     (tin parachute).............................151
     第三款、黃金股(golden shares)、多數表決權股
     (multiple voting stocks)....................152
     第四款、白馬侍從(white squire)....................153
     第五款、驅鯊條款(Shark Repellents)................153
     第一目、超級多數決(Supermajority Provision).....154
     第二目、公平價格條款(Fair Price Provision)......155
     第三目、董事分期改選(Staggered Board)...........156
     第六款、員工持股計畫(Employee Stock Ownership Plan)156
     第二項、臨時抱佛腳型(事後防備型post-offer techniques)....157
     第一款、白馬騎士(White Knight)......................158
     第二款、皇冠上珠寶(Crown Jewel)或焦土政策(Scorched
     第三款、小精靈防衛術(The Pac-Man Defense)或
     反向公開收購(counter tender offer)..........160
     第一項、主要目的審查標準(Primary Purpose test).......168
     第二項、Unocal標準(two-pronged test).................169
     第四項、Paramount v. QVC案...........................175
     第五項、Unitrin v. American General Corp.案...........176
     第六項、Shamrock v. Polaroid案........................178
參考文獻 一、中文資料
8、劉連煜,《新證券交易法實例研習》,元照出版, 2008年9月增訂六版。
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10、Mark Reutlinger, Wills, Trusts, and Estates(1998).
11、Robert C. Clark, Corporations Law(1986).
12、Ronald H. Coase,The Nature of the Firm(1937).
13、Robert F. Bruner, Applied Mergers and Acquisitions (2004).
14、Robert J. Giuffa, Jr., Investment Bankers Fairness Opinion in Corporate Control Transactions(1986).
1、Charles Hansen,The Duty of Care, The Business Jedgment Rule,and The American Law Institute Corporate Governance Project,48 Bus. Law.1355(1993).
2、Donald E. Pease, Delaware`s Disclosure Rule: The "Complete Candor" Standard, Its Application, and Why Sue in Delaware, 14 Del. J. Corp. L. 445 (1989).
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097651025
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉連煜zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 林芝君zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 林芝君zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2010en_US
dc.date.accessioned 29-九月-2011 18:27:30 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 29-九月-2011 18:27:30 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 29-九月-2011 18:27:30 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0097651025en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/51000-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 法律學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 97651025zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 99zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 現代公司走向公開發行後,公司由廣大而分散的投資股東所有,投資股東雖擁有公司所有權,卻無多餘的心力與能力去參與公司經營,公司經營交由專業經營者,於是產生企業經營與所有分離之情況,在企業經營與所有分離下,股東與經營者間乃出現代理問題,為解決代理問題,本人勢必要付出代理成本,近年來十分熱門的公司治理議題亦致力於降低代理成本問題,並從董事責任之加強著手,故而建立與釐清董事之受任人義務內涵,乃一重要的課題。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) When corporations go public, a large number of investment shareholders who separate around everywhere own the corporation. Because shareholders don’t have enough time and talent to corporate the company, they deliver the works to professional managers. It appears “Separation of business and all”. At the same time, there come conflicts of interest between the principal and the agent, which called agency problems. In order to produce the agency problems, the principal has to pay for some costs which called agency costs. Recently, the popular corporate governance issue has emphasized the importance of the liabilities of the directors. Hence, to figure out how to build directors’ responsibilities and to know the content of fiduciary duty of the directors is a significant issue.
      Fiduciary duty of the directors consists of two sub content: duty of care and duty of loyalty. The former focuses on the level of attention of the directors take when they conduct. And the later focuses on when it faces the conflicts of interest between the company and the directors, the directors should take the company’s interest for priority. In this paper, I try to analysis the lack of the fiduciary duty standard in our country through comparing the U.S relevant standard, and to give some personal suggestion. Then I want to introduce the obligation of disclose of the directors. Because the shareholders need plenty of information to help them making informed decisions. Usually the directors can provide information under relatively low cost, and the fiduciary relationship between the directors and the shareholders gives a good reason to provide any necessary information to improve the shareholders’ best interest.
      If the fiduciary duty of the directors would be different during the takeover process is also what this paper wants to emphasize. In this paper I divided takeover into merger agreement and hostile takeover, and discuss under these two kind of takeover how should the directors conduct to meet the duty. When talking about merger agreement I focus on how the directors to seek for the best interest of the company and the shareholders during the whole merger course. And I try to give some suggestion through discussing one court judgment. Finally, when talking about hostile takeover I will emphasize on the anti-takeover conducts which the directors make, and try to analysis these conducts’ legality. Meanwhile I hope that with critiques and dissertations from American scholars and experts as reference can provide our court some useful and specific criterion in the future.
dc.description.abstract (摘要) "第一章、緒論.........................................1
     第一目 自我交易(self dealing).........................39
     第二目 掠奪公司機會(usurp corporate opportunity)......41
     第三目 競業禁止(noncompete with the corporation)......41
     第一款、限於經營決策事項(A business decision)..........75
     And independence)..............................76
     第三款、合理的注意(Due Care)...........................78
     第四款、善意(Good Faith)...............................80
     第五款、無裁量權濫用(No Abuse of Discretion)...........82
     第三款、權限外行為(Ultra Vires Conduct)................84
     第二項、收購(Acquisition)─股權收購(shares purchase)....97
     第一項、股份購買(stock purchases).....................144
     第二項、委託書徵求(proxy contest).......................145
     第三項、公開收購(tender offer)..........................146
     第一項、有備無患型(事前防範型pre-offer techniques)...149
     第一款、毒藥丸(poison pill).......................149
     第二款、黃金降落傘(golden parachute)、錫降落傘
     (tin parachute).............................151
     第三款、黃金股(golden shares)、多數表決權股
     (multiple voting stocks)....................152
     第四款、白馬侍從(white squire)....................153
     第五款、驅鯊條款(Shark Repellents)................153
     第一目、超級多數決(Supermajority Provision).....154
     第二目、公平價格條款(Fair Price Provision)......155
     第三目、董事分期改選(Staggered Board)...........156
     第六款、員工持股計畫(Employee Stock Ownership Plan)156
     第二項、臨時抱佛腳型(事後防備型post-offer techniques)....157
     第一款、白馬騎士(White Knight)......................158
     第二款、皇冠上珠寶(Crown Jewel)或焦土政策(Scorched
     第三款、小精靈防衛術(The Pac-Man Defense)或
     反向公開收購(counter tender offer)..........160
     第一項、主要目的審查標準(Primary Purpose test).......168
     第二項、Unocal標準(two-pronged test).................169
     第四項、Paramount v. QVC案...........................175
     第五項、Unitrin v. American General Corp.案...........176
     第六項、Shamrock v. Polaroid案........................178
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章、緒論.........................................1
      第一目 自我交易(self dealing).........................39
      第二目 掠奪公司機會(usurp corporate opportunity)......41
      第三目 競業禁止(noncompete with the corporation)......41
      第一款、限於經營決策事項(A business decision)..........75
      And independence)..............................76
      第三款、合理的注意(Due Care)...........................78
      第四款、善意(Good Faith)...............................80
      第五款、無裁量權濫用(No Abuse of Discretion)...........82
      第三款、權限外行為(Ultra Vires Conduct)................84
      第二項、收購(Acquisition)─股權收購(shares purchase)....97
      第一項、股份購買(stock purchases).....................144
      第二項、委託書徵求(proxy contest).......................145
      第三項、公開收購(tender offer)..........................146
     第一項、有備無患型(事前防範型pre-offer techniques)...149
     第一款、毒藥丸(poison pill).......................149
     第二款、黃金降落傘(golden parachute)、錫降落傘
     (tin parachute).............................151
     第三款、黃金股(golden shares)、多數表決權股
     (multiple voting stocks)....................152
     第四款、白馬侍從(white squire)....................153
     第五款、驅鯊條款(Shark Repellents)................153
     第一目、超級多數決(Supermajority Provision).....154
     第二目、公平價格條款(Fair Price Provision)......155
     第三目、董事分期改選(Staggered Board)...........156
     第六款、員工持股計畫(Employee Stock Ownership Plan)156
     第二項、臨時抱佛腳型(事後防備型post-offer techniques)....157
     第一款、白馬騎士(White Knight)......................158
     第二款、皇冠上珠寶(Crown Jewel)或焦土政策(Scorched
     第三款、小精靈防衛術(The Pac-Man Defense)或
     反向公開收購(counter tender offer)..........160
     第一項、主要目的審查標準(Primary Purpose test).......168
     第二項、Unocal標準(two-pronged test).................169
     第四項、Paramount v. QVC案...........................175
     第五項、Unitrin v. American General Corp.案...........176
     第六項、Shamrock v. Polaroid案........................178
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097651025en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公司治理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 董事受任人義務zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 注意義務zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 忠實義務zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 經營判斷法則zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 合意併購zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 敵意併購zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 防禦措施zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 企業併購下目標公司董事之受任人義務zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The fiduciary duty of the directors under mergers and acquisitionsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文資料zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) (一)書籍zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 7、劉連煜,《現代公司法》,新學林出版,2010年9月。zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 1、王文宇,〈非合意併購的政策與法制—以強制收購與防禦措施為中心〉,月旦法學雜誌,第125期,2005年10月。zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 3、朱德芳,〈論股東會資訊揭露之重大性原則〉,月旦法學雜誌,第172期,2009年9月。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 4、林國彬,〈董事忠誠義務與司法審查標準之研究—以美國德拉瓦州公司法為主要範圍〉,政大法學評論,第100期,2007年12月。zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 6、林宏裕,〈併購風潮下的企業評價與決策〉,商學論壇報導,2007年12月。zh_TW
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