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題名 博物館Facebook粉絲專頁行銷成效探究
其他題名 A Study of Business Models of Museum Facebook Fan Pages
作者 韓志翔;蔡瑞煌;林國平;石淑慧;張雯然
Han, Tzu-Shian ; Tsaih, Rua-huan ; Lin, James Quo-Ping ; Shih, Shu-Hui ; Chang, Wen-Jan
貢獻者 企管系
關鍵詞 博物館;社群媒體行銷;Facebook 粉絲專頁;粉絲數;談論率
Museum; Social Media Marketing; Facebook Fan page; Number of Fans; Ratio of “People Talking about This
日期 2012-12
上傳時間 4-三月-2014 17:37:27 (UTC+8)
摘要 社群網站已成為現代人溝通連絡的主要管道之一。其中又以 2004 年創立的Facebook 使用率最高。由於大量的用戶及快速的消息傳播速度,企業開始透過設立 Facebook 粉絲專頁來建立與顧客之間的關係。博物館雖屬非營利組織,但為了與日漸多樣化的休閒機構競爭,行銷成為經營重點,因此紛紛架設起專屬的 Facebook 粉絲專頁,並藉此進行網路社群媒體行銷。本研究藉由個案研究法,線上觀察世界四大博物館-紐約大都會藝術博物館、羅浮宮博物館、大英博物館、國立故宮博物院的 Facebook 粉絲專頁經營模式,分析比較各個博物館的粉絲專頁內容,評估其是否符合過去文獻所整理的Facebook 成功經營要素,並採用粉絲數及談論率做為衡量指標評估營運績效。研究結果發現各博物館發文內容多與博物館展覽和館藏文物相關,且喜歡採用文字搭配圖片方式發文。以營運績效而言,紐約大都會藝術博物館Facebook 粉絲數量最多,但國立故宮博物院粉絲專頁的討論率最高,與粉絲互動較佳。同時,本研究亦發現四大博物館目前 Facebook 粉絲專頁的粉絲雖持續增加中,不過談論率相當低,顯示在經營績效並不佳,仍有許多改善空間。最後根據研究發現,本研究建議博物館可建立展覽、社群媒體、網站之間的互相連結,達到行銷工具間的綜效。此外,在粉絲專頁的經營上,博物館可依粉絲的需求將內容差異化,並提供具互動性的話題、活動、優惠、遊戲、意見回覆等,以強化博物館與粉絲及粉絲間的互動,因而提昇粉絲的忠誠度,最終達到推廣的目的。
This study aims to analyze the marketing performance of Facebook fan pages of museums. Four world famous museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the British Museum, the Musée du Louvre and the National Palace Museum, are chosen as subjects of case studies. By observing and analyzing the contents of each museum fan page and evaluating its performance through the number of fans and the ratio of “people talking about this”, the study assesses whether these four museums are successful in their uses and management of Facebook fan pages. The result shows the main contents of these museum Facebook fan pages are about exhibitions and most of the information is released with texts and pictures. As for their respective performances in operating Facebook fan pages, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has the most fans while the National Palace Museum has the highest ratio of people talking about this, which suggests it has better interaction with fans. However, according to the research findings, none of the museums delivers satisfactory operation performance of the Facebook fan page and there is much room for improvement. Therefore, the authors conclude the paper with practical advices for future operational reference.
關聯 博物館與文化, 4, 139-168
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 企管系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 韓志翔;蔡瑞煌;林國平;石淑慧;張雯然zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Han, Tzu-Shian ; Tsaih, Rua-huan ; Lin, James Quo-Ping ; Shih, Shu-Hui ; Chang, Wen-Janen_US
dc.date (日期) 2012-12en_US
dc.date.accessioned 4-三月-2014 17:37:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-三月-2014 17:37:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-三月-2014 17:37:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/64455-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 社群網站已成為現代人溝通連絡的主要管道之一。其中又以 2004 年創立的Facebook 使用率最高。由於大量的用戶及快速的消息傳播速度,企業開始透過設立 Facebook 粉絲專頁來建立與顧客之間的關係。博物館雖屬非營利組織,但為了與日漸多樣化的休閒機構競爭,行銷成為經營重點,因此紛紛架設起專屬的 Facebook 粉絲專頁,並藉此進行網路社群媒體行銷。本研究藉由個案研究法,線上觀察世界四大博物館-紐約大都會藝術博物館、羅浮宮博物館、大英博物館、國立故宮博物院的 Facebook 粉絲專頁經營模式,分析比較各個博物館的粉絲專頁內容,評估其是否符合過去文獻所整理的Facebook 成功經營要素,並採用粉絲數及談論率做為衡量指標評估營運績效。研究結果發現各博物館發文內容多與博物館展覽和館藏文物相關,且喜歡採用文字搭配圖片方式發文。以營運績效而言,紐約大都會藝術博物館Facebook 粉絲數量最多,但國立故宮博物院粉絲專頁的討論率最高,與粉絲互動較佳。同時,本研究亦發現四大博物館目前 Facebook 粉絲專頁的粉絲雖持續增加中,不過談論率相當低,顯示在經營績效並不佳,仍有許多改善空間。最後根據研究發現,本研究建議博物館可建立展覽、社群媒體、網站之間的互相連結,達到行銷工具間的綜效。此外,在粉絲專頁的經營上,博物館可依粉絲的需求將內容差異化,並提供具互動性的話題、活動、優惠、遊戲、意見回覆等,以強化博物館與粉絲及粉絲間的互動,因而提昇粉絲的忠誠度,最終達到推廣的目的。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study aims to analyze the marketing performance of Facebook fan pages of museums. Four world famous museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the British Museum, the Musée du Louvre and the National Palace Museum, are chosen as subjects of case studies. By observing and analyzing the contents of each museum fan page and evaluating its performance through the number of fans and the ratio of “people talking about this”, the study assesses whether these four museums are successful in their uses and management of Facebook fan pages. The result shows the main contents of these museum Facebook fan pages are about exhibitions and most of the information is released with texts and pictures. As for their respective performances in operating Facebook fan pages, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has the most fans while the National Palace Museum has the highest ratio of people talking about this, which suggests it has better interaction with fans. However, according to the research findings, none of the museums delivers satisfactory operation performance of the Facebook fan page and there is much room for improvement. Therefore, the authors conclude the paper with practical advices for future operational reference.en_US
dc.format.extent 612745 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 博物館與文化, 4, 139-168en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 博物館;社群媒體行銷;Facebook 粉絲專頁;粉絲數;談論率en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Museum; Social Media Marketing; Facebook Fan page; Number of Fans; Ratio of “People Talking about Thisen_US
dc.title (題名) 博物館Facebook粉絲專頁行銷成效探究zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) A Study of Business Models of Museum Facebook Fan Pagesen_US
dc.type (資料類型) articleen