題名 空間地域產業網絡演化對廠商創新績效影響之研究-以台灣ICT產業為例
The Effect of the Evolution of Spatial Location and Industrial Network on the Innovation Performance of the Firms - A Case Study on ICT Industry in Taiwan作者 徐莉婷
Hsu, Li Ting貢獻者 邊泰明
Ben, Tai Ming
Hsu, Li Ting關鍵詞 空間地域
Spatial Location
Industrial Network
Structural Holes
Network Evolution
Innovation Performance日期 2012 上傳時間 4-三月-2014 09:17:39 (UTC+8) 摘要 本研究以動態的網絡演化觀點,分別探討空間地域與產業網絡中的廠商與其他行動者的互動所形塑的網絡結構對廠商創新績效的影響。文獻回顧與相關理論主要由群聚、網絡與創新績效三部分所構成。地理面的空間地域因地方環境資源的差異型塑不同的地方優劣勢,進而影響非空間性的產業網絡的演化;產業網絡是廠商集體行動的具體化展現,也是技術資訊擴散的關鍵機制;廠商依據其對所處的空間地域與產業網絡的評估,作出不同的決策而創造不同的創新績效,形成此三者間密切且動態的相互影響關係。研究結果指出廠商不論位於橋接結構洞的地位或空間地域的核心地位皆不利其創新績效的表現,但廠商可透過區位選擇機制設廠於高創新地域以及增加研發技術方面的合作連結來提升其創新績效。 參考文獻 一、 中文部分王寶進,2004,『多變量分析:套裝程式與資料分析』,台北:高等教育文化事業有限公司。林淑雯,2010,「地區環境、網絡與廠商研發投入-台灣製造業的實證分析」,『規劃學報』,36:1-22。拓墣產業研究所,2010,『後ECFA時代兩岸ICT產業競合趨勢』,台北:拓墣產業研究所。張嘉雯,2006,「地理群聚、組織間關係鑲嵌與網絡地位對創新績效之影響:台灣製造業的實證」,『遠東學報』,23(2):353-372。游振偉、邊泰明,2007,「台灣地區工業地域創新氛圍之探索」,『經濟前瞻』,114:116-119。楊重信、林育諄,2003,「台灣都市生產者服務業動態外部之實證」,『都市與計劃』,30 (2):91-107。邊泰明、廖皇傑,2010,「台灣地區製藥產業網絡與跨區合作創新之研究」,『產業與管理論壇』,12(1):8-31。二、 英文部分Abernathy, W. J. and Utterback, J. M., 1978, “Patterns of innovation in technology,” Technology Review, 80 (7): 40-47.Balland, P. A., 2012, “Proximity and the evolution of collaboration networks: evidence from research and development projects within the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) industry,” Regional Studies, 46(6): 741-756.Burt, R., 1992, Structural holes: The social structure of competition, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Bell, G. G., 2005, “Clusters, networks, and firm innovativeness,” Strategic Management Journal, 26:287–295.Dyer, J. H. and Nobeoka, K., 2000, “Creating and managing a high-performance knowledge-sharing network: the Toyota case,” Strategic Management Journal, 21(3): 345-367.Glückler, J., 2007, “Economic geography and the evolution of networks,” Journal of Economic Geography, 7:619-634.Granovetter, M. S., 1973, “The strength of weak ties,” American Journal of Sociology, 78(6): 1360-1380.Hagedoorn, J., and Cloodt, M., 2003, “Measuring innovative performance: is there an advantage in using multiple indicators?,” Research Policy, 32: 1365-1379.Hallikas, J., Varis, Sissonen, J., H. and V. M. Virolainen, 2008, “The evolution of the network structure in the ICT sector,” International Journal of Production Economics, 115(2): 296-304.Hill C. W. and Jones, G. R., 1998, Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach,Fourth Edition, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.Jacobs, J., 1969, Economy of Cities, New York: Vintage Press.Koka, B., R., Madhavan, D., and Prescott, J., E., 2006, “The Evolution of Interfirm Networks: Environmental Effects on Patterns of Network Change,” Academy of Management Review, 31(3): 721-737.Krafft, J., 2004, “Entry, exit and knowledge: evidence from a cluster in the info-communications industry,” Research Policy, 33: 1687-1706.Lechner, C., and Leyronas, C., 2011, “The competitive advantage of cluster firms: the priority of regional network position over extra-regional networks: a study of a French high-tech cluster,” Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 457-473.Li, P. F., Bathelt, H. and Wang, J., 2011, “Network dynamics and cluster evolution: changing trajectories of the aluminium extrusion industry in Dali, China,” Journal of Economic Geography, 12(1):127-155.Lin, T. R., and Sun, C., 2010, “Driving industrial clusters to be nationally competitive,” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 22:81-97.Liu, C. H., 2010, “The effects of innovation alliance on network structure and density of cluster”, Expert Systems with Applications, 38:299-305.Freeman, L. C., 1979, “Centrality in social networks: conceptual clarification,” Social Networks, 1(1): 215-239.Freeman, L. C., 2004, The Development of Social Network Analysis: A Study in the Sociology of Science, Vancouver, CA: Empirical Press.Markusen, A., 1996, “Sticky places in slippery space: a typology of industry districts,” Economic Geography, 72(3): 293-313.Martin, R. and Sunley, P., 2006, “Path dependence and regional economic evolution,” Journal of Economic Geography, 6(4): 395-437.Mitchell, J. C., 1969, “The Concept and Use of Social Structure”pp.1-50 in Social Network in Urban Situatuons: Analyses of personal relationships in Central African towns, edited by Mitchell, J. C., England: University of Manchester Press.Moulaert, F. and Sekia, F., 2003, “Territorial Innovation Models: A Critical Survey,” Regional Studies, 37(3):289-302.Nicotra, M. R. and Giudice, M., 2013, “The Evolurion Dynamic of a Cluster Knowledge Network: the Role of Firms" Absorptive Capacity,” Journal of the Knowledge Economy.Porter, M. E., 1980, Competitive strategy Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors, New York: Free Press.Porter, M. E., 1990, The competitive advantage of nations, New York: Free Press.Powell, W. W., 2005, “Network dynamics and field evolution: the growth of inter-organizational collaboration in the life sciences,” American Journal of Sociology, 110(4): 1132-1205.Rosenkopf, L. and Padula, G., 2008, “Investigating the microstructure of network evolution: alliance formation in the mobile communications industry,” Organization Science, 19(5): 669-687.Schumpeter, J. A., 1939, Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process, New York: McGraw-Hill Press. Siu, W. S. and Bao, Q., 2008, “Network strategies of small Chinese high-technology firms: a qualitative study,” Product Innovation Management, 25: 79-102.Tallman, S., Jenkins, M., Henry, N. and Pinch, S., 2004, “Knowledge, cluster, and competitive advantage,” The Academy of Management Review, 29:258-271.Tang, F. C. and Xi, Y. M., 2006, “Exploring dynamic multi-level linkages in inter-organizational networks,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23(2):187-208.Ter Wal, A. L. J., 2011, “Cluster Emergence and Network Evolution: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Inventor Network in Sophia-Antipolis,” Regional Studies, 1-18.Ter Wal, A. L. J. and Boschma, R. A., 2009, “Applying social network analysis in economic geography: framing some key analytic issues,” The Annals of Regional Science, 43(3): 739-756.Trajtenberg, M., 1987, “Patents, citations, and innovations: Tracing the links,”Working Paper 2457, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA.Walker, G., Kogut, B. and Shan, W., 1997, “Social capital, structural holes and the formation of an industry network,” Organization Science, 8(2): 109-125.Whittington, K. B., Smith, J. O. and Powell, W. W., 2009, “Networks, propinquity, and innovation in knowledge-intensive industries,” Administrative Science Quarterly, 54:90-122.Wijen, F., Noorderhaven, N. and Vanhaverbeke, W., 2011, “Structural antecedents of corporate network evolution,” International Journal of Business Environment, 4(3): 207-233.Yang, K. S. and Lin, C. Y., 2012, “Network dynamics and innovative performance: The moderating effects of network resources,” African Journal of Business Management, 6(4):1545-1552. 三、 網路資料世界經濟論壇網站,2012,http://www.weforum.org/,取用日期:2012年11月19日。行政院主計總處網站,2012,http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/,取用日期:2012年11月25日。經濟部智慧財產局專利檢索系統網站,2012,http://twpat.tipo.gov.tw/,取用日期:2012年11月30日。臺灣證券交易所公開資訊觀測站網站,2012,http://mops.twse.com.tw/,取用日期:2012年11月30日。臺灣經濟研究院,2012,http://www.topology.com.tw/tri/,取用日期:2012年12月5日。 描述 碩士
101資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100257013 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 邊泰明 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Ben, Tai Ming en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 徐莉婷 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Hsu, Li Ting en_US dc.creator (作者) 徐莉婷 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Hsu, Li Ting en_US dc.date (日期) 2012 en_US dc.date.accessioned 4-三月-2014 09:17:39 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 4-三月-2014 09:17:39 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-三月-2014 09:17:39 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0100257013 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/64387 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 地政研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 100257013 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 101 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究以動態的網絡演化觀點,分別探討空間地域與產業網絡中的廠商與其他行動者的互動所形塑的網絡結構對廠商創新績效的影響。文獻回顧與相關理論主要由群聚、網絡與創新績效三部分所構成。地理面的空間地域因地方環境資源的差異型塑不同的地方優劣勢,進而影響非空間性的產業網絡的演化;產業網絡是廠商集體行動的具體化展現,也是技術資訊擴散的關鍵機制;廠商依據其對所處的空間地域與產業網絡的評估,作出不同的決策而創造不同的創新績效,形成此三者間密切且動態的相互影響關係。研究結果指出廠商不論位於橋接結構洞的地位或空間地域的核心地位皆不利其創新績效的表現,但廠商可透過區位選擇機制設廠於高創新地域以及增加研發技術方面的合作連結來提升其創新績效。 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 - 1 -第一節 研究動機與目的 - 1 -第二節 研究範疇與方法 - 4 -第三節 研究內容與流程 - 7 -第二章 相關理論與文獻回顧 - 9 -第一節 群聚理論與發展 - 10 -第二節 網絡理論與發展 - 12 -第三節 創新績效 - 25 -第四節 小結 - 29 -第三章 台灣ICT產業現況分析 - 31 -第一節 ICT產業之定義 - 31 -第二節 ICT產業發展特性 - 35 -第三節 台灣ICT產業發展現況 - 39 -第四節 台灣ICT產業發展困境 - 41 -第四章 研究設計 - 43 -第一節 研究架構與假說 - 43 -第二節 資料蒐集 - 46 -第三節 實證研究方法 - 49 -第五章 實證結果分析 - 53 -第一節 ICT廠商資料分析 - 53 -第二節 ICT廠商研發技網術絡概況 - 56 -第三節 實證分析 - 62 -第四節 小結 - 69 -第六章 結論與建議 - 71 -第一節 研究結論 - 71 -第二節 研究建議 - 73 -參考文獻 - 75 -附錄 - 81 - zh_TW dc.format.extent 8615039 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100257013 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 空間地域 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 產業網絡 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 網絡演化 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 結構洞 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創新績效 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Spatial Location en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Industrial Network en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Structural Holes en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Network Evolution en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Innovation Performance en_US dc.title (題名) 空間地域產業網絡演化對廠商創新績效影響之研究-以台灣ICT產業為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The Effect of the Evolution of Spatial Location and Industrial Network on the Innovation Performance of the Firms - A Case Study on ICT Industry in Taiwan en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 中文部分王寶進,2004,『多變量分析:套裝程式與資料分析』,台北:高等教育文化事業有限公司。林淑雯,2010,「地區環境、網絡與廠商研發投入-台灣製造業的實證分析」,『規劃學報』,36:1-22。拓墣產業研究所,2010,『後ECFA時代兩岸ICT產業競合趨勢』,台北:拓墣產業研究所。張嘉雯,2006,「地理群聚、組織間關係鑲嵌與網絡地位對創新績效之影響:台灣製造業的實證」,『遠東學報』,23(2):353-372。游振偉、邊泰明,2007,「台灣地區工業地域創新氛圍之探索」,『經濟前瞻』,114:116-119。楊重信、林育諄,2003,「台灣都市生產者服務業動態外部之實證」,『都市與計劃』,30 (2):91-107。邊泰明、廖皇傑,2010,「台灣地區製藥產業網絡與跨區合作創新之研究」,『產業與管理論壇』,12(1):8-31。二、 英文部分Abernathy, W. J. and Utterback, J. M., 1978, “Patterns of innovation in technology,” Technology Review, 80 (7): 40-47.Balland, P. A., 2012, “Proximity and the evolution of collaboration networks: evidence from research and development projects within the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) industry,” Regional Studies, 46(6): 741-756.Burt, R., 1992, Structural holes: The social structure of competition, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Bell, G. G., 2005, “Clusters, networks, and firm innovativeness,” Strategic Management Journal, 26:287–295.Dyer, J. H. and Nobeoka, K., 2000, “Creating and managing a high-performance knowledge-sharing network: the Toyota case,” Strategic Management Journal, 21(3): 345-367.Glückler, J., 2007, “Economic geography and the evolution of networks,” Journal of Economic Geography, 7:619-634.Granovetter, M. S., 1973, “The strength of weak ties,” American Journal of Sociology, 78(6): 1360-1380.Hagedoorn, J., and Cloodt, M., 2003, “Measuring innovative performance: is there an advantage in using multiple indicators?,” Research Policy, 32: 1365-1379.Hallikas, J., Varis, Sissonen, J., H. and V. M. Virolainen, 2008, “The evolution of the network structure in the ICT sector,” International Journal of Production Economics, 115(2): 296-304.Hill C. W. and Jones, G. R., 1998, Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach,Fourth Edition, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.Jacobs, J., 1969, Economy of Cities, New York: Vintage Press.Koka, B., R., Madhavan, D., and Prescott, J., E., 2006, “The Evolution of Interfirm Networks: Environmental Effects on Patterns of Network Change,” Academy of Management Review, 31(3): 721-737.Krafft, J., 2004, “Entry, exit and knowledge: evidence from a cluster in the info-communications industry,” Research Policy, 33: 1687-1706.Lechner, C., and Leyronas, C., 2011, “The competitive advantage of cluster firms: the priority of regional network position over extra-regional networks: a study of a French high-tech cluster,” Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 457-473.Li, P. F., Bathelt, H. and Wang, J., 2011, “Network dynamics and cluster evolution: changing trajectories of the aluminium extrusion industry in Dali, China,” Journal of Economic Geography, 12(1):127-155.Lin, T. R., and Sun, C., 2010, “Driving industrial clusters to be nationally competitive,” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 22:81-97.Liu, C. H., 2010, “The effects of innovation alliance on network structure and density of cluster”, Expert Systems with Applications, 38:299-305.Freeman, L. C., 1979, “Centrality in social networks: conceptual clarification,” Social Networks, 1(1): 215-239.Freeman, L. C., 2004, The Development of Social Network Analysis: A Study in the Sociology of Science, Vancouver, CA: Empirical Press.Markusen, A., 1996, “Sticky places in slippery space: a typology of industry districts,” Economic Geography, 72(3): 293-313.Martin, R. and Sunley, P., 2006, “Path dependence and regional economic evolution,” Journal of Economic Geography, 6(4): 395-437.Mitchell, J. C., 1969, “The Concept and Use of Social Structure”pp.1-50 in Social Network in Urban Situatuons: Analyses of personal relationships in Central African towns, edited by Mitchell, J. C., England: University of Manchester Press.Moulaert, F. and Sekia, F., 2003, “Territorial Innovation Models: A Critical Survey,” Regional Studies, 37(3):289-302.Nicotra, M. R. and Giudice, M., 2013, “The Evolurion Dynamic of a Cluster Knowledge Network: the Role of Firms" Absorptive Capacity,” Journal of the Knowledge Economy.Porter, M. E., 1980, Competitive strategy Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors, New York: Free Press.Porter, M. E., 1990, The competitive advantage of nations, New York: Free Press.Powell, W. W., 2005, “Network dynamics and field evolution: the growth of inter-organizational collaboration in the life sciences,” American Journal of Sociology, 110(4): 1132-1205.Rosenkopf, L. and Padula, G., 2008, “Investigating the microstructure of network evolution: alliance formation in the mobile communications industry,” Organization Science, 19(5): 669-687.Schumpeter, J. A., 1939, Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process, New York: McGraw-Hill Press. Siu, W. S. and Bao, Q., 2008, “Network strategies of small Chinese high-technology firms: a qualitative study,” Product Innovation Management, 25: 79-102.Tallman, S., Jenkins, M., Henry, N. and Pinch, S., 2004, “Knowledge, cluster, and competitive advantage,” The Academy of Management Review, 29:258-271.Tang, F. C. and Xi, Y. M., 2006, “Exploring dynamic multi-level linkages in inter-organizational networks,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23(2):187-208.Ter Wal, A. L. J., 2011, “Cluster Emergence and Network Evolution: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Inventor Network in Sophia-Antipolis,” Regional Studies, 1-18.Ter Wal, A. L. J. and Boschma, R. A., 2009, “Applying social network analysis in economic geography: framing some key analytic issues,” The Annals of Regional Science, 43(3): 739-756.Trajtenberg, M., 1987, “Patents, citations, and innovations: Tracing the links,”Working Paper 2457, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA.Walker, G., Kogut, B. and Shan, W., 1997, “Social capital, structural holes and the formation of an industry network,” Organization Science, 8(2): 109-125.Whittington, K. B., Smith, J. O. and Powell, W. W., 2009, “Networks, propinquity, and innovation in knowledge-intensive industries,” Administrative Science Quarterly, 54:90-122.Wijen, F., Noorderhaven, N. and Vanhaverbeke, W., 2011, “Structural antecedents of corporate network evolution,” International Journal of Business Environment, 4(3): 207-233.Yang, K. S. and Lin, C. Y., 2012, “Network dynamics and innovative performance: The moderating effects of network resources,” African Journal of Business Management, 6(4):1545-1552. 三、 網路資料世界經濟論壇網站,2012,http://www.weforum.org/,取用日期:2012年11月19日。行政院主計總處網站,2012,http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/,取用日期:2012年11月25日。經濟部智慧財產局專利檢索系統網站,2012,http://twpat.tipo.gov.tw/,取用日期:2012年11月30日。臺灣證券交易所公開資訊觀測站網站,2012,http://mops.twse.com.tw/,取用日期:2012年11月30日。臺灣經濟研究院,2012,http://www.topology.com.tw/tri/,取用日期:2012年12月5日。 zh_TW