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題名 應用衛星影像於宜蘭平原沿海地區之監測
Monitoring I-Lan coastal zone using multi-temporal satellite images
作者 徐郁晴
Hsu, Yu Ching
貢獻者 詹進發
Jan, Jihn Fa
Hsu, Yu Ching
關鍵詞 SPOT 5衛星影像
日期 2009
上傳時間 11-十月-2011 17:00:30 (UTC+8)
摘要 海岸為海洋與陸地交界之處,風、浪與潮流等自然營力長期於此不斷的侵蝕與堆積交互演替。近年來,隨著人口快速增加,人類對於海岸地區土地利用與開發的需求急遽擴張,使得影響海岸地形的變因日益複雜且變化迅速。宜蘭特殊的沙丘性海岸因抗蝕性弱,易受到外力影響而改變地形,海岸後方的沿海平原為人口與產業集中的地區,因此自然營力與人為因素對宜蘭平原海岸地形與環境的影響,備受關注。因衛星影像具多時期與大尺度的空間特性,可提供土地覆蓋變遷分析之有效資訊,故本文使用2003年、2006年與2009年宜蘭平原沿海地區SPOT 5衛星影像,利用階層式分類程序將研究試區分為水體、建成與交通用地、沙地、農地與林地等五種土地覆蓋類別,透過土地覆蓋分類之結果,比較三個時期土地覆蓋型面積的變化;建立馬可夫轉移矩陣,了解各土地覆蓋型轉移的情況;其次,量化地景指標以了解整體土地覆蓋型區塊在空間結構上的情況,並利用Shannon多樣性指標t檢定測驗兩時期間整體地景是否有明顯的變遷。進一步,利用二項式Logit迴歸分析2003至2006年與2006年至2009年間土地覆蓋型的變化與沙丘海岸變遷的關係以及參考前人宜蘭海岸變遷之研究,選擇可能影響此區海岸變遷的自然與人為環境因子,建立二項式Logit迴歸模式,探討各項因子對於沙丘性海岸的影響,並利用海岸沙丘空間分佈預測機率圖,最後以2006年與2009年沙地主題圖作為驗證資料,探討模式的可行性。本研究透過不同的空間計量方法,了解本區土地覆蓋型的變化,期本研究成果對於此區海岸保護與管理政策制定者有一參考的依據。
Coastal zone is at the junction of ocean and land. The area constantly experiences interchanging succession of erosion and accumulation due to natural forces such as wind, wave, and tidal currents. In recent years, associated with fast population increase, the demand of lands expanded rapidly such that the effects on topography of coastal zone became more complex and changed quickly. Coastal sand dunes are dynamic and fragile terrain often regarded as environmentally sensitive areas. Sand dunes are vulnerable to erosion by natural process and human activity. The objective of this research was to examine the effects of environmental factors and land-use changes on coastal sand dunes in I-Lan County.
Satellite imageries are characterized by multi-temporal and large-scale, therefore they are ideal for providing necessary information to facilitate analysis of regional land-cover changes. In this research, three SPOT 5 images acquired in 2003, 2006 and 2009 were used to analyze land-cover changes in I-Lan coastal zone. Firstly, a hierarchical classification procedure was applied to classify the image data to five land-cover types and the land-cover changes were compared. Secondly, based on the classification results, a Markov transitional probability matrix was constructed to understand the transition among different land-cover types, and the Fragstats software was used to quantify the landscape structure of three different periods. By analyzing the spatial distributions of land-cover types in different time periods, we were able to examine to the temporal and spatial changes of land-cover in the I-Lan coastal zone. In addition, a t-test based on Shannon diversity index was used to evaluate the changes of the whole landscape in the study area. Thirdly, by selecting possible natural and man-made factors that are likely to affect coastal environment based on various prior studies, the mathematical models such as Markov chain and binomial logit regression analysis were applied to predict the future overall landscape structure and to simulate the spatial distribution of the sandy coastal zone. Thematic maps derived from satellite images obtained in 2006 and 2009 were used to verify and assess the feasibility of the models.
This study integrated several spatial statistical methods to understand the patterns of land-cover changes in the study area. It is expected that the results of this study may offer a valuable reference for the policy-makers of coastal protection and management.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0972570221
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 詹進發zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Jan, Jihn Faen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 徐郁晴zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Hsu, Yu Chingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 徐郁晴zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Hsu, Yu Chingen_US
dc.date (日期) 2009en_US
dc.date.accessioned 11-十月-2011 17:00:30 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 11-十月-2011 17:00:30 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 11-十月-2011 17:00:30 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0972570221en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/51615-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 地政研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 97257022zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 海岸為海洋與陸地交界之處,風、浪與潮流等自然營力長期於此不斷的侵蝕與堆積交互演替。近年來,隨著人口快速增加,人類對於海岸地區土地利用與開發的需求急遽擴張,使得影響海岸地形的變因日益複雜且變化迅速。宜蘭特殊的沙丘性海岸因抗蝕性弱,易受到外力影響而改變地形,海岸後方的沿海平原為人口與產業集中的地區,因此自然營力與人為因素對宜蘭平原海岸地形與環境的影響,備受關注。因衛星影像具多時期與大尺度的空間特性,可提供土地覆蓋變遷分析之有效資訊,故本文使用2003年、2006年與2009年宜蘭平原沿海地區SPOT 5衛星影像,利用階層式分類程序將研究試區分為水體、建成與交通用地、沙地、農地與林地等五種土地覆蓋類別,透過土地覆蓋分類之結果,比較三個時期土地覆蓋型面積的變化;建立馬可夫轉移矩陣,了解各土地覆蓋型轉移的情況;其次,量化地景指標以了解整體土地覆蓋型區塊在空間結構上的情況,並利用Shannon多樣性指標t檢定測驗兩時期間整體地景是否有明顯的變遷。進一步,利用二項式Logit迴歸分析2003至2006年與2006年至2009年間土地覆蓋型的變化與沙丘海岸變遷的關係以及參考前人宜蘭海岸變遷之研究,選擇可能影響此區海岸變遷的自然與人為環境因子,建立二項式Logit迴歸模式,探討各項因子對於沙丘性海岸的影響,並利用海岸沙丘空間分佈預測機率圖,最後以2006年與2009年沙地主題圖作為驗證資料,探討模式的可行性。本研究透過不同的空間計量方法,了解本區土地覆蓋型的變化,期本研究成果對於此區海岸保護與管理政策制定者有一參考的依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Coastal zone is at the junction of ocean and land. The area constantly experiences interchanging succession of erosion and accumulation due to natural forces such as wind, wave, and tidal currents. In recent years, associated with fast population increase, the demand of lands expanded rapidly such that the effects on topography of coastal zone became more complex and changed quickly. Coastal sand dunes are dynamic and fragile terrain often regarded as environmentally sensitive areas. Sand dunes are vulnerable to erosion by natural process and human activity. The objective of this research was to examine the effects of environmental factors and land-use changes on coastal sand dunes in I-Lan County.
Satellite imageries are characterized by multi-temporal and large-scale, therefore they are ideal for providing necessary information to facilitate analysis of regional land-cover changes. In this research, three SPOT 5 images acquired in 2003, 2006 and 2009 were used to analyze land-cover changes in I-Lan coastal zone. Firstly, a hierarchical classification procedure was applied to classify the image data to five land-cover types and the land-cover changes were compared. Secondly, based on the classification results, a Markov transitional probability matrix was constructed to understand the transition among different land-cover types, and the Fragstats software was used to quantify the landscape structure of three different periods. By analyzing the spatial distributions of land-cover types in different time periods, we were able to examine to the temporal and spatial changes of land-cover in the I-Lan coastal zone. In addition, a t-test based on Shannon diversity index was used to evaluate the changes of the whole landscape in the study area. Thirdly, by selecting possible natural and man-made factors that are likely to affect coastal environment based on various prior studies, the mathematical models such as Markov chain and binomial logit regression analysis were applied to predict the future overall landscape structure and to simulate the spatial distribution of the sandy coastal zone. Thematic maps derived from satellite images obtained in 2006 and 2009 were used to verify and assess the feasibility of the models.
This study integrated several spatial statistical methods to understand the patterns of land-cover changes in the study area. It is expected that the results of this study may offer a valuable reference for the policy-makers of coastal protection and management.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論......................................1
第一節 研究動機.................................1
第二節 沙丘性海岸變遷之研究.......................3
第三節 土地利用/覆蓋變遷之研究......................7
第四節 研究目的與流程.............................14
第二章 研究範圍與材料..............................17
第一節 研究區範圍與概述..........................17
第二節 研究材料................................33
第三章 相關理論與研究方法...........................41
第一節 衛星影像分類 ........................42
第二節 地景生態學與地景結構的量化...................44
第三節 馬可夫鏈模式...............................51
第四節 氣象資料之處理-一般克利金法...................58
第五節 地景變遷之空間模式分析........................69
第四章 研究結果......................................83
第一節 衛星影像分類.................................83
第二節 地景變遷分析.................................86
第三節 地景變遷預測模式的建立........................105
第四節 地景變遷之空間模式分析與建立...................108
第五章 討論..........................................117
第一節 衛星影像分類.................................117
第二節 地景變遷分析.................................118
第三節 地景變遷模式建立.............................120
第六章 結論與建議....................................121
第一節 結論.......................................121
第二節 建議.......................................124
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0972570221en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) SPOT 5衛星影像zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 宜蘭沿海地區zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 土地覆蓋變遷zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 地景生態指標zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 馬可夫鏈模式zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Logit迴歸分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 應用衛星影像於宜蘭平原沿海地區之監測zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Monitoring I-Lan coastal zone using multi-temporal satellite imagesen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文參考文獻zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 丁志堅,2002,「屏東平原土地利用變遷分析與模式建立」,國立臺灣大學地理環境資源研究所碩士論文,臺北。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 方琮雅,2001,「桃園台地水域用地空間結構變遷之研究」,國立臺灣大學農業工程學研究所碩士論文,臺北。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 王素芬,1998,「地理資訊系統和碎形維度於森林地景空間變化之應用」,國立臺灣大學森林學研究所碩士論文,臺北。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 王兆桓、陳子英,2002,「林木健康指標評估方法之建立-以棲蘭地區老熟塊木為例」,『行政院農業委員會林務局保育研究系列』,91-6:47。zh_TW
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