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題名 張浚《紫巖易傳》的重要象數詮義觀點
On Xiang-Shu in Zhang Jun`s Ziyan Yi Zhuang
作者 陳伯适
Chen, Bo-Kuo
貢獻者 政大中文系
關鍵詞 張浚; 紫巖易傳 ; 義理; 象數 ; 爻位
Zhang Jun ; Ziyan Yi Zhuang ; Yili Principle Study ; Xiang-Shu image-number ; yao-wei
日期 2010-06
上傳時間 26-三月-2013 10:22:55 (UTC+8)
摘要 張浚為南宋初期的重要易學家,深受本宋以來的理學思想與伊洛、蜀中易學家之影響,其著《紫巖易傳》,立言醇粹,雖根柢象數,述論陰陽動靜之說,皆在於義理思想的闡發,為南宋繼朱震之後,以象數與義理兼綜的重要易學家;寓象數與義理,詮解經傳思想,並對其後朱熹與張栻易學產生極大的影響。本文主要針對張浚易學的象數之說進行探述,瞭解其折衷象數與義理之學下,在那個義理極盛的時代,表現出獨特且具有象數數代表性格的易學主張,能夠作為那個時期的象數代表,其象數觀點的實質內涵,乃至其象數觀點所傳達出的義理詮釋功能與可能思想。綜理其象數內涵,主要從闡明義理必待象數的詮義路徑,以瞭解「象數」在其易學體系中的地位;同時進一步探討其象數主張中卦象與互體的以象釋義之取向、爻位的詮義之說、中位觀、以「數」為本的重要思想,藉以瞭解其象數觀點的實質面貌,以及如何透過象數的觀點來表達其義理內涵,並對其易學定位有更為具體的認識。
     Zhang Jun is an important Yi philosopher in early Southern Song Dynasty, inspired by Yi philosophers such as Yi Luo and Shu Zhong in Northern Song. Zhang`s Ziyan Yi Zhuang, based on Xiang-shu (image-number), elaborating on the relationship between Yin and Yang, and between motion and stillness, focused mainly on the development of his theories on Yili and greatly influenced his followers such as Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi. The present study aims to analyze the content of Zhang Jun`s unique Xiang-Shu theory and his interpretation of Yi from the perspective of Xiang-Shu, and discuss the importance of Xiang-Shu in his Yi theory.
關聯 彰化師大國文學誌, 20, 139-178
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 政大中文系en
dc.creator (作者) 陳伯适zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Bo-Kuoen
dc.date (日期) 2010-06-
dc.date.accessioned 26-三月-2013 10:22:55 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 26-三月-2013 10:22:55 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 26-三月-2013 10:22:55 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/57324-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 張浚為南宋初期的重要易學家,深受本宋以來的理學思想與伊洛、蜀中易學家之影響,其著《紫巖易傳》,立言醇粹,雖根柢象數,述論陰陽動靜之說,皆在於義理思想的闡發,為南宋繼朱震之後,以象數與義理兼綜的重要易學家;寓象數與義理,詮解經傳思想,並對其後朱熹與張栻易學產生極大的影響。本文主要針對張浚易學的象數之說進行探述,瞭解其折衷象數與義理之學下,在那個義理極盛的時代,表現出獨特且具有象數數代表性格的易學主張,能夠作為那個時期的象數代表,其象數觀點的實質內涵,乃至其象數觀點所傳達出的義理詮釋功能與可能思想。綜理其象數內涵,主要從闡明義理必待象數的詮義路徑,以瞭解「象數」在其易學體系中的地位;同時進一步探討其象數主張中卦象與互體的以象釋義之取向、爻位的詮義之說、中位觀、以「數」為本的重要思想,藉以瞭解其象數觀點的實質面貌,以及如何透過象數的觀點來表達其義理內涵,並對其易學定位有更為具體的認識。
     Zhang Jun is an important Yi philosopher in early Southern Song Dynasty, inspired by Yi philosophers such as Yi Luo and Shu Zhong in Northern Song. Zhang`s Ziyan Yi Zhuang, based on Xiang-shu (image-number), elaborating on the relationship between Yin and Yang, and between motion and stillness, focused mainly on the development of his theories on Yili and greatly influenced his followers such as Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi. The present study aims to analyze the content of Zhang Jun`s unique Xiang-Shu theory and his interpretation of Yi from the perspective of Xiang-Shu, and discuss the importance of Xiang-Shu in his Yi theory.
dc.format.extent 4446192 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language zh_TWen
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 彰化師大國文學誌, 20, 139-178en
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 張浚; 紫巖易傳 ; 義理; 象數 ; 爻位en
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Zhang Jun ; Ziyan Yi Zhuang ; Yili Principle Study ; Xiang-Shu image-number ; yao-weien
dc.title (題名) 張浚《紫巖易傳》的重要象數詮義觀點zh_TW
dc.title (題名) On Xiang-Shu in Zhang Jun`s Ziyan Yi Zhuangen
dc.type (資料類型) articleen