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題名 The Influence of Cultural Universality and Specificity on EFL Learners’ Comprehension of Metaphor and Metonymy
作者 陳怡蓁;賴惠玲
Chen, Yi-chen ; Lai, Huei-ling
貢獻者 英文系
關鍵詞 以英語為外語;文化的普遍性與差異性;隱喻與轉喻;概念隱喻;中介語
English as foreign language;universality and specificity of culture;metaphor and metonymy;interlanguage;comprehension
日期 2013.04
上傳時間 21-三月-2014 14:12:06 (UTC+8)
摘要 以英語為外語的學習者常碰到第一語言及第二語言中的譬喻用語相互轉換的困難,源自於譬喻用語中蘊含著語言文化之普遍性與差異性所致。本文旨在以實證方式,研究文化之普遍性與差異性對於以英語為外語的學習者在學習隱喻及轉喻用語時的影響。參與實驗者為28位台灣籍的英語學習者;他們被要求將12句含有譬喻用語的英文句子翻譯成中文。實驗結果顯示:當英文譬喻用語的概念隱喻亦存在於中文之中時,學習者的翻譯為最佳;但當英文譬喻用語的概念隱喻與中文用語不同時,則翻譯最差。實驗結果不僅支持將中介語視為連續體的理論,亦以實證成果驗證該理論。概念隱喻應有效融入教學中,以提升語言學習者對於抽象概念的覺察及理解能力。
EFL learners may face different degrees of difficulty in transferring figurative expressions between L1 and L2 due to cultural similarities and differences embedded in languages. This study explores the influence of universality and specificity of culture on EFL learners` comprehension of metaphor and metonymy. Twenty eight Taiwanese EFL learners were asked to translate 12 English sentences into Chinese. Findings indicate that the participants performed the best when English and Chinese shared the same conceptual metaphors, and performed the worst when conceptual metaphors were distinct. The findings both support and qualify the interlanguage continuum of L2 acquisition. Suggestions to integrate conceptual metaphors and metonymies so as to effectively raise EFL learners` awareness of abstract concepts are made for future empirical research.
關聯 International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Article first published online: 1 APR 2013
資料類型 article
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ijal.12021
dc.contributor 英文系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳怡蓁;賴惠玲zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Yi-chen ; Lai, Huei-lingen_US
dc.date (日期) 2013.04en_US
dc.date.accessioned 21-三月-2014 14:12:06 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 21-三月-2014 14:12:06 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 21-三月-2014 14:12:06 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/64807-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 以英語為外語的學習者常碰到第一語言及第二語言中的譬喻用語相互轉換的困難,源自於譬喻用語中蘊含著語言文化之普遍性與差異性所致。本文旨在以實證方式,研究文化之普遍性與差異性對於以英語為外語的學習者在學習隱喻及轉喻用語時的影響。參與實驗者為28位台灣籍的英語學習者;他們被要求將12句含有譬喻用語的英文句子翻譯成中文。實驗結果顯示:當英文譬喻用語的概念隱喻亦存在於中文之中時,學習者的翻譯為最佳;但當英文譬喻用語的概念隱喻與中文用語不同時,則翻譯最差。實驗結果不僅支持將中介語視為連續體的理論,亦以實證成果驗證該理論。概念隱喻應有效融入教學中,以提升語言學習者對於抽象概念的覺察及理解能力。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) EFL learners may face different degrees of difficulty in transferring figurative expressions between L1 and L2 due to cultural similarities and differences embedded in languages. This study explores the influence of universality and specificity of culture on EFL learners` comprehension of metaphor and metonymy. Twenty eight Taiwanese EFL learners were asked to translate 12 English sentences into Chinese. Findings indicate that the participants performed the best when English and Chinese shared the same conceptual metaphors, and performed the worst when conceptual metaphors were distinct. The findings both support and qualify the interlanguage continuum of L2 acquisition. Suggestions to integrate conceptual metaphors and metonymies so as to effectively raise EFL learners` awareness of abstract concepts are made for future empirical research.en_US
dc.format.extent 290132 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Article first published online: 1 APR 2013en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 以英語為外語;文化的普遍性與差異性;隱喻與轉喻;概念隱喻;中介語en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) English as foreign language;universality and specificity of culture;metaphor and metonymy;interlanguage;comprehensionen_US
dc.title (題名) The Influence of Cultural Universality and Specificity on EFL Learners’ Comprehension of Metaphor and Metonymyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) articleen
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.1111/ijal.12021en_US
dc.doi.uri (DOI) http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ijal.12021en_US