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題名 國民黨黨產與黨國資本主義的形成(1945-1987)
其他題名 The Kmt Party Assets and the Formation of the `Party-State Capitalism`(1945-1987)
作者 李福鐘
貢獻者 國立政治大學台灣史研究所
關鍵詞 國民黨;黨國威權體制;黨產;黨營事業;接收日產
Kuomintang(KMT); party-state authoritarianism; party assets; party own enterprises; Japanese colonial property
日期 2008
上傳時間 6-十一月-2012 16:30:24 (UTC+8)
摘要 對於解嚴以前國民黨黨國威權體制的研究,過往多偏向於政治範疇,相對來說,經濟史與社會文化史的研究明顯較被冷落。然而實際上,圍繞著蔣氏父子所建構而成的黨國威權體制,絕不僅僅只有政治面向而已。光是從政治上的萬年總統、萬年國會、白色恐怖等議題,事實上無法真正一窺國民黨黨國威權體制的全貌。蔣氏父子所賴以統治台灣近40年的黨國體制,其所以鋪天蓋地、包山包海,正在於其所控制的絕不僅止於總統府、國會、行政院而已,黨國威權體制的觸角深入到社會的每一角落,從經濟生活到文化活動、教育機構,統統籠罩在國家機器的監視控制之下。本研究所要面對的,正是國民黨在財經、金融、媒體等領域所建構的控制體系,在這些方面,國民黨憑藉著跨足各種產業領域的黨營企業體,一方面累積了富可敵國的黨務經費,另方面則以經濟領域和文化傳播領域的絕對影響力,進一步鞏固其政權。
The researches about the party-state authoritarianism of Kuomintang(KMT) of the martial law years usually focus on the political issues more than the economic or cultural ones. But the KMT’s party-state authoritarianism maneuvered by Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo would not limit to the political dimension only. One could never understand the real face of KMT’s regime just via political events and figures. The party-state by which Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo ruled Taiwan for almost 40 years dominated lots of parts of Taiwan’s society, including cultural activities and education institutes, all were under the surveillance of the state machine. KMT could never carry out all these just by political manipulations. The purpose of this research project would aim at the economic control system which were constructed mainly by a huge group of KMT’s party own enterprises involving in almost all the business one could imagine, such as banking, insurance, television, press, manufacture, building, and even medical industry. By such a business empire, KMT not only earned a lot of money for the operation of the party, it also gained the absolute power to influence the economic and culture life of people in Taiwan. And the party assets also co-established the foundation of KMT’s regime.
關聯 基礎研究
9708~ 9807
研究經費: 231仟元
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 國立政治大學台灣史研究所en_US
dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.creator (作者) 李福鐘zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2008en_US
dc.date.accessioned 6-十一月-2012 16:30:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 6-十一月-2012 16:30:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 6-十一月-2012 16:30:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/55228-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 對於解嚴以前國民黨黨國威權體制的研究,過往多偏向於政治範疇,相對來說,經濟史與社會文化史的研究明顯較被冷落。然而實際上,圍繞著蔣氏父子所建構而成的黨國威權體制,絕不僅僅只有政治面向而已。光是從政治上的萬年總統、萬年國會、白色恐怖等議題,事實上無法真正一窺國民黨黨國威權體制的全貌。蔣氏父子所賴以統治台灣近40年的黨國體制,其所以鋪天蓋地、包山包海,正在於其所控制的絕不僅止於總統府、國會、行政院而已,黨國威權體制的觸角深入到社會的每一角落,從經濟生活到文化活動、教育機構,統統籠罩在國家機器的監視控制之下。本研究所要面對的,正是國民黨在財經、金融、媒體等領域所建構的控制體系,在這些方面,國民黨憑藉著跨足各種產業領域的黨營企業體,一方面累積了富可敵國的黨務經費,另方面則以經濟領域和文化傳播領域的絕對影響力,進一步鞏固其政權。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The researches about the party-state authoritarianism of Kuomintang(KMT) of the martial law years usually focus on the political issues more than the economic or cultural ones. But the KMT’s party-state authoritarianism maneuvered by Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo would not limit to the political dimension only. One could never understand the real face of KMT’s regime just via political events and figures. The party-state by which Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo ruled Taiwan for almost 40 years dominated lots of parts of Taiwan’s society, including cultural activities and education institutes, all were under the surveillance of the state machine. KMT could never carry out all these just by political manipulations. The purpose of this research project would aim at the economic control system which were constructed mainly by a huge group of KMT’s party own enterprises involving in almost all the business one could imagine, such as banking, insurance, television, press, manufacture, building, and even medical industry. By such a business empire, KMT not only earned a lot of money for the operation of the party, it also gained the absolute power to influence the economic and culture life of people in Taiwan. And the party assets also co-established the foundation of KMT’s regime.en_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 9708~ 9807en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費: 231仟元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 國民黨;黨國威權體制;黨產;黨營事業;接收日產en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Kuomintang(KMT); party-state authoritarianism; party assets; party own enterprises; Japanese colonial propertyen_US
dc.title (題名) 國民黨黨產與黨國資本主義的形成(1945-1987)zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Kmt Party Assets and the Formation of the `Party-State Capitalism`(1945-1987)en_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten