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題名 公務人力發展中心協力治理的實踐: 以福華國際文教會館為例
Collaborative Governance of Civil Service Development Institute: A Study of Howard Civil Service International House
作者 劉婉茹
貢獻者 孫本初
關鍵詞 協力治理
日期 2012
上傳時間 2-九月-2013 17:03:24 (UTC+8)
摘要 近年來台灣社會快速成長,人民對公共服務的要求逐漸提升,政府為了改善服務品質、加強行政革新、提升組織績效,因此將公務人力發展中心大樓設施營運管理業務委託民間經營,成立福華國際文教會館,公務人力發展中心則專注於教育訓練及研究發展等核心業務。此種透過結合民間資源的方式,引進市場競爭機制,不僅提昇公用財產使用效益,也創造良好經營效率及服務品質。本研究希望藉由分析福華國際文教會館經營模式以及其與公務人力發展中心的互動關係,探討其成功的因素並了解公務人力發展中心與福華國際文教會館之間的協力模式。
In recent years, the rapid growth of Taiwan society, people`s demands for public services gradually improved, in order to improve service quality the government strengthen the administrative reform and improve organizational performance. Therefore, buildings of Civil Service Development Institute outsourcing to private sector, known as Howard Civil Service International House. Thus, Civil Service Development Institute can focused on core businesses include education and training, research and development. Such a way through a combination of private resources, the introduction of market competition mechanism, not only to enhance the efficient use of public property, but also to create a good efficiency and service quality. This study is to analyze business model of Howard Civil Service International House and its interaction between Civil Service Development Institute. This study attempt to understand the factors of its success and the collaboration model between Civil Service Development Institute and Howard Civil Service International House.
      The main purpose of this study is divided into three parts: First, the operating process of cross-sectoral governance model between government and the private sector. Second, understanding outsourcing model of Howard Civil Service International House. Third, analyzing collaborative governance model. This study will discuss about outsourcing model, process of collaborative governance and the results of collaborative governance of Howard Civil Service International House. This study found that business strategy of Howard Civil Service International House has good effect and strengthen its core business and avoid staff expansion. It also maintain great performance and quality of service. Besides, it improved the effectiveness of public property and reduce government financial burden. Research results indicate that the collaborative model of Civil Service Development Institute and Howard Civil Service International House has several characteristics: First, choose a "Agent" by the professional consultant company. Second, Civil Service Development Institute does goals segmentation. Third, the managing and coordinative mode are faultless. Fourth, the monitoring system is flexible. Fifth, the communicating system is flexible.
     第一章 緒論.................................................................1
     第一節 研究背景......................................................1
     第二節 研究動機......................................................2
     第三節 研究目的與研究問題..............................................5
     第四節 研究方法與研究流程..............................................6
     第五節 研究範圍與研究限制..............................................8
     第六節 重要名詞釋義...................................................8
     第二章 理論與文獻探討.........................................................11
     第一節 協力治理之背景與理論基礎.........................................11
     第二節 協力治理之內涵.................................................18
     第三節 協力互動模式...................................................29
     第四節 協力治理的原則.................................................31
     第三章 研究設計..............................................................36
     第一節 研究架構......................................................36
     第二節 訪談設計與研究對象..............................................37
     第三節 訪談題綱......................................................40
     第四章 研究結果分析...........................................................42
     第一節 福華國際文教會館之委外模式........................................42
     第二節 福華國際文教會館之協力過程........................................50
     第三節 福華國際文教會館之協力結果........................................61
     第五章 結論與建議.............................................................68
     第一節 研究發現.......................................................68
     第二節 研究建議.......................................................71
     第三節 後續研究建議....................................................72
參考文獻 參考文獻
     吳 定(2003)。公共政策。台北:空大。
     吳瓊恩、呂苔瑋、邱玲裕、黃貝雯、陳文儀(2006)。公共管理與行政(Owen E. Hughes原著)。台北:雙葉書廊。
     江岷欽、劉坤億(1999)。企業型政府 理念.實務.省思。台北:智勝。
     薩瓦斯著(E.S. Savas)(1999)。黃煜文譯(2005)。民營化的歷程。台北:五觀藝術。
     施能傑、李宗勳(2003) 。政府業務委託外包之決策模式、標準化作業程序及契約訂定之研究。台北:行政院人事行政局委託研究。
     李宗勳、范祥偉(2002)。簽約外包的理論與經營策略。人事月刊。第 182 期,頁 2-9。
     莫永榮(2004)。政府服務委託外包的理論與實務:台灣經驗。行政暨政策學報,第 39 期,頁 75-104。
     江岷欽(2002 )。全球化視野之公共管理革新:以西敏寺模式與政府再造模式為例。發表於國立臺北大學第二屆EMPA 論文發表暨學術研討會。國立臺北大學公共行政暨政策學系主辦:臺北市。
     Agranoff & McGuire. (2003) . Collaborative Public Management: New Strategies for Local Governments . Washington, DC :Georgetown University Press .
     Brinkerhof, J. M. (2002). Public-Nonprofit Partnership:A Defining Framework. Public Administration and Development, 22:19-30.
     Bickers, K. N. and Williams, J. T. (2001). Public Policy Analysis: A Political Economic Approach . Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
     Donaldson, Joe F., and Charles E. Kozoll. (1999). Collaborative Program Planning: Principles, Practices, and Strategies. Melbourne, FL: Krieger Publishing Co.
     Flinders, M.(2002). Governance in Whitehall. Public Administration, 80(1): 51-75.
     Frederickson, H. G.(1997). The Spirit of Public Administration. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
     Guy, P. and Pierre,J.(2000). Governance, Politics, and the State. Palgrave Macmillan Press.
     Himmelman , Arthur.T. (1996) . On the Theory and Practice of Transformational Collaboration: From Social Service to Social Justice . In Creating Collaborative Advantage , edited by Chris Huxham ,19 – 43 . Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications.
     Huxham, C. (ed.) (1996). Creating Collaborative Advantage. Sage, London.
     Kooiman, J. (1993). Governance and Governability: Using Complexity, Dynamics, and Diversity. in J. Kooiman (ed.), Modern Governance: New Government-Society Interactions, pp. 35-48. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
     Kooiman, J.( 2003). Governing as Governance. New Delhi: Sage.
     Osborne, S. P. (2000). Public-Private Partnership-Theory and Practice in International Perspective. London: Routledge, 9-35.
     Rosenau, James N. and Ernst-Otto Czempiel.(1992). Governance Without Government: Order and Change in World Politics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
     Rhodes, R.A.W.(2000). Governance and Public Administration. Debating Governance . ed. Pierre, J. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 54-90.
     Sirianni, C. (2009). Investing in Democracy: Engaging Citizens in Collaborative Governance. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.
     Straus, D. (2002). How to Make Collaboration Work: Powerful Ways to Building Consensus, Solve Problems, and Make Decisions. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
     Stoker, G. (1998). Governance as Theory: Five Propositions. International Social Science Journal, 50(155): 17-28.
     Sullivan, H., & C. Skelcher.(2002). Working Across Boundaries: Collaboration in Public Service. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
     Taillieu, Tharsi,.(2001). Collaborative Strategies and Multi-organizational Partnership. Leuven. Belgium: The Authors & Garant Publishers.
     Teisman, G. R., & E. H. Klijn (2002). Partnerships Arrangement: Governmental Rhetoric
     or Government Scheme. Public Administration Review, 62 (2): 197-205.
     Vigoda, E. (2002). From Responsiveness to Collaboration: Governance, Citizens, and the Next Generation of Public Administration. Public Administration Review, 62(5): 531.
     Vigoda, Eran & Etai Gilboa (2002). The Quest for Collaboration: Toward a Comprehensive Strategy for Public Administration. in Eran Vigoda ed., Public Administration: An Interdisciplinary Critical Analysis. New York: Marcel Dekker, pp. 99-117.
     Wolman, Harold & Larry Leadbur. (1980). Concepts of Public-Private Cooperation. in Cheryl A. Farr (ed.) Shaping the Local Economic. DC : International City Management Association., pp. 25-32.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099256031
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 孫本初zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 劉婉茹zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 劉婉茹zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2012en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2-九月-2013 17:03:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-九月-2013 17:03:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-九月-2013 17:03:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0099256031en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/59480-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 公共行政研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 99256031zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 101zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近年來台灣社會快速成長,人民對公共服務的要求逐漸提升,政府為了改善服務品質、加強行政革新、提升組織績效,因此將公務人力發展中心大樓設施營運管理業務委託民間經營,成立福華國際文教會館,公務人力發展中心則專注於教育訓練及研究發展等核心業務。此種透過結合民間資源的方式,引進市場競爭機制,不僅提昇公用財產使用效益,也創造良好經營效率及服務品質。本研究希望藉由分析福華國際文教會館經營模式以及其與公務人力發展中心的互動關係,探討其成功的因素並了解公務人力發展中心與福華國際文教會館之間的協力模式。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In recent years, the rapid growth of Taiwan society, people`s demands for public services gradually improved, in order to improve service quality the government strengthen the administrative reform and improve organizational performance. Therefore, buildings of Civil Service Development Institute outsourcing to private sector, known as Howard Civil Service International House. Thus, Civil Service Development Institute can focused on core businesses include education and training, research and development. Such a way through a combination of private resources, the introduction of market competition mechanism, not only to enhance the efficient use of public property, but also to create a good efficiency and service quality. This study is to analyze business model of Howard Civil Service International House and its interaction between Civil Service Development Institute. This study attempt to understand the factors of its success and the collaboration model between Civil Service Development Institute and Howard Civil Service International House.
      The main purpose of this study is divided into three parts: First, the operating process of cross-sectoral governance model between government and the private sector. Second, understanding outsourcing model of Howard Civil Service International House. Third, analyzing collaborative governance model. This study will discuss about outsourcing model, process of collaborative governance and the results of collaborative governance of Howard Civil Service International House. This study found that business strategy of Howard Civil Service International House has good effect and strengthen its core business and avoid staff expansion. It also maintain great performance and quality of service. Besides, it improved the effectiveness of public property and reduce government financial burden. Research results indicate that the collaborative model of Civil Service Development Institute and Howard Civil Service International House has several characteristics: First, choose a "Agent" by the professional consultant company. Second, Civil Service Development Institute does goals segmentation. Third, the managing and coordinative mode are faultless. Fourth, the monitoring system is flexible. Fifth, the communicating system is flexible.
dc.description.abstract (摘要) "目次
     第一章 緒論.................................................................1
     第一節 研究背景......................................................1
     第二節 研究動機......................................................2
     第三節 研究目的與研究問題..............................................5
     第四節 研究方法與研究流程..............................................6
     第五節 研究範圍與研究限制..............................................8
     第六節 重要名詞釋義...................................................8
     第二章 理論與文獻探討.........................................................11
     第一節 協力治理之背景與理論基礎.........................................11
     第二節 協力治理之內涵.................................................18
     第三節 協力互動模式...................................................29
     第四節 協力治理的原則.................................................31
     第三章 研究設計..............................................................36
     第一節 研究架構......................................................36
     第二節 訪談設計與研究對象..............................................37
     第三節 訪談題綱......................................................40
     第四章 研究結果分析...........................................................42
     第一節 福華國際文教會館之委外模式........................................42
     第二節 福華國際文教會館之協力過程........................................50
     第三節 福華國際文教會館之協力結果........................................61
     第五章 結論與建議.............................................................68
     第一節 研究發現.......................................................68
     第二節 研究建議.......................................................71
     第三節 後續研究建議....................................................72
dc.description.tableofcontents 目次
     第一章 緒論.................................................................1
      第一節 研究背景......................................................1
      第二節 研究動機......................................................2
      第三節 研究目的與研究問題..............................................5
      第四節 研究方法與研究流程..............................................6
      第五節 研究範圍與研究限制..............................................8
      第六節 重要名詞釋義...................................................8
     第二章 理論與文獻探討.........................................................11
      第一節 協力治理之背景與理論基礎.........................................11
      第二節 協力治理之內涵.................................................18
      第三節 協力互動模式...................................................29
      第四節 協力治理的原則.................................................31
     第三章 研究設計..............................................................36
      第一節 研究架構......................................................36
      第二節 訪談設計與研究對象..............................................37
      第三節 訪談題綱......................................................40
     第四章 研究結果分析...........................................................42
      第一節 福華國際文教會館之委外模式........................................42
      第二節 福華國際文教會館之協力過程........................................50
      第三節 福華國際文教會館之協力結果........................................61
     第五章 結論與建議.............................................................68
      第一節 研究發現.......................................................68
      第二節 研究建議.......................................................71
      第三節 後續研究建議....................................................72
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099256031en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 協力治理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公私協力zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 委外經營zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 公務人力發展中心協力治理的實踐: 以福華國際文教會館為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Collaborative Governance of Civil Service Development Institute: A Study of Howard Civil Service International Houseen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考文獻
     吳 定(2003)。公共政策。台北:空大。
     吳瓊恩、呂苔瑋、邱玲裕、黃貝雯、陳文儀(2006)。公共管理與行政(Owen E. Hughes原著)。台北:雙葉書廊。
     江岷欽、劉坤億(1999)。企業型政府 理念.實務.省思。台北:智勝。
     薩瓦斯著(E.S. Savas)(1999)。黃煜文譯(2005)。民營化的歷程。台北:五觀藝術。
     施能傑、李宗勳(2003) 。政府業務委託外包之決策模式、標準化作業程序及契約訂定之研究。台北:行政院人事行政局委託研究。
     李宗勳、范祥偉(2002)。簽約外包的理論與經營策略。人事月刊。第 182 期,頁 2-9。
     莫永榮(2004)。政府服務委託外包的理論與實務:台灣經驗。行政暨政策學報,第 39 期,頁 75-104。
     江岷欽(2002 )。全球化視野之公共管理革新:以西敏寺模式與政府再造模式為例。發表於國立臺北大學第二屆EMPA 論文發表暨學術研討會。國立臺北大學公共行政暨政策學系主辦:臺北市。
     Agranoff & McGuire. (2003) . Collaborative Public Management: New Strategies for Local Governments . Washington, DC :Georgetown University Press .
     Brinkerhof, J. M. (2002). Public-Nonprofit Partnership:A Defining Framework. Public Administration and Development, 22:19-30.
     Bickers, K. N. and Williams, J. T. (2001). Public Policy Analysis: A Political Economic Approach . Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
     Donaldson, Joe F., and Charles E. Kozoll. (1999). Collaborative Program Planning: Principles, Practices, and Strategies. Melbourne, FL: Krieger Publishing Co.
     Flinders, M.(2002). Governance in Whitehall. Public Administration, 80(1): 51-75.
     Frederickson, H. G.(1997). The Spirit of Public Administration. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
     Guy, P. and Pierre,J.(2000). Governance, Politics, and the State. Palgrave Macmillan Press.
     Himmelman , Arthur.T. (1996) . On the Theory and Practice of Transformational Collaboration: From Social Service to Social Justice . In Creating Collaborative Advantage , edited by Chris Huxham ,19 – 43 . Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications.
     Huxham, C. (ed.) (1996). Creating Collaborative Advantage. Sage, London.
     Kooiman, J. (1993). Governance and Governability: Using Complexity, Dynamics, and Diversity. in J. Kooiman (ed.), Modern Governance: New Government-Society Interactions, pp. 35-48. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
     Kooiman, J.( 2003). Governing as Governance. New Delhi: Sage.
     Osborne, S. P. (2000). Public-Private Partnership-Theory and Practice in International Perspective. London: Routledge, 9-35.
     Rosenau, James N. and Ernst-Otto Czempiel.(1992). Governance Without Government: Order and Change in World Politics. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
     Rhodes, R.A.W.(2000). Governance and Public Administration. Debating Governance . ed. Pierre, J. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 54-90.
     Sirianni, C. (2009). Investing in Democracy: Engaging Citizens in Collaborative Governance. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.
     Straus, D. (2002). How to Make Collaboration Work: Powerful Ways to Building Consensus, Solve Problems, and Make Decisions. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
     Stoker, G. (1998). Governance as Theory: Five Propositions. International Social Science Journal, 50(155): 17-28.
     Sullivan, H., & C. Skelcher.(2002). Working Across Boundaries: Collaboration in Public Service. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
     Taillieu, Tharsi,.(2001). Collaborative Strategies and Multi-organizational Partnership. Leuven. Belgium: The Authors & Garant Publishers.
     Teisman, G. R., & E. H. Klijn (2002). Partnerships Arrangement: Governmental Rhetoric
     or Government Scheme. Public Administration Review, 62 (2): 197-205.
     Vigoda, E. (2002). From Responsiveness to Collaboration: Governance, Citizens, and the Next Generation of Public Administration. Public Administration Review, 62(5): 531.
     Vigoda, Eran & Etai Gilboa (2002). The Quest for Collaboration: Toward a Comprehensive Strategy for Public Administration. in Eran Vigoda ed., Public Administration: An Interdisciplinary Critical Analysis. New York: Marcel Dekker, pp. 99-117.
     Wolman, Harold & Larry Leadbur. (1980). Concepts of Public-Private Cooperation. in Cheryl A. Farr (ed.) Shaping the Local Economic. DC : International City Management Association., pp. 25-32.