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題名 永續都市觀點下住商混合社區之都市規劃 與設計模擬分析
Urban design and planning tools in building sustainable mixed-use neighborhoods
作者 張懿萱
Chang, Yi Hsuan
貢獻者 蔡育新
Tsai, Yu Hsin
Chang, Yi Hsuan
關鍵詞 土地混合使用
Sustainable city
Urban design
Urban planning
Built environment
日期 2011
上傳時間 1-Apr-2014 11:19:35 (UTC+8)
摘要 土地混合使用,尤其是住商混合使用,一直被認為是達成環境面永續都市或是生態城市的要素之一。其除了提高住商可及性使人們步行與騎自行車的機率增加外,同時也讓公共空間的安全性提高、並增加都市的活力。然而住、商兩者間不完全相容的土地使用型態卻也容易引發對居住環境的負面衝擊,例如噪音、異味、光線侵擾、使人感覺較擁擠、降低隱私性等使環境品質下降,而可能降低人對住商混合住宅社區的偏好。本研究從過去研究中較少提及的都市空間規劃與設計角度切入,探討不同都市規劃與設計元素如何影響住商混合區之環境品質,其研究目的有三:1. 歸納整理可能影響住商混合區建成環境之都市規劃與設計元素2. 建立環境面生態都市概念下,住商混合實質環境品質之評估面向與指標3. 分析各都市規劃與設計元素對住商混合建成環境指標之影響。

本研究以台北市的住三分區為基礎,建立模擬住商混合社區,模擬各種都市規劃、設計元素之變化情境,以利衡量每項都市設計元素以及組合情境影響下,住商混合社區各面向建成環境品質評估指標的變化。使用工具包括ArcGIS、Google ShetchUP、及AutoCAD軟體,以建立模擬都市基本圖,並使用空間分析工具、ArcGIS外掛模組及Excel計算各面向之環境指標數值。

Mixed land use has been widely considered as one of the key planning principles for achieving (environmentally) sustainable city or eco-city in terms of promoting transit patronage, walking and biking, and incubating retail-business friendly communities. However, it may also lower the livability because of the problems like noise, light instruction and downgraded residents privacy as to decrease the residents’ preference to live in mixed-use area. Few studies, nevertheless, has been done on the roles of the various tools in urban planning and design in improving the physical environment for both residents and retail businesses. The objectives of the paper are: (1) to review the urban planning and design tools normally applied by planners which may have impacts on the physical environment of mixed-use community; (2) to compile an inventory of indexes corresponding to the quality of physical environment for both residents and retail businesses; and (3) to examine the impacts of these tools on the physical environment indexes. The research method involves an simulation analysis, which is conducted in a selected mixed-use community in Taipei city, Taiwan. The simulation analysis helps examining the impact of each of the tools on physical environment indexes . The software packages applied are Google SketchUp, AutoCAD, ArcGIS, and Excel.

The results of simulation analyses suggest that lowering the building coverage rate (BCR) is helpful in improving overall quality of mixed-use community and all sub-indexes (i.e., pedestrian-friendly environment, residents’ livability and nature environment) except for retail business operation environment. The quality of retail business operation environment performs better when BCR stays at the intermediate level (between 40%-55%). In the aspect of building shape, there is minimal difference showed on the impact on the overall index between tower-shaped and slab-shaped buildings. Besides, the stair-shaped setback is suggested for better pedestrian-friendly environment, residents’ livability, and especially nature environment.
參考文獻 中文部分:
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Shirvani, H., 1990.『都市設計程序』(謝慶達譯),台北:創興出版社有限公司。

ASCE, 1999. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) manuals and reports on engineering practice No. 67: wind tunnel studies of buildings and structures. Virginia.
Bennett J., 2010, “New Zealand Apartment Living: Developing a Liveability Evaluation Index”,
Blocken, B., J.,Carmeliet, T., and Stathopoulos. 2007. CFD Evaluation of The Wind Speed Conditions In Passages Between Buildings E Effect of Wall-Function Roughness Modifications on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flow.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 95: 941-62.
Brook McIlroyInc ,2006,”Burlington Downtown Urban Design Guidelines”
Cervero,R. and Kockelman, K, 1997, “Travel demand and 3Ds:Density, diversity, and design”, Transportation Research, 2(3): 199-219.
Cervero R and Murakami J., 2009, “Rail and Property Development in Hong Kong: Experiences and Extensions”, Urban Studies46(10): 2019-2043.
Cervero R and Sullivan C., 2010, Institute oftransportationstudiesuniversity of California, Berkely
Chin G., Niel, K. CortiB.andKnuiman M., 2008, “Accessibility and connectivity in physical activity studies: The impact of missing pedestrian data”, Preventive Medicine, 46(1): 41-45.
Churchman, A. 1999, “Disentangling the concept of density”, Journal of Planning Literature 13: 389-411. 13:389-411.
Chapman L ,2000” Improved one dimensional energy balance modelling, tilising sky-view factors determinedfrom digital imagery”. 10ThInternational Road Weather Conference, Davos, Switzerland
Chow W.and. Roth M, 2006, “Temporal dynamics of the urban heat island of Singapore”,International Journal of Climatology, 26(15): 2243-2260.
Cozens, Saville, Hillier, 2005 "Crime prevention through environmental design: a review and modern bibliography", Property Management, 23(5):328 – 356
Elkin, Tim, D. McLaren, and M. Hillman, 1991. Reviving the city: Towards sustainable urban development., London: Friends of the Earth.
Envision Utah,2002“Wasachfront transitorienteddevelopmentguideline”

Grant, J., 2002, “Mixed use in theory and practice: Canadian experience with implementing a planning principle, Journal of the American Planning Association68(1): 71-85.
Hess P., Moudon A, Snyder M, Stanilov K.,1999, “Site Design and Pedestrian Travel, Transportation Research Record” Journal of the Transportation Research Board (1647):9-19
Herzele, A. V. and Wiedemann, T., 2003, “A monitoring tool for the provision of accessible and attractive urban green spaces”, Landscape and Urban Planning, 63:109-126.
Hillier, B., 1996Space is the Machine.” Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press

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Holmes J.,Hemert J, ”Peacefulness and Livability” The Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute
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Inam A., 2002,“Meaningful Urban Design: eleological/Catalytic/Relevant”, Journal of Urban Design, 7(1): 35-58.
J. Grant, 2002, “Mixed Use in Theory and Practice: Canadian Experience with Implementing a Planning Principle”, Journal of the American Planning Association, 68(1): 71-84.
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Ng, E., Chao Y., C. Liang, R. Chao, C.H. F., Jimmy, 2011. Improving the Wind Environment in High-Density Cities By Understanding Urban Morphology and Surface Roughness: A Study In Hong Kong. Landscape and Urban Planning, 101, pp. 59–74
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 蔡育新zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Tsai, Yu Hsinen_US (Authors) 張懿萱zh_TW (Authors) Chang, Yi Hsuanen_US
dc.creator (作者) 張懿萱zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chang, Yi Hsuanen_US (日期) 2011en_US 1-Apr-2014 11:19:35 (UTC+8)- 1-Apr-2014 11:19:35 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Apr-2014 11:19:35 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0099257007en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 地政研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 99257007zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 100zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 土地混合使用,尤其是住商混合使用,一直被認為是達成環境面永續都市或是生態城市的要素之一。其除了提高住商可及性使人們步行與騎自行車的機率增加外,同時也讓公共空間的安全性提高、並增加都市的活力。然而住、商兩者間不完全相容的土地使用型態卻也容易引發對居住環境的負面衝擊,例如噪音、異味、光線侵擾、使人感覺較擁擠、降低隱私性等使環境品質下降,而可能降低人對住商混合住宅社區的偏好。本研究從過去研究中較少提及的都市空間規劃與設計角度切入,探討不同都市規劃與設計元素如何影響住商混合區之環境品質,其研究目的有三:1. 歸納整理可能影響住商混合區建成環境之都市規劃與設計元素2. 建立環境面生態都市概念下,住商混合實質環境品質之評估面向與指標3. 分析各都市規劃與設計元素對住商混合建成環境指標之影響。

本研究以台北市的住三分區為基礎,建立模擬住商混合社區,模擬各種都市規劃、設計元素之變化情境,以利衡量每項都市設計元素以及組合情境影響下,住商混合社區各面向建成環境品質評估指標的變化。使用工具包括ArcGIS、Google ShetchUP、及AutoCAD軟體,以建立模擬都市基本圖,並使用空間分析工具、ArcGIS外掛模組及Excel計算各面向之環境指標數值。

dc.description.abstract (摘要) Mixed land use has been widely considered as one of the key planning principles for achieving (environmentally) sustainable city or eco-city in terms of promoting transit patronage, walking and biking, and incubating retail-business friendly communities. However, it may also lower the livability because of the problems like noise, light instruction and downgraded residents privacy as to decrease the residents’ preference to live in mixed-use area. Few studies, nevertheless, has been done on the roles of the various tools in urban planning and design in improving the physical environment for both residents and retail businesses. The objectives of the paper are: (1) to review the urban planning and design tools normally applied by planners which may have impacts on the physical environment of mixed-use community; (2) to compile an inventory of indexes corresponding to the quality of physical environment for both residents and retail businesses; and (3) to examine the impacts of these tools on the physical environment indexes. The research method involves an simulation analysis, which is conducted in a selected mixed-use community in Taipei city, Taiwan. The simulation analysis helps examining the impact of each of the tools on physical environment indexes . The software packages applied are Google SketchUp, AutoCAD, ArcGIS, and Excel.

The results of simulation analyses suggest that lowering the building coverage rate (BCR) is helpful in improving overall quality of mixed-use community and all sub-indexes (i.e., pedestrian-friendly environment, residents’ livability and nature environment) except for retail business operation environment. The quality of retail business operation environment performs better when BCR stays at the intermediate level (between 40%-55%). In the aspect of building shape, there is minimal difference showed on the impact on the overall index between tower-shaped and slab-shaped buildings. Besides, the stair-shaped setback is suggested for better pedestrian-friendly environment, residents’ livability, and especially nature environment.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究動機與目的 1
第二節、 研究內容 3
第三節、 研究方法與架構 4
第二章、 理論與文獻回顧 6
第一節、 理論基礎 6
第二節、 大眾運輸導向發展與住商混合社區 9
第三節、 住商混合區實質環境評估面向、指標與影響因素 12
第四節、 都市規劃與設計 23
第三章、 研究設計 28
第一節、 都市空間模擬研究架構與分析工具 28
第二節、 模擬分析範圍 29
第三節、 規劃與設計元素及模擬住商混合社區情境 34
第四節、 生態住商混合區衡量指標及衡量方法 39
第四章、 生態住商混合社區指標與使用者分析 50
第一節、 都市設計與規劃元素對永續住商混合區指標影響分析 51
第二節、 生態住商混合區使用者面向分析 80
第五章、 結論與政策建議 92
第一節、 結論 92
第二節、 政策建議 95
第三節、 研究限制 95
dc.format.extent 2758934 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 土地混合使用zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 永續都市zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 都市設計zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 都市規劃zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 建成環境zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mixed-useen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sustainable cityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Urban designen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Urban planningen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Built environmenten_US
dc.title (題名) 永續都市觀點下住商混合社區之都市規劃 與設計模擬分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Urban design and planning tools in building sustainable mixed-use neighborhoodsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分:
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Shirvani, H., 1990.『都市設計程序』(謝慶達譯),台北:創興出版社有限公司。

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Blocken, B., J.,Carmeliet, T., and Stathopoulos. 2007. CFD Evaluation of The Wind Speed Conditions In Passages Between Buildings E Effect of Wall-Function Roughness Modifications on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flow.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 95: 941-62.
Brook McIlroyInc ,2006,”Burlington Downtown Urban Design Guidelines”
Cervero,R. and Kockelman, K, 1997, “Travel demand and 3Ds:Density, diversity, and design”, Transportation Research, 2(3): 199-219.
Cervero R and Murakami J., 2009, “Rail and Property Development in Hong Kong: Experiences and Extensions”, Urban Studies46(10): 2019-2043.
Cervero R and Sullivan C., 2010, Institute oftransportationstudiesuniversity of California, Berkely
Chin G., Niel, K. CortiB.andKnuiman M., 2008, “Accessibility and connectivity in physical activity studies: The impact of missing pedestrian data”, Preventive Medicine, 46(1): 41-45.
Churchman, A. 1999, “Disentangling the concept of density”, Journal of Planning Literature 13: 389-411. 13:389-411.
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Cozens, Saville, Hillier, 2005 "Crime prevention through environmental design: a review and modern bibliography", Property Management, 23(5):328 – 356
Elkin, Tim, D. McLaren, and M. Hillman, 1991. Reviving the city: Towards sustainable urban development., London: Friends of the Earth.
Envision Utah,2002“Wasachfront transitorienteddevelopmentguideline”

Grant, J., 2002, “Mixed use in theory and practice: Canadian experience with implementing a planning principle, Journal of the American Planning Association68(1): 71-85.
Hess P., Moudon A, Snyder M, Stanilov K.,1999, “Site Design and Pedestrian Travel, Transportation Research Record” Journal of the Transportation Research Board (1647):9-19
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Holmes J.,Hemert J, ”Peacefulness and Livability” The Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute
HurM., Nasar J. L. and Chun B., 2010, “Neighborhood satisfaction, physical and perceived naturalness and openness”, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30(1): 52-59.
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Maas,J, VerheijR. A, GroenewegenP. P., de Vries S. and SpreeuwenbergP., 2006, “Green space, urbanity, and health: how strong is the relation?”, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 60(7): 587-592.
Ng, E., Chao Y., C. Liang, R. Chao, C.H. F., Jimmy, 2011. Improving the Wind Environment in High-Density Cities By Understanding Urban Morphology and Surface Roughness: A Study In Hong Kong. Landscape and Urban Planning, 101, pp. 59–74
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