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題名 從「勞動模範」到「民意代表」?中國大陸地方人大代表的角色變遷 (II)
其他題名 From`Model Laborers` to `Representatives` ? Changing Role of Deputies of the People`s Congress in China
作者 趙建民
貢獻者 行政院國家科學委員會
關鍵詞 地方人大代表;政治參與;人大監督;受託人;建議人;把關人
local people’s congress; transformation of role of people’s representatives; functions of local people’s congress; political trust; state-society relations
日期 2009
上傳時間 20-三月-2012 09:47:27 (UTC+8)
摘要 改革開放前的人民代表大會往往被視為「橡皮圖章」,人大代表則多為「勞動模範」。人民代表大會在歷經80 年代的制度化改革之後,已經具有不同的氣象,地方的基層人大代表在政治參與上也有了不同的認知,當選人大代表之後,更是以「維權」為己任。人民代表大會在歷經30 年的制度化改革之後,似已具有不同的氣象,地方的基層人大代表在政治參與上也有了不同的認知。種種跡象顯示人大代表的角色與功能似已開始轉變。地方人大代表出現以下三種較為顯著的變化:在代表功能方面,從勞動模範逐漸變為「受託人」;在立法功能方面,在審議過程中從旁觀者逐漸成為「建議人」;在監督功能方面,逐漸從無奈者蛻變為「把關人」。「地方自治者,國之礎石也。礎不堅則國不固。」相較於台灣政治發展過程中,民眾自力救濟場面中的民意代表身影,中國大陸的人大代表似乎也開始面對類似的場景,選舉法規及其配套的改革或為下一階段政治改革之主要目標。
China’s People’s Congress, previously regarded as ’rubber stamp’, has quietly been transformed into one of the most important channels for resolving the conflicts stemming from increasing discrepancy between the party-state system and the society at the local level. ’Take complaints to the higher echelon of the government hierarchy’ has been in the rise in recent years and quite a few Chinese nowadays treat the People’s Congress as an authoritative institution for the maintenance of their rights. Based on relevant studies on the role of legislators this study puts local deputies into different typologies. The role of representatives of the People’s Congress is switching from a honorary labor to a agent of the people in representative function, from an onlooker to one who tries to propose recommendation in legislation, and from one who can not exercise his (her) duty of supervision to a gatekeeper of the public interest. It is concluded that the role of representatives of the People’s Congress are changing and they are trying to be devoted to representing the public opinion. Revising election rules and laws may be the next step the People’s Congress should implement.
關聯 研究期間: 9808~ 9907
研究經費: 510 仟元
資料來源 https://nscnt12.nsc.gov.tw/was2/award/AsAwardMultiQuery.aspx
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.contributor 國立政治大學國家發展研究所en_US
dc.creator (作者) 趙建民zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2009en_US
dc.date.accessioned 20-三月-2012 09:47:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 20-三月-2012 09:47:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 20-三月-2012 09:47:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/52453-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 改革開放前的人民代表大會往往被視為「橡皮圖章」,人大代表則多為「勞動模範」。人民代表大會在歷經80 年代的制度化改革之後,已經具有不同的氣象,地方的基層人大代表在政治參與上也有了不同的認知,當選人大代表之後,更是以「維權」為己任。人民代表大會在歷經30 年的制度化改革之後,似已具有不同的氣象,地方的基層人大代表在政治參與上也有了不同的認知。種種跡象顯示人大代表的角色與功能似已開始轉變。地方人大代表出現以下三種較為顯著的變化:在代表功能方面,從勞動模範逐漸變為「受託人」;在立法功能方面,在審議過程中從旁觀者逐漸成為「建議人」;在監督功能方面,逐漸從無奈者蛻變為「把關人」。「地方自治者,國之礎石也。礎不堅則國不固。」相較於台灣政治發展過程中,民眾自力救濟場面中的民意代表身影,中國大陸的人大代表似乎也開始面對類似的場景,選舉法規及其配套的改革或為下一階段政治改革之主要目標。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) China’s People’s Congress, previously regarded as ’rubber stamp’, has quietly been transformed into one of the most important channels for resolving the conflicts stemming from increasing discrepancy between the party-state system and the society at the local level. ’Take complaints to the higher echelon of the government hierarchy’ has been in the rise in recent years and quite a few Chinese nowadays treat the People’s Congress as an authoritative institution for the maintenance of their rights. Based on relevant studies on the role of legislators this study puts local deputies into different typologies. The role of representatives of the People’s Congress is switching from a honorary labor to a agent of the people in representative function, from an onlooker to one who tries to propose recommendation in legislation, and from one who can not exercise his (her) duty of supervision to a gatekeeper of the public interest. It is concluded that the role of representatives of the People’s Congress are changing and they are trying to be devoted to representing the public opinion. Revising election rules and laws may be the next step the People’s Congress should implement.-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間: 9808~ 9907en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費: 510 仟元en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 行政院國家科學委員會-
dc.relation (關聯) 計畫編號NSC97-2410-H004-095-MY2-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) https://nscnt12.nsc.gov.tw/was2/award/AsAwardMultiQuery.aspxen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 地方人大代表;政治參與;人大監督;受託人;建議人;把關人-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) local people’s congress; transformation of role of people’s representatives; functions of local people’s congress; political trust; state-society relations-
dc.title (題名) 從「勞動模範」到「民意代表」?中國大陸地方人大代表的角色變遷 (II)zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) From`Model Laborers` to `Representatives` ? Changing Role of Deputies of the People`s Congress in China-
dc.type (資料類型) reporten