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題名 社會網絡資料分析結合地理位置服務之研究與應用:以產品推銷為例 (I)
其他題名 Research and Applications on Social Network Data Analysis Combined with Location-Based Services: Product Promotion as an Example
作者 陳良弼
貢獻者 國立政治大學資訊科學系
關鍵詞 社會網絡資料分析;地理位置服務;產品推銷
social networks; Anonymization; Community Analysis; Influence Maximization; Query processing over spatial data
日期 2011
上傳時間 12-十一月-2012 11:06:02 (UTC+8)
摘要 由於網際網路的蓬勃發展,再加上 Web2.0 技術的推波助瀾,使得眾多社群網站平台興起,如mySpace、Facebook、Twitter、Plurk 等,無不在在影響現代人的生活與社交,進而延展出錯綜複雜的社會網絡。分析社會網絡中使用者的資料及使用者間的相關互動連結,廣為多項研究領域所重視。有別於多數社會網絡研究中純粹探討基本社群關係,在本研究計畫中,我們將以產品推銷為藍本,透過資料分析,掌握社會網絡中的群體關連所產生的渲染力,在潛移默化過程中影響其他使用者的購買行為,進而達到增加產品銷售的目的。同時,我們亦從不同角度出發,利用使用者於社群平台公布的地理位置資訊,發展相關技術找尋合適實體廣告設址點。此研究計畫共分四項主軸,簡述如下:一、隱私資訊匿名化:發展匿名技術將社會網絡原始隱私資料加以保護,並同時避免大幅降低資料實用性。二、社群探索:發展可應用於社會網絡上之分群技術,探勘網絡中之社群結構。三、社群領導者探索:發展相關技術找尋社群中極具影響力的使用者,透過這些領導者達到病毒式行銷目的。四、地理位置資料之查詢處理:透過使用者於社群網站發佈的地理位置,結合反轉式前k 相鄰查詢技術,我們擬發展空間上的新式查詢,找尋合適實體廣告設址點。
According to the progress of the Internet and techniques of Web2.0, a lot of social community website platforms are established, such as mySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and Plurk. These social community sites affect the life and social interaction of most people and then, generate a huge and complicated social network. Different from much research which only focuses on exploring the basic communities from social networks, in this project, we will analyze the data from social networks and then use the knowledge obtained from the social data to increase the benefits on commerce. All the core techniques to be developed in this project are listed as follows: 1. Privacy preserving using anonymization: to develop anonymization techniques for sanitizing the privacy information contained in the social data. 2. Exploring social community: to design clustering techniques in social networks for mining social communities. 3. Finding leaders in communities: to find the users of influence from social communities for viral marketing. 4. Query processing on location data: to design novel queries based on the location data issued by users and the techniques of reverse kNN processing for finding appropriate advertisement locations.
關聯 應用研究
研究期間:10008~ 10107
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 國立政治大學資訊科學系en_US
dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳良弼zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2011en_US
dc.date.accessioned 12-十一月-2012 11:06:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 12-十一月-2012 11:06:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 12-十一月-2012 11:06:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/55508-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 由於網際網路的蓬勃發展,再加上 Web2.0 技術的推波助瀾,使得眾多社群網站平台興起,如mySpace、Facebook、Twitter、Plurk 等,無不在在影響現代人的生活與社交,進而延展出錯綜複雜的社會網絡。分析社會網絡中使用者的資料及使用者間的相關互動連結,廣為多項研究領域所重視。有別於多數社會網絡研究中純粹探討基本社群關係,在本研究計畫中,我們將以產品推銷為藍本,透過資料分析,掌握社會網絡中的群體關連所產生的渲染力,在潛移默化過程中影響其他使用者的購買行為,進而達到增加產品銷售的目的。同時,我們亦從不同角度出發,利用使用者於社群平台公布的地理位置資訊,發展相關技術找尋合適實體廣告設址點。此研究計畫共分四項主軸,簡述如下:一、隱私資訊匿名化:發展匿名技術將社會網絡原始隱私資料加以保護,並同時避免大幅降低資料實用性。二、社群探索:發展可應用於社會網絡上之分群技術,探勘網絡中之社群結構。三、社群領導者探索:發展相關技術找尋社群中極具影響力的使用者,透過這些領導者達到病毒式行銷目的。四、地理位置資料之查詢處理:透過使用者於社群網站發佈的地理位置,結合反轉式前k 相鄰查詢技術,我們擬發展空間上的新式查詢,找尋合適實體廣告設址點。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) According to the progress of the Internet and techniques of Web2.0, a lot of social community website platforms are established, such as mySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and Plurk. These social community sites affect the life and social interaction of most people and then, generate a huge and complicated social network. Different from much research which only focuses on exploring the basic communities from social networks, in this project, we will analyze the data from social networks and then use the knowledge obtained from the social data to increase the benefits on commerce. All the core techniques to be developed in this project are listed as follows: 1. Privacy preserving using anonymization: to develop anonymization techniques for sanitizing the privacy information contained in the social data. 2. Exploring social community: to design clustering techniques in social networks for mining social communities. 3. Finding leaders in communities: to find the users of influence from social communities for viral marketing. 4. Query processing on location data: to design novel queries based on the location data issued by users and the techniques of reverse kNN processing for finding appropriate advertisement locations.en_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 應用研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:10008~ 10107en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:1429仟元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會網絡資料分析;地理位置服務;產品推銷en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) social networks; Anonymization; Community Analysis; Influence Maximization; Query processing over spatial dataen_US
dc.title (題名) 社會網絡資料分析結合地理位置服務之研究與應用:以產品推銷為例 (I)zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Research and Applications on Social Network Data Analysis Combined with Location-Based Services: Product Promotion as an Exampleen_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten