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題名 策略性專利相關智慧資本之管理制度及外部報導研究
A case study of strategic patent-related intellectual capital management system and external reporting
作者 朱容萱
貢獻者 王文英
關鍵詞 專利
Intellectual Capital
Strategic patent-related intellectual capital
Management system
Intellectual property report
日期 2012
上傳時間 11-七月-2013 16:26:45 (UTC+8)
摘要 知識經濟高度發展的時代,企業的價值已無法全部透過有形資產來彰顯,無形資產之重要性日益增加,屬無形資產中之智慧財產更是企業創造價值之關鍵。專利係智慧財產中關乎企業競爭力之重要資訊,用以評估企業的研發及創新能力,而企業在其專屬的經營策略與專利策略下,必須對策略性專利相關之智慧資本進行管理及蓄積,才能持續地在日新月異的科技產業中成長及發展。
一、 本研究先辨認企業之經營策略及專利策略,以智慧資本的觀點結合策略地圖,以投入、過程、產出的因果關係,歸納出42項策略性專利相關之智慧資本項目,而其分別有13項管理制度加以支持。
二、 在42項策略性專利相關之智慧資本項目中,整理出27項可對外揭露之項目,揭露意願高的大多已是公開資訊且資料容易取得,而揭露意願低的多涉及公司機密、衡量上有困難或揭露意義不大等原因。
三、 依本研究內容結合我國目前推動之「智慧財產報告書」,為個案公司編製報導架構,希望藉此加強個案公司對專利表現的管理效能,同時也能將重要的專利資訊對外報導,使外部資訊使用者正確評估企業的價值與競爭力。
In the era of the knowledge-based economy, it is difficult to determine the value of businesses through tangible assets. The importance of intangible assets is increasing, especially in business value creators such as intellectual property. Among intellectual properties, patents represent the R&D, and therefore the innovation ability of a business. In today’s world, this is highly linked to the competitiveness of a business. So, in order to keep growing in the rapidly changing technology industry, enterprises must identify their own business strategy and patent strategy, and manage their strategic patent-related intellectual capital.
This study uses case study methods supported by questionnaire analysis, where the research subject is a company in the information and communications technology. The research examines how the enterprise identifies its strategic patent-related intellectual capital, what are the management systems, what the risk factors are while doing external reporting, and how the information is reported to external users. According to the results of the case analyses, the research has generated the following three conclusions:
First, the study identifies the company’s business strategy and the patent strategy. Combining the concepts of intellectual capital and strategy map, forty-two strategic patent-related intellectual capital items were summarized by examining the causal relationship between inputs, processes, and outputs. Additionally, thirteen management systems are discovered which support the identified items.
Second, among the forty-two strategic patent-related intellectual capital items, twenty-seven items are open disclosure. The items with high disclosure are public information, and those with low disclosure are mostly trade secrets, or are difficult to measure and are less meaningful.
Third, the study is combined with the “Intellectual Property Report” to design the reporting framework for the case company. By using the framework, the company can strengthen its patent management strategy and report the important patent information to external users, so the external parties can adequately evaluate the business value and corporate competitiveness.
參考文獻 一、 中文部分

二、 英文部分
Allison, J. R., M. A. Lemley, K. A. Moore, and R. D. Trunkey. 2004. Valuable patents. Georgetown Law Journal 92 (June): 435-495.
Berkowitz, L. 1993. Getting the most from your patents. Research Technology Management 32 (2): 26-31.
Bontis, N. 1998. Intellectual capital: An exploratory study that develops measures and models. Management Decision 36 (2): 63-72.
Cooke, T. E. 1991. An assessment of voluntary disclosure in the annual reports of Japanese corporations. International Journal of Accounting Education and Research 26 (3): 174-189.
Diamond, D. W., and R. E. Verrecchia. 1991. Disclosure, liquidity, and the cost of capital. Journal of Finance 46 (4): 1325-1359.
Dzinkowski, R. 2000. The measurement and management of intellectual capital: An introduction. Management Accounting 78 (2): 32-36.
Davis, L., and K. Kjær. 2003. Patent strategies of small Danish high-tech firms. Proposal for a paper for the DRUID Summer Conference 2002 on Creating,
Sharing and Transferring Knowledge Copenhagen, Denmark.
Edvinsson, L., and M. S. Malone. 1997 Intellectual Capital: Realizing Your Company’s True Value by Finding its Hidden Brainpower. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.
Edvinsson, L., and P. Sullivan. 1996. Developing a model for managing intellectual capital. European Management Journal 14 (4): 356-364.
Ernst, H. 1998. Patent portfolio for strategic R&D planning. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 15 (April): 279-308.
Ernst, H. 2003. Patent information for strategic technology management. World Patent Information 25 (3): 233-242.
Galbraith, J. K. 1969. The New Industrial State. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Grant, R. M. 1991. The resource-based theory of competitive advantage: Implications for strategy formulation. California Management Review 33 (3): 114-135.
Healy, P. M., and K. G. Palepu. 1993. The effects of firms’ financial disclosure strategies on stock prices. Accounting Horizons 7 (1): 1-11.
Hubert, S. 1996. Tacit knowledge: The key to the strategic alignment of intellectual capital. Strategy and Leadership 24 (2): 10-14.
Johnson, W. H. A. 1999. An integrative taxonomy of intellectual capital: Measuring the stock and flow of intellectual capital components in the firm. International Journal of Technology Management 18 (5-8): 562-575.
Kaplan, R. S., and D. P. Norton. 2004. Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes. Harvard Business School Press.
Knight, H. J. 2001. Patent Strategy for Researchers and Research Managers (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Kirby, I. 1999. Intellectual property and its impact on business. Credit Control 20 (8): 5-9.
Meek, G. K., C. B. Roberts, and S. J. Gray. 1995. Factors influencing voluntary annual report disclosures by U.S., U.K. and continental European multinational corporations. Journal of International Business Studies 26 (3): 555-572.
Meer-Kooistra, J. V. der, and S. M. Zijlstra. 2001. Reporting on intellectual capital. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 14 (4): 456-476.
Petrash, G. P., and W. R. Bukowitz. 1997. Visualizing, measuring, and managing knowledge. Research Technology Management 40 (4): 24-31.
Pham, H. T., and C. B. Horton. 1999. Guide to intellectual property asset management. Chemtech 29 (9): 6-13.
Porter, M. E. 1980. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New York: The Free Press.
Rabino, S., and E. Enayati. 1995. Intellectual property: The double-edged sword. Long Range Planning 25 (5): 22-31.
Rennie, M. 1999. Accounting for knowledge assets: Do we need a financial statement? International Journal of Technology Management 18 (5-8): 648-659.
Rivette, K. G., and D. Kline. 2000. Rembrandts in the Attic: Unlocking the Hidden Value of Patents. Boston, Mass: Harvard University Press.
Roos, G., and J. Roos. 1997. Measuring your company’s intellectual performance. Long Range Planning 30 (June): 413-426.
Rubin, A., and E. Babbie. 1993. Research Methods for Social Work. Pacific Grove, Calif.: Brooks/Cole.
Somaya, D. 2002. Theoretical perspectives on patent strategy. Working paper, R. H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland.
Somaya, D. 2012. Patent strategy and management: An integrative review and research agenda. Journal of Management 38 (4):1084-1114.
Spence, M. 1973. Job market signaling. Quarterly Journal of Economics 87 (3): 355-379.
Stewart, T. A. 1997. Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations. New York, NY: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.
Sullivan, P. H. 2000. Value-Driven Intellectual Capital: How to Convert Intangible Corporate Assets into Market Value. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Tenhunen, J., J. Ukko, T. Markus, and H. Rantanen. 2003. Applying balanced scorecard principles on the SAKE-system: Case Telekolmio Oy. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Performance Management 19-20 (June): 423-434.
Ulrich, D. 1998. Intellectual capital = competence x commitment. Sloan Management Review 39 (2): 15-26.
van Wijk, L. 2000. Measuring the effectiveness of a company’s patent assets. Les nouvelles 36 (3): 25-33.
Yin, K. 1994. Case study Research: Design and Methods. 2 nded. International Educational and Professional Publisher.

三、 網路資料
全國法規資料庫: http://law.moj.gov.tw/
日本知的智財報告書-富士通: http://jp.fujitsu.com/about/ip/ipreport/
Intellectual Capital Report 2007 of Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB)
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100353008
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 王文英zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 朱容萱zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 朱容萱zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2012en_US
dc.date.accessioned 11-七月-2013 16:26:45 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 11-七月-2013 16:26:45 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 11-七月-2013 16:26:45 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0100353008en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/58769-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 會計研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 100353008zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 101zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 知識經濟高度發展的時代,企業的價值已無法全部透過有形資產來彰顯,無形資產之重要性日益增加,屬無形資產中之智慧財產更是企業創造價值之關鍵。專利係智慧財產中關乎企業競爭力之重要資訊,用以評估企業的研發及創新能力,而企業在其專屬的經營策略與專利策略下,必須對策略性專利相關之智慧資本進行管理及蓄積,才能持續地在日新月異的科技產業中成長及發展。
一、 本研究先辨認企業之經營策略及專利策略,以智慧資本的觀點結合策略地圖,以投入、過程、產出的因果關係,歸納出42項策略性專利相關之智慧資本項目,而其分別有13項管理制度加以支持。
二、 在42項策略性專利相關之智慧資本項目中,整理出27項可對外揭露之項目,揭露意願高的大多已是公開資訊且資料容易取得,而揭露意願低的多涉及公司機密、衡量上有困難或揭露意義不大等原因。
三、 依本研究內容結合我國目前推動之「智慧財產報告書」,為個案公司編製報導架構,希望藉此加強個案公司對專利表現的管理效能,同時也能將重要的專利資訊對外報導,使外部資訊使用者正確評估企業的價值與競爭力。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the era of the knowledge-based economy, it is difficult to determine the value of businesses through tangible assets. The importance of intangible assets is increasing, especially in business value creators such as intellectual property. Among intellectual properties, patents represent the R&D, and therefore the innovation ability of a business. In today’s world, this is highly linked to the competitiveness of a business. So, in order to keep growing in the rapidly changing technology industry, enterprises must identify their own business strategy and patent strategy, and manage their strategic patent-related intellectual capital.
This study uses case study methods supported by questionnaire analysis, where the research subject is a company in the information and communications technology. The research examines how the enterprise identifies its strategic patent-related intellectual capital, what are the management systems, what the risk factors are while doing external reporting, and how the information is reported to external users. According to the results of the case analyses, the research has generated the following three conclusions:
First, the study identifies the company’s business strategy and the patent strategy. Combining the concepts of intellectual capital and strategy map, forty-two strategic patent-related intellectual capital items were summarized by examining the causal relationship between inputs, processes, and outputs. Additionally, thirteen management systems are discovered which support the identified items.
Second, among the forty-two strategic patent-related intellectual capital items, twenty-seven items are open disclosure. The items with high disclosure are public information, and those with low disclosure are mostly trade secrets, or are difficult to measure and are less meaningful.
Third, the study is combined with the “Intellectual Property Report” to design the reporting framework for the case company. By using the framework, the company can strengthen its patent management strategy and report the important patent information to external users, so the external parties can adequately evaluate the business value and corporate competitiveness.
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄 i
圖目錄 ii
表目錄 iii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 3
第三節 論文架構與研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 智慧財產之定義與特性 6
第二節 專利策略 9
第三節 智慧資本之相關文獻 15
第四節 專利相關指標與管理制度 20
第五節 影響資訊揭露之因素 36
第六節 智慧財產報告書 38
第七節 研究衍伸(擬定問卷初稿) 39
第三章 研究設計 41
第一節 觀念性架構 41
第二節 研究方法 42
第三節 研究對象 43
第四節 資料蒐集與分析方式 43
第四章 個案公司概況與問卷定稿 45
第一節 個案公司概況介紹 45
第二節 問卷定稿 49
第五章 個案分析 54
第一節 問卷分析結果 54
第二節 策略性專利相關之智慧資本管理制度 63
第三節 策略性專利相關之智慧資本揭露意願 76
第四節 策略性專利相關之智慧資本外部報導 80
第六章 結論與建議 85
第一節 研究結論 85
第二節 研究建議 87
第三節 研究限制 89
參考文獻 90
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100353008en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 專利zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 智慧資本zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 策略性專利相關智慧資本zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 管理制度zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 智慧財產報告書zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Patenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Intellectual Capitalen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Strategic patent-related intellectual capitalen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Management systemen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Intellectual property reporten_US
dc.title (題名) 策略性專利相關智慧資本之管理制度及外部報導研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A case study of strategic patent-related intellectual capital management system and external reportingen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 中文部分

二、 英文部分
Allison, J. R., M. A. Lemley, K. A. Moore, and R. D. Trunkey. 2004. Valuable patents. Georgetown Law Journal 92 (June): 435-495.
Berkowitz, L. 1993. Getting the most from your patents. Research Technology Management 32 (2): 26-31.
Bontis, N. 1998. Intellectual capital: An exploratory study that develops measures and models. Management Decision 36 (2): 63-72.
Cooke, T. E. 1991. An assessment of voluntary disclosure in the annual reports of Japanese corporations. International Journal of Accounting Education and Research 26 (3): 174-189.
Diamond, D. W., and R. E. Verrecchia. 1991. Disclosure, liquidity, and the cost of capital. Journal of Finance 46 (4): 1325-1359.
Dzinkowski, R. 2000. The measurement and management of intellectual capital: An introduction. Management Accounting 78 (2): 32-36.
Davis, L., and K. Kjær. 2003. Patent strategies of small Danish high-tech firms. Proposal for a paper for the DRUID Summer Conference 2002 on Creating,
Sharing and Transferring Knowledge Copenhagen, Denmark.
Edvinsson, L., and M. S. Malone. 1997 Intellectual Capital: Realizing Your Company’s True Value by Finding its Hidden Brainpower. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.
Edvinsson, L., and P. Sullivan. 1996. Developing a model for managing intellectual capital. European Management Journal 14 (4): 356-364.
Ernst, H. 1998. Patent portfolio for strategic R&D planning. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 15 (April): 279-308.
Ernst, H. 2003. Patent information for strategic technology management. World Patent Information 25 (3): 233-242.
Galbraith, J. K. 1969. The New Industrial State. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Grant, R. M. 1991. The resource-based theory of competitive advantage: Implications for strategy formulation. California Management Review 33 (3): 114-135.
Healy, P. M., and K. G. Palepu. 1993. The effects of firms’ financial disclosure strategies on stock prices. Accounting Horizons 7 (1): 1-11.
Hubert, S. 1996. Tacit knowledge: The key to the strategic alignment of intellectual capital. Strategy and Leadership 24 (2): 10-14.
Johnson, W. H. A. 1999. An integrative taxonomy of intellectual capital: Measuring the stock and flow of intellectual capital components in the firm. International Journal of Technology Management 18 (5-8): 562-575.
Kaplan, R. S., and D. P. Norton. 2004. Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes. Harvard Business School Press.
Knight, H. J. 2001. Patent Strategy for Researchers and Research Managers (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Kirby, I. 1999. Intellectual property and its impact on business. Credit Control 20 (8): 5-9.
Meek, G. K., C. B. Roberts, and S. J. Gray. 1995. Factors influencing voluntary annual report disclosures by U.S., U.K. and continental European multinational corporations. Journal of International Business Studies 26 (3): 555-572.
Meer-Kooistra, J. V. der, and S. M. Zijlstra. 2001. Reporting on intellectual capital. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 14 (4): 456-476.
Petrash, G. P., and W. R. Bukowitz. 1997. Visualizing, measuring, and managing knowledge. Research Technology Management 40 (4): 24-31.
Pham, H. T., and C. B. Horton. 1999. Guide to intellectual property asset management. Chemtech 29 (9): 6-13.
Porter, M. E. 1980. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New York: The Free Press.
Rabino, S., and E. Enayati. 1995. Intellectual property: The double-edged sword. Long Range Planning 25 (5): 22-31.
Rennie, M. 1999. Accounting for knowledge assets: Do we need a financial statement? International Journal of Technology Management 18 (5-8): 648-659.
Rivette, K. G., and D. Kline. 2000. Rembrandts in the Attic: Unlocking the Hidden Value of Patents. Boston, Mass: Harvard University Press.
Roos, G., and J. Roos. 1997. Measuring your company’s intellectual performance. Long Range Planning 30 (June): 413-426.
Rubin, A., and E. Babbie. 1993. Research Methods for Social Work. Pacific Grove, Calif.: Brooks/Cole.
Somaya, D. 2002. Theoretical perspectives on patent strategy. Working paper, R. H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland.
Somaya, D. 2012. Patent strategy and management: An integrative review and research agenda. Journal of Management 38 (4):1084-1114.
Spence, M. 1973. Job market signaling. Quarterly Journal of Economics 87 (3): 355-379.
Stewart, T. A. 1997. Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations. New York, NY: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.
Sullivan, P. H. 2000. Value-Driven Intellectual Capital: How to Convert Intangible Corporate Assets into Market Value. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Tenhunen, J., J. Ukko, T. Markus, and H. Rantanen. 2003. Applying balanced scorecard principles on the SAKE-system: Case Telekolmio Oy. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Performance Management 19-20 (June): 423-434.
Ulrich, D. 1998. Intellectual capital = competence x commitment. Sloan Management Review 39 (2): 15-26.
van Wijk, L. 2000. Measuring the effectiveness of a company’s patent assets. Les nouvelles 36 (3): 25-33.
Yin, K. 1994. Case study Research: Design and Methods. 2 nded. International Educational and Professional Publisher.

三、 網路資料
全國法規資料庫: http://law.moj.gov.tw/
日本知的智財報告書-富士通: http://jp.fujitsu.com/about/ip/ipreport/
Intellectual Capital Report 2007 of Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB)