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題名 論朱震互體取象之說
On Zhu Zhen`s Theory of Obtaining Xiang through Huti
作者 陳伯适
Chen, Bo-Kuo
貢獻者 政大中文系
關鍵詞 朱震 ; 漢上易傳 ; 象數; 中爻 ; 互體
Zhu Zhen; Hanshang Yizhuan ; Xiang-Shu image-number ; Zhong-yao ; Huti
日期 2011-06
上傳時間 26-三月-2013 09:45:50 (UTC+8)
摘要 互體取象作為漢代易學的主流觀點,歷經魏晉的論戰與沈寂,到了南宋時期,朱震再一次將之推向高點。朱震以互體作為取象詮義的主要方法,也是這個時期大規模運用此法的第一人。互體之法除了作為朱震象數之說的主要方法,亦是其變易思想的具體作為。本文主要探討朱震互體取象之法,從互體之用在於取象,以及以傳統《易傳》之說,確定互體運用的合理性,進而說明朱震運用互體之法的必要性。同時也從三爻互體之法、別卦互體之法、非本卦互體取象之法,以及半象的另類互體取象等方面,詳要論述朱震互體取象的具體內容。
     Obtaining Xiang through Huti was the mainstream perspective in Yixue in Han Dynasty and declined in Wei-Jin Dynasties after a series of debates among Yi philosophers. However, thanks to Zhu Zhen, it made a comeback and reached its peak in Southern Song. Zhu used Huti as the main method to obtain Xiang and explain the meaning of Yi, and was the first to use the method extensively. Besides, the concept of obtaining Xiang through Huti is the main realization and practice of Zhu`s thoughts on Yi. The present study aims to explore Zhu`s theory of obtaining Xiang through Huti, to verify its reasonability from Huti and traditional Yizhuan theory, and to further confirm the necessity of Zhu`s application of Huti. Meanwhile, the study will provide a detailed description and analysis of Zhu`s theory of obtaining Xiang through Huti in terms of the following aspects: three-Yao-Huti, Bie-gua-Huti, non-ben-gua-Huti and unconventional half-Xaing Huti.
關聯 彰化師大國文學誌, 22, 397-432
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 政大中文系en
dc.creator (作者) 陳伯适zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Bo-Kuoen
dc.date (日期) 2011-06-
dc.date.accessioned 26-三月-2013 09:45:50 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 26-三月-2013 09:45:50 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 26-三月-2013 09:45:50 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/57322-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 互體取象作為漢代易學的主流觀點,歷經魏晉的論戰與沈寂,到了南宋時期,朱震再一次將之推向高點。朱震以互體作為取象詮義的主要方法,也是這個時期大規模運用此法的第一人。互體之法除了作為朱震象數之說的主要方法,亦是其變易思想的具體作為。本文主要探討朱震互體取象之法,從互體之用在於取象,以及以傳統《易傳》之說,確定互體運用的合理性,進而說明朱震運用互體之法的必要性。同時也從三爻互體之法、別卦互體之法、非本卦互體取象之法,以及半象的另類互體取象等方面,詳要論述朱震互體取象的具體內容。
     Obtaining Xiang through Huti was the mainstream perspective in Yixue in Han Dynasty and declined in Wei-Jin Dynasties after a series of debates among Yi philosophers. However, thanks to Zhu Zhen, it made a comeback and reached its peak in Southern Song. Zhu used Huti as the main method to obtain Xiang and explain the meaning of Yi, and was the first to use the method extensively. Besides, the concept of obtaining Xiang through Huti is the main realization and practice of Zhu`s thoughts on Yi. The present study aims to explore Zhu`s theory of obtaining Xiang through Huti, to verify its reasonability from Huti and traditional Yizhuan theory, and to further confirm the necessity of Zhu`s application of Huti. Meanwhile, the study will provide a detailed description and analysis of Zhu`s theory of obtaining Xiang through Huti in terms of the following aspects: three-Yao-Huti, Bie-gua-Huti, non-ben-gua-Huti and unconventional half-Xaing Huti.
dc.format.extent 6243039 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language zh_TWen
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 彰化師大國文學誌, 22, 397-432en
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 朱震 ; 漢上易傳 ; 象數; 中爻 ; 互體en
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Zhu Zhen; Hanshang Yizhuan ; Xiang-Shu image-number ; Zhong-yao ; Hutien
dc.title (題名) 論朱震互體取象之說zh_TW
dc.title (題名) On Zhu Zhen`s Theory of Obtaining Xiang through Hutien
dc.type (資料類型) articleen