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題名 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題---大眾文學
其他題名 Popular Literature
作者 陳音頤;伍軒宏;邱彥彬;陳超明;姜翠芬;劉吉軒;羅狼仁
貢獻者 國立政治大學英國語文學系
關鍵詞 語文;大眾文學
日期 2010
上傳時間 2012-11-16
摘要 本計畫以兩年為期,分年採購大眾文學相關圖書,以期建立國內的代表信研究圖書典藏。政大英文系為國內最早對大眾文學進行系統研究的外文系,系上將大眾文學列為重點特色領域,於2001 年建立大眾文學研究中心,舉辦兩次全國性大眾文學學術研討會,以及多次研究沙龍,全體老師投入相關研究和教學,碩博士生論文也反映此重點領域,故本計畫圖書典藏,旨在參考國際學術研究之理念、結合本系師生研究的力量和興趣,以及本系過去、現在及未來學術研究之重點領域,擬從大眾文學的全方位面向、理論,以及涵蓋(女性)浪漫、偵探/犯罪、黑幫、恐怖、科幻/奇幻、大眾戲劇等主要文類的方式,分為七個領域、多個議題進行規劃。大眾文學為重要領域,但國內藏書嚴重不足,本案希望以兩年時間,採購兩千多筆的書籍及視聽影帶。大眾文學和文化研究息息相關,而大眾文學的意義建構過程又和文化社會學、傳播領域的聽閱人位置等有重要關連,因此大眾文學研究向來是跨領域、跨學科的研究,在英國大眾文學/化研究理論界,文學系和社會系、大眾傳播媒體系之間的聯繫密不可分,也是其成果昭著的重要原因。本計畫將體現此重要特色,結合政大具優勢的傳播學院廣電新聞研究力量,以及社會學系的文化社會學研究力量,落實大眾文學/化理論界跨學科、跨學門的特色。政大英文系和傳播學院、社會學系的學術教學合作已行之有年,本計畫期擬舉行聯合書展、影展、演講、網站連結和資源共享,盼能以大眾文學理論的研究教學平台,加強校內跨學術合作,建立國內大眾文學和文化研究的代表性中心。
This two-year project of book acquisition aims to establish a comprehensive collection of books on popular literature. As one of the earliest English departments within Taiwan to study popular literature in a systematic fashion, the English department of NCCU has long established popular literature as a core area of research and teaching, founding the Popular Literature Research Center in 2001 and hosting two nationwide academic conferences and numerous research salons on popular literature. This project is a collective effort and reflects this department-wide focus on popular literature, proposing to acquire books on the following sub-areas: popular literature and culture theories, women’s romance, detective and crime fiction, gangster literature, horror literature, sci-fi/fantasy literature and popular theater. The study on popular literature and culture has always been a multi-disciplinary effort, involving not just the English department but also that of sociology and mass media. This project also reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of popular literature study, proposing to combine researching and teaching efforts of the NCCU English department and the famed NCCU Mass Media College as well as the NCCU Sociology department. Representative professors from the latter two disciplines sit on our committee, and joint book displays and TV/movie shows and lectures are planned. The final object is to establish a leading researching and teaching center in popular literature in Taiwan based in NCCU, using established resources already available in NCCU and boosting existing capacities through the book-acquisition project.
關聯 基礎研究
研究期間:9906~ 10005
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 國立政治大學英國語文學系en_US
dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳音頤;伍軒宏;邱彥彬;陳超明;姜翠芬;劉吉軒;羅狼仁zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2010en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2012-11-16-
dc.date.available 2012-11-16-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2012-11-16-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/55610-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本計畫以兩年為期,分年採購大眾文學相關圖書,以期建立國內的代表信研究圖書典藏。政大英文系為國內最早對大眾文學進行系統研究的外文系,系上將大眾文學列為重點特色領域,於2001 年建立大眾文學研究中心,舉辦兩次全國性大眾文學學術研討會,以及多次研究沙龍,全體老師投入相關研究和教學,碩博士生論文也反映此重點領域,故本計畫圖書典藏,旨在參考國際學術研究之理念、結合本系師生研究的力量和興趣,以及本系過去、現在及未來學術研究之重點領域,擬從大眾文學的全方位面向、理論,以及涵蓋(女性)浪漫、偵探/犯罪、黑幫、恐怖、科幻/奇幻、大眾戲劇等主要文類的方式,分為七個領域、多個議題進行規劃。大眾文學為重要領域,但國內藏書嚴重不足,本案希望以兩年時間,採購兩千多筆的書籍及視聽影帶。大眾文學和文化研究息息相關,而大眾文學的意義建構過程又和文化社會學、傳播領域的聽閱人位置等有重要關連,因此大眾文學研究向來是跨領域、跨學科的研究,在英國大眾文學/化研究理論界,文學系和社會系、大眾傳播媒體系之間的聯繫密不可分,也是其成果昭著的重要原因。本計畫將體現此重要特色,結合政大具優勢的傳播學院廣電新聞研究力量,以及社會學系的文化社會學研究力量,落實大眾文學/化理論界跨學科、跨學門的特色。政大英文系和傳播學院、社會學系的學術教學合作已行之有年,本計畫期擬舉行聯合書展、影展、演講、網站連結和資源共享,盼能以大眾文學理論的研究教學平台,加強校內跨學術合作,建立國內大眾文學和文化研究的代表性中心。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This two-year project of book acquisition aims to establish a comprehensive collection of books on popular literature. As one of the earliest English departments within Taiwan to study popular literature in a systematic fashion, the English department of NCCU has long established popular literature as a core area of research and teaching, founding the Popular Literature Research Center in 2001 and hosting two nationwide academic conferences and numerous research salons on popular literature. This project is a collective effort and reflects this department-wide focus on popular literature, proposing to acquire books on the following sub-areas: popular literature and culture theories, women’s romance, detective and crime fiction, gangster literature, horror literature, sci-fi/fantasy literature and popular theater. The study on popular literature and culture has always been a multi-disciplinary effort, involving not just the English department but also that of sociology and mass media. This project also reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of popular literature study, proposing to combine researching and teaching efforts of the NCCU English department and the famed NCCU Mass Media College as well as the NCCU Sociology department. Representative professors from the latter two disciplines sit on our committee, and joint book displays and TV/movie shows and lectures are planned. The final object is to establish a leading researching and teaching center in popular literature in Taiwan based in NCCU, using established resources already available in NCCU and boosting existing capacities through the book-acquisition project.en_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:9906~ 10005en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:3000仟元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語文;大眾文學en_US
dc.title (題名) 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題---大眾文學zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Popular Literatureen_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten