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題名 國會議員與媒體:從議題之策略與策略之議題談起
其他題名 How Legislators Use Media: Strategies for Issues vs. Issues for Strategies
作者 陳憶寧
貢獻者 國立政治大學廣告學系
關鍵詞 立法委員;政策制定;記者;策略;選舉;議題
日期 2005
上傳時間 11-Oct-2013 15:27:10 (UTC+8)
摘要 本計畫意圖瞭解立法委員的媒體策略。過去相關研究焦點多在於國會議員的媒體呈 現,且情境多為競選期間,所以立委的媒體曝光之目的在於選民接觸,以贏得選票。而 本研究則認為政策制定畢竟是立委更重要的工作項目,所以本計畫焦點在於探索立委於 政策制定與競選期間的媒體策略之異同。 本計畫所欲回答的研究問題如下: 1. 立法院中偏好使用媒體策略(相較於傳統策略)的立委的特質為何? 2. 立法委員在非競選期間與競選期間時期的媒體策略有何不同(議題之策略vs.策略之 議題)? 3. 立法院中偏好使用媒體的立委,以政策制定為目的時(及非競選期間),通常是在政策 制定過程中的哪一個階段運用媒體(議題之策略)? 4. 在競選期間與非競選期間,立委所選擇的媒體議題性質是否會有所不同(策略之議 題)? 5. 立法委員如何看待記者的關係(此為中介變項)?與記者的關係的看法是否影響到媒 體策略? 本計畫將採取三種資料蒐集方法,分別問卷調查、深度訪談與內容分析。研究問題 一、二、三與五是以第五屆立法委員為對象的問卷調查,另外本研究將以深度訪談的方 式,挑選數位相關人士,包括立委(為主要受訪對像)、國會記者、立法院工作人員、立 委助理、國會聯絡人等等,進行一對一的訪談以及相關立法文件資料蒐集整理。研究問 題四的資料蒐集法為分析偏好使用媒體策略的立法委員於第五屆任期內所發佈的新聞 稿的內容分析,以瞭解新聞稿內容中的議題性質與數量是否與選舉有關。
The genesis of this project is to understand how members of Legislative Yuan have used the media to influence policy and to reach constituents. This study focuses five major questions. The first question is: Which legislators, how often, and to what ends, do they employ media strategies? Despite a number of recent studies asserting the importance of the media in politics, we still have no answers for these very basic questions. The second question is: What are the differences of media strategies of the legislators between for the purpose of policy-making and for the purpose of reaching the constituents during the political campaign? Personal goals help determine how he or she feels about the media. It is expected legislators interested in internal influence may often use the media to help publicize their activities. On the other hand, policy-oriented legislators may not use the media as often and do no see the media as particularly influential. The third research question is: At which point in the legislative process are members of Congress most likely to approach the media? Previous research indicated agenda setting was one area in which members of Congress can directly influence the process (Cook, 1989, 118-148; Loomis, 1988: 74-75). For the different purposes of policy making and winning in election, the fourth question is: Will there be differences in issue emphases for members of Congress to approach the media? Finally, legislators concerned primarily with election often use reporters as a source for information, but they do not believe these reporters are influential in making policy. So the fifth research question is: How do legislators see the importance of cultivating relationships with reporters? Is relationship-building a strategy for media agenda setting? This project will employ three methods for data collection. For answering the research questions 1, 2, 3, and 5, we will use a survey of legislators and conduct several in-depth interviews with legislators, reporters, congressional staffs, and interest groups. For research question 4, we will content analyze the issues in the press releases of the legislators, who have tended to approach media more often during their incumbency.
關聯 執行期間:9308-9407
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 國立政治大學廣告學系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳憶寧zh_TW (日期) 2005en_US 11-Oct-2013 15:27:10 (UTC+8)- 11-Oct-2013 15:27:10 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 11-Oct-2013 15:27:10 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本計畫意圖瞭解立法委員的媒體策略。過去相關研究焦點多在於國會議員的媒體呈 現,且情境多為競選期間,所以立委的媒體曝光之目的在於選民接觸,以贏得選票。而 本研究則認為政策制定畢竟是立委更重要的工作項目,所以本計畫焦點在於探索立委於 政策制定與競選期間的媒體策略之異同。 本計畫所欲回答的研究問題如下: 1. 立法院中偏好使用媒體策略(相較於傳統策略)的立委的特質為何? 2. 立法委員在非競選期間與競選期間時期的媒體策略有何不同(議題之策略vs.策略之 議題)? 3. 立法院中偏好使用媒體的立委,以政策制定為目的時(及非競選期間),通常是在政策 制定過程中的哪一個階段運用媒體(議題之策略)? 4. 在競選期間與非競選期間,立委所選擇的媒體議題性質是否會有所不同(策略之議 題)? 5. 立法委員如何看待記者的關係(此為中介變項)?與記者的關係的看法是否影響到媒 體策略? 本計畫將採取三種資料蒐集方法,分別問卷調查、深度訪談與內容分析。研究問題 一、二、三與五是以第五屆立法委員為對象的問卷調查,另外本研究將以深度訪談的方 式,挑選數位相關人士,包括立委(為主要受訪對像)、國會記者、立法院工作人員、立 委助理、國會聯絡人等等,進行一對一的訪談以及相關立法文件資料蒐集整理。研究問 題四的資料蒐集法為分析偏好使用媒體策略的立法委員於第五屆任期內所發佈的新聞 稿的內容分析,以瞭解新聞稿內容中的議題性質與數量是否與選舉有關。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The genesis of this project is to understand how members of Legislative Yuan have used the media to influence policy and to reach constituents. This study focuses five major questions. The first question is: Which legislators, how often, and to what ends, do they employ media strategies? Despite a number of recent studies asserting the importance of the media in politics, we still have no answers for these very basic questions. The second question is: What are the differences of media strategies of the legislators between for the purpose of policy-making and for the purpose of reaching the constituents during the political campaign? Personal goals help determine how he or she feels about the media. It is expected legislators interested in internal influence may often use the media to help publicize their activities. On the other hand, policy-oriented legislators may not use the media as often and do no see the media as particularly influential. The third research question is: At which point in the legislative process are members of Congress most likely to approach the media? Previous research indicated agenda setting was one area in which members of Congress can directly influence the process (Cook, 1989, 118-148; Loomis, 1988: 74-75). For the different purposes of policy making and winning in election, the fourth question is: Will there be differences in issue emphases for members of Congress to approach the media? Finally, legislators concerned primarily with election often use reporters as a source for information, but they do not believe these reporters are influential in making policy. So the fifth research question is: How do legislators see the importance of cultivating relationships with reporters? Is relationship-building a strategy for media agenda setting? This project will employ three methods for data collection. For answering the research questions 1, 2, 3, and 5, we will use a survey of legislators and conduct several in-depth interviews with legislators, reporters, congressional staffs, and interest groups. For research question 4, we will content analyze the issues in the press releases of the legislators, who have tended to approach media more often during their incumbency.-
dc.format.extent 295357 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 執行期間:9308-9407en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 立法委員;政策制定;記者;策略;選舉;議題-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) election;issues;legislator;strategies;policy-making;reporters-
dc.title (題名) 國會議員與媒體:從議題之策略與策略之議題談起zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) How Legislators Use Media: Strategies for Issues vs. Issues for Strategies-
dc.type (資料類型) reporten