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題名 工會集體行動策略分析:以中華電信工會為例
其他題名 Analysis of Collective Action Straegy of the Trade Union: A Case Study of Chunghwa Telecom Workers` Union
作者 張昌吉;劉政彥
貢獻者 政大勞工所
日期 2009-05
上傳時間 30-九月-2013 17:34:45 (UTC+8)
摘要 觀察過去的工會發展史,從一黨主政政府把持的政黨工會,至經濟發展時期的政經結合穩定勞資關係,工會只是國家統治的外圍團體,直至解嚴及政治民主運動興起,勞工意識獲得啟蒙,帶起一波工潮,工會自主性才逐漸展開。中華電信工會成立自今已逾50年之久,不僅見證台灣工會的發展,更親身經歷其中,最終擺脫官方的掌控,其在行動力與組織規模方面皆極具工會代表性,因此本研究首在透過中華電信工會豐富的工會行動經驗,來檢證台灣工會對於集體行動理論的適用性,並探討工會運用解決困境的途徑。本研究發現,中華電信工會成員參與工會的動機是個人理性(individual rationality)與自利( self-interest)的選擇邏輯。工會的集體行動並且會受到團體大小、成本與效益間的關係、選擇性誘因( selective incentives )及政治企業家( political entrepreneur )型工會領袖等變項所影響,而超理性動機(extrarational motivations)與公共財的供給等變項卻不足以用來解釋工會成員之所以參加集體行動的動機。至於工會所面臨動員的困境,可藉由提供選擇性誘因、提升勞動意識及增加會員認同感等方式來解法,其中又以提升勞工意識及增加會員認同為最根本的解決之道。
From the observation on the development history, trade unions are initially founded with politic purpose during the period of dictatorship by Kuomintang. During the phase of economic development, Trade unions transferred as a tool for the country to stabilize labor relations. In the meantime, trade unions were only regarded as fringe groups and dominated by the country. Until democratic movements were thriving and martial law was ended, labor consciousness were germinated and labor strikes are ignited, and union autonomy was gradually expanded. CTWU ( Chunghwa Telecom Workers’ Union) was founded for more than 50 years, She was not only witnessed the development of Taiwan unions but underwent the changes, and eventually got rid of the authority’s control. Either from the respects of agency or scopes of organization, CTWU possesses the representation of Taiwan unions. Therefore, this research firstly demonstrated if the interpretation of collective action is applied to Taiwan unions in accordance with plentiful experience which CTWU have, and probed into the solution for trade unions to conquer dilemma. From this research, it was found that CTWU members’ motivation of partaking in union activities are the selection logic between individual rationality and self-interest. The union’s collective actions will be influenced by the variables in size of organizations, relations between costs and revenue, selective incentives and union leaders with the form of political entrepreneur. However, the variables of extrarational motivations and supplies of public properties are not significant enough to motivate union member joining collective actions. As regards the plight of mobilization faced by unions, it can be solved by the methods of offering selective incentives, raising labor consciousness and increasing member engagement et cetera. Above all, the most fundamental solution is to raise labor consciousness and increase member engagement.
關聯 政大勞動學報, 24, 43-94
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 政大勞工所en_US
dc.creator (作者) 張昌吉;劉政彥zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2009-05en_US
dc.date.accessioned 30-九月-2013 17:34:45 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 30-九月-2013 17:34:45 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 30-九月-2013 17:34:45 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/61122-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 觀察過去的工會發展史,從一黨主政政府把持的政黨工會,至經濟發展時期的政經結合穩定勞資關係,工會只是國家統治的外圍團體,直至解嚴及政治民主運動興起,勞工意識獲得啟蒙,帶起一波工潮,工會自主性才逐漸展開。中華電信工會成立自今已逾50年之久,不僅見證台灣工會的發展,更親身經歷其中,最終擺脫官方的掌控,其在行動力與組織規模方面皆極具工會代表性,因此本研究首在透過中華電信工會豐富的工會行動經驗,來檢證台灣工會對於集體行動理論的適用性,並探討工會運用解決困境的途徑。本研究發現,中華電信工會成員參與工會的動機是個人理性(individual rationality)與自利( self-interest)的選擇邏輯。工會的集體行動並且會受到團體大小、成本與效益間的關係、選擇性誘因( selective incentives )及政治企業家( political entrepreneur )型工會領袖等變項所影響,而超理性動機(extrarational motivations)與公共財的供給等變項卻不足以用來解釋工會成員之所以參加集體行動的動機。至於工會所面臨動員的困境,可藉由提供選擇性誘因、提升勞動意識及增加會員認同感等方式來解法,其中又以提升勞工意識及增加會員認同為最根本的解決之道。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) From the observation on the development history, trade unions are initially founded with politic purpose during the period of dictatorship by Kuomintang. During the phase of economic development, Trade unions transferred as a tool for the country to stabilize labor relations. In the meantime, trade unions were only regarded as fringe groups and dominated by the country. Until democratic movements were thriving and martial law was ended, labor consciousness were germinated and labor strikes are ignited, and union autonomy was gradually expanded. CTWU ( Chunghwa Telecom Workers’ Union) was founded for more than 50 years, She was not only witnessed the development of Taiwan unions but underwent the changes, and eventually got rid of the authority’s control. Either from the respects of agency or scopes of organization, CTWU possesses the representation of Taiwan unions. Therefore, this research firstly demonstrated if the interpretation of collective action is applied to Taiwan unions in accordance with plentiful experience which CTWU have, and probed into the solution for trade unions to conquer dilemma. From this research, it was found that CTWU members’ motivation of partaking in union activities are the selection logic between individual rationality and self-interest. The union’s collective actions will be influenced by the variables in size of organizations, relations between costs and revenue, selective incentives and union leaders with the form of political entrepreneur. However, the variables of extrarational motivations and supplies of public properties are not significant enough to motivate union member joining collective actions. As regards the plight of mobilization faced by unions, it can be solved by the methods of offering selective incentives, raising labor consciousness and increasing member engagement et cetera. Above all, the most fundamental solution is to raise labor consciousness and increase member engagement.en_US
dc.format.extent 583457 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 政大勞動學報, 24, 43-94en_US
dc.title (題名) 工會集體行動策略分析:以中華電信工會為例zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Analysis of Collective Action Straegy of the Trade Union: A Case Study of Chunghwa Telecom Workers` Unionen_US
dc.type (資料類型) articleen