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題名 量詞與分類詞:教學的反思與建議
Measure words and classifiers: Introspective viewpoints and suggestions in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
作者 陳羿如
Chen, Yi Ju
貢獻者 何萬順
Her, One Soon
Chen, Yi Ju
關鍵詞 量詞
Mandarin measure words
Mandarin classifiers
Teaching Chinese as a second language
日期 2012
上傳時間 1-四月-2013 14:38:35 (UTC+8)
摘要 因漢語的分類詞不同於量詞(Chao 1968,Tai and Wang 1990,Cheng and Sybesma 1999, Liang 2006,Her and Hsieh 2010,賴宛君2011),本研究認為兩者應採用各別的教學策略並提供漢語分類詞的教學建議。分類詞能夠彰顯所搭配名詞的本質特徵,也就是與名詞之間有意義上的關聯,並且其數學意義為「1」;量詞表示數量概念,因此能與多數名詞搭配,其數學意義為「1」以外的其他數字。(Liang 2006,Her and Hsieh 2010,賴宛君2011)
本研究發現漢語分類詞數量遠少於量詞,而這也是因為漢語分類詞只能與特定名詞搭配以彰顯該名詞的本質特質。(Her and Hsieh 2010,賴宛君2011)本研究提出以下兩項成果:第一,根據抽象程度、作用範圍、使用頻率三項指標,將61個常用分類詞進行排序,排出初、中、高三個學習階段應該學會的分類詞,並依照此教學排序,檢視《新版實用視聽華語》、翰林版國小國語課本中的分類詞教學排序。檢視結果發現,此兩套教材並未按照抽象程度、作用範圍、使用頻率三項指標依序編入分類詞,也未說明分類詞的編寫順序;此外,《新版實用視聽華語》對於分類詞的語意特徵也缺乏系統性的說明。
Previous studies ( e.g., Chao 1968, Tai and Wang 1990, Cheng and Sybesma 1999, Liang 2006, Her and Hsieh 2010, Lai 2011) contend that Mandarin classifiers are different from Mandarin measure words. We thereby contend that the strategies about teaching classifiers or measure words should be differentiated and this study aims at providing some teaching suggestions regarding Chinese classifiers. Chinese classifiers can profile the essential features of nouns, and this means there is a restricted meaning relationship between Chinese classifiers and their collocating nouns. But Chinese measure words offer quantity meaning to nouns and can collocate with most nouns. From the perspective of math, Chinese classifiers are equal to number “1”, while Chinese measure words express measure concepts other than “1”. (Liang 2006, Her and Hsieh 2010, Lai 2011)
On the basis of these theoretical studies, this thesis re-examines three representative studies about teaching Mandarin measure words and Chinese classifiers (Wang 1947, 1987; Lu 2007; He 2008) and a text book, Practical Audio-Visual Chinese. We found that those studies and the text book didn’t differentiate Mandarin Chinese classifiers from measure words. There are 33 classifiers among Wang’s 41 measure words; 53 classifiers among Lu’ 140 measure words; 71 classifiers among He’s 117 measure words . As for in Practical Audio-Visual Chinese , there are 46 classifiers among their 117 measure words.
This study finds that Mandarin classifiers are much fewer than Mandarin measure words. And this is because Mandarin classifiers can only collocate with certain groups of nouns and thus highlight the essential features of the nouns ( Her and Hsieh 2010, Lai 2011). This thesis displays two contributions. First, we present the teaching order according to three norms:the degree of abstract, the range of meaning, and the frequency of using. This teaching order is about 61 commonly-used Mandarin classifiers.We found that the elementary school Chinese text books and Practical Audio-Visual Chinese don’t arrange their classifiers according to these norms nor do they according to any logic norms.Besides, Practical Audio-Visual Chinese don’t explain the semantic feature of classifiers in a systemic way.
Second, we present suggestions about teaching classifiers to students of different Mandarin proficiency on the basis of our teaching order.
參考文獻 丁聲樹(1961/1979)現代漢語語法講話。北京市:商務印書館。
王力(1947/2002) 中國現代語法。香港:中華
何杰(2008) 現代漢語量詞研究增編版。北京市:北京語言大學出版社。
呂淑湘(1952/2008) 語法學習。香港:三聯書店。原出版社:復旦大學出版社
呂淑湘(1947/1975) 中國文法要略。台北市:文史哲出版社。
呂叔湘(1999) 現代漢語八百詞。北京市:商務印書館。
呂文華(1994/1999第二刷) 對外漢語教學語法探索。北京市:語文出版社。
黎錦熙(1925) 新著國語文法。上海市:商務印書館。
劉月華(1996/2007) 實用現代漢語語法。台北市:師大書苑。
國家對外漢語教學領導小組辦公室與漢語水平考試部(1996/1998第二刷) 漢語水平等級標準與語法等級大綱。北京市:高等教育出版社。
藤小春(2010)。漢語名詞的性質和數量詞使用的關係。華語文教學研究。Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 25-38.
田意民、曾志朗、洪蘭(2002)漢語分類詞的語意與認知基礎:功能語法觀點。語言暨語言學。Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 101-1.2.

Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald (2000)Classifiers : a typology of noun categorization devices. New York : Oxford University Press.
Allan Keith.(1977)Classifier.Language 53:285-311.
Au Yeung, Wai Hoo Ben.(2005)An Interface Program for Parameterization of Classifiers in Chinese. PhD. Dissertation, Hong Kong University.
Borer, Hagit.(2005)Structuring Sense, Vol. 1:In Name Only. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chao, Y. R.(1968) A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. Berkeley: University of Calofornia Press.
Cheng , Lisa L. and Sysbesma, Rint. (1998)Yi-wan Tang, Yi-ge Tang: Classified and Massifiers. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, New Series 28.3:385-412.
Cheng , Lisa L. and Sysbesma, Rint. (1999) Bare and not-so-bare Nouns and the Structure of NP. Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 30.(No. 4), pp. 509-542.
Dekeyser, Robert M.(1995)Learning Second Language Grammar Rules.SSLA , Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 379-410.
Dekeyser, Robert M.(1998/ 2005)Beyond focus on form. Focus on Form in classroom second language acquisition.(The Cambridge applied linguistics series). New York: Cambridge University Press.(1998) , 6th printing (2005).
Doughty, C. and Williams, J.(1998)Pedagogical choices in focus on form. Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition.(pp. 197-262.)Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ellis, Rod. (2001). Introduction: investigating form-focused instruction, Language Learning, Vol. 51(Supp. 1), pp. 1-46.
Erbaugh, Mary S.(1986). Taking stock: The development of Chinese noun classifiers historically and in young children. Noun Classes and Categorization, ed. By Colette Craig,pp. 399-436. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Fillmore, Charles.(1975)Fram Semantics, in Linguistic Society of Korea. Linguistics in the Morning Calm, ed. by Linguistic Society of Korea: 111-137. Seoul:Hanshin Publishing.
Gao, M, Y. And Malt, B.(2009). Mental representation and cognitive consequences of Chinese individual classifiers, Language and Cognitive Processes, Vol. 24 (No. 7-8), 1124-1179.
Her, One-Soon . & Hsieh, Chen-Tien. (2010). On the semantic distinction between classifiers and measure words in Chinese, Language and Linguistics, Vol. 11 (No. 3), pp.527-551.
Her, One-Soon. ( to appear). Distinguishing Classifiers and Measure Words: a Mathematical Perspective and Implications. Lingua.
Hu, Qian.(1993) The Acquisition of Chinese Classifiers by Young Mandarin-speaking Children. Ph.D. Dissertation, Boston University.
Jiang, Song-Jiang.(2010)Chinese Classifier Acquisition: Comparoson of L1 Child and L2 Adult Development. The University of Montana Missoula, MT.
Landman, Fred.(2004)Indefinites and the Type of Sets. Malden: Blackwell.
Liang ,Yu-Chang. (2006). Nominal Phrases in English and Japanese Speakers’ L2 Mandarin Grammars. Cambridge University Dissertation, Cambridge.
Langacker, Ronald W. (1987). Foundations of cognitive Grammar, Vol. I: Theoretical Prerequisites, Standford University Press, California.
Liang, Szu-Yen. (2009)..The Acquisition of Chinese Nominal Classifiers by L2 Adult Learners. Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Texas at Arlington.
Myers, James. (2000).. Rules vs. Analogy in Mandarin classifier selection. Language and Linguistics 1.2: 187-209.
Mitchell, R and Myles, F.(2004). Second language acquisition theories. Great Briton: Hodder Arnold.
Shi, Yuzhi & Li, Charles N.(2002)The establishment of the classifier system and the grammaticalization of the morphosyntactic particle de in Chinese. Language Science 24 (1): 1-15.
Tai, James H-Y & Wang, Lianqin. (1990). A semantic study of the classifier tiao (條), Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Vol. 25, pp. 35-56.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098161006
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 何萬順zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Her, One Soonen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 陳羿如zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Chen, Yi Juen_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳羿如zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Yi Juen_US
dc.date (日期) 2012en_US
dc.date.accessioned 1-四月-2013 14:38:35 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 1-四月-2013 14:38:35 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-四月-2013 14:38:35 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0098161006en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/57574-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 華語文教學碩士學位學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98161006zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 101zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 因漢語的分類詞不同於量詞(Chao 1968,Tai and Wang 1990,Cheng and Sybesma 1999, Liang 2006,Her and Hsieh 2010,賴宛君2011),本研究認為兩者應採用各別的教學策略並提供漢語分類詞的教學建議。分類詞能夠彰顯所搭配名詞的本質特徵,也就是與名詞之間有意義上的關聯,並且其數學意義為「1」;量詞表示數量概念,因此能與多數名詞搭配,其數學意義為「1」以外的其他數字。(Liang 2006,Her and Hsieh 2010,賴宛君2011)
本研究發現漢語分類詞數量遠少於量詞,而這也是因為漢語分類詞只能與特定名詞搭配以彰顯該名詞的本質特質。(Her and Hsieh 2010,賴宛君2011)本研究提出以下兩項成果:第一,根據抽象程度、作用範圍、使用頻率三項指標,將61個常用分類詞進行排序,排出初、中、高三個學習階段應該學會的分類詞,並依照此教學排序,檢視《新版實用視聽華語》、翰林版國小國語課本中的分類詞教學排序。檢視結果發現,此兩套教材並未按照抽象程度、作用範圍、使用頻率三項指標依序編入分類詞,也未說明分類詞的編寫順序;此外,《新版實用視聽華語》對於分類詞的語意特徵也缺乏系統性的說明。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Previous studies ( e.g., Chao 1968, Tai and Wang 1990, Cheng and Sybesma 1999, Liang 2006, Her and Hsieh 2010, Lai 2011) contend that Mandarin classifiers are different from Mandarin measure words. We thereby contend that the strategies about teaching classifiers or measure words should be differentiated and this study aims at providing some teaching suggestions regarding Chinese classifiers. Chinese classifiers can profile the essential features of nouns, and this means there is a restricted meaning relationship between Chinese classifiers and their collocating nouns. But Chinese measure words offer quantity meaning to nouns and can collocate with most nouns. From the perspective of math, Chinese classifiers are equal to number “1”, while Chinese measure words express measure concepts other than “1”. (Liang 2006, Her and Hsieh 2010, Lai 2011)
On the basis of these theoretical studies, this thesis re-examines three representative studies about teaching Mandarin measure words and Chinese classifiers (Wang 1947, 1987; Lu 2007; He 2008) and a text book, Practical Audio-Visual Chinese. We found that those studies and the text book didn’t differentiate Mandarin Chinese classifiers from measure words. There are 33 classifiers among Wang’s 41 measure words; 53 classifiers among Lu’ 140 measure words; 71 classifiers among He’s 117 measure words . As for in Practical Audio-Visual Chinese , there are 46 classifiers among their 117 measure words.
This study finds that Mandarin classifiers are much fewer than Mandarin measure words. And this is because Mandarin classifiers can only collocate with certain groups of nouns and thus highlight the essential features of the nouns ( Her and Hsieh 2010, Lai 2011). This thesis displays two contributions. First, we present the teaching order according to three norms:the degree of abstract, the range of meaning, and the frequency of using. This teaching order is about 61 commonly-used Mandarin classifiers.We found that the elementary school Chinese text books and Practical Audio-Visual Chinese don’t arrange their classifiers according to these norms nor do they according to any logic norms.Besides, Practical Audio-Visual Chinese don’t explain the semantic feature of classifiers in a systemic way.
Second, we present suggestions about teaching classifiers to students of different Mandarin proficiency on the basis of our teaching order.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 10
1.1 研究動機 11
1.2 研究目的 12
第二章 文獻探討 14
2.1漢語語言學界的量詞發展沿革 14
2.1.1「量詞」名稱沿革 14黎錦熙(1924) 14呂淑湘(1947/1975) 15王力(1947/2002) 15丁聲樹(1979):獨立詞類 15「量詞」術語確定 15
2.2漢語語言學家對於量詞的分類 17
2.2.1王力 17
2.2.2呂叔湘 21
2.2.3何杰 23
2.2.4評論 24
2.3西方語言學界探討量詞與分類詞之沿革 25
2.3.1 count-classifers versus mass-classifiers 26
2.3.2 Sortal classifiers versus mensural classifiers 27
2.3.3 Tai and Wang(1990) 28
2.3.4 田意民、曾志朗、洪蘭(2002) 29
2.3.5 區分量詞/分類詞之測試 30
2.3.6 評論 31
2.4成人分類詞的習得 31
2.4.1語意特徵影響難度 31認知歷程與學習策略 32
2.4.2學習者的使用偏誤 34張婷(2005) 34宋帆(2008) 35蔡愷瑜(2010) 35
2.4.3評論 38
2.5.1“Form”的定義 38
2.5.2顯性與隱性 39
2.5.3技能習得理論(skill acquisition theory) 40
2.5.4「練習(practice)」在第二語言習得上的研究 41溝通取向操練(Communicative drills) 41「注意力假設」與「資訊處理理論」 42
2.5.5“FFI”的三大分類 42
2.5.6評論 45
2.6 結語 45
第三章 理論架構 47
3.1語意層面 47
3.1.1形容詞置入測試 47
3.1.2「的」置入測試 48
3.1.3亞里斯多德與康德 49本質特徵與偶然特徵 49分析命題與綜合命題 50
3.2數學層面 51
3.2.1量詞/分類詞=divider(分配機制) 51
3.2.2量詞/分類詞=乘法 51
3.2.3分類詞=1,量詞=「1以外其他任何數」 52
3.3句法層面 53
3.3.1可數名詞與不可數名詞 54
3.3.2古漢語 54
3.4分類詞的顯影機制 55
3.4.1顯影(profiling)與名物框架(N-fram) 55
3.4.2分類詞的語意範疇(semantic domain) 57
3.4.3「個」語意的再確認 57
3.4.4語意範疇的排序 58
3.5結語 59
第四章 資料分析 60
4.1賴宛君(2011)的區分結果 60
4.2重新區分漢語學家認定的量詞 64
4.2.1 王力(1947/1987) 64
4.2.2 呂淑湘(2007) 65
4.2.3 何杰(2008) 69
4.3 重新區分《新版實用視聽華語》的量詞 70
4.4結語 71
第五章 教學建議 73
5.1分類詞的分級與教學排序 73
5.1.1分級原則 73
5.1.2 本研究教學排序對照《新版實用視聽華語》、翰林版國小國語教科書 87《新版實用視聽華語》 87翰林版國小國語課本 89
5.2教學設計與建議 93
5.2.1初級 93分類詞的顯影機制 94「個」的特殊地位 106初級教案 108初級教學建議:第一型與第二型FFI 114
5.2.2中級 114中級教案 120中級教學建議:第一型與第二型FFI 127
5.2.3高級 128語意範疇階層的教學 131
5.3 結論 136
第六章 結語 138
6.1研究總結 138
6.2未來的研究建議 140
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098161006en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 量詞zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 分類詞zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 對外華語教學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mandarin measure wordsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mandarin classifiersen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Teaching Chinese as a second languageen_US
dc.title (題名) 量詞與分類詞:教學的反思與建議zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Measure words and classifiers: Introspective viewpoints and suggestions in Teaching Chinese as a Second Languageen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 丁聲樹(1961/1979)現代漢語語法講話。北京市:商務印書館。
王力(1947/2002) 中國現代語法。香港:中華
何杰(2008) 現代漢語量詞研究增編版。北京市:北京語言大學出版社。
呂淑湘(1952/2008) 語法學習。香港:三聯書店。原出版社:復旦大學出版社
呂淑湘(1947/1975) 中國文法要略。台北市:文史哲出版社。
呂叔湘(1999) 現代漢語八百詞。北京市:商務印書館。
呂文華(1994/1999第二刷) 對外漢語教學語法探索。北京市:語文出版社。
黎錦熙(1925) 新著國語文法。上海市:商務印書館。
劉月華(1996/2007) 實用現代漢語語法。台北市:師大書苑。
國家對外漢語教學領導小組辦公室與漢語水平考試部(1996/1998第二刷) 漢語水平等級標準與語法等級大綱。北京市:高等教育出版社。
藤小春(2010)。漢語名詞的性質和數量詞使用的關係。華語文教學研究。Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 25-38.
田意民、曾志朗、洪蘭(2002)漢語分類詞的語意與認知基礎:功能語法觀點。語言暨語言學。Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 101-1.2.

Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald (2000)Classifiers : a typology of noun categorization devices. New York : Oxford University Press.
Allan Keith.(1977)Classifier.Language 53:285-311.
Au Yeung, Wai Hoo Ben.(2005)An Interface Program for Parameterization of Classifiers in Chinese. PhD. Dissertation, Hong Kong University.
Borer, Hagit.(2005)Structuring Sense, Vol. 1:In Name Only. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chao, Y. R.(1968) A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. Berkeley: University of Calofornia Press.
Cheng , Lisa L. and Sysbesma, Rint. (1998)Yi-wan Tang, Yi-ge Tang: Classified and Massifiers. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, New Series 28.3:385-412.
Cheng , Lisa L. and Sysbesma, Rint. (1999) Bare and not-so-bare Nouns and the Structure of NP. Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 30.(No. 4), pp. 509-542.
Dekeyser, Robert M.(1995)Learning Second Language Grammar Rules.SSLA , Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 379-410.
Dekeyser, Robert M.(1998/ 2005)Beyond focus on form. Focus on Form in classroom second language acquisition.(The Cambridge applied linguistics series). New York: Cambridge University Press.(1998) , 6th printing (2005).
Doughty, C. and Williams, J.(1998)Pedagogical choices in focus on form. Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition.(pp. 197-262.)Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ellis, Rod. (2001). Introduction: investigating form-focused instruction, Language Learning, Vol. 51(Supp. 1), pp. 1-46.
Erbaugh, Mary S.(1986). Taking stock: The development of Chinese noun classifiers historically and in young children. Noun Classes and Categorization, ed. By Colette Craig,pp. 399-436. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Fillmore, Charles.(1975)Fram Semantics, in Linguistic Society of Korea. Linguistics in the Morning Calm, ed. by Linguistic Society of Korea: 111-137. Seoul:Hanshin Publishing.
Gao, M, Y. And Malt, B.(2009). Mental representation and cognitive consequences of Chinese individual classifiers, Language and Cognitive Processes, Vol. 24 (No. 7-8), 1124-1179.
Her, One-Soon . & Hsieh, Chen-Tien. (2010). On the semantic distinction between classifiers and measure words in Chinese, Language and Linguistics, Vol. 11 (No. 3), pp.527-551.
Her, One-Soon. ( to appear). Distinguishing Classifiers and Measure Words: a Mathematical Perspective and Implications. Lingua.
Hu, Qian.(1993) The Acquisition of Chinese Classifiers by Young Mandarin-speaking Children. Ph.D. Dissertation, Boston University.
Jiang, Song-Jiang.(2010)Chinese Classifier Acquisition: Comparoson of L1 Child and L2 Adult Development. The University of Montana Missoula, MT.
Landman, Fred.(2004)Indefinites and the Type of Sets. Malden: Blackwell.
Liang ,Yu-Chang. (2006). Nominal Phrases in English and Japanese Speakers’ L2 Mandarin Grammars. Cambridge University Dissertation, Cambridge.
Langacker, Ronald W. (1987). Foundations of cognitive Grammar, Vol. I: Theoretical Prerequisites, Standford University Press, California.
Liang, Szu-Yen. (2009)..The Acquisition of Chinese Nominal Classifiers by L2 Adult Learners. Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Texas at Arlington.
Myers, James. (2000).. Rules vs. Analogy in Mandarin classifier selection. Language and Linguistics 1.2: 187-209.
Mitchell, R and Myles, F.(2004). Second language acquisition theories. Great Briton: Hodder Arnold.
Shi, Yuzhi & Li, Charles N.(2002)The establishment of the classifier system and the grammaticalization of the morphosyntactic particle de in Chinese. Language Science 24 (1): 1-15.
Tai, James H-Y & Wang, Lianqin. (1990). A semantic study of the classifier tiao (條), Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Vol. 25, pp. 35-56.