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題名 環評爭議中之科學評估與風險溝通:環境預警制度實踐之探討
其他題名 Risk Assessment and Communication in the Eia Disputes: a Discussion on the Practice of Precautionary Principle
作者 杜文苓
貢獻者 國立政治大學公共行政學系
關鍵詞 環境預警;科技風險;石化;高科技;公民參與;科技與社會
日期 2011
上傳時間 17-十一月-2011 10:32:08 (UTC+8)
摘要 本三年期之研究計畫將深入探討環境預警機制的程序設計與實踐,透過學理討論、國際公約實例蒐集,以及本土四個重大環評爭議個案解析,論辯台灣面對科技風險所應發展的環境政策,並在實證研究基礎上,討論既有制度與行政程序落實的可行方向。在研究設計上,第一階段廣泛蒐集國際預警制度理論與實踐相關資料,著重預警原則重要行政程序與制度配套的討論,並聚焦於環境預警之資訊透明與民主實踐工具探究,針對國際REACH 與奧爾胡斯(Aarhus)公約進行實踐案例之內容分析與第一手訪談資料蒐集。第二、三階段從預警原則與風險溝通的理論視角,檢視我國重大工業區開發之環評審議問題,分析我國環境預警機制使用之科學評估與風險溝通模式。考量案例的代表性與可驗性,採用傳統(石化) vs. 新興 (電子)、新(未運轉施行開發計劃)vs. 舊(開發案實際運轉五年以上),討論近年來深受矚目的六輕、霄裡溪上游光電廠、國光石化與中科四期等環境爭議。本計畫將進行大量文件檢閱與內容分析,輔以國內外深度訪談與田野參與觀察,蒐集第一手資料。藉由國際相關公約與案例的探討,與國內具體個案的檢視,了解我國環評預警機制的樣貌與落實程度,以促進國內外預警原則實踐之對話基礎,並提供我國推動預警制度與環境民主行政之參考。
This three-year research project is set to explore the institutional and policy design for applying the precautionary principle. Through discussion of theoretical background, studies of international cases, and analysis of domestic environmental impact assessment (EIA) disputes, this research project will provide an understanding of the characteristics of risk governance in Taiwan, and shed light on reshaping environmental policy with the precautionary approach. For the first stage of this project, the research team will collect wide-ranging data and information of international cases, which show the precautionary principle in action. By analyzing the case studies collected from the United Nations Aarhus Convention and European REACH directive, the research team will specially focus on the discussions of public trust, information transparency, and public participation, which are highlighted as the democratic tools of precautionary principle. For the second and third stages of this project, the research team will examine the EIA disputes from the 4 selected domestic case studies, 6th Naphtha Cracking project at Mailiao of Yunlin County, the TFT-LCD firms at upper stream of Siaoli River, KuoKung Naphtha Cracking project at Changhua County, and 4th stage of Central Taiwan Science Park at Erlin, Changhua County. The selection of the case studies is based on the consideration of case representation (including both high-tech electronics and naphtha cracker, two major industrial development projects in Taiwan) and research verifiability (comparatively discuss the new development plans vs. the projects with at least 5 year operational experiences). Through literature review, second-hand data collection, content analysis, in-depth interviews, and field observations, this research seeks to realize the rationale of the EIA practice and its gap in applying precautionary principle in Taiwan’s context. Furthermore, this project will demonstrate the detailed examples of implementing precautionary principle, build an international dialogue on the practice of precautionary policies, as well as provide suggestions for the public administration to develop policies and procedures addressing precautionary concepts and environmental democracy.
關聯 基礎研究
研究期間:10008~ 10107
資料來源 http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB/result.jsp?id=1855990&plan_no=NSC99-2410-H004-229-MY2&plan_year=100&projkey=PF10001-0971&target=plan&highStr=*&check=0&pnchDesc=%E7%92%B0%E8%A9%95%E7%88%AD%E8%AD%B0%E4%B8%AD%E4%B9%8B%E7%A7%91%E5%AD%B8%E8%A9%95%E4%BC%B0%E8%88%87%E9%A2%A8%E9%9A%AA%E6%BA%9D%E9%80%9A%EF%BC%9A%E7%92%B0%E5%A2%83%E9%A0%90%E8%AD%A6%E5%88%B6%E5%BA%A6%E5%AF%A6%E8%B8%90%E4%B9%8B%E6%8E%A2%E8%A8%8E
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 國立政治大學公共行政學系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 杜文苓zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2011en_US
dc.date.accessioned 17-十一月-2011 10:32:08 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 17-十一月-2011 10:32:08 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 17-十一月-2011 10:32:08 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/52215-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本三年期之研究計畫將深入探討環境預警機制的程序設計與實踐,透過學理討論、國際公約實例蒐集,以及本土四個重大環評爭議個案解析,論辯台灣面對科技風險所應發展的環境政策,並在實證研究基礎上,討論既有制度與行政程序落實的可行方向。在研究設計上,第一階段廣泛蒐集國際預警制度理論與實踐相關資料,著重預警原則重要行政程序與制度配套的討論,並聚焦於環境預警之資訊透明與民主實踐工具探究,針對國際REACH 與奧爾胡斯(Aarhus)公約進行實踐案例之內容分析與第一手訪談資料蒐集。第二、三階段從預警原則與風險溝通的理論視角,檢視我國重大工業區開發之環評審議問題,分析我國環境預警機制使用之科學評估與風險溝通模式。考量案例的代表性與可驗性,採用傳統(石化) vs. 新興 (電子)、新(未運轉施行開發計劃)vs. 舊(開發案實際運轉五年以上),討論近年來深受矚目的六輕、霄裡溪上游光電廠、國光石化與中科四期等環境爭議。本計畫將進行大量文件檢閱與內容分析,輔以國內外深度訪談與田野參與觀察,蒐集第一手資料。藉由國際相關公約與案例的探討,與國內具體個案的檢視,了解我國環評預警機制的樣貌與落實程度,以促進國內外預警原則實踐之對話基礎,並提供我國推動預警制度與環境民主行政之參考。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This three-year research project is set to explore the institutional and policy design for applying the precautionary principle. Through discussion of theoretical background, studies of international cases, and analysis of domestic environmental impact assessment (EIA) disputes, this research project will provide an understanding of the characteristics of risk governance in Taiwan, and shed light on reshaping environmental policy with the precautionary approach. For the first stage of this project, the research team will collect wide-ranging data and information of international cases, which show the precautionary principle in action. By analyzing the case studies collected from the United Nations Aarhus Convention and European REACH directive, the research team will specially focus on the discussions of public trust, information transparency, and public participation, which are highlighted as the democratic tools of precautionary principle. For the second and third stages of this project, the research team will examine the EIA disputes from the 4 selected domestic case studies, 6th Naphtha Cracking project at Mailiao of Yunlin County, the TFT-LCD firms at upper stream of Siaoli River, KuoKung Naphtha Cracking project at Changhua County, and 4th stage of Central Taiwan Science Park at Erlin, Changhua County. The selection of the case studies is based on the consideration of case representation (including both high-tech electronics and naphtha cracker, two major industrial development projects in Taiwan) and research verifiability (comparatively discuss the new development plans vs. the projects with at least 5 year operational experiences). Through literature review, second-hand data collection, content analysis, in-depth interviews, and field observations, this research seeks to realize the rationale of the EIA practice and its gap in applying precautionary principle in Taiwan’s context. Furthermore, this project will demonstrate the detailed examples of implementing precautionary principle, build an international dialogue on the practice of precautionary policies, as well as provide suggestions for the public administration to develop policies and procedures addressing precautionary concepts and environmental democracy.en_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:10008~ 10107en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:1376仟元en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 行政院國家科學委員會-
dc.relation (關聯) 計畫編號NSC99-2410-H004-229-MY2-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB/result.jsp?id=1855990&plan_no=NSC99-2410-H004-229-MY2&plan_year=100&projkey=PF10001-0971&target=plan&highStr=*&check=0&pnchDesc=%E7%92%B0%E8%A9%95%E7%88%AD%E8%AD%B0%E4%B8%AD%E4%B9%8B%E7%A7%91%E5%AD%B8%E8%A9%95%E4%BC%B0%E8%88%87%E9%A2%A8%E9%9A%AA%E6%BA%9D%E9%80%9A%EF%BC%9A%E7%92%B0%E5%A2%83%E9%A0%90%E8%AD%A6%E5%88%B6%E5%BA%A6%E5%AF%A6%E8%B8%90%E4%B9%8B%E6%8E%A2%E8%A8%8Een_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 環境預警;科技風險;石化;高科技;公民參與;科技與社會en_US
dc.title (題名) 環評爭議中之科學評估與風險溝通:環境預警制度實踐之探討zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Risk Assessment and Communication in the Eia Disputes: a Discussion on the Practice of Precautionary Principleen_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten