dc.contributor | 國立政治大學法律學系 | en_US |
dc.contributor | 行政院國家科學委員會 | en_US |
dc.creator (作者) | 吳秀明 | zh_TW |
dc.date (日期) | 2007 | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 26-十一月-2012 09:33:43 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.available | 26-十一月-2012 09:33:43 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) | 26-十一月-2012 09:33:43 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.identifier.uri (URI) | http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/55816 | - |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | 我國公平交易法自民國八十一年二月四日施行至今,已有十四年多,各屆之委員會,從篳路藍縷,開創法制,到逐步穩定與展開我國競爭法制之規範,可謂貢獻有加。而公平法歷經十幾年之實務發展,也產生了豐富而複雜之實務見解與眾多之案例。雖然公平會不斷總結其執法經驗,持續公佈具有通案性質之處理原則與規範說明,明顯有助於闡釋法律之內容,穩定法律之適用。但在各個要件與相關問題上,實務見解之內容與理路脈絡如何,仍有諸多不明與疑義之處,有待予以檢視與檢討。公平法之發展可說已經到了一個應將實務見解予以進一步體系化、理論化的時候了。將實務體系化與理論化、從零碎之眾多案例產生有意義之原理原則,乃每一法律領域所必須從事之工作。因為法律要解決爭端、帶來秩序,其本身就不能沒有秩序。而本計畫所欲從事者,正是以三年時間進行此一基礎性之研究工作。本研究計畫擬將公平交易法之條文分為三大部分,每年進行一個部份,依次針對有關條文之實務案例與見解進行類型化、體系化與理論化之研究工作。此三大部分分別為:一、公平交易法第一條至第十七條;二、公平法第十八條至第二十四條;三、公平法第二十五條至第四十九條。申請人將依據競爭法上關於各種違法行為之相關學理,先就各違法行為類型設計違法判斷之基本理論架構,並以此一架構作為分析實務見解之初步依據。然後以現有之各項實務研究成果為根基,除對其所處理之舊有實務案例與見解重新檢視外,也進一步蒐集整理最新之相關實務案例及見解,以進行各條實務見解體系化與理論化之工作。 | en_US |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | The Taiwanese competition authority, the Fair Trade Commission (FTC), has made over 2000 decisions in accordance with the Fair Trade Law(FTL) in the past 14 years. In addition to the Commission』s decisions, there are also hundreds of sentences made by the normal Courts and by the administrative Courts. Owing to the huge quantity of the decisions as well as of the sentences it is no more easy to attain a clear picture of the practice of the FTC and the Courts. Moreover, the FTC can sometimes handle the cases only according to very vague elements of the articles, such as the cases of §24 of the FTL. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the existing decisions and the sentences and to set up a framework or system which can clarify the contents of the FTL. To form such a system of the practices relating to the FTL, i.e. to systematize the practices of the Commission and the Courts, can not only help the Courts, FTC and the undertakings to comprehend the full context of the FTL, but also avoid the improperly extending application of it. Based on the theories of competition law on the one hand and the practical materials on the other hand, this 3-year-project attempts to construct a systematical framework of the practical opinions, in order to improve the transparency of the contents of the FTL. Besides, the main problems emerging from individual category of illegal practices are to be analyzed at the same time. The purpose of this project is to explore the fundamentals of the practice of the FTC, to research the developments and the methodological meanings of them and to solve the problems resulting from the application of the FTL. We believe, for a competition law with relatively short history, such basic study is not only needed, but also essential. | - |
dc.language.iso | en_US | - |
dc.relation (關聯) | 基礎研究 | en_US |
dc.relation (關聯) | 學術補助 | en_US |
dc.relation (關聯) | 研究期間:9608~ 9707 | en_US |
dc.relation (關聯) | 研究經費:755仟元 | en_US |
dc.relation (關聯) | 行政院國家科學委員會 | - |
dc.relation (關聯) | 計畫編號NSC96-2414-H004-006-MY3 | - |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 公平交易法;競爭法;聯合行為;卡特爾;獨占;獨占性訂價;阻礙濫用;榨取濫用;比較市場;促進行為 | en_US |
dc.title (題名) | 公平交易法實務見解之體系化及爭議問題研析 (I) | zh_TW |
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) | Systematization of the Practice of the Fair Trade Commission and the Study of Relating Controversial Problems | en_US |
dc.type (資料類型) | report | en |