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題名 整合理論與歐盟條約修改之研究-以歐盟憲法條約與里斯本條約爲例
其他題名 Integration Theory and Treaty Reform in the EU-The Cases of the Constitutional Treaty and the Treaty of Lisbon
作者 盧倩儀
貢獻者 國關中心
關鍵詞 歐盟 ; 憲法條約 ; 里斯本條約 ; 制度主義 ; 自由派政府間主義
the EU ; Constitutional Treaty; Lisbon Treaty ; Institutionalism ; Liberal Intergovernmentalism
日期 2010-12
上傳時間 4-六月-2014 11:27:40 (UTC+8)
摘要 二○○一年以來歐洲聯盟諸多歷史發展軸線中,以制憲爲底蘊但以里斯本條約收場的歐盟制度改革發展軸線,不僅整段發展完整屬於二○○一年至二○○九年這個歷史片段,同時亦是最爲清晰可辨並且最具歐洲區域整合里程碑意義的一條歷史軸線。此一歷史發展軸線該用什麼樣的理論來解釋?本文沿襲國際關係理論及區域整合研究中國家中心(state-centered)理論與制度主義對話的思辯輪廓,比較自由派政府間主義與制度主義對二○○一年至二○○九年歐盟制度改革歷史發展之解釋力。文章之理論探討部份首先對於兩大學派之共同點加以描述,按著從「國家是否爲單一行爲者」、「政府間談判是否獨佔性地決定整合結果」、以及「超國家機構有無獨立自主影響力」三個面向切入,剖析兩大學派不相容之處。文章隨後評估兩大學派對於二○○一年至二○○九年歐盟制度改革經過之解釋力,發現制度主義能夠對這段整合歷史提供較理想的解釋,因爲從拉肯到里斯本的歷史發展顯示:會員國並非單一行爲者、整合結果也並非單獨由政府間談判排他性地決定、而超國家機構在這十年的制度改革過程中亦明顯發揮了獨立自主的影響力。
Among the various historic developments that have taken place in the European Union in the past decade, the Constitution-making endeavors and the subsequent reform of the institutions through the Lisbon Treaty are the most prominent. Not only was the time line of the reform process more or less contained within the decade, but the impact of the reform-both in terms of results and processes-is also far-reaching. This article assesses the strengths and weaknesses of different integration theories in explaining this Treaty reform process. Following conventional debates in international relations and EU studies, state-centered liberal intergovernmentalism is pitted against institutionalism. After singling out three main differences between these two theoretical camps, i.e., state as unitary actor, intergovernmental negotiations determining integration results, and role of supranational institutions, the article examines actual developments in the Treaty reform process against both theories. It finds that on all three points, institutionalism provides a more satisfactory explanation than liberal intergovernmentalism.
關聯 政治科學論叢,46,111-157
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 國關中心en_US
dc.creator (作者) 盧倩儀zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lu,Chien-Yien_US
dc.date (日期) 2010-12en_US
dc.date.accessioned 4-六月-2014 11:27:40 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-六月-2014 11:27:40 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-六月-2014 11:27:40 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/66448-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 二○○一年以來歐洲聯盟諸多歷史發展軸線中,以制憲爲底蘊但以里斯本條約收場的歐盟制度改革發展軸線,不僅整段發展完整屬於二○○一年至二○○九年這個歷史片段,同時亦是最爲清晰可辨並且最具歐洲區域整合里程碑意義的一條歷史軸線。此一歷史發展軸線該用什麼樣的理論來解釋?本文沿襲國際關係理論及區域整合研究中國家中心(state-centered)理論與制度主義對話的思辯輪廓,比較自由派政府間主義與制度主義對二○○一年至二○○九年歐盟制度改革歷史發展之解釋力。文章之理論探討部份首先對於兩大學派之共同點加以描述,按著從「國家是否爲單一行爲者」、「政府間談判是否獨佔性地決定整合結果」、以及「超國家機構有無獨立自主影響力」三個面向切入,剖析兩大學派不相容之處。文章隨後評估兩大學派對於二○○一年至二○○九年歐盟制度改革經過之解釋力,發現制度主義能夠對這段整合歷史提供較理想的解釋,因爲從拉肯到里斯本的歷史發展顯示:會員國並非單一行爲者、整合結果也並非單獨由政府間談判排他性地決定、而超國家機構在這十年的制度改革過程中亦明顯發揮了獨立自主的影響力。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Among the various historic developments that have taken place in the European Union in the past decade, the Constitution-making endeavors and the subsequent reform of the institutions through the Lisbon Treaty are the most prominent. Not only was the time line of the reform process more or less contained within the decade, but the impact of the reform-both in terms of results and processes-is also far-reaching. This article assesses the strengths and weaknesses of different integration theories in explaining this Treaty reform process. Following conventional debates in international relations and EU studies, state-centered liberal intergovernmentalism is pitted against institutionalism. After singling out three main differences between these two theoretical camps, i.e., state as unitary actor, intergovernmental negotiations determining integration results, and role of supranational institutions, the article examines actual developments in the Treaty reform process against both theories. It finds that on all three points, institutionalism provides a more satisfactory explanation than liberal intergovernmentalism.en_US
dc.format.extent 499032 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 政治科學論叢,46,111-157en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 歐盟 ; 憲法條約 ; 里斯本條約 ; 制度主義 ; 自由派政府間主義en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) the EU ; Constitutional Treaty; Lisbon Treaty ; Institutionalism ; Liberal Intergovernmentalismen_US
dc.title (題名) 整合理論與歐盟條約修改之研究-以歐盟憲法條約與里斯本條約爲例zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Integration Theory and Treaty Reform in the EU-The Cases of the Constitutional Treaty and the Treaty of Lisbonen_US
dc.type (資料類型) articleen