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題名 服務業聯合品牌策略與聯合品牌服務成效對於品牌權益影響之研究
A study of the influence of service brand equity from co-branding strategies and service performance of the co-brand
作者 彭書婷
Peng, Shu-Ting
貢獻者 李嘉林
Lee, Chia-Lin
Peng, Shu-Ting
關鍵詞 聯合品牌
spill-over effect
service failure
brand equity
日期 2012
上傳時間 1-七月-2013 17:55:13 (UTC+8)
摘要   近年來,企業開始利用聯合品牌策略、以合作的方式有效提升自身的品牌權益;學術界亦有許多關於聯合品牌的研究,但多專注於產品導向品牌應用該策略的效益,少有以服務導向的聯合品牌為研究對象。本研究從消費者的觀點探討服務業進行聯合品牌策略時,其本身與合作夥伴不同層級的品牌權益組合與聯合品牌服務成效對於企業本身、合作夥伴以及聯合品牌品牌權益的影響。
  本研究透過4 x 2準實驗設計的方式進行假說驗證。首先,透過前測篩選出消費者心中最熟悉且兩者之間適配度最高的雞排店與手搖飲料店做為研究情境的素材;進一步操弄四種品牌權益組合(高高、高低、低高與低低)以及聯合品牌的服務成效(成功與失敗),形成八種實驗問卷,共回收257份有效樣本;最後以配對樣本T檢定以及雙因子變異數分析做為研究方法進行資料分析,本研究的研究結果證實:
  Recently, the companies start utilizing the co-branding strategy to efficiently enhance their brand equity. This concept also appear on the academic paper, which focus on most product-intention brands but seldom service-intention ones. This research is to clarify the effects of brand equity mixes and service effects to the mother brands and the co-brand after the co-branding strategy in the aspect of consumers.
This research examines the hyposises by 4 x 2 quasi-experiment design. First, after executing the pre-test, this research picked fried-chicken and soft drink stores as the matirials of experiment situation. Then, this research designed 8 versions of questionnaire to manipute 4 brand equity mixes and the service performance of the co-brand. The amount of efficient samples is 257 and the research methods are pair-T test and two-way ANOVA. The research results are:
1. Brand equity mixes have significant effects of the co-brand’s brand equity:
When two mothers’ brand equity is both high, the co-brand will be lower than its mothers; in contrast, when they are both low, it will higher than them. When one mom is high and the other is low, the brand equity of the son will be between the two.
2. Brand equity mixes have significant effects of the mother brand’s brand equity:
When the company co-operate with the one with higher brand equity, its brand equity will rise after co-operating. When both companies are high, they will drop after co-branding; in contrast, when both are low, they will rise.
3. Service performance of the co-brand has significant positive effects to all parties.
4. Brand equity mixes and the service performance of co-brand have no interaction.
參考文獻 一、中文部分
王鵬凱(民100)。品牌聯盟外溢效果之衡量─ 聯合分析法之應用。東吳大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,未出版,台北市。
別蓮蒂(民92)。消費者認知的廠商移轉能力、產品製造困難度與品牌聯想對品牌延伸合適性的影響。台灣管理學刊,3 (2),65-84。
李月華、朱章翰(民102)。品牌延伸方式對非典型延伸產品評估與品牌回饋效果之研究。輔仁管理評論,20 (2),27-50。
李雅靖、施凱瑜(民95)。媒體品牌優勢與延伸契合度對母品牌態度之回饋效果。臺大管理論叢,17 (1),191-210。
陳振燧、呂芳洲(民89)。品牌聯盟策略影響品牌權益建立之研究。亞太管理評論,4 (4),431-442。
陳悅琴、黃昱傑(民98)。消費者參與服務之前因與後果之研究。2009服務業行銷研討會論文集, 535-561。
黃哲盛、潘婉欣(民101)。以品牌概念圖重新探討品牌向下延伸決策。台大管理論叢, 23 (1),85-118。
鄭紹成(民86)。服務業顧客轉移因素之研究—以金融業員工及個人顧客觀點雙向探討。中山管理評論,5 (4),879-897。
蕭至惠、蔡進發、郭依儒(民100)。自我建構與自我複雜度對共品牌評價的影響。管理學報,28 (3),267-287。

Aaker, D. A., (1996). Measuring brand equity across products and markets, California Mallagement Review, 38 (3), 102-120.
Aaker, D. A. and Keller K. L., (1990). Consumer evaluations of brand extensions, Journal of Marketing, 54, 27-41.
Andres, N., (2003). Ausstrahlungseffekte beim Co-Branding. Hamburg: Kovac.
Balachander, S. & Sanjoy G., (2003). Reciprocal spillover effects: A strategic benefit of brand extensions, Journal of Marketing, 67, 4-13.
Bergen, M. & George J. (1997). Understanding cooperative advertising participation rates in conventional channels, Journal of Marketing Research, 34, 357-369.
Berndt, R., (1985). Kooperative Werbung – Organisation, Planung und Vorteilhaftigkeit kooperativer Werbemasnahmen, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 14, 1-7.
Besharat, A., (2010). How co-branding versus brand extensions drive consumers` evaluations of new products: A brand equity approach, Industrial Marketing Management, 39, 1240-1249.
Bouten, L. M., Snelders, D., & Hultink, E. J.,(2011). The impact of fit measures on the consumer evaluation of new co-branded products, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28 (4), 455-469.
Gaeth, G. J., Irwin P. L., Goutam C., & Aron M. L., (1991). Consumer evaluation of multi-product bundles: An information integration analysis, Marketing Letters, 2, 47-57.
Goodwin C. & Ross I., (1992). Consumer responses to sevice failures- Influence of procedural and interactional fairness perceptions, Journal of Business Research, 25 (2), 149-163.
Grossman, R. P., & Till, B. D. (1998). The persistence of classically conditioned brand attitudes, Journal of Advertising, 27 (1), 23-31.
Helmig B., Huber J. A. & Leeflang P. S. H., (2008). “Co-branding: The state of the art,” Schmalenbach Business Review, 60, 359-377.
Henderson G. R., Iacobucci D. & Calder B. J., (1998). Brand diagnostics: Mapping branding effects using consumer associative networks, European Journal of Operational Research, 111 (2), 306-327.
Huber, J. A., (2005). Co-Branding als Strategieoption der Markenpolitik. Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Keller, K. L., (1998). Strategic brand management: Building, measuring and managing brand equity, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Keller, K. L., & Aaker, D. A., (1992). The effects of sequential introduction of brand extensions, Journal of Marketing Research, 29, 35-50.
Kotler P. & Keller K., (2011). Marketing management (14th Ed.) the U.S.: Prentice Hall.
Kotler P., Hayer T., & Bloom P. N., (2002). Marketing professional services (Revised Ed.) the U. S.: Prentice Hall
Lafferty B. A., (2007). The relevance of fit in a cause- brand alliance when consumers evaluate corporate credibility, Journal of Business Research, 60, 447-453.
Levin, A. M., Charlene J. D., & Irwin P. L., (1996). Theoretical and empirical linkages between consumers’ responses to different branding strategies, Advances in Consumer Research, 23, 296-300.
Levin, I. P. & Aron M. L., (2000). Modeling the role of brand alliances in the assimilation of product evaluations, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9, 43-52.
Lin, Y. C., (2013). Evaluation of co-branded hotels in the Taiwanese market: the role of brand familiarity and brand fit, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 25 (3), 346-364.
Padgett D. & Allen D., (1997). Communicating experiences: A narrative approach to creating service brand image, Journal of Advertising, 26 (4), 49-62.
Palupski, R. & Angela B. B., (1994). Co-promotion, Marketing-ZFP 16, 257-264.
Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., & Berry, L. L., (1988). SERVQUAL-- A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality, Journal of Retailing, 64 (1), 12-40.
Priemer, V., (1999). Bundling – Eine Markenstrategie mit Durchschlagskraft, Absatzwirtschaft 7, 62-67.
Samu, S. H., Shanker K, & Robert E. S., (1999). Using advertising alliances for new product introduction, interactions between product complementarity and promotional strategies, Journal of Marketing, 63, 57-74.
Schroter, R. & Jan W. (1996). Wenn Marken zueinanderfinden, Werben & Verkaufen 21, 72-73.
Seno D. & Lukas B. A., (2007). The equity effect of product endorsement by celebrities: A conceptual framework from a co-branding perspective, European Journal of Marketing, 41 (1/2), 121-134.
Simonin, B. L. & Ruth, J. A., (1998). Is a company known by the company it keeps? Assessing the spillover effects of brand alliances on consumer brand attitudes, Journal of Marketing Research, 35 (1), 30-42.
Shostock, G. L., (1977). Breaking free from product marketing, Journal of Marketing, 41 (2), 73-80.
Stremersch, S. & Gerald J. T., (2002). Strategic bundling of products and prices-- A new synthesis for marketing, Journal of Marketing, 66, 55-72.
Swaminathan, V., Richard J. F., & Srinivas K. R., (2001). The impact of brand extension introduction on choice, Journal of Marketing, 65, 1-15.
Uggla, H., (2004). The brand association base: A conceptual model for strategically leveraging partner brand equity, The Journal of Brand Management, 12 (2), 105-123.
Varadarajan, P. R., (1985). Joint sales promotion: An emerging mMarketing tool, Business Horizons, 28, 43-49.
Varadarajan, P. R., (1986). Horizontal cooperative sales promotion: A framework for cassification and additional perspectives, Journal of Marketing, 50, 61-73.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100355010
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 李嘉林zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lee, Chia-Linen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 彭書婷zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Peng, Shu-Tingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 彭書婷zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Peng, Shu-Tingen_US
dc.date (日期) 2012en_US
dc.date.accessioned 1-七月-2013 17:55:13 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 1-七月-2013 17:55:13 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-七月-2013 17:55:13 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0100355010en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/58729-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 100355010zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 101zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要)   近年來,企業開始利用聯合品牌策略、以合作的方式有效提升自身的品牌權益;學術界亦有許多關於聯合品牌的研究,但多專注於產品導向品牌應用該策略的效益,少有以服務導向的聯合品牌為研究對象。本研究從消費者的觀點探討服務業進行聯合品牌策略時,其本身與合作夥伴不同層級的品牌權益組合與聯合品牌服務成效對於企業本身、合作夥伴以及聯合品牌品牌權益的影響。
  本研究透過4 x 2準實驗設計的方式進行假說驗證。首先,透過前測篩選出消費者心中最熟悉且兩者之間適配度最高的雞排店與手搖飲料店做為研究情境的素材;進一步操弄四種品牌權益組合(高高、高低、低高與低低)以及聯合品牌的服務成效(成功與失敗),形成八種實驗問卷,共回收257份有效樣本;最後以配對樣本T檢定以及雙因子變異數分析做為研究方法進行資料分析,本研究的研究結果證實:
dc.description.abstract (摘要)   Recently, the companies start utilizing the co-branding strategy to efficiently enhance their brand equity. This concept also appear on the academic paper, which focus on most product-intention brands but seldom service-intention ones. This research is to clarify the effects of brand equity mixes and service effects to the mother brands and the co-brand after the co-branding strategy in the aspect of consumers.
This research examines the hyposises by 4 x 2 quasi-experiment design. First, after executing the pre-test, this research picked fried-chicken and soft drink stores as the matirials of experiment situation. Then, this research designed 8 versions of questionnaire to manipute 4 brand equity mixes and the service performance of the co-brand. The amount of efficient samples is 257 and the research methods are pair-T test and two-way ANOVA. The research results are:
1. Brand equity mixes have significant effects of the co-brand’s brand equity:
When two mothers’ brand equity is both high, the co-brand will be lower than its mothers; in contrast, when they are both low, it will higher than them. When one mom is high and the other is low, the brand equity of the son will be between the two.
2. Brand equity mixes have significant effects of the mother brand’s brand equity:
When the company co-operate with the one with higher brand equity, its brand equity will rise after co-operating. When both companies are high, they will drop after co-branding; in contrast, when both are low, they will rise.
3. Service performance of the co-brand has significant positive effects to all parties.
4. Brand equity mixes and the service performance of co-brand have no interaction.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4

第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 聯合品牌 5
第二節 服務失敗 14
第三節 品牌權益 18
第四節、研究假說 20

第三章 研究方法 22
第一節 觀念性架構 22
第二節 前測實驗設計 23
第三節 變數定義與衡量 29
第四節 正式實驗問卷設計 31
第五節 抽樣與分析方法 35

第四章 研究結果 37
第一節 樣本結構 37
第二節 信效度檢驗 39
第三節 樣本同質性檢定 40
第四節 變數操弄檢定 42
第五節 假說驗證 43
第六節 小結 52

第五章 結論與建議 53
第一節 研究結論 53
第二節 研究貢獻 56
第三節 管理上的意涵 57
第四節 研究限制 58
第五節 後續研究建議 60

參考文獻 62

附錄一、顧客基礎的品牌權益量表 68
附錄二、前測問卷一:消費者對於服務組合的可能性評估 69
附錄三、前測問卷二:服務品牌權益量表與情境 73
附錄四、正式問卷 82
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100355010en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 聯合品牌zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 適配度zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 外溢效果zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 服務失敗zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 品牌權益zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) co-brandingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) fiten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) spill-over effecten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) service failureen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) brand equityen_US
dc.title (題名) 服務業聯合品牌策略與聯合品牌服務成效對於品牌權益影響之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A study of the influence of service brand equity from co-branding strategies and service performance of the co-branden_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部分
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別蓮蒂(民92)。消費者認知的廠商移轉能力、產品製造困難度與品牌聯想對品牌延伸合適性的影響。台灣管理學刊,3 (2),65-84。
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陳悅琴、黃昱傑(民98)。消費者參與服務之前因與後果之研究。2009服務業行銷研討會論文集, 535-561。
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Kotler P., Hayer T., & Bloom P. N., (2002). Marketing professional services (Revised Ed.) the U. S.: Prentice Hall
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Levin, I. P. & Aron M. L., (2000). Modeling the role of brand alliances in the assimilation of product evaluations, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9, 43-52.
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Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., & Berry, L. L., (1988). SERVQUAL-- A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality, Journal of Retailing, 64 (1), 12-40.
Priemer, V., (1999). Bundling – Eine Markenstrategie mit Durchschlagskraft, Absatzwirtschaft 7, 62-67.
Samu, S. H., Shanker K, & Robert E. S., (1999). Using advertising alliances for new product introduction, interactions between product complementarity and promotional strategies, Journal of Marketing, 63, 57-74.
Schroter, R. & Jan W. (1996). Wenn Marken zueinanderfinden, Werben & Verkaufen 21, 72-73.
Seno D. & Lukas B. A., (2007). The equity effect of product endorsement by celebrities: A conceptual framework from a co-branding perspective, European Journal of Marketing, 41 (1/2), 121-134.
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Shostock, G. L., (1977). Breaking free from product marketing, Journal of Marketing, 41 (2), 73-80.
Stremersch, S. & Gerald J. T., (2002). Strategic bundling of products and prices-- A new synthesis for marketing, Journal of Marketing, 66, 55-72.
Swaminathan, V., Richard J. F., & Srinivas K. R., (2001). The impact of brand extension introduction on choice, Journal of Marketing, 65, 1-15.
Uggla, H., (2004). The brand association base: A conceptual model for strategically leveraging partner brand equity, The Journal of Brand Management, 12 (2), 105-123.
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