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題名 中國大陸參與環境變遷國際制度之研究:以全球大氣變化議題為例(I)
其他題名 Mainland China`s Participation in Environmental Change International Institution--- A Case of Global Atmospheric Change
作者 吳得源
貢獻者 行政院國家科學委員會
關鍵詞 全球大氣變化;中國崛起;知識社群;社會建構論;國際制度
global atmospheric change; China`s rise; epistemic communities; social constructivism; international institutions
日期 2010
上傳時間 30-十一月-2012 15:09:22 (UTC+8)
摘要 中國大陸參與環境變遷國際制度之研究:以全球大氣變化議題為例本研究計畫旨在運用社會建構論與新制度論的綜合觀點,檢視中國大陸參與環境變遷國際制度的發展,其中涉及全球大氣變化議題的多邊與雙邊協商部分。本計畫將特別強調「理念」在中國大陸參與相關外交協商與科學研究國際知識社群相互交往過程所扮演角色,並論及中國大陸國際角色以及所涉及政策論述的可能變化。本計畫的緣起除和新近哥本哈根會議與中美關係等國際時勢演變有關外,並著眼於國際關係理論層面的問題。本研究計畫基本上假定「中國崛起」會伴隨增加改變既有相關國際制度的可能性。本項研究計畫的執行預計分成兩個主要部分:第一階段將側重中國大陸在以外交部、從事外事談判協商者為主的「正規外交」場域上,探討北京參與多邊性大氣變遷國際建制發展及以中美關係為主軸的雙邊互動協商,並旁及相關政策論述的持續與轉變;第二階段則將研究重心置放在以中國大陸國家發展與改革委員會、環境保護部和國家氣象局等為核心的技術官僚以及他們和專家學者與研究智庫等所組成「知識社群」之上,以之作為中國大陸遂行廣義的環境外交的另一批主要政策參與者,並探討他們與國際上(以美國為主的西方國家或開發中大國)相應的「知識社群」及非政府組織在多邊國際制度發展或雙邊國際合作的互動與交往,並旁及中國大陸爭取影響相關議題制度發展的論述發言權的可能演變。
Mainland China’s Participation in the Environmental Change International Institutions: A Case on Global Atmospheric Change The Prospective research project aims to explore, through a synthesized framework drawn from constructivist and institutionalist perspectives, the ways in which mainland China participate in the institutional development of global environmental change, with a special focus on the multilateral and bilateral negotiations related to global atmospheric change issues. The project will highlight the role of ideas in China’s diplomatic negotiations and its engagement across scientific-related epistemic communities, with supplementary examination on its possible role change and transformation of policy discourses. The project, arose from recent developments in Copenhagen COP-15 Conference as well as Sino-American relations, also focus on related issues in IR theory. It is assumed that China’s rise will increase the probability of transforming existing international institutions. The implementation of the project will be made in two phases. Firstly, it will focus on the areas where traditional diplomats essentially from Foreign Ministry negotiates with their international counterparts and explore Beijing’s participation in multilateral institutional development and Sino-American engagement, with a supplementary analysis of possible change in policy discourses in the process. Secondly, the research target will be put on epistemic communities composed of technical bureaucrats from such government agencies as National Development and Reform Council, Ministry of Environemntal Protection and National Meterological Bureau on the one hand, and scientific research fellows from their affiliated think tanks on the other, as well as their interactions with international counterparts, mainly those of great powers from the west and developing world.
本兩年期研究計畫整體上旨在運用社會建構論與新制度論的綜合觀點,檢視中國大陸參與環境變遷國際制度的發展,其中涉及全球大氣變化議題的多邊與雙邊協商部分。本計畫整體上強調「理念」在中國大陸參與相關議題之外交協商、國際交流合作與科學研究國際知識社群相互交往過程所扮演角色,並論及中國大陸國際角色以及所涉及政策論述的可能變化。本計畫的緣起除和氣候變遷國際會議與中美關係等國際時勢演變有關外,並著眼於國際關係理論層面的問題。本研究計畫基本上假定「中國崛起」會伴隨既有相關國際制度發展產生變動的可能性。本項研究計畫第一階段側重中國大陸在以外交部、從事外事談判協商者為主的「正規外交」場域上,探討北京參與多邊性大氣變遷國際建制發展及與北美為主的雙邊性互動協商與交流,並旁及相關政策論述的持續與轉變;第二階段則將研究重心置放在以中國大陸國家發展與改革委員會、環境保護部和國家氣象局等為核心的技術官僚以及他們和國際專家學者與研究智庫進行相關國際合作與交流和所共同組成「知識社群」之上,以之作為中國大陸遂行廣義的環境外交的另一批主要政策參與者,並探討他們與國際上(以美加為主的西方國家或開發中大國)相應的「知識社群」及非政府組織在多邊國際制度發展或雙邊國際合作的互動與交往,並旁及中國大陸爭取影響相關議題制度發展的論述發言權的可能演變。The two-year research project aims to explore, through a synthesized framework drawn from constructivist and institutionalist perspectives, the ways in which mainland China participate in the institutional development of global environmental change, with a special focus on the multilateral and bilateral negotiations related to global atmospheric change issues. Overall, the project will highlight the role of ideas in China’s diplomatic negotiations and its engagement across scientific-related epistemic communities, with supplementary examination on its possible role change and transformation of policy discourses. The project, arose from Climate Change COP Conference as well as Sino-American relations, also focus on related issues in IR theory. It is assumed that China’s rise will increase the probability of transforming existing international institutions.The implementation of the project will be made in two phases. Firstly, it has focused on the areas where traditional diplomats essentially from Foreign Ministry negotiates with their international counterparts and explored Beijing’s participation in multilateral institutional development and its engagement with North American counterparts, with a supplementary analysis of possible change in policy discourses in the process. Secondly, the research target will be put on epistemic communities composed of technical bureaucrats from such government agencies as National Development and Reform Council, Ministry of Environemntal Protection and National Meterological Bureau on the one hand, and scientific research fellows from their affiliated think tanks on the other, as well as their interactions with international counterparts, mainly those of great powers from the west and developing world.
關聯 基礎研究
研究期間:9908~ 10007
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.contributor 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心en_US
dc.creator (作者) 吳得源zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2010en_US
dc.date.accessioned 30-十一月-2012 15:09:22 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 30-十一月-2012 15:09:22 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 30-十一月-2012 15:09:22 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/56261-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 中國大陸參與環境變遷國際制度之研究:以全球大氣變化議題為例本研究計畫旨在運用社會建構論與新制度論的綜合觀點,檢視中國大陸參與環境變遷國際制度的發展,其中涉及全球大氣變化議題的多邊與雙邊協商部分。本計畫將特別強調「理念」在中國大陸參與相關外交協商與科學研究國際知識社群相互交往過程所扮演角色,並論及中國大陸國際角色以及所涉及政策論述的可能變化。本計畫的緣起除和新近哥本哈根會議與中美關係等國際時勢演變有關外,並著眼於國際關係理論層面的問題。本研究計畫基本上假定「中國崛起」會伴隨增加改變既有相關國際制度的可能性。本項研究計畫的執行預計分成兩個主要部分:第一階段將側重中國大陸在以外交部、從事外事談判協商者為主的「正規外交」場域上,探討北京參與多邊性大氣變遷國際建制發展及以中美關係為主軸的雙邊互動協商,並旁及相關政策論述的持續與轉變;第二階段則將研究重心置放在以中國大陸國家發展與改革委員會、環境保護部和國家氣象局等為核心的技術官僚以及他們和專家學者與研究智庫等所組成「知識社群」之上,以之作為中國大陸遂行廣義的環境外交的另一批主要政策參與者,並探討他們與國際上(以美國為主的西方國家或開發中大國)相應的「知識社群」及非政府組織在多邊國際制度發展或雙邊國際合作的互動與交往,並旁及中國大陸爭取影響相關議題制度發展的論述發言權的可能演變。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Mainland China’s Participation in the Environmental Change International Institutions: A Case on Global Atmospheric Change The Prospective research project aims to explore, through a synthesized framework drawn from constructivist and institutionalist perspectives, the ways in which mainland China participate in the institutional development of global environmental change, with a special focus on the multilateral and bilateral negotiations related to global atmospheric change issues. The project will highlight the role of ideas in China’s diplomatic negotiations and its engagement across scientific-related epistemic communities, with supplementary examination on its possible role change and transformation of policy discourses. The project, arose from recent developments in Copenhagen COP-15 Conference as well as Sino-American relations, also focus on related issues in IR theory. It is assumed that China’s rise will increase the probability of transforming existing international institutions. The implementation of the project will be made in two phases. Firstly, it will focus on the areas where traditional diplomats essentially from Foreign Ministry negotiates with their international counterparts and explore Beijing’s participation in multilateral institutional development and Sino-American engagement, with a supplementary analysis of possible change in policy discourses in the process. Secondly, the research target will be put on epistemic communities composed of technical bureaucrats from such government agencies as National Development and Reform Council, Ministry of Environemntal Protection and National Meterological Bureau on the one hand, and scientific research fellows from their affiliated think tanks on the other, as well as their interactions with international counterparts, mainly those of great powers from the west and developing world.en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本兩年期研究計畫整體上旨在運用社會建構論與新制度論的綜合觀點,檢視中國大陸參與環境變遷國際制度的發展,其中涉及全球大氣變化議題的多邊與雙邊協商部分。本計畫整體上強調「理念」在中國大陸參與相關議題之外交協商、國際交流合作與科學研究國際知識社群相互交往過程所扮演角色,並論及中國大陸國際角色以及所涉及政策論述的可能變化。本計畫的緣起除和氣候變遷國際會議與中美關係等國際時勢演變有關外,並著眼於國際關係理論層面的問題。本研究計畫基本上假定「中國崛起」會伴隨既有相關國際制度發展產生變動的可能性。本項研究計畫第一階段側重中國大陸在以外交部、從事外事談判協商者為主的「正規外交」場域上,探討北京參與多邊性大氣變遷國際建制發展及與北美為主的雙邊性互動協商與交流,並旁及相關政策論述的持續與轉變;第二階段則將研究重心置放在以中國大陸國家發展與改革委員會、環境保護部和國家氣象局等為核心的技術官僚以及他們和國際專家學者與研究智庫進行相關國際合作與交流和所共同組成「知識社群」之上,以之作為中國大陸遂行廣義的環境外交的另一批主要政策參與者,並探討他們與國際上(以美加為主的西方國家或開發中大國)相應的「知識社群」及非政府組織在多邊國際制度發展或雙邊國際合作的互動與交往,並旁及中國大陸爭取影響相關議題制度發展的論述發言權的可能演變。The two-year research project aims to explore, through a synthesized framework drawn from constructivist and institutionalist perspectives, the ways in which mainland China participate in the institutional development of global environmental change, with a special focus on the multilateral and bilateral negotiations related to global atmospheric change issues. Overall, the project will highlight the role of ideas in China’s diplomatic negotiations and its engagement across scientific-related epistemic communities, with supplementary examination on its possible role change and transformation of policy discourses. The project, arose from Climate Change COP Conference as well as Sino-American relations, also focus on related issues in IR theory. It is assumed that China’s rise will increase the probability of transforming existing international institutions.The implementation of the project will be made in two phases. Firstly, it has focused on the areas where traditional diplomats essentially from Foreign Ministry negotiates with their international counterparts and explored Beijing’s participation in multilateral institutional development and its engagement with North American counterparts, with a supplementary analysis of possible change in policy discourses in the process. Secondly, the research target will be put on epistemic communities composed of technical bureaucrats from such government agencies as National Development and Reform Council, Ministry of Environemntal Protection and National Meterological Bureau on the one hand, and scientific research fellows from their affiliated think tanks on the other, as well as their interactions with international counterparts, mainly those of great powers from the west and developing world.-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:9908~ 10007en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:476仟元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 全球大氣變化;中國崛起;知識社群;社會建構論;國際制度en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) global atmospheric change; China`s rise; epistemic communities; social constructivism; international institutionsen_US
dc.title (題名) 中國大陸參與環境變遷國際制度之研究:以全球大氣變化議題為例(I)zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Mainland China`s Participation in Environmental Change International Institution--- A Case of Global Atmospheric Changeen_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten