題名 學習障礙學生解釋風格、希望感與復原力之相關研究
The relationship among explanatory style, hope, and resilience on students with learning disabilities作者 吳秉叡
Wu, Ping Ruey貢獻者 余民寧
Yu, Min Ning
Wu, Ping Ruey關鍵詞 學習障礙學生
students with learning disabilities
explanatory style for good events
explanatory style for bad events
enhanced hope
peaceful hope
resilience日期 2012 上傳時間 4-二月-2013 09:40:41 (UTC+8) 摘要 本研究旨在探討解釋風格、希望感與復原力之關係,並進而驗證其理論模型。研究以臺灣地區417位國中學習障礙學生為對象,研究工具包括「青少年正向事件解釋風格量表」、「青少年負向事件解釋風格」、「青少年提升式希望感量表」、「青少年寧靜式希望感量表」與「青少年復原力量表」,並採用單因子多變量變異數分析、二因子多變量變異數分析與結構方程式模型進行研究假設之驗證。研究結果顯示:一、學習障礙學生的正向事件解釋風格傾向於內在化、穩定性與特定性歸因,負向事件解釋風格傾向於內在化、暫時性與特定性歸因,亦傾向於知覺到高度提升式希望感、寧靜式希望感與復原力。二、學習障礙女性學生在徑路思維希望上高於學習障礙男性學生;有接受特教服務學習障礙學生在負向事件個別性上高於沒有接受特教服務學習障礙學生;樂觀解釋風格學習障礙學生在意志思維希望、徑路思維希望、柔性順應希望與堅持努力希望上均高於悲觀解釋風格學習障礙學生;適應不佳學習障礙學生在負向事件普遍性上高於適應良好學習障礙學生;適應良好學習障礙學生在精神意念上高於適應不良學習障礙學生。三、學習障礙學生在正向事件個別性、正向事件恆久性、負向事件個別性、負向事件普遍性、意志思維希望與面對挑戰上高於普通學生;普通學生則在正向事件普遍性上高於學習障礙學生。四、以正向事件解釋風格、負向事件解釋風格為自變項,提升式希望感、寧靜式希望感為中介變項,復原力為依變項的「解釋風格、希望感與復原力模型」獲得支持。最後,研究者根據研究結果提出建議,以供未來研究參考。
The relationship among explanatory style, hope, and resilience variables was explored and discussed in this study. The Adolescent Explanatory Style for Good Events Inventory, the Adolescent Explanatory Style for Bad Events Inventory, the Adolescent Enhanced Hope Inventory, the Adolescent Peaceful Hope Inventory, and the Adolescent Resilience Inventory were used as measurement instruments. A total of 417 secondary school students with learning disabilities (LD) in Taiwan participated in this study and data were analyzed by one-way MANOVA, two-way MANOVA, and Structural Equation Modeling. The findings of this study are listed:1. As for explanatory style for good events, students with LD have the tendecncy towards internal, stable and specific attribution, and their explanatory style for bad events is more internal, unstable and specific. They can also perceive highly enhanced hope, peaceful hope, and resilience.2. Female students have higher pathway thinking than male students. Students who received direct special education service have higher personalization explanatory style for bad events than students received no services. Participants with optimistic explanatory style have higher agency thinking, pathway thinking, flexible adaptation, and persisting effort than the ones with the pessimistic explanatory style. Students with poor adaptation have higher pervasiveness explanatory style for bad events than students with good adaptation. Students with good adaptation have higher spirit willpower than students with poor adaptation.3. Students with LD have higher personalization explanatory style for good events, permanence explanatory style for good events, personalization explanatory style for bad events, pervasiveness explanatory style for bad events, agency thinking, and face challenges than regular students. Students without LD only have higher pervasiveness explanatory style for good events than the ones with LD.4. 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101資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095152514 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 余民寧 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Yu, Min Ning en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 吳秉叡 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Wu, Ping Ruey en_US dc.creator (作者) 吳秉叡 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Wu, Ping Ruey en_US dc.date (日期) 2012 en_US dc.date.accessioned 4-二月-2013 09:40:41 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 4-二月-2013 09:40:41 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-二月-2013 09:40:41 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0095152514 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/56918 - dc.description (描述) 博士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 教育研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 95152514 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 101 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨在探討解釋風格、希望感與復原力之關係,並進而驗證其理論模型。研究以臺灣地區417位國中學習障礙學生為對象,研究工具包括「青少年正向事件解釋風格量表」、「青少年負向事件解釋風格」、「青少年提升式希望感量表」、「青少年寧靜式希望感量表」與「青少年復原力量表」,並採用單因子多變量變異數分析、二因子多變量變異數分析與結構方程式模型進行研究假設之驗證。研究結果顯示:一、學習障礙學生的正向事件解釋風格傾向於內在化、穩定性與特定性歸因,負向事件解釋風格傾向於內在化、暫時性與特定性歸因,亦傾向於知覺到高度提升式希望感、寧靜式希望感與復原力。二、學習障礙女性學生在徑路思維希望上高於學習障礙男性學生;有接受特教服務學習障礙學生在負向事件個別性上高於沒有接受特教服務學習障礙學生;樂觀解釋風格學習障礙學生在意志思維希望、徑路思維希望、柔性順應希望與堅持努力希望上均高於悲觀解釋風格學習障礙學生;適應不佳學習障礙學生在負向事件普遍性上高於適應良好學習障礙學生;適應良好學習障礙學生在精神意念上高於適應不良學習障礙學生。三、學習障礙學生在正向事件個別性、正向事件恆久性、負向事件個別性、負向事件普遍性、意志思維希望與面對挑戰上高於普通學生;普通學生則在正向事件普遍性上高於學習障礙學生。四、以正向事件解釋風格、負向事件解釋風格為自變項,提升式希望感、寧靜式希望感為中介變項,復原力為依變項的「解釋風格、希望感與復原力模型」獲得支持。最後,研究者根據研究結果提出建議,以供未來研究參考。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The relationship among explanatory style, hope, and resilience variables was explored and discussed in this study. The Adolescent Explanatory Style for Good Events Inventory, the Adolescent Explanatory Style for Bad Events Inventory, the Adolescent Enhanced Hope Inventory, the Adolescent Peaceful Hope Inventory, and the Adolescent Resilience Inventory were used as measurement instruments. A total of 417 secondary school students with learning disabilities (LD) in Taiwan participated in this study and data were analyzed by one-way MANOVA, two-way MANOVA, and Structural Equation Modeling. The findings of this study are listed:1. As for explanatory style for good events, students with LD have the tendecncy towards internal, stable and specific attribution, and their explanatory style for bad events is more internal, unstable and specific. They can also perceive highly enhanced hope, peaceful hope, and resilience.2. Female students have higher pathway thinking than male students. Students who received direct special education service have higher personalization explanatory style for bad events than students received no services. Participants with optimistic explanatory style have higher agency thinking, pathway thinking, flexible adaptation, and persisting effort than the ones with the pessimistic explanatory style. Students with poor adaptation have higher pervasiveness explanatory style for bad events than students with good adaptation. Students with good adaptation have higher spirit willpower than students with poor adaptation.3. Students with LD have higher personalization explanatory style for good events, permanence explanatory style for good events, personalization explanatory style for bad events, pervasiveness explanatory style for bad events, agency thinking, and face challenges than regular students. Students without LD only have higher pervasiveness explanatory style for good events than the ones with LD.4. The results suppot the model in which explanatory style, hope and resilience, using explanatory style for good/bad served as independent variables whereas the resilience is the dependent variable. The enhanced hope and peachfule hope are the mediator variables.Suggestions are provided for further research. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機……………………………………… 1 第二節 研究目的與問題……………………………………… 5 第三節 名詞釋義……………………………………………… 6 第四節 研究範圍與限制……………………………………… 8第二章 文獻探討 第一節 學習障礙學生社會及情緒特質……………………… 11 第二節 解釋風格與希望感之關係…………………………… 19 第三節 解釋風格與復原力之關係…………………………… 31 第四節 希望感與復原力之關係……………………………… 41 第五節 解釋風格、希望感與復原力之關係………………… 46第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 研究架構……………………………………………… 59 第二節 研究假設……………………………………………… 60 第三節 研究對象……………………………………………… 61 第四節 研究工具……………………………………………… 63 第五節 實施程序……………………………………………… 77 第六節 資料處理與分析……………………………………… 78第四章 研究結果與討論 第一節 解釋風格、希望感與復原力之現況分析…………… 81 第二節 背景變項在學習障礙學生解釋風格、希望感與復原 力上之差異比較……………………………………… 88 第三節 學習障礙學生與普通學生解釋風格、希望感與復原 力上之差異比較……………………………………… 129 第四節 解釋風格、希望感與復原力之測量模型分析……… 139 第五節 正向事件解釋風格、提升式希望感與復原力之中介 結構模型關係………………………………………… 153 第六節 負向事件解釋風格、寧靜式希望感與復原力之中介 結構模型關係………………………………………… 163 第七節 解釋風格、希望感與復原力之結構模型驗證……… 173第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論…………………………………………………… 187 第二節 建議…………………………………………………… 190參考文獻 壹 中文部分……………………………………………… 195 貳 英文部分……………………………………………… 199附錄 附錄一 國中學生生活經驗問卷(預試版)………………… 224 附錄二 國中學生生活經驗問卷(正式版)………………… 230 zh_TW dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095152514 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 學習障礙學生 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 正向事件解釋風格 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 負向事件解釋風格 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 提升式希望感 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 寧靜式希望感 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 復原力 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) students with learning disabilities en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) explanatory style for good events en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) explanatory style for bad events en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) enhanced hope en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) peaceful hope en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) resilience en_US dc.title (題名) 學習障礙學生解釋風格、希望感與復原力之相關研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The relationship among explanatory style, hope, and resilience on students with learning disabilities en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 壹、中文部分王文科、王智弘(2009)。教育研究法(第十三版)。臺北市: 五南。王茹誼(2012)。國中學習障礙學生復原力對學校適應之影響(未出版之碩士論文)。國立彰化師範大學,彰化縣。王鍾和(2001)。父母如何幫助孩子因應挫折情境。學生輔導,76,82-87。任俊、葉浩生(2006)。當代積極心理學運動存在的幾個問題。心理科學進展,14(5),787-794。余民寧(2006)。潛在變項模式-SIMPLIS的應用。臺北市:高等教育。余民寧、鍾珮純、陳柏霖、許嘉家、趙珮晴(2011)。教師健康行為、評價性支持與憂鬱傾向之關係:以主觀幸福感為中介變項。健康促進與衛生教育學報,35,23-48。吳佩蒨(2003)。大學生早年家庭經驗、解釋風格與生活適應關係之研究(未出版之碩士論文)。國立高雄師範大學,高雄市。吳明純(2006)。堅毅特質、社會支持對家庭不利條件兒童適應之影響(未出版之碩士論文)。國立新竹教育大學,新竹市。吳秉叡(2009)。國中學習障礙學生心流經驗、樂觀感、幸福感與學校生活適應之研究。新竹縣教育研究集刊,9,69-108。吳香質(2005)。服務學習對低自我概念學生復原力建構之影響(未出版之碩士論文)。國立彰化師範大學,彰化縣。李政賢(譯)(2011)。正向心理學(原作者:S. 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