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題名 日治時期日本百貨公司在台灣的發展:以出張販賣為中心
The Development of the Japanese Department Stores in Taiwan under Japan Colonial Rule: Centering on Travelling Sales
作者 李衣雲
Lee, I-Yun
貢獻者 政大台史所
關鍵詞 日治時期;百貨公司;出張販賣
Japan Colonial Rule;Department store;Traveling sale
日期 2010-05
上傳時間 18-Apr-2013 15:26:56 (UTC+8)
摘要 本論文主要在探究日治時期的日本百貨公司在台灣的出張販賣-帶著商品到店鋪以外的地方販賣。十九世紀,歐美各地百貨公司紛紛興起,成為近代化文明的重要表現場域。日本在積極倣效歐美的同時,也將百貨公司的經營方式引進了國內,許多古老的吳服店學習歐美百貨公司的陳列展示法、現金交易、櫥窗等方式,轉型為百貨公司,隨著競爭的激烈與關東大地震的影響,爭取客源成為重要的方針,於是具有出清庫存與宣傳店鋪品牌作用的出張販賣,逐漸成為二十世紀初的日本百貨公司的重要經營項目,殖民地也是發展的目標。當時,台灣的鐵路設備逐漸完整,電力等基礎建設亦開始發展,都市化逐漸形成,於是成為日本的百貨公司的重要對象。從1908年開始,日本的百貨公司每年均會來台灣進行數次的出張販賣。然而,日本的百貨公司主要仍是以內地人作為目標消費群,並未積極開發本島人的客源,直至終戰均未在台灣設置分店。1932年開始,由於日本本國內部的零售業對百貨公司的抗議日漸激烈,日本政府與百貨公司代表多次協商,協議停止出張販賣,1937年訂定「百貨公司法」,禁止百貨公司進行出張販賣。日治時期的日本百貨店於台灣的出張販賣,也停止於1930年代。
     This paper is research the traveling sales of the Japanese department stores to Taiwan under Japan colonial rule. In the 19(superscript th) century, the department stores appeared in Europe and the United States, and became the important field of exhibition. At that moment, Japan was actively following the models of Europe and the United States. Lots of the old Japanese mercers learned the business technique from the western department stores, such as display, cash transactions, show windows, and turn themselves into the department stores. Because of the intensified competition and the affection of the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, attracting customers became the important course. The colonies were the targets, too. In Taiwan at that time, the railroad was built, the foundation work developed, and the urbanization started. Thus, the Japanese department stores considered Taiwan as an impartment target and held traveling sales several times a year. However, the Japanese department stores only regarded the inlanders to be the target consumers while did not place a special emphasis on the Taiwanese. The Japanese department stores did not establish any branch in Taiwan during the colonial period. From 1932, the protest movement of the retailer against the department stores in Japan has been volatile. The Japan government negotiated with the delegates of the department stores several times. One goal of the negotiation was stopping the traveling sales. In the 1937, the law for the department stores was enacted and the traveling sales were prohibited. The traveling sales to Taiwan of the Japanese department stores stopped in the 1930`s.
關聯 國立政治大學歷史學報, 33, 155-200
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 政大台史所en
dc.creator (作者) 李衣雲zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lee, I-Yunen (日期) 2010-05- 18-Apr-2013 15:26:56 (UTC+8)- 18-Apr-2013 15:26:56 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-Apr-2013 15:26:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本論文主要在探究日治時期的日本百貨公司在台灣的出張販賣-帶著商品到店鋪以外的地方販賣。十九世紀,歐美各地百貨公司紛紛興起,成為近代化文明的重要表現場域。日本在積極倣效歐美的同時,也將百貨公司的經營方式引進了國內,許多古老的吳服店學習歐美百貨公司的陳列展示法、現金交易、櫥窗等方式,轉型為百貨公司,隨著競爭的激烈與關東大地震的影響,爭取客源成為重要的方針,於是具有出清庫存與宣傳店鋪品牌作用的出張販賣,逐漸成為二十世紀初的日本百貨公司的重要經營項目,殖民地也是發展的目標。當時,台灣的鐵路設備逐漸完整,電力等基礎建設亦開始發展,都市化逐漸形成,於是成為日本的百貨公司的重要對象。從1908年開始,日本的百貨公司每年均會來台灣進行數次的出張販賣。然而,日本的百貨公司主要仍是以內地人作為目標消費群,並未積極開發本島人的客源,直至終戰均未在台灣設置分店。1932年開始,由於日本本國內部的零售業對百貨公司的抗議日漸激烈,日本政府與百貨公司代表多次協商,協議停止出張販賣,1937年訂定「百貨公司法」,禁止百貨公司進行出張販賣。日治時期的日本百貨店於台灣的出張販賣,也停止於1930年代。
     This paper is research the traveling sales of the Japanese department stores to Taiwan under Japan colonial rule. In the 19(superscript th) century, the department stores appeared in Europe and the United States, and became the important field of exhibition. At that moment, Japan was actively following the models of Europe and the United States. Lots of the old Japanese mercers learned the business technique from the western department stores, such as display, cash transactions, show windows, and turn themselves into the department stores. Because of the intensified competition and the affection of the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, attracting customers became the important course. The colonies were the targets, too. In Taiwan at that time, the railroad was built, the foundation work developed, and the urbanization started. Thus, the Japanese department stores considered Taiwan as an impartment target and held traveling sales several times a year. However, the Japanese department stores only regarded the inlanders to be the target consumers while did not place a special emphasis on the Taiwanese. The Japanese department stores did not establish any branch in Taiwan during the colonial period. From 1932, the protest movement of the retailer against the department stores in Japan has been volatile. The Japan government negotiated with the delegates of the department stores several times. One goal of the negotiation was stopping the traveling sales. In the 1937, the law for the department stores was enacted and the traveling sales were prohibited. The traveling sales to Taiwan of the Japanese department stores stopped in the 1930`s.
dc.format.extent 835598 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language zh_TWen
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 國立政治大學歷史學報, 33, 155-200en
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 日治時期;百貨公司;出張販賣en
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Japan Colonial Rule;Department store;Traveling saleen
dc.title (題名) 日治時期日本百貨公司在台灣的發展:以出張販賣為中心zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Development of the Japanese Department Stores in Taiwan under Japan Colonial Rule: Centering on Travelling Salesen
dc.type (資料類型) articleen