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題名 以認知與學習學理為基之漢字遊戲與其輔助設計系統
A cognition-based interactive game platform for learning chinese characters and a computer-assisted listing chinese characters system
作者 張裕淇
Chang, Yu Chi
貢獻者 劉昭麟
Liu, Chao Lin
Chang, Yu Chi
關鍵詞 電腦輔助教學遊戲
日期 2010
上傳時間 4-九月-2013 17:08:33 (UTC+8)
摘要 我們一共建立了兩個軟體,一個為遊戲系統軟體,另一個是電腦輔助列字軟體。遊戲系統是針對中文學習者而做的,目的在於讓初階中文學習者可以學會分辨各個形聲字以及認識一些中文詞彙,另外也為了讓此系統更具有吸引力,擴增了一些遊戲該有的輔助功能,讓學習者能夠更投入於此遊戲中;電腦輔助列字系統的目的是針對遊戲系統的資料庫做管理,為了讓遊戲題庫的題目有彈性的變化,讓使用者能更簡單管理遊戲題庫,除了提供了一個介面做管理之外,也會列出一些可能的中文候選字,讓使用者不必花太多時間去找尋字。
We designed two systems. One is a game system, and the other is an interface for managing one of the game’s databases. The game’s system is used for learning Chinese characters, and let children know how to distinguish between each others. Also, it provides some Chinese words for learning. The other system is used for managing one of the game’s databases. Users can change, add or delete the questions from the database by themselves. The system also provides some Chinese characters to users so that they don’t need to waste time searching characters, and add them into the game’s database.
參考文獻 [1] 大紀元電子日報。http://tw.epochtimes.com/10/1/9/130033g.htm。【Last visited on 27 June 2011】。
[2] 中文輸入法。維基百科。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_input_methods_for_computers。【Last visited on 30 June 2011】。
[3] 中央研究院。中央研究院漢字構形資料庫。網址:http://www.sinica.edu.tw/~cdp/cdphanzi/。【Last visited on 30 June 2011】。
[4] 六書。維基百科。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_character_classification。【Last visited on 12 July 2011】。
[5] 史丹佛剖析器。http://nlp.stanford.edu:8080/parser/。【Last visited on 24 July 2011】。
[6] 朱邦復。第五代倉頡碼輸入法手冊。網址: http://www.cbflabs.com/book/ocj5/ocj5/index.html。【Last visited on 30 June 2011】。
[7] 行政院國家科學委員會科學教育發展處。http://www.nsc.gov.tw/sci/。【Last visited on 27 June 2011】。
[8] 全國國中小資訊融入教學創意競賽。。【Last visited on 27 June 2011】。
[9] 好漢玩字節官方網站。http://w2.khcc.gov.tw/DCCF/。【Last visited on 27 June 2011】。
[10] 李嘉玲,張裕淇,劉昭麟及李佳穎。結合認知理論之電腦輔助漢字教學遊戲。2010年台灣網際網路研討會論文集,論文光碟。臺灣,臺南,2010。
[11] 林仁祥及劉昭麟。國小國語科測驗卷出題輔助系統。2007年台灣網際網路研討會論文集,論文光碟。2007。
[12] 翁睿妤、黃志斌、莊怡軒及劉昭麟。形音相近的易混淆漢字的搜尋與應用。第二十屆自然語言與語音處理研討會論文集。2008。
[13] 國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要語文學習領域(國語文)。http://www.edu.tw/files/site_content/B0055/國語文課綱1000406.pdf。【Last visited on 25 July 2011】。
[14] 教育部電子計算機中心。http://www.edu.tw/moecc/index.aspx。【Last visited on 27 June 2011】。
[15] 黃志斌。電腦輔助句子重組試題編制。碩士論文,國立政治大學,2009。
[16] R. C. Anderson, H. Sue, and N. Wu. Phonetic Awareness: Knowledge of Orthography-Phonology Relationships in the Character Acquisition of Chinese Children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 56-62, 2000.
[17] Bopomofo. Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bopomofo. 【Last visited on 8 July, 2011】
[18] A. Carlson, K.-M. Chang, M. A. Just, V. L. Malave, R. A. Mason, T. M. Mitchell, and S. V. Shinkareva. Predicting Human Brain Activity Associated with the Meanings of Nouns. Science, 1191-1195, 2008.
[19] J. DeHaan, K. Kuwada, and W. M. Reed. The Effect of Interactivity with a Music Video Game on Second Language Vocabulary Recall. Language Learning and Technology, 74-94, 2010.
[20] C.-W. Hue, M. Lo, and F.-Z. Tsai. How Chinese Orthography Represents Phonology. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 315-334, 2007.
[21] W. L. Johnson, S. Marsella, and H. Vilhjalmsson. Serious Games for Language Learning: How Much Game, How Much AI? Proceedings of the 2005 Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education: Supporting Learning Through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology, 306-313, 2005.
[22] C.-Y. Lee. The Cognitive and Neural Basis for Learning to Reading Chinese. Journal of Basic Education, 18(2), 63-85, 2009.
[23] H. Lee. Cangjie Input Methods in 30 Days. http://input.foruto.com/cjdict/Search_1.php, Foruto Company, Hong Kong. 【Last visited on 30 June 2011】
[24] C.-L. Liu, M.-H. Lai, Y.-H. Chuang, and C.-Y. Lee. Visually and Phonologically Similar Characters in Incorrect Simplified Chinese Words. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computer Linguistics, 739-747, 2010.
[25] C.-L. Liu, C.-Y. Lee, J.-L. Tsai, and C.-L. Lee. A Cognition-Based Interactive Game Platform for Learning Chinese Characters. Proceedings of the 26th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1181-1186, 2011.
[26] C. D. Manning, and H. Schütze. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, MIT press, 1999.
[27] D. So, and L. S. Siegel. Learning to Read Chinese: Semantic, Syntactic, Phonological and Working Memory Skills in Normally Achieving and Poor Chinese Readers. Reading and Writing, 9, 1-21, 1997.
[28] Tone sandhi. Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tone_sandhi. 【Last visited on 12 July 2011】
[29] J. C. Ziegler, and U. Goswami. Reading Acquisition, Developmental Dyslexia, and Skilled Reading Across Languages: A Psycholinguistic Grain Size Theory. Psychological Bulletin, 131(1), 3-29, 2005.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098753024
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉昭麟zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Liu, Chao Linen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 張裕淇zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Chang, Yu Chien_US
dc.creator (作者) 張裕淇zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chang, Yu Chien_US
dc.date (日期) 2010en_US
dc.date.accessioned 4-九月-2013 17:08:33 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-九月-2013 17:08:33 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-九月-2013 17:08:33 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0098753024en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/60252-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 資訊科學學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98753024zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 99zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 我們一共建立了兩個軟體,一個為遊戲系統軟體,另一個是電腦輔助列字軟體。遊戲系統是針對中文學習者而做的,目的在於讓初階中文學習者可以學會分辨各個形聲字以及認識一些中文詞彙,另外也為了讓此系統更具有吸引力,擴增了一些遊戲該有的輔助功能,讓學習者能夠更投入於此遊戲中;電腦輔助列字系統的目的是針對遊戲系統的資料庫做管理,為了讓遊戲題庫的題目有彈性的變化,讓使用者能更簡單管理遊戲題庫,除了提供了一個介面做管理之外,也會列出一些可能的中文候選字,讓使用者不必花太多時間去找尋字。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) We designed two systems. One is a game system, and the other is an interface for managing one of the game’s databases. The game’s system is used for learning Chinese characters, and let children know how to distinguish between each others. Also, it provides some Chinese words for learning. The other system is used for managing one of the game’s databases. Users can change, add or delete the questions from the database by themselves. The system also provides some Chinese characters to users so that they don’t need to waste time searching characters, and add them into the game’s database.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究方法與成果 3
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 資訊技術文獻探討 4
2.2 以認知為基礎之學習文獻探討 7
第三章 遊戲系統 9
3.1 遊戲系統背景 9
3.2 遊戲系統資料庫 12
3.3 遊戲系統介面 15
3.3.1 登入、註冊、遺忘帳密補救 16
3.3.2 遊戲選單、遊戲解說、排行榜 19
3.3.3 學習形聲字:拔蘿蔔 22
3.3.4 學習中文詞彙:抓茄子 26
第四章 電腦輔助列字系統 29
4.1 電腦輔助列字系統背景 29
4.2 電腦輔助列字系統資料庫 33
4.3 電腦輔助列字系統介面 39
4.3.1 總題庫跟遊戲題庫管理 39
4.3.2 新增題目 40
第五章 遊戲實驗 45
5.1 實驗流程 45
5.2 實驗結果 46
第六章 結論與未來工作 50
6.1 遊戲系統的結論與未來工作 50
6.2 電腦輔助列字系統的結論與未來工作 52
參考文獻 56
附錄 60
dc.format.extent 2065630 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098753024en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電腦輔助教學遊戲zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 漢字認知zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 推薦漢字系統zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 漢字相似度處理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 漢字部件包含關係處理zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 以認知與學習學理為基之漢字遊戲與其輔助設計系統zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A cognition-based interactive game platform for learning chinese characters and a computer-assisted listing chinese characters systemen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) [1] 大紀元電子日報。http://tw.epochtimes.com/10/1/9/130033g.htm。【Last visited on 27 June 2011】。
[2] 中文輸入法。維基百科。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_input_methods_for_computers。【Last visited on 30 June 2011】。
[3] 中央研究院。中央研究院漢字構形資料庫。網址:http://www.sinica.edu.tw/~cdp/cdphanzi/。【Last visited on 30 June 2011】。
[4] 六書。維基百科。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_character_classification。【Last visited on 12 July 2011】。
[5] 史丹佛剖析器。http://nlp.stanford.edu:8080/parser/。【Last visited on 24 July 2011】。
[6] 朱邦復。第五代倉頡碼輸入法手冊。網址: http://www.cbflabs.com/book/ocj5/ocj5/index.html。【Last visited on 30 June 2011】。
[7] 行政院國家科學委員會科學教育發展處。http://www.nsc.gov.tw/sci/。【Last visited on 27 June 2011】。
[8] 全國國中小資訊融入教學創意競賽。。【Last visited on 27 June 2011】。
[9] 好漢玩字節官方網站。http://w2.khcc.gov.tw/DCCF/。【Last visited on 27 June 2011】。
[10] 李嘉玲,張裕淇,劉昭麟及李佳穎。結合認知理論之電腦輔助漢字教學遊戲。2010年台灣網際網路研討會論文集,論文光碟。臺灣,臺南,2010。
[11] 林仁祥及劉昭麟。國小國語科測驗卷出題輔助系統。2007年台灣網際網路研討會論文集,論文光碟。2007。
[12] 翁睿妤、黃志斌、莊怡軒及劉昭麟。形音相近的易混淆漢字的搜尋與應用。第二十屆自然語言與語音處理研討會論文集。2008。
[13] 國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要語文學習領域(國語文)。http://www.edu.tw/files/site_content/B0055/國語文課綱1000406.pdf。【Last visited on 25 July 2011】。
[14] 教育部電子計算機中心。http://www.edu.tw/moecc/index.aspx。【Last visited on 27 June 2011】。
[15] 黃志斌。電腦輔助句子重組試題編制。碩士論文,國立政治大學,2009。
[16] R. C. Anderson, H. Sue, and N. Wu. Phonetic Awareness: Knowledge of Orthography-Phonology Relationships in the Character Acquisition of Chinese Children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 56-62, 2000.
[17] Bopomofo. Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bopomofo. 【Last visited on 8 July, 2011】
[18] A. Carlson, K.-M. Chang, M. A. Just, V. L. Malave, R. A. Mason, T. M. Mitchell, and S. V. Shinkareva. Predicting Human Brain Activity Associated with the Meanings of Nouns. Science, 1191-1195, 2008.
[19] J. DeHaan, K. Kuwada, and W. M. Reed. The Effect of Interactivity with a Music Video Game on Second Language Vocabulary Recall. Language Learning and Technology, 74-94, 2010.
[20] C.-W. Hue, M. Lo, and F.-Z. Tsai. How Chinese Orthography Represents Phonology. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 315-334, 2007.
[21] W. L. Johnson, S. Marsella, and H. Vilhjalmsson. Serious Games for Language Learning: How Much Game, How Much AI? Proceedings of the 2005 Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education: Supporting Learning Through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology, 306-313, 2005.
[22] C.-Y. Lee. The Cognitive and Neural Basis for Learning to Reading Chinese. Journal of Basic Education, 18(2), 63-85, 2009.
[23] H. Lee. Cangjie Input Methods in 30 Days. http://input.foruto.com/cjdict/Search_1.php, Foruto Company, Hong Kong. 【Last visited on 30 June 2011】
[24] C.-L. Liu, M.-H. Lai, Y.-H. Chuang, and C.-Y. Lee. Visually and Phonologically Similar Characters in Incorrect Simplified Chinese Words. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computer Linguistics, 739-747, 2010.
[25] C.-L. Liu, C.-Y. Lee, J.-L. Tsai, and C.-L. Lee. A Cognition-Based Interactive Game Platform for Learning Chinese Characters. Proceedings of the 26th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1181-1186, 2011.
[26] C. D. Manning, and H. Schütze. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, MIT press, 1999.
[27] D. So, and L. S. Siegel. Learning to Read Chinese: Semantic, Syntactic, Phonological and Working Memory Skills in Normally Achieving and Poor Chinese Readers. Reading and Writing, 9, 1-21, 1997.
[28] Tone sandhi. Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tone_sandhi. 【Last visited on 12 July 2011】
[29] J. C. Ziegler, and U. Goswami. Reading Acquisition, Developmental Dyslexia, and Skilled Reading Across Languages: A Psycholinguistic Grain Size Theory. Psychological Bulletin, 131(1), 3-29, 2005.